RCC Notes Module 1

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Plain Cement Concrete 1.2. Reinforced Cement 'Concrete1.3. Materials used in R.C.C.
'*4. Reinbrchg Material 1.5„ ot Stea Reinbrcemerg Characteristk StrengthOf Stee 1.7.•rypes
Loads on R.CC. Struttutos Design Phiogophiog


Plain Cement Concérete is a Kardenedmass obtaineå from a mixture of cement, sand. gravel and
water in definite proputions. ingredients are mixed iogelher to form a plastic mass which is
poured into desired shape moulds called fortns, *Iiis plastic mass hardens on setting and we get plain
cement Concrete, The hardening of this mixture is' caused by chemical:reaction between cement
and water.
Plain cement corw•retehas suength but ligießepsile strength. thLSlimiting
its use in cons lain concrete ju•$edWhere stve stren th and wei ht the main


Plain cement concocoe very IOW strength. tropove tensile strength
*ort of i$ which take •up'(he. *'tresses, developed i,he Structure,
n 'I The type, $$ the O!' bars which quite in'
and around This
cornpo$ite and obbtevjiiltcdas R.CC
cement a composite made The
reinforcement* the or are placed 0/ '(he,
takeup tensile 0.
ReworoedC«rmt Corvet.
its str«xgULbut also helps in 3.
in corsrete not only
veil ensign: he use of reinf«cement
the ternfm.ttre Mid section is dependent on the
acdoaof geei ed congee in Ii.8.
following imponnt factors'
mocrete. R.C.C. consists of
(i) The in the concrete. The R.C.C.
upon ttr kimi of concrete and reinfcrcement
d both woct*te Sted
(W) equal twi 1.3.i. Concrete
.i. of Conaete rxoperties of concrete epeo& .00
of which are listed below : designed rmx is ingredieÄ A
eemeat urs in construction A ancræ mix —y
I. Buildüvs the concreteshtNld mixed fr«n • mix.
2. (ii) Concreteshould be competed roperly to it from p«ws,
(jii) Sufficient curing of corrrae is req'ird for &vebping fun
(IV) The water cement ratio mild com&riog Dd
5, QurMrys (v) The concrete mix stKÄIJd
be Ftperty bye in rigø
Walls propcxtions
(vi) water for mixing be fræ from all tÄmfuj crgzc
(vii) The aggregate should be hrd. Foperty grüd. F« R-C.C. w«ks. 20 rrvn
1.2-2. and of R-CC size of aggregate is
(viii) am«ed
Ranfixced •Ivu•nges over other constructiåo materials: apdoGFVolume.
1. R-C.C good in well as compression.
Corrrete is grOd or designated 00 tbe bzis o' its suength. As per IS45&2000.
RC.C- if and laid properly. They can last up to concrete is graded into types given in the T±lc l. l. (Tb'e 2.
3. CCC. cui be given any easily by properly designing the TABLE 1.1.
ts mae rapirements.
4. IWy: T'E• doail.ity to R.C.C. structures.
S. Ordinary MIO 10
R.C.C and..ßBtress«i concrete. There is an overall
M15 15
by R.CC- its maimcname cost is low. Concrete
6. Tr.rte: M207 20
raw tneriais are R-C.C. i.e., cement, sand aggregate,
re available and can 25
transported easily Nowadays Ready Mix 30
Congae (RMC) is better constnruon. (RMC is the concrete which is M30
in frt«y arø M35 35
LO sitc in grrn or plastic state). Standard
7. Fire R-C.C structuresare more fire resistant M40
than other commonly used Concrete
hke M4S
8. . R.CC. is M50 so
rmpamable to moisture.
9. SG.ÄicR&.ance:
R-C.C. stnrtures are extremely resistant to earthquake
e' 55
v' M6G 65
Des)ite the mcuümed High MOS
R-CC. has following disadvantages: 70
I. R.CC, structuresare Strength MIO
iravier than stnrtures of other 75
R-c.c needslot of materials like steel. wood and glass etc• Concrete M7S
centeringand shuttering to be so
fixed. thus require lot of site MSO
RelnbR*d Dem
by a fie letter •M' refers to the mix Leu 5
are expressedby M (Il) Rapid Hardening Portland
