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rimental Fo

Journal of Usman and Bolade, J Exp Food Chem 2017, 3:4
urnal of Ex

DOI: 10.4172/2472-0542.1000132
Experimental Food Chemistry

ISSN: 2472-0542

Research Article Open Access

Comparative Assessment of Changes Induced by Malting on the

Proximate Composition and Amino Acid Profile of Three Classes of
Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] Grains
Mohammed A Usman1 and Mathew K Bolade2*
Department of Food Science and Technology, Modibbo Adama University of Technology, PMB 2076, Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria
Department of Food Science and Technology, Federal University of Technology, PMB 704, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria

The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of malting on the proximate composition and amino acid
profile of locally available sorghum types (local, improved and hybrid). Each sorghum type was subjected to malting
after which they were analyzed. The proximate composition of the samples revealed that malting gave rise to the
enhancement of protein and crude fibre content while there were reduction in the concentration of fat, ash and
carbohydrate. The highest value of protein content was found in the malted Hybrid-A and Hybrid-B with an equal
value of 11.45 g/100 g sample while the highest crude fibre content was found in the malted pelipeli (local sorghum
type) with a value of 2.54 g/100g sample. Virtually all the amino acids (essential and non-essential) increased in
value as a result of the malting process. The total essential amino acids (TEAA) in the malted sorghum grains ranged
between 335.5 and 348.1 mg/g protein which fell short of the minimum recommended 35% for the maintenance of
optimum human health. The quantity of each amino acid in both unmalted and malted sorghum grains respectively
from different classes of the cereal was, to a great extent, not significantly different (p<0.05). The amino acid profile
therefore serves as an indicator of knowing the extent of complementarity with other protein-rich plant sources in
case of using the malted sorghum grains in food formulation.

Keywords: Malting; Proximate composition; Amino acid; Sorghum; Materials and Methods
Cereal product
Sources of sorghum grains
Introduction Three classes of sorghum grains were used for this study:
Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench) is a widely grown cereal Local sorghum type (Pelipeli and Kwaya) obtained from Adamawa
grain in arid and semi-arid regions of the world, and has been ranked as Agricultural Development Agency, Yola, Nigeria; Improved sorghum
the fifth most important cereal after wheat, maize, rice and barley [1]. type (SAMSORG-14 and SAMSORG-17) obtained from the Institute
The consumption of sorghum is common among the poorest segment of Agricultural Research (IAR), Samaru, Nigeria; and Hybrid sorghum
of the population in many countries where it serves as a major source type (Hybrid A and B) sourced from Lake Gerio Research Farm of the
of proteins and calories in the diets of people particularly in Africa River Basin Development Authority (RBDA), Yola, Nigeria. All samples
[2]. Many traditional food products are obtainable from sorghum were respectively oven-dried to 8.9-10.2% moisture level at 50°C and
grains and these include ogi, eko, kunnu and tuwo [3], fermented then stored in different polyethylene bags at ambient temperature (30 ±
beverages such as mahewu [4], couscous and dolo [5], injera, kisra 2°C) and 65% relative humidity until required.
and ugali [6], among others. The use of sorghum in the production
Malting of sorghum grains
of traditional weaning food product is an age-long practice in Africa.
‘Ogi’ is commonly being consumed by infants (as a weaning food) Malting was done by using the modified method of Beta et al. [13].
and adults after it has been gelatinized particularly in West Africa [7]. One kilogramme of grains from each sorghum type was respectively
For a weaning food product to be appropriate for feeding a growing steeped in water at 30 ± 2°C inside a plastic bowl for 20 h. The water
child, certain functional properties must be satisfied and these include in the bowl was being replaced with fresh one at 4-hourly interval to
gelation, water holding capacity, viscosity, pasting characteristics, discourage fermentation. After steeping, the grains were immersed in
energy and nutrient density [8,9]. 2% sodium hypochlorite solution for 10 min and then rinsed five times
One way of improving the quality of cereal-based weaning food
products is through malting of the grains. This essentially serves to
reduce the bulkiness of the weaning food and increase the energy and *Corresponding author: Mathew K Bolade, Department of Food Science and
Technology, Federal University of Technology, PMB 704, Akure, Ondo State,
nutrient density [10]. In Africa and Asia, sorghum as a cereal crop has Nigeria, Tel: +234 8035019525; E-mail: mkbolade@futa.edu.ng
been undergoing series of genetic improvement particularly in the areas
Received: September 25, 2017; Accepted: October 26, 2017; Published: October
of disease resistance, high yielding capability, yield stability and nutrient 30, 2017
enhancement, among others [11,12]. The use of newly developed
Citation: Usman MA, Bolade MK (2017) Comparative Assessment of Changes
sorghum types is very important so as to know the appropriateness of
Induced by Malting on the Proximate Composition and Amino Acid Profile of Three
their utilization particularly in the areas of human and animal feeding. Classes of Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] Grains. J Exp Food Chem 3:
132. doi:10.4172/2472-0542.1000132
Therefore, this study was aimed at evaluating the changes induced by
malting of locally-available classes of sorghum grains (local, improved Copyright: © 2017 Usman MA, et al. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
and hybrid) on the proximate composition and amino acid profile in the unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
course of producing appropriate weaning food blends. author and source are credited.

