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Basic information

1. Description of the company

What is the goal of your company?

What are you trying to achieve?

What problem are you trying to solve?

2. Product
What is your core business product / service?

3. Unique added value

What is your competitive advantage?

What are your core values & What is the value you are giving to your

Why are you different than other IT product leasing service & why should
they choose you over others?

4. Competitors
Who are your relevant competitors (in denmark, or outside)?

5. Target audience
Primary target audience, their characteristics, habits, descriptions of their
behaviour. How do they see your brand? (or you want them to see it)

6. The objective
What is the project’s primary goal? What do you want to achieve by
making this project?

7. Website
What to you want to communicate through your website?

What are the absolute must have sections (values, FAQ….) on your website?

8. KPI
What are your KPIs and how are you goind to measure them in the future?

9. Call to action
What is the ultimate action/actions after visiting your website? What is the
next step for the user to do?

10. Logo & Company name

Does you company name has some specific meaning?

Does your logo have a meaning behind its visual style?

Are you up for a logo redesign?

11. Positioning of branding

What is your brand about? What are its characteristics?

Do you have some brand guidelines (colors, typography etc.) to follow, or
can I create new one if necessary?

Can you list few adjectives you want your website to be associated with.

12. Icons & illustrations

Do you want custom illustrations or custom icons?

13. Images
Do you already have some company images, photos of the apple products
you are going to be leasing etc.?

14. Case studies

Do you already have some customer or case studies you want to put on
the website?

15. Project timescale

When is the deadline/desired release for the project?

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