C«vcrcte concrete in N/mm
comrressive strength of Cement
and number rqresents the char«teristic mm size cube at 28 days. Rapid hardening cemerg is
srectfied charu:texisticstrength is which
that strength below which not more in
ne cktroc'eristic stmnsrh oftx•m-retris defined as ugettn places where of is
grides Of concrete corgtruct»m re 10be
5 perent test msglrsgg..gx•cted early. For example. in road wrrks
s&mld confirm IS
MN) (ill) Low Heat Portland Cement
F« RC.C. vod —rd lower
—MASand above
Cme Low heat rmland certEM hu lower
•v"2. F«pogt tensiomng
M4()and above M Which results in slow of
cenwrn is used in mass •
for plain concrete works, lean concrete, simple w«ks. such abanmenasex..
Ccgrrete ot grxies lower than M20 may w—yge amountof troy
simple works. yery teat
vans md le-adto severe cracking of the concrete ms cemeM ctMtrrn 6 IS (iv) Portland Slag Cement
Cenzvt •g is m.xed cement
mly Etiv•e of concrete which shows binding propcrties after clink&-tnctTödÜmoperly to obtaan pM1and slag cement Tir
•ne anxi
Cement is hi
reanng with water. It coneq of siliates aluminates of calcium which form a hardened rnass after sulphate attack to the cement. it is vi&ly ugd m
nuxineWith This tvrr as knownas There are many types of constnrtion w«k.s (suWed the
c— avail*åe in of utrich re explainedbciow: emitting waste containing sulphates. sbouJdc«gm IS 455: 1989
(i) Ce—e.t (v) Sulphate Resisting Cement
is com."mly used in construction. The Bureau of Indian standard Sulphate resisting cement nuch
hs classified OK in This is based on the compressive strength of cement- finer This ccrrrtn hz very h'Ö urd
sami Ibe faze zea of Shan bc 50 cm2. ne cube is made of I part of cement under water constructionworks.
to 3 swts or qamizd by weight. a water ccmcnt ratio, Thi grades of OPC cement
as pa tus cissificaioo (vi) Portland Potzolana Cement
foOoving: is
Pozzolana cement contain pozzolanic matenaj tike flysh. This
33grxk ponolam have
obtained by grinding pozzolana and cement clinker together. Tbe
v"ii) 43 grak iirr•Edry vro&e a
proper aes thcrnselves but wbcn with
"Cii) 53 a lower of evekpmem of strength
prcegies. Porland Pozzolana cement is chcaFr and
éompared to OPC Portland Pozzolun cement is used Wi&ty fcr an geæral coastruticm
strength g/cement-sand mortarsubes in
N/mm: at 28 works,
It is to in terms of its weight, not volume because volume of cement (vii) White Cement
with tik In ccwntry,cementis supplied in bags and its iron
2" This cement is obtained by controllingtbe Ftenuge
to 34.5 limes manmum cement content used for R.C.C. construction materiaks- nus ceaxnt is by Yeung on
450 k m 'by using China and stotzas raw
as per 4-S& 00 of With
place of so that ttETe
In a very low¯flame by using oil fuel in &sxredcolour.
to BLShas further classified cement into following types pigments are to the white cement to cetrxnt
28 day the coal ash. Coloured
ve qreogth
This cement is used for all aesthetic works-
&reogb (N/mm2 or MPa)
(2) Aggregate
- 37.5 Aggregates are maaenal or &micaily tnxtive
26) The bulk Of concrete is made up of aggqates, Je
bricks. gravel etc. Aggregage. less than 4.75 mm size
37.5 - 42.5 material like crushed tock. sand. broken are known as coarse aggregate, Cou•se
42.5 - 41.5 are than 4. IS mm size
known as fine aggregate and which
47.3 - 52.3 and firr aggregate acts a filler
aggregate gives sffength to corvrete st»uld be hara strong, durableand
523 37.' to the concrete mix. The aggregate
provides workabilit More aggregate can read from any
dense mass oi
37.5 - 62 gr ed to onn u compact and
62s - s book on •Conrete Technology"
R•tnWced Cement

