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Data Analytics

1. Introduction:

The purpose of this survey is to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of training and development
programs at Al Ahlia Insurance Company. Participants are asked various questions related to training
resources, program relevance, impact on personal and professional growth, managerial support, and
alignment with company goals.

2. Gender-wise participants:

Questionnaire was distributed to all 70 employees of the Insurance Company and responses from
following genders were received.
Gender of Respondents
Table 01: Gender of Respondents

Gender Number Percentage

Male 38 54%
Female 32 46%
Total 70 100%

Male Female

3. Method of survey:
As, all of the employees were not present in the company during the survey, hence questionnaires
were distributed to them in different ways. Followings ways were used for conducting survey for
different employees.
Mail Online
Table 02: Method of survey 8% 11%
Method Number Percentage 18%
Online 8 11%
In-person 45 63%
Telephone 13 18%
Mail 6 8%
Total 72 100% 63%

4. Key findings:

The survey conducted aimed to assess potential initiatives for training and development of Al Ahlia
Insurance Company, gathering insights from 70 participants. The findings reveal a comprehensive
view of question asked, shedding light on critical aspects. The following key findings provide valuable
insights into that intiative and offer actionable considerations for relevant decision makers and
i) Do I have access to a variety of training resources?
This question was asked to evaluate the availability and variety of training resources accessible to
employees needed for training, such as online courses, workshops, manuals, or tools as diverse set
of resources can offer a more enriched learning experience, accommodating various skill levels and
interests among employees. It allows for a tailored approach to learning and development. The
availability of a variety of resources correlates with the potential engagement and effectiveness of the
training program. Employees are more likely to engage with and benefit from materials that align
with their preferences and learning needs.
The responses of the customers are summarized in the following table and figure.

Table 03: Do I have acceess to a variety of training resources?

Particulars Responses Percentage

Strongly agree 10.00 14%
Agree 22.00 31%
Moderately agree 30.00 43%
Disagree 6.00 9%
Strongly disagree 2.00 3%
Total 70.00 100%

Do I have access to a variety of training resources?







Responses Percentage

Strongly agree Agree Moderately agree Disagree Strongly disagree

It can be seen that most of the employees show their acceptance of the conducive environment for
continuous learnings and skills development, which are crucial for employee growth and
organizational success.
ii) Whether the training and development programs have had a positive impact on my
personal and professional growth?
It helps in assessing the impact of training and development programs on personal and professional
growth which is also crucial for understanding the effectiveness of these initiatives within an
organization. It helps gauge how employees perceive the direct influence of training on their personal
and professional advancement. Positive responses indicate that the programs are effective in
fostering growth. Employees who perceive a positive impact on their personal and professional
growth are likely to demonstrate improved performance. This alignment signifies the effectiveness of
the training initiatives in enhancing skills and knowledge.
The responses are summarized in the following table and figure.

Table 04: Enhancement to personal and professional growth

Particulars Responses Percentage

Strongly agree 23.00 33%
Agree 14.00 20%
Moderately agree 16.00 23%
Disagree 6.00 9%
Strongly disagree 11.00 16%
Total 70.00 100%

Figure: Personal and professional growth of employees





Responses Percentage

Strongly agree Agree Moderately agree Disagree Strongly disagree

Based on the above summary table and figure, it can clearly be shown that 33% of the employees
agrred that Company's initiative in respect of professional and personal development is really proving
to be helpful for them. According to them, employees are gaining valuable skills, knowledge, and
confidence through the training programs due to which company has shown high employee retention
iii)Evaluation of the presentation style and training delivery methods:
This question provided insights into the delivery method and effectiveness of the training initiatives
which helped determining if the training content is delivered in a manner that captures and retains
participants' attention.
The respondents were asked to rate the speakers and training providers on the basis the quality of
delivery and presentation. The responses were summarized and are given below:

Table 05: Evaluation of presentation sytles

Particulars Responses Percentage

Strongly agree 4.00 6%
Agree 14.00 20%
Moderately agree 30.00 43%
Disagree 11.00 16%
Strongly disagree 5.00 7%
Total 64.00 91%

Evaluation of styles
100% 5.00 7%
90% 11.00 16%
30.00 43%
30% 14.00 20%
4.00 6%
0% 0
Responses Percentage

Strongly agree Agree Moderately agree Disagree Strongly disagree

Most, about 69%, thought the training methods were good. But around 16% didn't agree, and 7%
really didn't like how things were presented. This shows that some people might not have found the
training methods very helpful. It could be a good idea to make some changes based on this feedback
to make training better for everyone. The goal of company shall be focsuing on the weak areas and
to convert it into 100%.

iv)Managerial Support and Feedback:

Some of the employees also got appraisal and appreciation from their supervisors and managers
after this training. Their responses were summarized and are shown below:

Table 06: Feedback for seniors and managers

Particulars Responses Percentage

Strongly agree 16.00 23%
Agree 25.00 36%
Moderately agree 29.00 41%
Disagree - 0%
Strongly disagree - 0%
Total 70.00 100%


25 Strongly disagree
20 Disagree
15 Moderately agree
Strongly agree
Responses Percentage

Strongly agree Agree Moderately agree Disagree Strongly disagree

Almost all of the participants of the program got appreciation from their senior management this
shows the success of the training program of the Al Ahlia Insurance Company.

v) Company's Investment in Employee Development:

This question resulted in accpeting the company's focus on maintaining good employee relationship
as the company values employee development and invests in training to support our professional
The respondents' were asked about company's care for its employees and results are show as below:

Table 07: Company's investment in Employee Development

Particulars Responses Percentage

Strongly agree 5.00 7%
Agree 13.00 19%
Moderately agree 29.00 41%
Disagree 9.00 13%
Strongly disagree 14.00 20%
Total 70.00 100%





10 13.00 14.00
5.00 9.00 7% 19% 41% 13% 20% 100%
Responses Percentage

Strongly agree Agree Moderately agree Disagree Strongly disagree Total

The responses regarding the company's investment in employee development showcase varied
sentiments among respondents. While a majority, around 67%, acknowledged or moderately agreed
with the company's efforts in supporting employee growth, approximately 33% expressed
reservations or disagreement. Addressing concerns from dissenting voices might enhance
transparency and reinforce the company's commitment to nurture employee development and
professional growth.

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