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Child: School year:

Teacher(s): School name:

Date of birth: Group:

1 2 3 4 5 supporting observations date

Play and Development

Creativity, curiosity and self-expression

Expresses curiosity towards broader range of topics

Wants to demonstrate personal skills

Shows initiative in planning and executing tasks of


Social dimension of play

Shows a rich imagination, drawing from real life,

stories, media and available props

Takes and gives turns with friends during

pretend play

Negotiates with playmates

Socio-Emotional Competence
Emotional wellbeing

Deals with emotions (e.g., fear, helplessness, grief

and loneliness) in play

Expresses anger verbally rather than physically

Begins to experience responsibility and guilt

Sense of identity and autonomy

Experiences oneself as invincible and omnipotent

Manages without parents or carers for longer

periods of time

Benefits from adult affection and permission to be

a small child

Collaboration and interaction with others

Takes friends’ experiences and ideas into account

Gains pleasure when able to comfort or care for


Notices when others do not follow rules

4-5-YEAR-OLDS 1/3

1 2 3 4 5 supporting observations date

Physical Development
Health, wellbeing and self-care

Goes to the bathroom independently

Wants to execute self-care routines independently

(e.g. take food, helper tasks, dressing up)

Sleeps less than before, may not require naps

Gross motor skills

Performs a variety of movements (e.g. swings, lands

safely, hops on one foot)

Throws, catches, kicks, rolls and bounces balls

Is familiar with common bodyparts

Fine motor skills

Uses a correct tripod grip

Uses a fork effortlessly

Pours a drink into a glass independently

Linguistic Competence
Language Comprehension

Understands spoken language

Demonstrates interest in word play, rhymes

and alliterations

Asks why questions expecting in-depth responses

Language Production

Articulates clearly, though speech errors may occur

Uses grammatically correct sentences

Produces descriptive speech, narratives and stories

4-5-YEAR-OLDS 2/3

1 2 3 4 5 supporting observations date

Literacy skills

Retells a story in order using pictures or words and

predicts what will happen next in a story

Recognizes the letters in their name

Asks questions based on what they have heard

Cognitive Development
Attention and memory

Recalls many past events, conversations and


Demonstrates memory capacity of 3-4 units

Reflects on recent past events

Thinking and learning

Describes what is on their mind

Learns what is demonstrated and taught (e.g. to

start building a puzzle from the corners and edges)

Understands and follows a variety of rules

Mathematical skills

Can compare and classify as a mental process

Begins to understand more concepts of time

(e.g. yesterday, today, tomorrow)

Recognizes amounts 1-3 without counting

4-5-YEAR-OLDS 3/3

Play and Development

Strengths and interests: Further steps of support:

Socio-Emotional Competence
Strengths and interests: Further steps of support:

Physical Development
Strengths and interests: Further steps of support:


Linguistic Competence
Strengths and interests: Further steps of support:

Cognitive Development
Strengths and interests: Further steps of support:


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