wcrkability to The followingTable12 givestir
and also providing for tYF of works.
arnica) reactionof cement free from injunous amount of TABLE 1.2.
f« clean and '
of concrete or steel. BIS
can ham

bits oi in l. Biuling concrete.shallow low Wcrk±tity to be dærmr•d by

Äpurttie In sections. paver*nts using c.Ooo fxt« (0-75-0.80)
2. sl±s. vans. 25 —75
columm fkus. Lining sow
-300 fo«ing. mass coocreuog
3. slabs.beams.vans. Medium SO — 100
co«rer cölumns BirnFd concrete
SOO RCC guts
4. Troch fill. in situ pthng High
5. Treaute Very high by


of poc and proportionsOf its ingredients.

be to it is Ue- oi
•bch re in &sign: cerrrnt
c.xpcsxre ctniioons listed in T*le 5 Of IS 4562000 which
raoo minimumcenrnt coNent under diffaeat o' pveo IJ.
TABLE 1.3. MinimumCement Maxinuam
toe 20
15 28 in N/mm•,

It is bf a. Cubesarnples C—ree
z ard terbibestrr*gth in trod•ng
coavressive strength. So

Mild 300 0.55 M20

roo- Higi*r
As 2, Moderate 300 0.50
320 0.45 M 30
E o' ccmigerx-y, , 3. Severe
i -of mix. Tberef«e. opumum 4. Very severe
a: strength reduced 360 0.40
m: us: z ci redtktion
5. ExtreUE
Ofconcrete of durabilityis its Ft•meabilityto tie ingress of oxygen-
Tbe main
chlm&. qilphate etc.

"i s z pl.-ed, c«ntvu-ted As VT'tten tir strength can be curelated

cr ttr follow
ing LS436 gives follomng whkb can Ised in
strength of
fr 0.1073.
' fæ aggeg.ze d Elasticity
of elasücity expces*d in o'
Saum tenn
cooJyessive scength may •onen as
R.ißfoced Cemont 9
TABLE 1.4. Vs'ou• Ta
8 The Poisson's ratio
longitudinalstrain. S. No.
R•tiO to the calculation purpses.
(6) alt design
defined the The surfaceof coocree is or •gyessive
Poisson'sratio is It t*en
10 0-3 for concrete environment coastalareø)
varies from 0.1
concrete is subjected to sustained 2. Moderate The surfee of cmcreæ iWsbeiterd from scverg rain freezinc«bilst
(7) Oeep It is seen that wet) The concrete surfxe 'exø»ed to nig -and eoo&nsation,)concrete
water. in or PX*nd
creep is caused It depénds upon the following fröm saturated salt air in
rw-reasl waer. The surface of concrete
load' strainkegs i cø"iaLareas.
to oce
factors: The surface of concrete expØed to severe run, alternate wetting and
drying. sometimes severe condensation.
(a) StressWel
4. Very Severe Concrete exposed to coastal sea water spray. corros•ve
(b) Age at
fumes.severe freezing- imnrrgd in sea water.Cmcrete in
(C) of coefficient may be taken for design
folkywingvalues of creep contact or oo&r aggressrve
EtuaJ data.
In the absenceof
5. Extreme Concretesurfaces in tidal zone. Concretein direct contact with
aggressive chemicals.

