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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 7 Issue 5, September-October 2023 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Evolution of Industries in United Province, India

Manish Verma
Scientist D, DMSRDE, DRDO, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Manish Verma

This abstract presents a brief overview of the evolution of industries "Evolution of Industries in United
in the region known as United Province, later renamed Uttar Pradesh, Province, India" Published in
till present times. The industrial evolution in the region of United International
Province, now known as Uttar Pradesh, has witnessed significant Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research
transformation and diversification over the years. Historically, the and Development
region had a predominantly agrarian economy, with agriculture, (ijtsrd), ISSN:
textiles, handicrafts, and mining as major industries. During the pre- 2456-6470,
independence era, British colonial policies heavily influenced the Volume-7 | Issue-5, IJTSRD59977
industrial landscape, focusing on raw material extraction to support October 2023,
British industries. pp.635-641, URL:
Post-independence, Uttar Pradesh began a shift towards
industrialization, striving for self-sufficiency and economic growth. Copyright © 2023 by author (s) and
The early phase saw the development of basic industries, including International Journal of Trend in
steel, textiles, and heavy machinery. However, import substitution Scientific Research and Development
policies limited growth and innovation. In the 1990s, economic Journal. This is an
reforms and liberalization initiatives were introduced, spurring a new Open Access article
phase of industrial development. Uttar Pradesh, as part of India, distributed under the
transitioned to a more market-oriented economy, encouraging private terms of the Creative Commons
investment, foreign collaborations, and modernization of industries. Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
The information technology (IT) sector gained prominence, along
with services, automotive manufacturing, and pharmaceuticals. In recent years, Uttar Pradesh has focused on
promoting renewable energy, sustainability, and e-commerce. The state has made strides in solar power
generation and has attracted investments in the automotive sector. Additionally, the growth of e-commerce and
digital services has been notable, transforming the retail landscape and creating new opportunities for
businesses. We also provide a concise summary of the potential impact and benefits of introducing a high-speed
rail system in Uttar Pradesh and the North Zone of India. The high-speed rail, characterized by its efficiency,
reduced travel times, and environmental sustainability, has the potential to revolutionize transportation, drive
economic growth, and enhance disaster resilience in the region. Key aspects include improved connectivity,
economic development through enhanced trade and tourism, sustainability benefits, disaster resilience, and
increased global competitiveness. Integrating high-speed rail could lead to a more sustainable, efficient, and
interconnected transportation network, contributing to the overall development and advancement of the region.
Further, it emphasizes the importance of staying informed about evolving developments and government
initiatives in the domain of high-speed rail for the most accurate and up-to-date information. Looking ahead,
Uttar Pradesh continues to evolve industrially, diversifying its sectors and integrating technology to drive
growth. Challenges such as infrastructure development, skill enhancement, and sustainable practices remain at
the forefront, necessitating strategic policies to navigate the evolving industrial landscape effectively.
KEYWORDS: United Province, Uttar Pradesh, high-speed rail, major industries, strategic policies,
infrastructure development, skill enhancement

1. EVOLUTION OF INDUSTRIES IN SOUTH industrial evolution has gone through several key
ASIA phases.
The evolution of industries in South Asia has been A. Pre-Independence Era (Before 1947):
shaped by historical, economic, social, and political
Before gaining independence from British colonial
factors. South Asia is a region known for its diverse rule, South Asia's economy was largely agrarian-
economies, cultures, and demographics, and its based. Industries were relatively limited and centered