J Exp Food Chem, an open access journal Volume 3 • Issue 4 • 1000132

ISSN: 2472-0542
Citation: Usman MA, Bolade MK (2017) Comparative Assessment of Changes Induced by Malting on the Proximate Composition and Amino Acid
Profile of Three Classes of Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] Grains. J Exp Food Chem 3: 132. doi:10.4172/2472-0542.1000132

Page 2 of 5

with excess water. The grains were finally spread on damped jute bags Results and Discussion
for germination at 30 ± 2°C, 95% RH, for five days in a germinating
chamber. The germinated grains were eventually dried in a forced-air Effect of malting on the proximate composition of sorghum
oven at 50°C for 24 h. The dried malt was cleaned and the roots and grains
shoots were removed manually using a corrugated, rubber surface; and The proximate composition (dry weight basis) of malted sorghum
then kept in a plastic container for subsequent use. grains of different classes is presented in Table 1. The moisture content
Determination of proximate composition of dried malted of the unmalted grains was significantly (p<0.05) higher than the
sorghum grains malted counterparts across all sorghum classes. The moisture content
of the unmalted grains ranged between 9.01 and 10.17 g/100 g sample
The proximate composition of dried malted grains from each while that of the malted ranged between 8.91 and 9.97 g/100 g. The
sorghum type was determined by evaluating the moisture content lower moisture content of the malted grains could be attributed to the
through drying of the ground sample in an oven (Model No. DHG- subsequent drying operation carried out on the grains after germination
910.1SA, Sanfa, China) at 130 ± 1°C to constant weight [14]. Protein so as to prevent microbial growth [18].
content was determined by multiplying total nitrogen, estimated by
The protein content of the malted sorghum grains was observed to
micro-Kjeldahl method, by 6.25 factor [14]. Fat content was determined
be significantly higher than that of the unmalted sorghum grains. The
by ether extraction in a Soxhlet extraction tube. Ash content was protein content of the malted grains ranged between 9.39 and 11.45
measured by heating the sample in a muffle furnace at 55°C for 24 h g/100 g sample. The protein level of malted Hybrid-A was particularly
[14]. Crude fibre was evaluated by subjecting the sample to an initial the highest (11.45 g/100 g sample) among the samples though not
defatting, boiling of defatted sample under reflux, drying and final significantly different (p<0.05) from that of malted Hybrid-B (11.42
incineration in muffle furnace at 55°C for 2 h followed by cooling [14]. g/100 g sample). The enhancement of protein concentration in the
Carbohydrate content was calculated by difference. malted sorghum grains could be attributed to the metabolic processes
occurring during grain germination which, most probably, had led
Evaluation of amino acid profile of sorghum grains
to the mobilization of storage nitrogen of the grains to produce the
Ground sorghum sample (malted or unmalted) to be analyzed for nutritionally high quality protein needed by the developing radicle and
amino acid composition was hydrolyzed with 6 M HCI in vacuo at plumule for their growth [19].
110°C for 24 h. Thereafter, the sample was dried in a vacuum chamber
The fat content of the malted sorghum grains was significantly
with a NaOH trap. The dried samples were solubilized in pH 2.2 citrate
lower (p<0.05) than that of the unmalted grains. The malted grains had
buffer and injected into an automated Amino Acid Analyzer (Beckman
fat content that ranged between 2.32 and 3.78 g/100 g sample while that
6300, CA) for analysis. Norleucine was used for the internal standard.
of the unmalted counterparts ranged between 2.42 and 3.91 g/100 g
Sulphur-containing amino acids, cystine and methionine were
sample. The depletion in the fat content of the malted sorghum grains
determined after a pre-hydrolysis oxidation with performic acids [15]
may be attributed to a possible hydrolysis of lipid and oxidation of fatty
while tryptophan content was determined after alkaline hydrolysis [16].
acids taking place during germination of the grains [20]. Similarly,
The contents of different amino acids recovered are presented as mg g-1
the energy required for grain metabolic activities during germination
protein and are compared with the FAO/WHO reference pattern [17].
and growth might have been supplied by fat and carbohydrate thereby
Statistical analysis leading to their depletion [21].
All data generated in this study were from triplicate determinations. The crude fibre of the malted sorghum grains was significantly
In each determination, a mean value and standard deviation were higher (p<0.05) than that of the unmalted counterparts ranging
calculated. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was also performed and between 0.43 and 2.54 g/100 g sample. The crude fibre of pelipeli (local
separation of the mean values was by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test at sorghum type) was particularly higher than that of others which may
p<0.05 using Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) software, be attributed to differences in the genetic make-up of the grains [22].
version 16.0. Similarly the enhancement of crude fibre content in the grains through