7 Oys 2.2 Concrete Mix Proportioning

1.6 The determination of rhe proportions of cement. aggregates and water to the Osired strength
1.1 and properties such as workabiliry. durability etc.. is called as concrete mix proprnoning.
by IS (Clause 9):
The design of concrete mix is classified into following two
(8) pay-lg. I
(I) Nominal mix concrete
Corrrete Shrinkage also causes strain in (2) Design mix concrete.
concrae. sarain of water present at the time of casting.
uvy data LScoe a value of 00)3 r"TL/mas the ultimate shrinkage (1) Nominal Mix Concrete
strain 't can ugd f« all &sign cüuizioos. A concrete mix in which the proportions of cement.aggregate wul water are is caned as
nominal mix. It is not necessary that such a mix will give strength ami For exarnple.
(9) arø used for than M20. It is
nominal mix proportionsof M15 is I Nominal mix is
As IS 456, if freezinp thawingconditzyru then du ili of concrete should be used for ordinary concrete works only
enhancedby sutt*'le arr entrainingalmixtures.LS recommen e percentage of of materials for nomiml mix coocretc shall
entrarnd air for nonunaJmaximum svc of aggregazcas follows: As per IS 456:2000 (Clause 9.3. I The
• be in accordancewith the following Table IS. -
Entrained TABLE 1.5. Proportions for Nominal Mix
size of air
Gra& quantity of dn• Maximum
of concrete by mass per SOk" to aggregate to
be taken as the sum or the individual coarse aggregate
or fine and cturse agreg•to (bym•)
Tbea.irentrainmentresultsin redaeuon
taken care while &sigmng m.x, in the strength of the concrete mix and hcncc it.is to be soo Generally I •2 but 60

62S may very from 45

(10) Sulphate Attack M7.5
Concrete to sulphate MIO 480
resisting cement. Table 4 of IS such as in coastal
456 environment. should be made from sulphutC 32
nummum free watcr/cementratio (Table gives recommendations MIS
and minimumcement regarding the type of cement,
cornem etc.. required 2 SO
at places subjected 10 M20
Cotüete Denim 11

TABLE 1.7. MinimumCement A•tio and *nimun

10 Or•de of Concr& 'or E.zpoajrø Mth
of concrete to get of 20 mm
Mthe ingredients
seen that 'mix
as MixConcrete.It is
design mix concrete
an economical one. A SL Exposure
strength tot also Minim•m
a-geo' only for design of Cement
gives recommendations
mix &stgn which of a concrete mix. Content Cemat Coøcrete
IS ts for the design kg.imJ
(3) (4)

