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Word Pronunciation Meaning

Government guh·vr·muhn
Environment uhn·vai·urn·muhn
Controversy Kaan truh vur see
Confidence Kaan fi dence
Phenomenon fuh·naa·muh·naan
Reputable reh·pyoo·tuh·bl
Repetition reh·puh·ti·shn
Reputation reh·pyuh·tay·shn
Meteorology Meteorology
Physiology Physiology
Agricultural a·gruh·kuhl·chr·uhl
Dawn Daan
Temporary tem·pr·eh·ree
Charisma kr·iz·mu

Theoretical thee·ur·eh·ti·kl
Bibliography bi·blee·aa·gruh·fee
Physician fuh·zi·shn
Republic ruh·puh·bluhk
Reason ree·zn
research ree·srch
Opponents uh·pow·nuhnts
Because buh·kuhz
seismic size·muhk
predict pruh·dikt
prevent pruh·vent
protecting pruh·tek·tuhng
atmosphere at·muh·sfeer
hesitant heh·zuh·tnt
achieve uh·cheev
camouflage ka·muh·flaazh
theologian who study religion

receipt ruh·seet
niece nees
recipe reh·suh·pee
enthusiastic uhn·thoo·zee·a·stuhk
the stark realreality difficult/unpleasant to deal with
advantages uhd·van·tuh·juhz
exploration ek·splr·ay·shn
responsible ruh·spaan·suh·bl
responsibilit ruh·spaan·suh·bi·luh·tee
statistics stuh·ti·stuhks

sequesterin suh·kweh·str·uhng
sequence see·kwns
contribute kuhn·tri·byoot
social sow·shl
controversial kaan·truh·vur·shl
controversy kaan·truh·vur·see
possible paa·suh·bl

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