Classes of sorghum grain

Local type Improved sorghum type Hybrid sorghum type
Unmalted Malted Unmalted Malted Unmalted Malted Unmalted Malted Unmalted Malted Unmalted Malted
Pelipeli Pelipeli Kwaya Kwaya SAMSORG-17 SAMSORG-17 SAMSORG-41 SAMSORG-41 Hybrid-A Hybrid-A Hybrid-B Hybrid-B
Moisture 10.01 9.96 10.17 9.97 9.21 9.02 10.11 9.71 9.01 8.91 9.11 ± 8.92 ±
content ± 0.08bc ± 0.06c ± 0.03a ± 0.07c ± 0.05ef ± 0.06g ± 0.05ab ± 0.06d ± 0.09g ± 0.07h 0.08f 0.08h
8.85 9.55 9.23 9.39 9.53 9.91 10.23 10.44 11.32 11.45 11.28 11.45
± 0.04j ± 0.02g ± 0.08i ± 0.04h ± 0.09g ± 0.08f ± 0.06e ± 0.09d ± 0.08bc ± 0.06a ± 0.06c ± 0.06a
3.64 3.57 3.91 3.83 3.05 2.98 2.65 2.56 2.42 2.38 2.49 2.37
± 0.09cd ± 0.06d ± 0.06a ± 0.02b ± 0.04e ± 0.06f ±0.05g ± 0.08h ± 0.03i ± 0.04j ± 0.09i ± 0.05j
2.48 2.54 2.31 2.51 0.41 0.53 0.92 1.18 1.63 1.76 1.33 1.44
Crude fibre
± 0.09a ± 0.05a ± 0.09b ± 0.08a ± 0.02i ± 0.03h ± 0.09g ± 0.08f ± 0.07d ± 0.08c ± 0.09e ± 0.05e
2.45 2.39 2.67 2.44 2.36 2.05 2.25 2.02 2.31 2.19 2.56 2.26
± 0.07cd ± 0.05d ± 0.03a ± 0.04d ± 0.09de ± 0.06h ± 0.04f ± 0.07h ± 0.05e ± 0.09fg ± 0.07ab ± 0.04f
82.6 82.0 81.9 81.8 84.7 84.5 84.0 83.8 82.3 82.2 82.5 82.4
± 1.3b ± 0.8b ± 1.1bc ± 0.8bc ± 1.1a ± 1.3a ± 0.8a ± 1.2a ± 0.7b ± 1.1b ± 0.8b ± 0.6b
Results are mean values of triplicate determinations ± standard deviation. Mean value within the same row having the same letter are not significantly different at p<0.05.
Table 1: Proximate composition (dry weight basis) of malted sorghum grains of different classes (g/100 g sample).