(ii) Moderate
•€ght (iiÖ Severe 0.50 M20 320 0.45 M 30
Very severe 260 0.45 M20 0.45 M 35
(V) Extreme 280 M2S 360 0.40
4v•ii Sate
in thistableis
t. Cementcontentprescribed such
of taken into in the concrete
as fly ash or ground granulatedblast furnace slag may
cornpositionwithrespectto certrnt corrnt if ts
coærae mix is as follows; and as long as the maximum' arncwntstaken irgo do of pozmbaa aNi
characteristic slag specified in IS 1489 (Pan J) and IS 455 respectively
2. Minimum grade for plain concrete under mild expsare isX*E__
o •t»ch urx•mtbc quality control. Jn the absence of any (iv) Calculate cement content in kg-Im by dividing the wate with ceaent ratio and
8.c.icr.& IS or 16 rruy be used values Of O.
this cement content should not bc less than cement content specified in (IS Table 5) Tabk .7
TAA.E 1 Deviation -23 given here.
A.— g»dard deviation TABLE 1.8. MaximumWater Content Cubic of
MaximumSize of Aggregate
3.Y) N/mm2
NominalMaximumSize A—r—
4M) N/mrn2
10 208
M 30
20 186
(iii) 40 16S
(v) Determine thc volume of coarse aggregate ami fine aggregate.
Determine the proportions i.e.. volume of cement. water and mass ofcoarseand fine aggegate.
This rauo
uvng chans from IS SOLVED EXAMPLES
the in the Table S of JS
j based Example 1.1. Determine the mix for a cooqrete mix with following specification
or from requirements and nominal maximum whose 28 duy characteristic strength is expected to be ASN,'uun•.
aggregate.(bymass'. based IS 10262) and select
on and (be ratio of fine aggregate Data Grade - M
to coarse
from Table 3 of IS e
type or cement Grade OPC. Sp. Gravity —3. IS
1Spe or aggregate —Crushed angular aggregate
Maximum nominal size ot aggregate —20 mm
C«rmt Deaton
of water MB ofwur
Sp. gavityd 1000
Sp. pvfty —1.6 g 0.18m'
.zne-rn Total mass of agvegate —(0.13+0.18) •0.0 my
— (9-7S an) rrws of corg aggqne 0.0 x Sp. gravity of
x R*io of cosse 'b fire x 1000
*irg — x 1.7x0S8x 1000=6mrg
—Not Total of firr aggregme 0.9 x Sp. gravity of fine aggregate
Dqr« —Good x of firr to coarseaggetae x 1000
-069 x 16 x 0.42x 1000=463 kg
— c«neot from libbe 1.7 320 kg • Summary or Mix Design:
(ii) Maximum 0.45 Gun IS 10262:20 or Tablc Grade M35
Maximum • kg per clang 824.2 Of IS 456:2000. Ccmcot 43 Grade
Cement content 415 kg/m
[k 1.65 (Clause 9.2.2)) Water content — 186 kg/mJ
x 5.0 5.0 from tabbe 8 IS 4561 agvegate —680 kg/rn
Fine aggregatc —463 kg/rnJ
• (aux) 0.45 Water-cement ratio = 0.45
Assuming ce— raio = 0.45 1.4. REINFORCING MATERIAL
• Calculation
WC ratio = 0.45 Concrete is weak in tension and it is to be reinforced properly with suitable nuterial. purpsc
Of = 186 lit-es of providing reinforcement in R.C.C. is;
186 • To take up all the tensile stresses developed in structure.
Mass = T -186kg IFromTab1eIS) (Densityof water = I kg/lJ • To increase the strength of concrete sections.
• To prevent tbe propagation of crEks developed due to tetnFütre axi
a 415 kg > 320 kg (mininn•mcemcnt content) make the sections thinner as compare to plain concrete sectim-
< kg (nax.innxrn
ceti*nt To fulfil above criteria the reinforcing material should satisfy tir following requirements:
AsperT±k3 of IS 10262:2009, for 20mm aggregate L nie reinforcing material should develop a bond with corrree suesrs from
size.me Illsand. one material to other.
For ratio 0.5
2. It should have high tensile strength.
aggcg& 3. It should cheap, easily åvailable and durable.
A.m»lnngcorrectionfor WC ratio.
rüio = 0.45 4. ne coefficient of thermal expansion of the reinforcing material smuld same as that
Ratioof cooe aggregefine aggregxe
0-64 + 0.01 065 of concrete, for obtaining a good composite action.
(For every 005 decrease in WC ratio.
Fovx.mion of coarg aggregate
For pumpable concrete.the ratio is to be increased by 0.011 50 rt should be workable i.e., easy to cut. bend and joim
of coarse to fine aggregate
is to reduced
WIuar ofcoarse aggregatec 0.9
x 0-65 =
by 10% 6, It should not react with other ingredients of R.C.C,
Sk>lunrOf fine aggregate I
—OSS 042 7. It should be free from loose mill scales.noose rust and coaß of paints. oil mud or any other
• Cakulation or proportioru substances which may destroy or reduce
Volume of concrete m
1.4.1. Suitability of Steel as Reinforcing Material
Volume of cernent Mzs Ofcertrni
415 Many traditional materials such as bamboo and natural fibres have tried as reinforcement in
Speoal gravity of
cerrent thc most apropriate form of reinforcement
3.15 earlier times. But steel is found to
14 jntmdteøon
ot following reasons:
outerial in R.C.C. t«ause
It is the most suit•bJe
teosicn. •ez and torsion.
l. Steel is very strong in
steel. SOO
2. ConcreteEvelor say gcnj bond
cbctility mcveelongation of failure
3. SIRI is artiJe in beh.vi«r.
ms regjb in wmcimt time bef«e fuhare.
4. Tie barscan md with commonly available tools and

