Notes - Origin of UN

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The Origin Of UN

Answer the following questions:

1. Name four European countries which became industrialized as a result
of the Industrial Revolution.
Ans: The four countries of Europe to became industrialized are-
France, Germany, Spain and Portugal.
2. What was the main reason behind the outbreak of the two world wars?
Ans: The main reason behind the outbreak of the two world wars was-
 The Industrial Revolution .
 The desire for colonies by European countries.
3. What was the need for setting up an organization like the UN after the
Second World War?
Ans: The need for setting up UN after the Second World War was-
 To maintain peace and security in the world.
 To help in solving international problems.
4. List the main Objectives of the UN Charter.
Ans: The main objectives of Un Charter are-
 To maintain peace and security in the world.
 To develop friendly relations among nations.
 To co-operate in solving international problems and in
promoting respect for human rights and freedom.
 To be a centre to help nations achieve these aims.
5. List the official languages of the UN.
Ans: The official languages of UN are-
Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.
6. Mention five human rights listed in the Declaration of Human Rights.
Ans: The five Human Rights are-
1. Right to life, liberty and security.
2. Equality before law.
3. Right to education.
4. Freedom of thought and religion
5. Freedom from torture.

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