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
around agriculture, textiles, handicrafts, and mining. H. Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare (ongoing):
British colonial policies prioritized raw material South Asian countries, particularly India, have a
extraction and limited industrial development within thriving pharmaceutical industry. They are major
the region. global suppliers of generic drugs, contributing
B. Post-Independence and Early Industrialization significantly to the global healthcare market.
(1947-1980s): I. Financial Services and Fintech (ongoing):
After gaining independence, South Asian countries The financial services sector, including banking,
focused on industrialization as a means to boost their insurance, and fintech, is experiencing growth and
economies and reduce dependency on foreign goods. innovation in South Asia. Digital payment systems
Governments initiated policies to encourage domestic and fintech startups are gaining traction, providing
industries, including import substitution and financial services to a broader segment of the
protectionist measures. Key industries during this population.
phase included textiles, steel, food processing, and
basic manufacturing. Overall, South Asia's industrial evolution reflects a
transition from agrarian-based economies to diverse
C. Liberalization and Economic Reforms (1990s industrial sectors driven by globalization,
onwards): technological advancements, and changing consumer
In the 1990s, many South Asian countries shifted preferences.
towards economic liberalization and market-oriented
policies. Governments began reducing barriers to 2. EVOLUTION OF INDUSTRIES IN INDIA
trade, encouraging foreign investment, and The evolution of industries in India can be broadly
privatizing state-owned enterprises. This led to categorized into various phases, each characterized by
diversification and growth in various sectors, significant economic, technological, and policy
including information technology, changes.
telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, and services. A. Pre-Independence Era (Before 1947):
D. Information Technology and Software Services Before gaining independence from British colonial
(late 1990s onwards): rule, India had a predominantly agrarian economy.
South Asia, particularly India, emerged as a global The major industries were agriculture, handicrafts,
hub for information technology and software services. textiles, and mining. The economy was heavily
India's IT sector, with its competitive workforce, geared towards the production of raw materials to
played a significant role in providing software supply British industries.
development, outsourcing, and business process B. Early Industrialization and Import
outsourcing services to international clients. Substitution (1947-1990s):
E. Textiles and Garments Industry (ongoing): After independence in 1947, India focused on
Textiles and garments have remained crucial developing a self-reliant industrial base. The
industries in South Asia, particularly in countries like government followed a policy of import substitution
Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan. These nations are industrialization (ISM), encouraging the domestic
major exporters of textiles and apparel, benefiting production of goods to reduce dependency on
from relatively low labor costs and strong global imports. Industries such as steel, heavy machinery,
demand for affordable clothing. public sector enterprises, and basic manufacturing
F. Automotive and Manufacturing (ongoing): saw significant growth during this period.
South Asian countries, notably India and Pakistan, C. Green Revolution and Agricultural
have been focusing on developing their automotive Modernization (1960s onwards):
and manufacturing sectors. They are attracting The Green Revolution, starting in the mid-1960s,
investments from international automobile introduced modern agricultural techniques, high-yield
manufacturers, contributing to domestic production crop varieties, and improved irrigation. This led to a
and export growth. substantial increase in agricultural productivity and
G. Renewable Energy and Sustainability transformed India from a food-deficit nation to a food
(ongoing): surplus nation.
With a growing emphasis on sustainability and D. Liberalization and Economic Reforms (1991
combating climate change, South Asian countries are onwards):
increasingly investing in renewable energy sources The most significant shift in India's economic history
such as solar and wind. Governments are setting occurred in 1991 when the government initiated
targets for renewable energy generation and attracting economic reforms to liberalize the economy. The
investments in this sector.

