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[This question paper contains 4 printed

· Your R No.D.,. .
L\fj1'\ ~

sr. No. of Question Paper : 7303-C IC

Unique Paper Code 62317S17
Naiµe of the Paper Issues in World History I
(The 20 th Century)
Na$e of the Course B.A. (Prog) (NC) III
Semester V

Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75

Instructions for Candidates

1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt
of this question paper.
2. Attempt any five questions.
3. All questions carry eciual marks.
4, Answers may be written either ht Bnglh1h or Hindi;
but the same medium fihould be usc.,d throughout the

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1. ~ m-- tt'A ~ w it 'iittt ~ 1t't ~ ~ tr( ~
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A. ttt ffl - ~ 1trt mtt ~ lit ifll M ~ ~ ~ - ,~
11-tt ~ 1kt 1ttt111t ~ !l 11itt - I
1. What do you understand by the term "Capitalist
industrialization"? Was "Imperialism" its necessary

"i\Jllcti~ aflcu)frlcfilcfi{Oi" cfiT crqr d~~4 t 7 cfln' 11

.ttcfil 3til.t:14cfi qf?c,1141 ~ 7

2. Define modernity. How is it related to capitalist


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3. What were the causes of the First World War? How

did it influence international politics?

fim ¥if 1'1- "ftfl' 'ffi<ttl ~ 7 a:iadt{ltt (1Gt;%1~ 1fn' ffi"


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4. What were the const1quenoee of World War I in


hevik ltt,vo1utitHt itt

5. Whnt Wtt~ the, it11t1tttjt t1f thl' 13t,1M
Depression of 1929? Discuss its
6. What is the Great
irnpact on the industrialized countries.

192 9 ct1- '161'1~ cfl1f t ? 6f1m-fttcfi ~ 'tft ~ 'WllJq ~ ~

qit I

7. Discuss the causes for the rise of Nazism in


8. To what extent were the aggressive policies of the
fascist regimes responsible for World War II?

tfij~cucfl ~lfcffilfl' cfil' 61l~l'f cfi q)~-qf cfi"8l 'ff1n fa~ll fcITT' ¥i
~ ~ dfHt:i4l '-W 7

9. How the second World War impacted the twentieth


lo. Write short notes tH1 1u1y twt> or the fc,11owfng :

{t:t) Corttetrtpt,tttt'y Ettt

ft,J Lt,ttMU~ tjf NtHJtHl~

(d) Liberalism and Communism

((Cf) qff llf mu

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