5. Steel life.
6. Steelis esdy •vül•bk.
Stel reinf«vcmeN vui«rs which make it a süitable reinforcing
anterial.Hc»e•«. • fev below.
l. ne is ru•ng. If concrete is porous or if cover to
retnf«te— is Dd Ärength.
2. its htgh 0.00
Fig.Ll. strain
In oc •e avail±le, to relevant Indian
as i. 1.9. 1.5.2. High Yield Strength Deformed Bars
TARE-IA Thesc arc also known as HYSD bars. Ibey have higtrr percÄtage
cuboo z to rn•u
steel. Iheir strength is higher than that of mild steel. but the
is showo
in Fig. 1.1.
Miki These bars are available as two types:
IS 432-1996*(Pan-I)
(b) bes (i) Hot rolled high yield strength
IS 1139-1966(Part-Il)
2. Hiri y•eldgreet' (ii) Cold worked high yield strength bars.
ts 1786-1979
(i) Fe 415 Tbe (ii) type of steel is also called es CTD (Cold Twisted tvs or Tor stel Üe
Fe available in two grades. Ikformed bam are represented by symbol
ts J 139-1966 (Part-Il) Fe4150rTor40
3. e•ue Vee (ii) Fe 500 or Tor 50
ts 1566-1967
Aogks. JoiAS. IS 226: 1975
Y Leg tn use
treed bars(TNT'
(ii) reststz
1.5.1. Mild Steel Reinforcernertt (a) Plain bar
Mild Fw 1.2
strain curve for mild steel
gjveo in fig. 1.1. of this is 250 A twisted deformed bar hLS about Soq hi A &formed bar has
Although mild It 'bows a clear. The
bars are very &finne yield B)int. corrugation or nbs on the surface e bar. as shown tn fig. 1.2. to increse the bond and prevent
ban because of their less
strength and weak preferred over slipping of the bar in concrete. These bars do not show a &fimte veld poult So. yield potnt is
equal to 2 x 10' The modulusof yield strength deformed stress-strun curve as follows:
However. are elasticity of mild steel is taken as 0.2 percent proof stress, which is determined frum
reinforcement is required as taken us
Mild steel
in column, and I (i) Druw a line parallel to the initial stress-strain curve, coresponding to a strain value of 0.002
represented by at places where nominal
e. (0.2 percent).
yieE gess or Q2
arte is
The term strength
mild bars. to following are teR
R-CC 0M tofall. As IS
HYSD yield or 0.2 qreu I. 10 give
thn of plain mild steel grüies of and ttrir minimum
y.eid stragth. higher
ribs on TABLE 1.10.
Ore corrugations
W: bd of HYSD bus is 60
gfee As
mild steel use of HYSD
is beß. due to its higher strength.
sio« because OfreplEement Ser—
LA crue
T« to Rs Mild Steel Fe 250
High Strength Fe 415 (Tot 40) 413 14.5%
on steel to make it Ikformed Steel Fe 50)
R.ee— foctb
TVT tuving surrrior properties as Fe 550 (Tor 55) $50

TVT t' thrtxtgh water By doing this, the TMT CRS bars Fe SOO 500
ave gi.n SteelWireFabric 73 0• •
In SAL A"rrv RINL Nigam Ltd.) are producing
J. Structures are designed to various tYFS of lod. on
a structure are as follows:
(i) loads
(ii) Live loads or imposed loads

cm— tn
("CRS arrosion resistant steel bars. The (iii) Wind loads
(IS tvs is O.18f ON of HYSD bars. The percentage
Of (iv) Snow loads
is Thus making the steel bars more
corrosam as (v) Earthquake loads.
mcFues In
aid Strl C—zny) •e CRS SAIL and TISCO (Tat; Iron