J Exp Food Chem, an open access journal Volume 3 • Issue 4 • 1000132

ISSN: 2472-0542
Citation: Usman MA, Bolade MK (2017) Comparative Assessment of Changes Induced by Malting on the Proximate Composition and Amino Acid
Profile of Three Classes of Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] Grains. J Exp Food Chem 3: 132. doi:10.4172/2472-0542.1000132

Page 3 of 5

malting may be due to a possible build-up of dry matter in the grain germination. Earlier observations had indicated that when sorghum
during germination which might have led to crude fibre increase [21]. grain underwent germination, increased activities of amylases and
proteases were observed thereby leading to breakdown of carbohydrate
The decrease in the ash content of malted sorghum grains were
and proteins respectively. As a result, malt samples contain free simple
observed and it ranged between 2.02 and 2.39 g/100 g sample while that sugars and amino acids released during germination [27,28].
of the unmalted grains ranged between 2.25 and 2.67 g/100 g sample.
The significant decrease in the ash content of the malted grains may The total essential amino acid (TEAA) values of the malted sorghum
be due to possible leaching of minerals during the initial steeping of grains ranged between 335.5 and 348.1 mg/g protein (Table 2A). These
grains thereby accounting for such reduction [23]. It had similarly values are close to the 35% recommendation for the maintenance of
been observed that a considerable loss of mineral could occur through optimum human health [29]. The implication of this value is that the
leaching when food grains/seeds are soaked [24]. malted sorghum may serve as a good source of essential amino acids to
maintain optimum health condition. Specifically, the ranges of values
The carbohydrate content of malted sorghum grains was of the essential amino acids in the malted sorghum grains include
observed to be lower than that of the unmalted counterparts and it threonine (32.1-33.6 mg/g protein), methionine (22.4-24.7 mg/g
ranged between 81.8 and 84.5 g/100g sample while the carbohydrate protein), phenylalanine (45.6-48.1 mg/g protein), lysine (17.2-18.9
content of the unmalted grains ranged between 81.9 and 84.7 mg/g protein), and tryptophan (8.7-9.7 mg/g protein). All these values,
g/100g. No significant differences (p<0.05) were observed in the however, fell short of the recommended FAO/WHO requirement
values. The utilization of carbohydrate for energy and growth pattern [17] of 34, 25, 63, 58 and 11 mg/g protein for threonine,
during germination may be implicated for lower carbohydrate level methionine phenylalanine, lysine and tryptophan respectively. The
in the malted grains [23]. It had earlier been observed that during essential amino acids in the malted sorghum grains that satisfied the
malting, the grains undergo an incomplete natural germination recommended FAO/WHO requirement pattern are valine (44.2-48.9
process which usually leads to enzymic degradation of endosperm mg/g protein), leucine (124.6-130.3 mg/g protein) and isoleucine (35.7-
cell wall, release of starch granules from the matrix of the endosperm 38.4 mg/g protein). The extent of amino acids production during the
in which they are embedded, and increased physiological activities germination stage had been observed to be dependent on the type
thereby causing the utilization of food reserves for energy and and variety of cereal grain involved [30]. It was also observed that the
growth [25]. However, the effectiveness of the degradation had been quantity of each amino acid in both unmalted and malted sorghum
observed to be dependent on the prevailing temperature of malting grains respectively from different classes of the cereal was, to a great
and germinating duration [26,27]. extent, not significantly different (p<0.05).

Amino acid profile of sorghum grains as influenced by From nutritional point of view, the presence and adequacy of
amino acids in human diets play significant roles in the health status
of such individual [31]. Adequate methionine in human diet has
Tables 2A and 2B show the essential and non-essential amino been implicated to be a major donour in the methyl group to affect
acid profiles of sorghum grains respectively as influenced by malting. deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and protein methylation in cells [32].
Virtually all the amino acids were observed to have higher concentration Similarly, leucine has been identified to be an activator of mammalian
in the malted grains than the unmalted counterparts. This may be target of rapamycin which is designed towards the stimulation of protein
attributed to the increased metabolic activities in the grains during synthesis and inhibition of intracellular proteolysis [33]. High arginine

