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Module 2


1. Discuss fully the perception of the following authors as to what a HUMAN PERSON is.
a. Estanol – defines the human person as having physical, spiritual, emotional, and intellectual
b. ST. THOMAS AQUINAS – describe the human person as having physical and spiritual
substance because he/she has a soul and is created by a Superior Being with a divine purpose.
c. Babor – in his book, The Human Person: Not Real, But Existing, discusses the several
characteristics of the human person and one of those statements was "A human person is a
rational being, he/she is free to think and has the capacity to reason and distinguish between right
and wrong".
2. Discuss what a human person is from the ff. point of view:
a. BIBLICAL VIEWS point of view the human person has superiority and dignity inherited
from the Supreme Being. According to the book of Genesis, chapter 1, verses 26 to 27, God
created man and woman in His own image and likeness and made them masters of the fish of the
sea, the birds, the heaven, the earth, the wild beasts and all the reptiles that crawl upon the earth.
b. PHILOSOPHICAL VIEWS point of view a human person is a measure of all things that
exist and of all things that do not exist. Furthermore, Plato claimed that the perfect human being
does not exist in this world because what is in this world is just an imperfect copy of humanity's
original self in the realm of ideas.
c. SOCIOLOGICAL point of view, Salcedo (2004) states that people look at the social world or
at the various ways that human beings behave in a social way. Hence, when we talk about
society or the social world, we are really referring to the behavior of human beings.
d. CLASSICAL GREEK VIEW defines the human person as "a rational animal." An animal's
vegetative sensory and rational element is integrated within his/her being; thus he/she is a
material (body) and spiritual (soul) being. As a vegetative creature, the human person needs to
have food to grow, develop, and reproduce.
3. Discuss MASLOW'S hierarchy of needs.
-Maslow presented the levels of the hierarchy of needs in his theory of personality. First,
Physiology needs include biological and basic needs such as Food, Water, Shelter, and Clothing.
Second, Safety needs include Security, Stability, and protection from physical and emotional
harm. Third, Social needs include Affection, a Sense of belonging, Friends, Family, a Spouse,
and a Lover which people seek to overcome feelings of loneliness and alienation. Fourth, Self-
esteem needs include Achievement, Mastery recognition, Respect, and Attention. When the
needs are satisfied, the person feels confident and valuable. However, when they are not met, the
person may feel inferior, weak, helpless, and worthless. Self-actualization means a person has
reached the peak of his/her potential.

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