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Climate change vs global warming and the impact it has on society.

Climate change and global warming are two closely related phenomena that are causing

significant impacts on society today. While the terms are often used interchangeably, they refer

to different aspects of the same problem. Global warming can be explained as a phenomenon that

increases the average temperature of the Earth’s surface. This is caused due to the rising levels of

atmospheric greenhouse gases, such as Carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Nitrous oxide

(N2O), etc. which trap heat from the sun and cause the planet to warm. Climate change, on the

other hand, refers to the broader range of changes that are occurring on climate as a result of this

warming. These changes include shifts in weather patterns, rising sea levels, and more frequent

and severe natural disasters.

Climate changes which occur due to the global warming has significant impact on the

society. One of the most immediate effects is the loss of biodiversity, as habitats and ecosystems

are disrupted and destroyed. This loss of biodiversity can have significant implications for

human health, as many medicines and other resources are derived from plants and animals. The

increased extreme weather conditions such as hurricanes, floods, heatwaves, and droughts can

also occur due to global warning. These events can cause significant damage to infrastructure,

disrupt food supplies, and displace communities. The economic costs of these events are also

significant, with billions of dollars spent each year on disaster relief and recovery.

Climate change and global warming also have a significant impact on public health.

Rising temperatures can lead to heat-related illnesses and exacerbate existing health problems.
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Air pollution, which is exacerbated by climate change, can cause respiratory problems and other

health issues. Finally, climate change and global warming can exacerbate social and political

instability, particularly in developing countries. Droughts and other weather events can lead to

food shortages and economic instability, which in turn can lead to political unrest and conflict.

To reduce the outcome of climatic changes and global warming, it is crucial to take

action on the reduction of the emission of greenhouse gas and adjust to the changes that are

already occurring in the environment. This will require significant investment in clean energy

technologies, as well as efforts to improve the resilience of the communities and infrastructure. It

is also important to recognize the unequal effects of climatic changes and global warming, and

work to address these inequities. Low-income communities are often the most affected party of

the outcomes of climate change, and it is a must to ensure their requirement for the resources and

support that is needed to adapt and survive in climate changes.

In conclusion, climate change and global warming are significant challenges that require

urgent action. The impacts of these phenomena on society are far-reaching and multifaceted, and

addressing them will require a coordinated global effort. By taking suitable actions to reduce the

emission of greenhouse gases and build resilience, the world would be able work to mitigate the

worst impacts of climate change and create a more sustainable future.


Shahzad, Umair. (2015). Global Warming: Causes, Effects and Solutions.

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Abbass, K., Qasim, M.Z., Song, H. et al. A review of the global climate change impacts,
adaptation, and sustainable mitigation measures. Environ Sci Pollut Res 29, 42539–42559

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