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
reforms included opening up sectors to foreign the government to facilitate digital services and
investment, reducing trade barriers, deregulation, and connectivity across the nation. These initiatives aim
privatization. This shift paved the way for a more to enhance accessibility, efficiency, and inclusiveness
market-oriented economy. in various sectors like governance, finance, education,
E. Information Technology and Software Services healthcare, and more. Here are some key components
(late 1980s onwards): of India's digital public infrastructure:
India emerged as a global IT and software services A. Aadhaar (UIDAI - Unique Identification
hub during the late 1980s and 1990s. The IT sector Authority of India):
gained momentum due to a skilled English-speaking Aadhaar is a 12-digit unique identity number issued
workforce and became a major player in software to Indian residents, based on their biometric and
development, IT services, and business process demographic data. It serves as a foundational identity
outsourcing (BPO). for various government services, financial
F. Services Sector Boom (2000s onwards): transactions, and welfare programs.
The services sector, including IT, B. Digital Payments and Unified Payments
telecommunications, healthcare, education, tourism, Interface (UPI):
and financial services, became a dominant contributor UPI is a real-time payment system that allows users
to India's GDP. This transition marked a shift towards to link multiple bank accounts to a single mobile
a more service-oriented economy. application, facilitating seamless peer-to-peer and
G. Automotive and Manufacturing (2000s peer-to-merchant transactions. It has greatly
onwards): contributed to the growth of digital payments in India.
India's automotive and manufacturing sectors have C. Goods and Services Tax Network (GSTN):
seen substantial growth, attracting investments from GSTN is a digital platform that manages the
domestic and international companies. The country implementation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST)
became a major hub for automobile production and regime in India. It facilitates the filing of taxes,
manufacturing of engineering goods. invoice matching, and provides a single interface for
H. Renewable Energy and Clean Technologies taxpayers and tax authorities.
(2010s onwards): D. Digilocker:
In recent years, India has increasingly focused on Digilocker is an online platform provided by the
renewable energy and clean technologies to address government to store, access, and share digital copies
environmental concerns and reduce dependency on of documents and certificates securely. It reduces the
fossil fuels. Investments in solar, wind, and other need for physical documents and enhances efficiency
renewable energy sources have been significant. in various processes.
I. Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare (ongoing): E. e-Governance Initiatives:
India's pharmaceutical industry has become a global The government has implemented several e-
leader in the production of generic drugs and governance initiatives to digitize various services and
vaccines. The country is a major supplier of improve public service delivery. Examples include
affordable healthcare products worldwide. the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) and MyGov
J. E-commerce and Digital Services (ongoing): platform, enabling citizens to participate in
The advent of the internet and widespread governance.
digitalization has given rise to a thriving e-commerce F. National Optical Fiber Network (NOFN) and
industry in India, providing a platform for online BharatNet:
retail, food delivery, travel services, and more. These initiatives aim to provide broadband
India's industrial evolution reflects a transition from connectivity to rural and remote areas, promoting
an agrarian economy to a diversified industrial digital inclusivity and enabling access to digital
landscape, with a growing emphasis on services, services and information.
technology, and sustainable practices. Policy reforms G. GeM (Government e-Marketplace):
and globalization have played significant roles in GeM is an online marketplace that facilitates
shaping India's industries over the years. procurement of goods and services by government
3. ROLE OF I-WAY, E-WAY AND departments, organizations, and PSUs. It streamlines
INFRASTRUCTURE IN UTTAR PRADESH the procurement process and promotes transparency.
India's digital public infrastructure refers to the
framework and foundational systems established by

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
H. National Payments Corporation of India The role of i-way is fundamental in enabling e-
(NPCI): governance, e-commerce, e-education, telemedicine,
NPCI is an umbrella organization that operates and overall digital transformation within a region,
various retail payments and settlement systems in contributing to economic growth, social development,
India. It has developed platforms like UPI, National and improved quality of life.
Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT), Immediate
B. E-commerce and E-way:
Payment Service (IMPS), and more.
E-commerce, often referred to as "e-way" in some
I. Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana (PMJDY): contexts, plays a crucial role in the digital economy.
PMJDY is a financial inclusion initiative that aims to It involves conducting commercial transactions
provide every household with access to basic banking electronically over the internet. This includes:
services, including a bank account, debit card, and  Online Marketplaces: Providing platforms for
insurance coverage. businesses to showcase and sell their products or
J. e-Healthcare Initiatives: services online.
The government has launched digital healthcare  Digital Payments: Facilitating secure and
initiatives such as National Health Portal, seamless digital transactions using various
Telemedicine Services, and e-Hospital platforms to payment gateways and mobile payment systems.
enhance healthcare accessibility and delivery.  Logistics and Supply Chain Management:
K. Digital India: Ensuring efficient and timely delivery of products
Digital India is a flagship initiative that aims to through optimized logistics and supply chain
transform India into a digitally empowered society solutions.
and knowledge economy. It encompasses a wide  Customer Service and Support: Offering online
range of initiatives to connect citizens, provide digital
customer service and support to address queries
services, and foster digital literacy and skills.
and concerns of consumers.
These digital public infrastructure initiatives
E-commerce contributes to economic growth by
collectively aim to drive digital transformation,
expanding market reach for businesses, creating
enhance citizen services, promote financial inclusion,
employment opportunities, and providing consumers
and propel economic growth in India.
with convenient access to a wide range of products
4. ECONOMY OF 1ST GENERATION and services.
We can provide a general understanding of the role of
digital infrastructure and e-commerce (e-way) in a
In the context of a specific region like a province or
region, which can be adapted to the context of any
state, the development and integration of robust i-way
geographical area i.e. United Province, including a
(digital infrastructure) and the growth of e-commerce
state or province. (e-way) are essential for promoting economic
A. Digital Infrastructure (i-way): development, attracting investment, enhancing
Digital infrastructure, often referred to as "i-way," government services, and improving the overall well-
includes the various components that support the being of the population.
seamless flow of digital information and services. 1. Market Expansion: Enabling businesses,
This infrastructure encompasses: including SMEs and artisans, to expand their
 Internet Connectivity: Providing reliable and market reach and sell products beyond their local
high-speed internet access to urban and rural
regions through online platforms.
2. Digital Payments: Encouraging digital
 Telecommunication Networks: Building robust
transactions and promoting online payment
telecom networks to facilitate communication and
methods to facilitate secure and convenient
data transfer.
financial transactions for both businesses and
 Data Centres: Establishing data storage and consumers.
processing facilities to support digital services
3. Job Creation and Skill Development: Generating
and applications. employment opportunities in logistics, customer
 Cybersecurity Measures: Implementing security service, digital marketing, and related sectors,
measures to protect digital assets and ensure data contributing to skill development and economic
privacy and integrity. growth.

