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SAP Digital Access License Model for S/4HANA &

Potential Document Items

Version Changes Date

1.0 Initial version May 2020

1.1 • Metric Descriptions of Material Document Items July 2020

(ID 3071) and Financial Documents Items (ID
4101) has been updated
• New Link to SAP Help Portal provided

1.2 Metric ID 4071 – Description of Material December 2020

Document Items has been updated

1.3 The link on the SAP Digital Access page in SAP January 2022
Help Portal has been changed

1.4 Metric Description of Manufacturing Document June 2022

Items (IDs 4061 – 4063) has been enhanced

1.5 Chapter 3: Measurement relevancy of Metric IDs September 2022

has been changed

SAP Note* Note Title Category

2738406 Digital Access: Central Technical Guidelines Information

*Besides the additional information listed below in this document further details can also be found in the notes directly.

The technology landscape and how customers consume and use SAP software has undergone
dramatic changes. Not only are our customers’ employees using the Digital Core (i. e., SAP ERP, SAP
S/4HANA and SAP S/4HANA Cloud), their business partners, consumers, third-party applications, IoT
devices, automated systems, and RPA/bots are also using the Digital Core. Indirect/ Digital Access is when
people or things use the Digital Core without directly logging into the system. It occurs when humans, any
device or system, indirectly use the Digital Core via non-SAP intermediary software, such as a non-SAP
frontend, a custom-solution, or any other third-party application. It also occurs when non-human devices,
bots, automated systems, etc. use the Digital Core in any way. It is hard to measure use accessing via
Indirect/Digital Access, hence SAP has modernized its pricing model to be more transparent and predictable.

SAP has identified nine document types that represent system generated records of commonly valued
business outcomes from the Digital Core. Use of the Digital Core through Indirect/Digital Access will be
licensed based on these nine document types; there is no additional charge for other document types.

Counting Documents:
–– One time create cost. SAP counts and charges for the creation of documents triggered via Indirect/Digital
–– Read, update, delete included. All read, updates, and deletion of documents via Indirect/Digital Access do
not incur an additional charge.
–– Initial document creation only. SAP counts only the initial documents created. For example: a sales
document created by Indirect/Digital Access is automatically processed in the Digital Core resulting in the
creation of invoice, material or financial documents. SAP would charge only for the sales documents initially
created and not for the subsequent documents.
–– Multiplier. Not all documents are weighted equally. Most documents are weighted at 100% (multiplier =1),
documents of lower value and more frequently used are weighted at 20% (multiplier = 0.2).

Further details to SAP Digital Access (e.g. license model, measurability, document type items etc. ) are
available on the SAP Digital Access Help Portal.

All Digital Access Documents in the last complete calendar year will be counted. Further details can be found
on the SAP Digital Access Help Portal.

Sales Order Document Items (ID 4031 - 4034)

• For sales orders, sales contracts and sales quotations, all line items (table VBAP) are counted.
• For sales scheduling agreements, all releases are counted (table VBLB).

Purchasing Document Items (IDs 4041 – 4043)

• Purchase order items, that is, relevant line items in table EKPO with BSTYP = ‘F’
• Purchase Requisition, that is relevant line items t in table EBAN
• Purchase Schedule Agreement Item release, that is relevant line items in table EKEK

Invoice Document Items (ID 4051 - 4053)
• For billing documents, all billing document items created by billing document transactions are
counted. In SAP S/4HANA, items of billing documents (table VBRP) are counted. Relevant billing
documents are invoices, credit memos, debit memos, pro forma invoices, intercompany invoices and
intercompany credit memos
• For billing document requests, all billing document request items created by billing document request
transactions are counted. In SAP S/4HANA, items of billing request documents (table VBRP) are
• For supplier invoices all types of items of posted invoices are counted. Preliminary invoices (e.g.
parked, parked as completed, held invoices) are not considered. Also reversals of invoices are
considered (items of reversed invoice are counted). Invoice items are stored in the following tables:
• RSEG – Items with reference to a purchasing document
• RBCO – Direct postings to a G/L account or to an asset
• RBMA – Direct postings to a material

Manufacturing Document Items (IDs 4061 – 4063)

The Production Order and Process Order behave identically in regard to logging and are named
"Manufacturing Order". Only the Manufacturing Order itself is counted, Items, Operations and Confirmations
of the Manufacturing Order are not counted.

