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Vu Helping Solution

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ECO-612 Assignment 1 Solution 2023


Let's break down the calculations for each of the rates.

Fertility Rate:

Fertility rate is the average number of children born to a woman during her reproductive years.

Fertility Rate = (Total number of births / Number of women aged 16 - 50) * 1000
Fertility Rate = (500000 / 3400000) * 1000
Fertility Rate ≈ 147.06 births per 1000 women aged 16 - 50

Death Rate:

Death rate is the number of deaths per 1000 people in a population over a certain period.

Death Rate = (Total number of deaths / Total population) * 1000

Death Rate = (3330000 / 207680000) * 1000
Death Rate ≈ 16 deaths per 1000 people

Rate of Natural Increase:

Rate of natural increase is the difference between the birth rate and the death rate.

Birth Rate = Total number of births / Total population

Death Rate = Total number of deaths / Total population

Rate of Natural Increase = Birth Rate - Death Rate

Rate of Natural Increase = (500000 / 207680000) - (3330000 /207680000)
Rate of Natural Increase ≈ 0.0024 or 0.24% per year

Doubling Time:

The time it takes for a population to double can be calculated using the rule of 70. The
rule of 70 states that you can estimate the doubling time of a population by dividing 70 by the
annual growth rate.

Doubling Time ≈ 70 / Annual Growth Rate

Doubling Time ≈ 70 / 1.5
Doubling Time ≈ 46.67 years

Vu Helping Solution
Vu Helping Solution

Fertility Rate ≈ 147.06 births per 1000 women aged 16-50

Death Rate ≈ 16 deaths per 1000 people
Rate of Natural Increase ≈ 0.24% per year
If the population of Pakistan is growing at 1.5%, it will take approximately 46.67 years to double.

Vu Helping Solution

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