1-5.5. F±ric 1.7.1. Dead Loads

wtre is by welding weaving
Dead loads are due to self weight of the structure. are the FTtna— loads which ue
called as geei wire in the form always present. Dead load depends upon the unit weight or tbe material. includes. the
ms as rei&ccment in of a mesh which is also
slabs. shells. pavements self weight of walls, floors columns etc. and also the fixtures present in
and roads etc.
1.5.6. Steel structure.
Sometimes for heavily Loaded ne urut weights of commonly used building matenals are given in the IS 875 (part-ty 1987.
rolfed steel joists. channels or angles
foundations and
columns rolled sections like The unit weights of imprtant building materials are given in Table 1.11.
err&dded concrete and used
as reinforcement.
fieworcod C«nont
20 mrgin' ot moietyin termsof goad.Thn ugs raj üeø-'trin cuve of coxree md neel
PHLOSO*Ø and takes into tbe pl•stk tine
reinforcement required,
or R.cC. ibe amount or factor
safety and satisfactorily during
TO Many designer' feel that the load factcr provides a safay —d caj euity the
load which the structure fails. which is not clear fr«n the pmigible
tine of stng•tore.
as follows: stroseg. givenin in IS rMHxf beJcm•.
of R.C.C structures
grthods usef for (i) The methodis more realistic convared to woding ultimÜ
(i) gress mettod takes into the non-firear betuvimr or ttr cmcre.
This method gives exact rnargin of safety in toms of unlike
medvxi is based on the rx:rmissible stresses wiüch do noq pve the Coed.
(iå) Limit
(iii) Ibe sections by ultimate load method are rapire Lessretnforceænt-
1.8.L qrøs Hence the method is econMnicaI as compared to WSM.
and assumes that both
ooe, It is basal on the elastic theory
Tins tvrthod of &sign vas the oldest directly proportional to
law. The main limitations of the ultimate rnetbod Üe following:
steelmd conctae re el'Aic assuming that bond between steel thus
ttr elastic (l) This rnetbod gives very thin sections which to excessive and cr.dmg.
Arun up to Or •pcintof Bagd
concreteis perfect-Faussible of mau%ialsare obtained. the basis of this method is; making the structure unserviceable.
tbe perm.sslble streses gcg excee&d any where in the structure when it is to worst
(ii) No fm;tors of safety are used for material stresses.
of vorting kwb. at an in this arthod. tbe cé
strengthof cooaete and yield strength or 0.2% poof stress of steel arc
As the serviceability requirementsare not
In dis rapiratnts.
method by limit state meth«f which takes into account tir strength as well
by frtot•s of safety to stresses.These factors Of safety take into accouni'
the uncertatnoesin manuf.ctunngof these per IS456. a factor of safety of 3 is to bel, 1.8.3. Limit State Method
used for trnding compressor stresses in concrete and 1.78 for yield/proof strength of steel, gocage Dd
'This is the most rational method whiCh takes into account tir ultimac Üengh
ne c' viRrng gress nrthcxi of design are as follows: allsothe serviéeability requirements. It is a judicious combination of working suess Od
(i) heethatcxurete is true as behaves inelastically even on methods of design; The acceptable limits of safety and serviceability requiremeMs More failur
lowbel ifscalled a limit state. This method is based on concept of at.yltirmte Joul
method) and serviceability at workingloads (working stress metb(xfj. two limn to
(ii) ues of safetyf« Od for boads.Hence, this methcxl does not give
true margin01 safay with resp«t to considered in dcsign are:
b«aug we do not know the failure load.
(iii) It in«ofsafety vath regrct to (i) Limit state of collapse.'
It means. there is no provision for the
uncenamjes asserted with estimmionof (ii) Limn state of serviceability.
(iv) dcrs n« account fcr shrinkage
cræp which are time dependent (1) Limit State of Collapse
(v) This meduxipves and plastic in nature.
It pays no ancouon 10 This limit state corresponds to the strength of the structure arx.jcateg€mzed into following tYFS.•
thx arise at the tinr
of collapse. (g) Limit' state of collapse: Flexure.
Tir womng stress methcxjis very
simple reliable but as IS 456: 2(XK)the working stress
(b) Litmt state of collapse: Shear and bond.
only .ifit
is methodand use limit state method
of design. Working stress method (c) Limit Stateof collapse: Torsion.
for understandingthe concepts
method (4) Limit state of collapse: Compression,