In Manufacturing the following objects are counted:

• Manufacturing Orders that were created by external interfaces or by converting a Planned Order
which was created by external interfaces. (Table AUFK & AFKO with AUFK~AUTYP = ‘10’
(Production Order) or ‘40’ (Process Order))
• All confirmations for Repetitive Manufacturing (REM) that were created externally are counted. It
does not matter if they are for warehousing, Kanban, Assembly or Production Lots. (Table BLPK)

Material Document Items (ID 4071)

• In SAP S/4HANA, line items of the Material Movement Document (table MATDOC) are counted.
• In SAP ERP, line items of the Material Document are counted (table MSEG).
• The counted material document line items will be multiplied with factor 0.2 in the evaluation (SAP
internal) according to the pricing definition. In the measurement log (via TA USMM or LAW) the
unweighted number of material document line items are visible.

Quality Management Document Items (IDs 4081 – 4084)

• All Defects are counted (table QMFE).
• All Quality Notifications are counted regardless of the number of items, causes, tasks or activities
included in each quality notification (table QMEL).
• All inspected results are counted: In SAP S/4HANA and ERP, items of the QAMR and QASR (table)
are counted.

Service & Maintenance Document Items (IDs 4091 – 4097 and 4121 and 4123)
• For Maintenance Orders: In SAP S/4HANA as well as in SAP ERP, line items in table ‘AUFK’ with a
maintenance relevant order type are counted These order types can be identified in table T350:
Order types with initial value in field ‘SERVICE’ are relevant.

• For Maintenance Notifications: In SAP S/4HANA as well as in SAP ERP, line items in table ‘QMEL’
with a maintenance relevant notification type are counted. These notification types can be identified
in table TQ80: Notification types with values ‘01’ or ‘02’ or ‘03’ in field ‘HERKZ’ (Notification Origin)
are relevant.

• For Maintenance Confirmations: In SAP S/4HANA as well as in SAP ERP, line items in table ‘AFRU’
for orders with a maintenance relevant order type are counted These order types can be identified in
table T350: Order types with initial value in field ‘SERVICE’ are relevant.

• For Service Orders: In SAP S/4HANA as well as in SAP ERP, line items in table ‘AUFK’ with a
service relevant order type are counted These order types can be identified in table T350: Order
types with value ‘X’ in field ‘SERVICE’ are relevant.

• For Service Notifications: In SAP S/4HANA as well as in SAP ERP, line items in table ‘QMEL’ with a
service relevant notification type are counted. These notification types can be identified in table
TQ80: Notification types with values ‘04’ or ‘05’ or ‘06’ in field ‘HERKZ’ (Notification Origin) are

• S/4 Service Notification, is the object where the requests for Services to be performed are stored. In
order to execute this request, it needs to be qualified into a valid S/4 Customer Service Order. In
SAP S/4 Customer Management, header along with line items (CRMS4D_SERV_H,
CRMS4D_SERV_I) of the Service Notification are counted for all Order types with value of field
OBJTYPE_H as BUS2000223 in the table CRMS4d_SERV_H

• For Service Confirmations: In SAP S/4HANA as well as in SAP ERP, line items in table ‘AFRU’ for
orders with a service relevant order type are counted These order types can be identified in table
T350: Order types with value ‘X’ in field ‘SERVICE’ are relevant.

• For Warranty Claims: In SAP S/4HANA and in SAP ERP the number of Warranty Claim headers are
counted which can be identified by table PNWTYH.

• For Service Order & Confirmation transactions, the records created in the S/4 Customer
Management by external interfaces are counted: In SAP S/4 Customer Management, header along
with line items (CRMS4D_SERV_H, CRMS4D_SERV_I) of the Service Order and Confirmation are
counted. These Order types can be identified in with value of field OBJTYPE_H in the table
CRMS4d_SERV_H: BUS2000116 is for Orders and BUS2000117 for Confirmations.