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
4. Tourism and Handicraft Promotion: Promoting E. Environmental Benefits:
the region's unique handicrafts, arts, and tourism Shinkansen is considered a relatively environmentally
through e-commerce, attracting a global audience friendly mode of transportation. It's an energy-
and boosting local artisans and industries. efficient alternative to air travel or road transport,
Efforts to improve digital infrastructure (i-way) and reducing the overall carbon footprint and congestion
promote e-commerce (e-way) are essential for on roads and in the air.
enhancing economic growth, fostering innovation, F. Technological Advancements:
creating employment opportunities, and improving The development and operation of Shinkansen have
the overall standard of living in the North Zone of pushed the boundaries of railway technology. Japan
India. For the most up-to-date and region-specific has continuously improved and refined the
information, I recommend referring to the latest Shinkansen trains and their tracks, setting a global
government policies and initiatives related to digital standard for high-speed rail. Technological
infrastructure and e-commerce in the North Zone. advancements from the Shinkansen program have
6. ROLE OF HIGH-SPEED RAIL IN JAPAN been exported and applied to other high-speed rail
AND ITS FUTURE systems worldwide.
High-speed rail in Japan, often referred to as G. Disaster Resilience and Safety:
Shinkansen, has played a significant role in The Shinkansen system has been designed with
transforming the country's transportation landscape earthquake safety in mind. It has proven to be
and has had a considerable impact on various aspects resilient during earthquakes and has been used for
of Japanese society and the economy. Here are the post-disaster relief efforts. Shinkansen is equipped
key roles and impacts of high-speed rail in Japan: with earthquake detection systems, automatic
A. Efficient and Fast Transportation: braking, and other safety features to mitigate risks
The Shinkansen is known for its high speed, during natural disasters.
punctuality, and efficiency. It allows for quick travel H. Urban Development and Regeneration:
between major cities, making it a preferred mode of Shinkansen stations have become hubs for urban
transportation for both business and leisure travelers. development and regeneration. They often serve as
Passengers can move swiftly between cities, saving catalysts for real estate development, attracting
considerable time compared to traditional train commercial and residential projects around station
services or other modes of transport. areas, further contributing to economic growth.
B. Regional Connectivity: I. Global Reputation and Soft Power:
Shinkansen networks connect major cities and regions The Shinkansen has bolstered Japan's global
across Japan, fostering better connectivity between reputation for technological innovation, efficiency,
urban centers and rural areas. This enhanced and reliability. It is a symbol of Japanese engineering
connectivity stimulates economic development, as it excellence and contributes to the country's soft power
allows for easier access to business opportunities, and influence on the global stage.
markets, and workforce.
In summary, Japan's high-speed rail system,
C. Economic Growth and Development: Shinkansen, has had a profound impact on
Shinkansen has contributed significantly to the transportation, economic development, tourism,
economic growth of the regions it serves. The technology, and the overall well-being of Japanese
development of stations and associated infrastructure, society. Its efficiency, safety, and positive influence
along with the businesses that thrive around these on regional development make it a key component of
stations, has created jobs and increased economic Japan modern infrastructure
activity. It has also attracted tourism and investment,
boosting local economies.
D. Promotion of Tourism: ZONE
The Shinkansen has made it easier for tourists to Specific plans or developments regarding a high-
explore different regions of Japan efficiently. Tourists speed rail network in Uttar Pradesh or the broader
can quickly travel to major tourist destinations like North Zone of India may be in Future Uttar Pradesh.
Kyoto, Osaka, Hiroshima, and more, promoting However, I can discuss the potential roles and
tourism revenue and enhancing the experience for benefits of high-speed rail in the future, considering
visitors. its potential implementation in Uttar Pradesh and the
North Zone.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD59977 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 5 | Sep-Oct 2023 Page 639
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
A. Enhanced Connectivity: I. Global Competitiveness and Image:
Introducing high-speed rail in Uttar Pradesh would Introducing high-speed rail would enhance the global
significantly enhance connectivity between major competitiveness of Uttar Pradesh and the North Zone.
cities and regions within the state and across the It would position the region as technologically
North Zone. This improved connectivity would advanced, attracting investment and partnerships on
facilitate faster and more efficient travel, leading to an international level.
increased economic and social interactions.
While specific plans and developments may evolve
B. Reduction in Travel Time: over time, considering these potential roles and
High-speed rail systems are known for their speed benefits can shed light on the advantages of
and efficiency. Implementing such a system would integrating high-speed rail in the future transportation
drastically reduce travel times between major cities, infrastructure of Uttar Pradesh and the North Zone. It
making daily commuting, business trips, and tourism is essential to refer to the latest and most authoritative
more convenient and attractive. sources for the most up-to-date and region-specific
C. Economic Growth and Development: information regarding high-speed rail projects and
High-speed rail could potentially drive economic initiatives.
growth by boosting regional and inter-regional trade. CONCLUSION
It would attract investment, spur job creation, and In conclusion, the evolution of industries in Uttar
promote business activities by allowing easy and Pradesh, historically known as the United Province,
quick access to markets and commercial hubs. signifies a journey from an agrarian-based economy
D. Tourism Promotion: to a diversified and modern industrial landscape. Over
An efficient high-speed rail network can significantly the years, the region has seen a shift from traditional
boost tourism by providing fast and convenient sectors like agriculture, textiles, and handicrafts to
transportation to popular tourist destinations within embracing advanced industries driven by
Uttar Pradesh and nearby regions. This would attract technological advancements and economic policies.
both domestic and international tourists, contributing Post-independence, there was a concerted effort to
to the tourism industry's growth. industrialize and achieve self-sufficiency. However, it
E. Environmental Benefits: was the economic reforms of the 1990s that truly
High-speed rail is relatively more environmentally propelled Uttar Pradesh towards a more market-
friendly compared to other modes of transportation, oriented economy. The liberalization policies opened
such as road or air travel. It can contribute to a doors to foreign investment, technological
reduction in carbon emissions and help alleviate modernization, and a surge in various sectors such as
environmental concerns, making it a sustainable information technology, services, manufacturing, and
transport option. pharmaceuticals.

