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Verbal And Non-verbal

Asst.Lectuerer. Iman Kadhim Abbood
College Of Information Technology,
University Of Babylon, Iraq
Verbal and Nonverbal Communication
• Verbal communication is a form of communication in which
you use words to interchange the information with other people
either in the form of speech or writing.

• On the contrary,Nonverbal communication does not use words

for communicating anything, but some other modes are used,
i.e. where communication takes place by way of unspoken or
unwritten messages such as body language, facial
expressions, sign language and so forth. In this lecture, we
have broken down all the important differences between verbal
and non-verbal communication in detail.
• Most communication is a mixture of verbal and nonverbal
Verbal Communication
Communication is successful when your
message is received as you intended it
 You can speak well by organizing your thoughts
your mind or on paper before you talk, paying
attention to your delivery.
 Make sure you know your main point
 Be aware of your feelings before speaking
 Think twice before saying anything you might
later regret
Nonverbal Communication
• Nonverbal communication – The
sending and receiving of messages
without the use of words.
• Examples include:
• flags • music
• signs • body movements
• whistles • facial expressions
• drawings • gestures
Nonverbal Communication
• All forms of nonverbal communication: gestures(‫)إيماءات‬,
facial expressions, posture, eye contact, physical
distance, and even your appearance communicate your
thoughts and feelings.
• Can use nonverbal communication to make your
message stronger.
• Can learn to “read” other people’s nonverbal
communication to help you understand their thoughts and
Nonverbal Communication
• Body language- use of gestures and other body movements to
• Posture- way you hold your body
• Facial expressions- can encourage or discourage communication
• Eye contact- looking into another person’s eyes show that you are
friendly, confident, and interested in the speaker
• Be aware that in some cultures looking directly into the listener’s eyes
can be a sign of disrespect
Comparing Verbal and Nonverbal

Similarities Differences

Both are symbolic. Nonverbal communication

Both are rule guided. is usually perceived
Both can be intentional as more believable.
or unintentional. Nonverbal can be multi channeled.
Both are culture-bound. Nonverbal is continuous.
Nonverbal Behavior

Accounts for
65% - 93% of the
total meaning of
Comparing Verbal and Nonverbal Communication

Meaning The communication in which the The communication that takes place
sender uses words to transmit the between sender and receiver with the
message to the receiver is known as use of signs is known as non-verbal
verbal communication. communication.

Types Formal and Informal Haptic, Kinesics, Proxemics, Artifacts.

Time Consuming No Yes

Chances of transmission of wrong Rarely happens. Happens most of the time.


Documentary Evidence Yes, in case of written No


Advantage The Message can be clearly Helpful in understanding the

understood and immediate feedback emotions, status, lifestyle, and
is possible. feelings of the sender.

Presence The message can be transmitted The personal presence of both the
through letters, phone calls, etc. so parties to communication is
the personal presence of the parties, necessary.
does not make any change.
The Types of Nonverbal Communication
• Kinesics (body motion)
• Haptics (touch)
• Chronemics (time)
• Physical appearance
• Artifacts
• Paralanguage
• Silence
• Environmental factors
• Proxemics and personal space
It is the study of the body language of a person, i.e., gestures, postures,
facial expressions, etc.

• Posture can signal self-assurance.

• Posture can tell others if we are open to
• The face is capable of covering many
different expressions.
• Nonverbal behaviors such as positioning,
smiling, close seating and gazes signal
how we feel about others.
Body Language

• Body language – A
form of nonverbal
communication in
which a person
“speaks” with the
use of body
movements, facial
expressions, and
hand gestures.
Body Language on the Job
• Body language tells others about you, so use it to make a
good impression.
• Slouching and staring into space can signal laziness and
• A handshake and a smile signal friendliness in the
• Make sure your body language matches your spoken
• Discuss: Suppose friends say your outfit looks good, but
show no interest in it. Would you tend to believe the
message expressed by their words or by their body
“The mirrors of the soul”

• We tend to look at eyes

to judge
• Emotions
• Honesty
• Interest

Microsoft Photo
• Self-confidence
Haptics (touch)
The use of touch in communication is the expression of feelings and
• Touching are essential
to a healthy life.
• Touch can
communicate power
and status.
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• Women tend to touch

to show liking, while
men often use touch to
exert power.
Physical Appearance

• What message do you

wish to send with your
choice of clothing and
personal grooming?

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Artifacts: The appearance of
a person speaks about his
personality, i.e. by way of
clothing, carrying jewelry,
lifestyle, etc. This kind of
communication is known as
artifactual communication.

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Proxemics and Personal Space
Proxemics: The distance maintained by a person
while communicating with others, communicates
about the relationship of the person with others
like intimate, personal, social and public.

• Every culture has norms for using space.

• How people arrange space reflects how close they
are and whether they want interaction.
• Home furniture arranged comfortably and close
invites conversation.
• Restaurants can arrange seating to encourage
people to spend time or to eat quickly and leave.
Chronemics (time)

The use of time in

communication is
chromatics, which speaks
about the personality of the
The way someone values
and perceives time plays a
considerable role in his or
her communication process.
The use of time can affect
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lifestyles, personal
relationships, and work-life.
Paralanguage is the area of non-verbal communication that
emphasizes body language and voice nuances as means of
expressing thoughts and feelings. People normally use
paralanguage multiple times per day and are sometimes not even
aware they are doing so. The ability to interpret this kind of human
communication correctly is considered an important competency in
both personal and professional settings. Body language often
conveys just as much meaning as spoken words. Good
communicators also have the ability to gauge how their own
paralanguage affects others and to alter it so as to gain others' trust
and to project confidence.
• What if I told you silence is good for communication?
Would you believe me?
• You wouldn’t be alone if you said no. Most people
probably would disagree with me. In fact, many would
argue that silence isn’t even communication at all.
• In reality, though, silence can be a very effective
communication tool. Communication is simply about
conveying a message, and sometimes silence can do that
better than any words.

• Silence can be • Silence can be a

comforting. disconfirming
• When intimates are symbol.
so close they do not • When you talk to
need to talk someone and they do
• When there is an not reply
absence of • When children are
disturbing noise disciplined by being
Thank you

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