Classes of sorghum grain FAO/

Local type Improved sorghum type WHO
Hybrid sorghum type
Amino acid
Unmalted Malted Unmalted Malted Unmalted Malted Unmalted Malted Unmalted Malted Unmalted Malted require-
Pelipeli Pelipeli Kwaya Kwaya SAMSORG-17 SAMSORG-17 SAMSORG-41 SAMSORG-41 Hybrid-A Hybrid-A Hybrid-B Hybrid-B ment
31.2 33.3 32.6 33.5 31.6 32.1 33.1 32.8 32.7 33.6 31.7 32.9
Threonine 34
± 0.5e ± 0.7a ± 0.8abcd ± 0.5a ± 0.5de ± 0.7bcde ± 0.6ab ± 0.3abc ±0.6abcd ± 0.7a ± 0.8cde ± 0.2ab
43.5 44.2 45.2 46.3 47.1 48.9 44.6 46.2 44.6 45.6 45.5 47.3
Valine 35
± 0.7f ± 0.8ef ± 0.5cde ± 0.7bc ± 0.7b ± 0.6a ± 0.8def ± 0.7bc ± 0.7def ± 0.6cd ± 0.7cde ± 0.9b
21.3 22.4 23.4 24.7 22.6 24.2 23.5 24.5 22.4 24.1 23.1 24.6
Methionine 25†
± 0.3d ± 0.5cd ± 0.6abc ± 0.9a ± 0.6c ± 0.8ab ± 0.9abc ± 0.9a ± 0.9cd ± 0.9ab ± 0.5bc ± 0.3a
124.2 126.3 125.6 124.6 132.1 130.3 126.4 127.1 125.3 127.2 129.3 130.2
Leucine 66
± 1.7d ± 1.9cd ± 1.5d ± 2.2d ± 1.5a ± 2.1ab ± 1.7cd ± 2.3bcd ± 1.8d ± 2.1bcd ± 1.8abc ± 2.2ab
34.4 35.7 36.2 37.1 35.5 37.4 35.9 38.1 35.2 36.6 36.1 38.4
Isoleucine 28
± 0.5g ± 0.8ef ± 0.8def ± 0.4bcd ± 0.7ef ± 0.7abc ± 0.7ef ± 0.2ab ± 0.3fg ± 0.2cde ± 0.9def ± 0.7a
45.5 46.8 44.3 47.4 46.5 47.4 48.2 46.2 46.9 45.6 46.9 48.1
Phenylalanine 63‡
± 0.5d ± 0.4bc ± 0.4e ± 0.6ab ± 0.4bc ± 0.6ab ± 0.8a ± 0.4cd ± 0.4bc ± 0.4d ± 0.3bc ± 0.3a
8.2 9.6 7.5 8.8 8.4 9.7 8.1 9.4 8.5 9.1 7.9 8.7
Tryptophan 11
± 0.3de ± 0.4a ± 0.3f ± 0.2bcd ± 0.4de ± 0.7a ± 0.4de ± 0.2ab ± 0.2cde ± 0.2ab ± 0.4ef ± 0.4cd
16.2 17.2 17.2 18.3 18.1 17.5 17.2 18.9 15.6 17.2 16.4 17.9
Lysine 58
± 0.7de ± 0.3bcd ± 0.7bcd ± 0.8ab ± 0.2ab ± 0.8bc ± 0.7bcd ± 0.8a ± 0.5e ± 0.6bcd ± 0.6cde ± 0.6ab
Total essential
amino acid 324.5 335.5 332 340.7 341.9 347.5 337 343.2 331.2 339 336.9 348.1

Values are means ± standard deviations. Mean value within the same row having the same letter are not significantly different at p<0.05.
Table 2(a): Essential amino acid profiles of malted sorghum grains of different classes (mg/g protein).

J Exp Food Chem, an open access journal Volume 3 • Issue 4 • 1000132

ISSN: 2472-0542
Citation: Usman MA, Bolade MK (2017) Comparative Assessment of Changes Induced by Malting on the Proximate Composition and Amino Acid
Profile of Three Classes of Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] Grains. J Exp Food Chem 3: 132. doi:10.4172/2472-0542.1000132

