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Fung Kei Millennium Primary School

2019-20 Second Term Supplementary Worksheet (2)

Class:P.4_________ Grade : _________________

Name:__________________ ( ) Date : __________________


Pronoun referencing skill

• Underline the key words in the question

• Read the story
• Find the line number and underline the word in the story
• Read back and draw an arrow  from the circled key word to the
• Find the answer in the story

My name is Mike. I go to Happy School. 1
Tom and Kelly are my friends. They are in 2
Class 2H. Today we play football in the 3
playground. We must not litter there. We 4
are happy!

1. Read line 4, what does the word ‘there’ refer to?

It refers to the playground.


1. Read line 2, what does the word ‘They’ refer to?

A. Tommy wrote an email to his cousin. Read the e-mail and answer the questions in
complete sentences.* Use the skill to find the answer.
Hi Henry, 1
How are you doing at school? I went to the first meeting of the Stamp Collecting Club
at school last Monday. It was really interesting to learn about different kinds of stamps.
I met a new friend in the club. His name is Bob. We are the same age. Both of us live
in the same building in Sha Tin! 5

Bob is good at playing volleyball. He practises volleyball after school every day. We
have the same hobbies. We both like collecting stamps and listening to music. Bob’s
favourite singer is Leo Ku. He often listens to his songs after he finishes his
homework. Like me, he enjoys going hiking with his family at the weekend. Bob and I
chat online every evening. We have so much to talk about! 10
Write soon.

1. Who received the email?

*2. Read line 4, what does the word ‘We’ refer to?

3. Does Tommy live in the New Territories?

*4. Read line 8, what does the word ‘He’ refer to?

5. Where does Tommy go on Sundays? (Name one place)

B. Read the e-mail again. Put a tick ‘✓ ’ for the correct sentence and put a cross ‘  ’ for
the wrong sentence.

1. Henry is Tommy’s cousin. 1.

2. Tommy goes to the Stamp Collecting Club on a weekday. 2.

3. Bob is older than Tommy. 3.

4. Bob likes sports. 4.

5. Bob and Leo chat everty day. 5.

C. Tommy read a story. Read the stoy below and answer the questions in complete
sentences.* Use the skill to find the answer.
One day, the animals had a race in the forest. They were all very excited. 1
‘Bang!’ The race was on. All the animals ran fast. Each one wanted to reach the
finishing line faster than the others. Rabbit was the best runner of all the animals. He
was sure he would win the race.
The animals came to a river. Ox was a bad swimmer but Cat was worse than 5
Ox. She could not get across the river and had to drop out of the race. Rabbit swam
fast at first but suddenly a tree fell into the river and hit him. Tortoise swam skilfully
over to help Rabbit but the tree was too heavy. He could not move it. Ox was the
strongest animal there. He moved the tree and carried Rabbit back to the river bank.
The animals were very worried about Rabbit. They put a blanket over him to keep 10
him warm. Rabbit was very happy.
In the end, all the animals stopped the race and had a picnic near the river
bank. Everyone was a winner that day.

*1. Where were the animals?

2. Read line 3, what does the word ‘He’ refer to?

3. How many animals took part in the race?

4. Read the second paragraph. If you are Rabbit, what do you say to the others?

*5. Read line 13, what does the word ‘Everyone’ refer to?


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