F. Decongestion and Traffic Reduction: Recent developments underline the state's focus on
By offering an attractive alternative to road travel, sustainable and forward-thinking industries. Uttar
high-speed rail can help decongest major highways Pradesh is making strides in renewable energy,
and reduce road traffic. This would lead to a more particularly solar power, aligning with global
efficient transportation network and improved road sustainability goals. The state is also harnessing the
safety. potential of e-commerce and digital services,
enhancing connectivity and opportunities in the retail
G. Technology Transfer and Skill Development: and services sectors.
The implementation of a high-speed rail system
would require expertise and technology transfer. It Challenges such as infrastructure development,
can promote skill development and knowledge ensuring sustainable practices, fostering innovation,
acquisition in areas related to rail infrastructure, and addressing the needs of a growing population
operation, and maintenance. persist. The success and continued evolution of
industries in Uttar Pradesh will hinge on strategic
H. Disaster Resilience: planning, investment in skills and technology, and
High-speed rail systems are typically designed with fostering an environment conducive to growth and
disaster resilience features. In regions prone to natural sustainability. As the state moves forward, it remains
disasters, such as earthquakes, having a disaster- essential to adapt to changing global trends, promote
resilient mode of transportation like high-speed rail is inclusivity, and leverage technological advancements
crucial for quick and efficient evacuation and relief for a prosperous industrial future in Uttar Pradesh.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD59977 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 5 | Sep-Oct 2023 Page 640
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD59977 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 5 | Sep-Oct 2023 Page 641

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