Fill in - Template 6 - 5 To 6 Year Olds

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Child: School year:

Teacher(s): School name:

Date of birth: Group:

1 2 3 4 5 supporting observations date

Play and Development

Creativity, curiosity and self-expression

Participates in long-term play, which can last for

several days

Points out personal strengths and exaggerates skills

Physical skills and physical activity expands

self-expression and play (e.g. plays more complex
games with balls)

Social dimension of play

Chooses what to play based on peer interactions

Enjoys games with rules (e.g. card games, board

games, outdoor games)

Negotiates rules in play

Socio-Emotional Competence
Emotional wellbeing

Recognises and names emotions, sometimes using

emotions to “trick” adults

Experiences less dramatic emotions when facing


Experiences guilt after misbehaving

Sense of identity and autonomy

Demonstrates ability to step into different roles

Craves the approval of important adults

Enjoys company of friends without adults present

Collaboration and interaction with others

Understands that there are expectations for

behavior in social situations

Cooperates with adults and accepts their

suggestions and advice

Accepts the authority of adults

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1 2 3 4 5 supporting observations date

Physical Development
Health, wellbeing and self-care

Dresses and undresses independently

Carries out helper tasks (e.g. caring for plants,

handing food during snack)

Benefits from daily resting routines, may not

require naps

Gross motor skills

Performs a variety of movements (e.g. skips rope,

stands on one foot)

Moves to a set rhythm and repeats rhythms using

different body parts

Names common body parts

Fine motor skills

Writes own name and draws human figures with

6 parts

Demonstrates a dominant hand

Uses scissors precisely and strings small beads

Linguistic Competence
Language Comprehension

Understands diverse and fluent speech

Follows three part commands (e.g. “Tidy up, go to

the toilet, and then take a book”)

Does not understand figures of speech, but

interprets them literally (e.g. heart of stone)

Language Production

Speaks and articulates clearly

Uses correct conjugations in spoken language

Produces diverse and fluent speech

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1 2 3 4 5 supporting observations date

Literacy skills

Demonstrates interest towards learning to read

and write

Writes own name

Makes up rhymes and lists words starting with

a set letter

Cognitive Development
Attention and memory

Understands concepts related to time

Demonstrates memory capacity of 4-5 units

Reflects, argues, problem-solves and suggests


Thinking and learning

Makes connections between past experiences

to form schemas (e.g. understands weather

Begins to anticipate and understand complex causal

relationships and consequences

Understands complex rules

Mathematical skills

Classifies using sub-categories

Begins to understand permanence of qualities

(e.g. size, quantity, volume, height)

Recognizes amounts 1-4 without counting

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