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Global problems

The term ´´global issues´´ refers to social, political, economic, and environmental problems that affect
people around the world. These problems include global change, overpopulation of our planet,
limited access to clean water, food crises, health problems, poverty, inequality, corruption, human
rights abuses, authoritarianism, wars, terrorism, and other environmental problems, but in this
presentation, I will focus on these.

Global warming
One of the major problems of our planet is linked to the global temperatures that are continuously
rising. Carbon dioxide, a gas produced by the burning of petrol, is the leading cause of the
greenhouse effect. This process makes Earth much warmer and is responsible for Global warming.

As the planet’s greatest carbon sink, the ocean absorbs heat and energy released from rising
greenhouse gas emissions trapped in the Earth’s system. Currently, the ocean has absorbed about
90% of the heat. Because of that glaciers are melting much faster. This reduces the amount of salt in
the water and the Gulf Stream, which depends on stability, could collapse.

I would like to outline a series of risks. If global warming reaches 1.5 °C soon, the consequences will
be very devastating. These changes have a lasting impact on marine biodiversity. Increased sea levels
would completely flood several island settlements.

Because climate change is linked to other global problems, it is one of the most serious challenges
facing humanity.

Now let's move on to the other GP. When we use the term "overpopulation," we specifically mean a
situation in which the Earth cannot regenerate the resources used by the world's population each

Today the Earth is home to more than 7.8 billion people. By 2100 the population is on track to hit
10.8 billion. That is caused by several factors. The primary (and perhaps most obvious) cause is an
imbalance between births and deaths.

Better medical care

After WWII, the world population drastically increased, thanks to progress in medicine, science,
technology, and general hygiene.

Aside the overpopulation, some countries have the opposite problem: their population is getting
smaller and aging. If a country's population becomes smaller, it can be a problem, shops cannot sell
many things, and businesses and universities cannot find enough workers or students.

Food crises
Many people assume that world hunger is due to "too many people, not enough food.". This theory,
by the 18th-century economist Thomas Malthus, moves us away from the major causes of hunger.

In fact, the planet produces enough food to provide everyone on Earth with more than 2,300
kilocalories per day, which is more than enough.

However, there are many factors that cause unequal access to food, and more than 3 billion people
are starving. Let's take a closer look at these factors.
Conflict is the number one cause – it destroys roads and buildings, drives inflation, and cuts off
people’s access to markets. The world's hungry people are mostly found in Africa and Asia, in conflict

Other factors are Poverty and inequality = During the Great Bengal Famine of 1943 millions died of
hunger because they didn’t have the money to buy food.

Climate change also plays a huge role in food crises. Because it destroys agricultural production and
affects global food systems.

The situation in countries where the population is suffering from hunger is worse than before
because of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Moreover, the war in Ukraine and the sanctions on Russia are expected to lead to hunger in many
nations, including Somalia, Senegal, and Egypt, that depend on exports from Ukraine and Russia,
mainly wheat, and sunflower oil.

Water contamination
Besides the problem of the lack of food, the world is also suffering from a lack of water.

Only 1 percent of water is available for drinking.

Industries are polluting underground water, and the groundwater gets polluted by toxic chemicals,
bacteria, and viruses. Furthermore, many of the water bodies are drying. More than half the world´s
wetlands have disappeared.

As a result, one in ten people doesn’t have enough safe drinking water. Many people must walk
several kilometers to get water every day. Poor management and irrational use of water forces
communities to migrate in search of fresh water.

Therefore, safe drinking water is the most common problem in many countries, especially in the
Middle East.

Several types of diseases such as typhoid, are transmitted through polluted water. Annually, 297,000
children under the age of five die from diarrheal infections caused by contaminated water. Life in the
rivers is also affected and people who consume fish can also have health problems. This leads us to
my next point.

Poverty is one of the most serious problems in modern society. The world’s poorest people are often
without access to basic human needs such as safe drinking water, food, clothing, sanitation, and
electricity, they have limited access to proper education, and face serious health problems.

80% of the world's population lives on less than USD 10 per day and almost half of the world lives on
less than USD 2,5 per day.

Poverty is a vicious cycle passed down from generation to generation and has negative effects such as
lack of education, discrimination, and unemployment.

Discrimination against LGBT+ and racism

Members of the LGBTQ+ community face discrimination in many forms, even in more progressive
countries. Violence against them has been reported in all regions of the world.
A lot of people face racism and discrimination every day. This includes unfair treatment and prejudice
based on someone's race, ethnicity, or other factors. That can lead to unequal opportunities and
harmful stereotypes.

Racism does not only affect individuals on a personal level but also has wider societal effects.

There have been acts of genocide in many parts of the world because of racism and discrimination.
Examples of countries where genocide has occurred because of racism and discrimination include
Rwanda, Cambodia, and Nazi Germany.

These tragic events are a reminder of why is so important to promote understanding and education.
It is also important to raise awareness about the harmful effects of racism so we can create societies
where everyone is treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their race or ethnicity.

Total Systems and Authoritarianism

The next aspect I’d like to focus on is total systems. It is a system where power is in the hands of a
single leader or small group, often without respect for freedoms and human rights.

Only 20% of the global population lives in Free countries. Some examples include North Korea, China,
Cuba, Guinea and so much more.

Total regimes try to control also the social, cultural, and economic aspects of society. They seek to
eliminate any opposition. People living under these regimes often face limitations on their freedom of
speech and other human rights. These regimes often use propaganda to control information.
Additionally, there is a lack of checks and balances on the government's power. Therefore, total
systems are more likely to have problems with corruption.

Wars and military conflict

War and military conflicts have devastating consequences, causing loss of life, and economic

These days, there are several countries experiencing ongoing conflicts and military tensions, such as
Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Ukraine, and Izrael. +Iraq, Lybia, and Somalia.

Afghanistan = After the civil war in 1992 an extreme Islamist group, the Taliban, took power. The
consequences of 9/11 led to military conflict between Afghanistan and the USA, because the Taliban
government refused to give Obama Bin Laden, the person behind the attack, to the US. The USA
officially ended military involvement in Afghanistan in 2021. Afghanistan itself still experiences
ongoing conflict and instability.

Izrael The situation in Israel is the outcome of a long-term conflict and tension between Israel and
Palestinian groups. Both sides have deep historical and cultural connections to the country. The
conflict in Israel involves issues such as land ownership, borders, and the right to self-determination.

Ukraine = When Ukraine gained independence, after the fall of the Soviet Union, it became a country
trapped between two worlds, the West, and the East. As an independent state, Ukraine made its
own choice: it turned to Europe. Ukraine's feelings about Russia are very complex, however almost
70% want closer integration with the EU. Eventually, False claims, served as an excuse for Putin to
start a cruel war. But his army met unexpectedly strong resistance from Ukraine.

The chaos and violent nature of armed conflict can lead to war crimes. As you know, I have already
mentioned some examples of the worst war crimes when I talked about genocide. In addition, other
acts of brutality include, for example, the extermination of Native Americans, the nuclear attack on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the Nanking massacre in China.

Unfortunately, wars and military conflicts can increase terrorism.

Terrorist organizations are generally secret and consist of small numbers of members, which makes
them difficult to identify and defend against. There are some examples of terrorist groups:

The extremist Islamic group Al-Qaeda was involved in the 9/11 attacks. Boko Haram is a militant
group based in Nigeria, known for its attacks on schools. Hezbollah meaning Part of God, is a

Lebanese political party. Hezbollah is primarily a Shiite Muslim organization.

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