Financial Document Items (ID 4101)

• In SAP S/4HANA, items of the Universal Journal (table ACDOCA) are counted.
• In SAP ERP, items of the New General Ledger Accounting are counted if the New G/L is active
(table FAGLFLEXA and other New G/L line item tables). If classic G/L is used, FI document items
are counted instead (table BSEG)
• The counted document items will be multiplied with factor 0.2 in the evaluation (SAP internal)
according to the pricing definition. In the measurement log (via TA USMM or LAW) the unweighted
number of document items are visible.

Time Management Document Items (ID 4111 – 4112)
• For Time Sheet documents: In SAP S/4HANA and SAP ERP, all newly created Time Sheet Records
(table CATSDB are only counted.
• For Time Management documents: All Time Management Records are counted in SAP ERP
systems only. The following infotypes are counted:
o Absences (infotype 2001) stored in table PA2001
o Attendances (infotype 2002) stored in table PA2002
o Subsitutions (infotype 2003) stored in table PA2003
o Remuneration (infotype 2010) stored in table PA2010


ID Unit Measurement

4031 Sales Order Line Item (in K) Indicator*

4032 Sales Contract Line Item (in K) Indicator*

4033 Sales Quote Line Item (in K) Indicator*

4034 Sales Sched. Agreement Releases (in K) Indicator*

4041 Purchase Order Line Item (in K) Indicator*

4042 Purch. Requisition Line Item (in K) Indicator*

4043 Purch. Sched. Agreement Releases (in K) Indicator*

4051 Billing Document Line Item (in K) Indicator*

4052 Billing Doc. Request Line Item (in K) Indicator*

4053 Supplier Invoice Line Item (in K) Indicator*

4061 Production Order (in K) Indicator*

4062 Process Order (in K) Indicator*

4063 REM Confirmation (in K) Indicator*

4071 Material Document Line Item (in K) Indicator*

4081 Defect (in K) Indicator*

4082 Quality Notification (in K) Indicator*

4083 Inspection Result (in K) Indicator*

4084 Inspection Point Result (in K) Indicator*

4091 Maintenance Order (in K) Indicator*

4092 Maintenance Notification (in K) Indicator*

4093 Maintenance Confirmation (in K) Indicator*

4094 Warranty Claim (in K) Indicator*

4095 Service Order (in K) Indicator*

4096 Service Notification (in K) Indicator*

4097 Service Confirmation (in K) Indicator*

4121 S/4 Service Order (in K) Indicator*

4123 S/4 Service Confirmation (in K) Indicator*

4101 Financial Document Items (in K) Indicator*

4111 Time Sheet Record Indicator*

4112 Time Management Record Indicator*

* Values could be reliable only if prerequisites according to note 2738406 are fulfilled.

Further technical requirements are summarized in the central technical guide note 2738406

Measurement results are only displayed in the log if both the software component SAP_BASIS and the
application are at the required Support Package (SP) level.

Component Release Shipment Comments

7.54 SP01

7.53 SP03

7.52 SP05

7.51 SP09
7.50 SP17

7.40 SP23

7.31 SP26

7.02 SP22

S/4H OP 1809 and above no additional SP

S/4H OP 1709 SP03 Additionally required:

SAP Note 2731610

S/4H OP 1610 SP05 Additionally required:

SAP Note 2731610

S/4H OP 1511 SP07 Additionally required:

SAP Note 2731610
S/4H & ECC
ECC 6.0 EhP 8 SP11 Additionally required:
SAP Note 2731610

ECC 6.0 EhP 7 SP17 Additionally required:

SAP Note 2731610

ECC 6.0 EhP 6 SP23 Additionally required:

SAP Note 2731610

ECC 6.0 EhP 5 SP18 Additionally required:

SAP Note 2731610

ECC 6.0 EhP 4 SP21 Additionally required:
SAP Note 2731610

ECC 6.0 EhP 3 SP20 Additionally required:

SAP Note 2731610

ECC 6.0 EhP 2 SP21 Additionally required:

SAP Note 2731610

ECC 6.0 EhP 0 SP31 Additionally required:

SAP Note 2731610


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