1.8.2. Load Factor Method e) Llmlt State of Serviceability

or IJitimate Load
Method This limit state corresponds to the serviceability requirements i.e.. deformation. cracking etc- It is
In this method.
collapse categorizéd into following types:
increasingthe as design load,
loads suitably ultimate loads (a) Limit state of deflection,
loads to by factors. These
obtuined bY
calledas factors 'Yhicl? are multiplied by: l(b) Limit btute pf cracking
load give the Lirnit ,statc Oi vibrution,

loads and moterinl introdLESon 23

with loads and moterial properties, 3. The minimum compressive strength of 43 OPC cement is
Tb methodis (b) 43 N/mm2
and eggn (a) 43 NIm
designJo«is method which is determinintk
worsof Afety to (Hain uBe working (c) 43 kg/m2 43 kgJmm2
partial strßses are known accurately.In
material statistics and are differeq, 4. JS 456:2000 recommend'
the using"liability (a) Working stress method of design (b) Ultimate method of design
in and scientific design procedure.
limit bare (c) Limit State method of &sign (d) None of $ove
for in 5. Tbe yield stress divided by frt0f of safety is caJ1d as
methodis-explairrd In
(a) Ultimate stress (b) Limit sÜess
OBJECTIVETYPE QUESTIONS (c) Elastic stress (d) Permissible stress
6. ultimate shrinkage strain for concrete as per IS 456 ean be taken
(a) 0.005 mm/m (b) 0.003 mm/m
(c) 0.004 mm/m 0.002 mm/m
2. gmt R.C-C.is
7. Nominal mix is not used for grades higher than
(a) MIO (b)M15
•kes q (c) M20 M25
S. in RC.CO
sbæ.ld be used R.C.C. work, 8. Minimum cement content for M2.Omix in RCC is
kg. . (a) 300 kg/m3 (b) 350 kg/m3
•iso (c) 375 kg/m (d) 280 kg/rn 3

9. ne IS code for 'mix design" of concrete is
9. gress
10. Tbe vs as Nimm (a) IS 456:2000 (b) IS 80012007
I I - Coxrer ex— madefrom (C) IS 875:1987 (d) IS 10262:2009
S&tdate of is c.Äd to of moisture. 10. Creep strain depends upon
(a) Stress level (b) Age at loading
(C) Duration of loading (j) All of the above-
I. is c—ssim.
2. of grngth- ANSWERS
3. High vs
4. R-CC,urua.res AzeJ.
S. R.CC.
eructutes- IA) Fill in the Blanks:
6. TMT LO plain Tension 2.
have etceiiea deadiy-
3. Compressive strength High yield strength (HYSD)
C Tensile of S. •rensåie M20
9. Wcrii.nt suess to 0.7r
vves collapse load 8. Toc
10. Creep IS a
9. Elastic 10. IOS

(C) Multipk Choice I I. Sulplume resisting 12. Loss

io RCC, takes (O) State True/FaIse;
(a) Tenuie
(c) Shear stresses r. False . 2. True 3. False 4. Trik S, False
(b) Compressive
2, stresses 6. Twue False 8. Tnr 9, False to. True
is nearly (C) Multiple Cholc. Questions:

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