Page 4 of 5

Classes of sorghum grain FAO/

Local type Improved sorghum type WHO
Hybrid sorghum type
Amino acid Unmalted Malted Unmalted Malted
Unmalted Malted Unmalted Malted Unmalted Malted Unmalted Malted require-
Pelipeli Pelipeli Kwaya Kwaya Hybrid-A Hybrid-A Hybrid-B Hybrid-B
-17 -17 -41 -41 pattern
3.2 4.2 4.5 5.5 3.6 4.8 3.6 4.7 3.5 4.8 3.1 4.6
± 0.3ef ± 0.2bcde ± 0.6abcd ± 0.4a ± 0.4cdef ± 0.6ab ± 0.7cdef ± 0.9ab ± 0.5def ± 0.7ab ± 0.2f ± 0.5abc
37.4 38.2 39.1 40.2 38.5 39.6 38.2 39.9 37.6 38.9 37.8 38.9
± 0.8f ± 0.9def ± 0.5abcd ± 0.7a ± 0.6cdef ± 0.4abc ± 0.4def ± 0.8ab ± 0.5f ± 0.8bcde ± 0.6ef ± 0.5bcde
68.1 70.1 69.2 69.0 71.3 73.1 69.2 70.3 69.8 71.2 69.2 70.6
± 0.7g ± 0.6cdef ± 0.8efg ± 0.2fg ± 0.5b ± 0.7a ± 0.6efg ± 0.7bcde ± 0.7def ± 0.9bc ± 0.4efg ± 0.2bcd
198.2 202.6 199.5 201.7 198.8 200.5 201.4 203.3 198.1 199.6 202.3 201.6
± 1.4c ± 2.3ab ± 2.4abc ± 1.7abc ± 1.7bc ± 2.3abc ± 1.9abc ± 1.8a ± 2.2c ± 1.8abc ± 2.3ab ± 1.8abc
44.2 45.7 46.2 46.0 45.4 46.8 45.3 44.8 45.9 46.6 44.8 45.7
± 0.6d ± 0.8abc ± 0.7abc ± 0.6abc ± 0.7abcd ± 0.8a ± 0.9bcd ± 0.5cd ± 0.7abc ± 0.9ab ± 0.9cd ± 0.9abc
82.4 84.3 83.6 85.9 84.2 86.4 83.4 85.6 85.6 87.2 83.7 85.1
± 0.7e ± 0.7cd ± 0.8de ± 0.8b ± 0.8cd ± 0.9ab ± 0.5de ± 0.3b ± 0.9b ± 0.7a ± 0.8d ± 0.3bc
27.5 28.4 29.2 29.0 28.5 29.8 29.4 30.1 29.5 30.7 27.8 29.3
± 0.4g ± 0.9efg ± 0.4bcde ± 0.4cde ± 0.4def ± 0.7abc ± 0.3bcde ± 0.2ab ± 0.5bcd ± 0.5a ± 0.6fg ± 0.7bcde
86.2 88.1 87.2 88.9 88.3 89.2 87.5 88.8 86.5 88.1 87.4 88.2
± 0.9d ± 0.5ab ± 0.7bc ± 0.2a ± 0.7ab ± 0.9a ± 0.9bc ± 0.4a ± 0.9cd ± 0.4ab ± 0.4bc ± 0.4ab
35.1 36.8 34.6 35.8 37.8 38.7 36.7 38.5 39.1 38.2 36.2 37.9
± 0.5ef ± 0.4c ± 0.9f ± 0.5de ± 0.4b ± 0.5ab ± 0.2c ± 0.6ab ± 0.2a ± 0.6ab ± 0.2cd ± 0.6b
Total non-essential
582.3 598.4 593.1 602 596.4 608.9 594.7 606 595.6 605.3 592.3 601.9
amino acid (TNAA)
Total amino acid
906.8 933.9 925.1 942.7 938.3 956.4 931.7 949.2 926.8 944.3 929.2 950
Values are means ± standard deviations. Mean value within the same row having the same letter are not significantly different at p<0.05.
Table 2(b): Non-essential amino acid profiles of malted sorghum grains of different classes (mg/g protein).

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Acknowledgement Multienvironmental investigations of food-feed trait relationships in Kharif and
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J Exp Food Chem, an open access journal Volume 3 • Issue 4 • 1000132

ISSN: 2472-0542
Citation: Usman MA, Bolade MK (2017) Comparative Assessment of Changes Induced by Malting on the Proximate Composition and Amino Acid
Profile of Three Classes of Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] Grains. J Exp Food Chem 3: 132. doi:10.4172/2472-0542.1000132

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J Exp Food Chem, an open access journal Volume 3 • Issue 4 • 1000132

ISSN: 2472-0542

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