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Alliance for empathy

"We all want to see a world where everyone has the opportunity to support themselves and their
families. Many street children and beggars have been forced into their current situations by
circumstances beyond their control. By providing them with the resources and support they need to
start their own businesses, we can give them a chance to build a brighter future for themselves.
With a little bit of guidance and some seed money, they can develop the skills they need to become
successful entrepreneurs. By investing in their future"-Takunda C Manyere

"Many street children and beggars have become reliant on the small amounts of money they
receive through begging. While our hearts may want to help them ,giving them money for begging
only reinforces this cycle of dependency. Instead, we can offer a more sustainable solution by
helping them start their own businesses. With the right training and support, they can build a
source of income that is both reliable and empowering. By investing in their future, we can make a
real difference in their lives.

Inspired by the Peaky Blinders TV series, we believe thatby building a strong organization for these
people, that can be crucial in bringing the together and also form a sense of purpose fulness which
can then make them to help each other regardless of being looked down upon . In the show, the
characters face many hardships, but they also display a strong sense of loyalty and camaraderie.
They support each other through difficult times and are always looking out for one another. In a
way, the Peaky Blinders represent the power of community and how it can help people overcome
adversity. Even though they may be "outsiders" in society, they find strength in their shared
experience and work together to create a better future.

Absolutely, The Alliance for Empathy believes on the philosophy of "teaching a man to fish, rather
than giving him a fish":

"We believe in the power of self-sufficiency. By providing people with the tools and resources they
need to be successful, we can help them become independent and self-sufficient. By teaching them
how to fish, we can empower them to provide for themselves and their families. We believe that this
approach is more sustainable and impactful than simply giving people what they need in the
moment. We are committed to helping people build a better future for themselves and their

Inspired by the book Kusina Mai by Shimmer Chinodya 1986, this book inspired us to make a
dipper analysis on the things that forces these people to end up in streets and most of these caused
by the people surrounding them.And these are some of the things that forced us to form this
Organization inoder to help them to discover their dreams. It's so disheartening to see street bagers
being treated with such disrespect and hostility. They are often seen as a nuisance or a threat,
rather than as human beings who deserve dignity and compassion. We want to change this
narrative and show that street bagers are worthy of respect and support. We want to create a world
where they are treated with kindness and understanding, rather than being chased away and
treated like criminals. We believe that by changing the way we think about street bagers, we can
make a real difference in their lives.

The streets are full big dreamers.We are trying to replace the words street kids or street vendors
with BIG DREAMERS.People who may not have all the advantages of wealth or education, but
who have a vision for a better future. They may be overlooked by society, but they are not failures.
They have the potential to make a positive impact in the world, and with the right support, they can
realize their dreams. Organizations like ours believe in the power of helping these big dreamers
turn their lives around, one step at a time. In addition providing training and opportunities is one
of the Alliance for Empathy's biggest dreams , we also want to provide start-up capital to help these
individuals get their businesses off the ground. In return, we ask for just 5% of their earnings,
which we will use to help otherBIG DREAMERS in need. We can also provide them with items like
second hand clothes “Mabhero“so that they can sell and earn a living ruther than begging daily.
We believe that by providing this type of support, we can create a virtuous cycle that benefits not
just one individual, but many. By investing in people, we can change lives and communities for the
better.Mother Teresa famously said, "If you can't feed a hundred people, then just feed one." This
captures the spirit of our organization perfectly - we may not be able to help everyone, but even
helping a few people can make a big difference. Mother Teresa also said, "It's not how much we
give but how much love we put into giving." It's not just about providing financial assistance, but
about giving with compassion and empathy.

The educational system often excludes those who do not have a traditional academic background,
but we believe that everyone has the potential to contribute to society, regardless of their
educational credentials.Not all fields requires 5 O Levels truly speaking. There are many skills, like
baking, that do not require formal education and we also want some issues to be given much
attention to for instance the issue of educational exclusion, there is also the issue of subject-specific
requirements that can limit people's opportunities. Many individuals may be highly skilled in a
particular area, but may not have the necessary academic qualifications to pursue their passion.
One example is a talented granny who has a knack for baking, but does not have the formal
education required to become a professional baker. We want to create pathways for people like her
to thrive, regardless of their educational background."We want to work with the minister of
education to create opportunities for those who have been left behind by the system. We believe
that when people are given the chance to develop their talents, they can make a real difference in
their communities. Let's not underestimate the power of baking, carpentry, and other skills that
don't require:
"These men - Takunda C Manyere, Takunda P Manyere , Praisemore Kadohwata , Bright Kiri ,
and Sean Nyoni - are the unsung heroes of our organization. They have poured their hearts and
souls into helping others, and their dedication is truly inspiring. Together, they have overcome
many challenges and made a real difference in the lives of so many people. They are the
embodiment of what our organization stands for, and we are so grateful for their hard work and
commitment. Let's give them a round of applause for

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