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HANDBOOK OF PROFESSIONAL DOCUMENTS COUNCIL OF ARCHITECTURE ‘Ancorporatd under the Architects Act, 1972) Ji eames Twos, tataysin-Hong Kong Apr - yds, harbour tune, Astala- Skye Now Zealand - Dusseldor! Airport, Germany. andthe list goes on. Prestigious projects world over trust Promat for their fire protection needs. Promat is now here in India to change the future of passive fire protection... to usher a safer tomorrow, THE ARCHITECTS ACT, 1972* No. 20 of 1972 [21st Mey, 1972] 'An Actto provide forthe registrtion of architects and for matters connected therewith 6. it enacted by Periamentin tie Twentythird Yeer ofthe Repub of india as follows ~ CHAPTER -1 PRELIMINARY 1. (1) The Aetmay be oalog Te Aree Ae, 1672 (2) Rested tot wt of nae shotte, (8) shal cme ofr on sch date a the Central Govemmertimay,by nation inthe Otel Commencement cazete, spot 2 ints At utes th content cnet equ — (e) “Artec means aperon ose name fete tine being eneredin hs register Detrtons ©) «eo @ ) 0 (a) @ ° ‘Counc! means the Counc! of Architecture constituted under section 3, ‘indian Instituto of Architects" means tho Indian Insttuto of Architects registered under the Societios Reaistraton Act, 1860: Recognised quelitcston’ means eny qualification in architecture forthe bme being incuded in the Schedule ornolifed under section 18 Register means the register of architects maintained under section 23; Reguiation’ means # regulation made under his Act by the Counc Rule" means @ rule made under this Act by the Central Government, CHAPTER - Il COUNCIL OF ARCHITECTURE ‘The Central Government shall by netfication in tne Official Gazette, constitute. wth efct rom such date a may be specified in the notifeation, @ Counc to ba known as ine Cound of Architecture, which shall be a ody corporate, having perpetual succession and a common seal, with power to acquire, nold and dispose of property, beth movabla and immovable, and to contract, and may by that namo suo or be sued The Head Office of the Council shall be et Delhi or at such other place as the Certral Government may. by netieston in the Official Cazete, speci The Counel shall consist ofthe follwing members, namely (2) five architects possessing recognised quallcations elected by the Indian Instiute of Architects from ‘ariong ts members (©) wo persons nominated by the All India Counc for Technical Education estabishad by the Resolution of the Government of india in the late Ministry of Education No. F.16-10/84-E. Il, dated the 20th November, 1045; (6) five persons elected trom among themssives by heads of architectural insttuions in India imparting fal time instrcuton for recognised quaiieatons, (4) the Chiof Architects in tho Miristnos of the Central Government to which the Govemmont businoss relating to defence and raiiways hes been allocated and tie head of the Architectural Orgeniseton Inthe Certral Pubie Works Bepartmert, ex officio, (2), one person nominated by the Central Gevemment, ()_ an architect rom each State nominated by the Government of that State (9) ‘wo persons nominsted by the Insttuton of Engineers (India from emong its members, and (m}_ one person nominstad by the Institution of Surveyors of India rom among is members Published in tne Gazette of india on 31.5.1972. ** Came into force rom 19.1972, vide notiieston deted 1.91972 ‘Constitution Of Counet of Architecture Presidont ‘and Vico President of the Cour Mode of Electons Terms of office and casual Explanation - Forth purposes ofthis sub-section, ~ 4 “ ) o Q @ “ @ a o @ @ “) ) (2). “Insbtution of Engineers (Insiaj" means the Inston of Engineers (India) frst registered in 1920 under the Indien Companies Act, 1913 and subsequently incorporated by a Royal charterin 1835, (0) “Insttution of Surveyors of India" means the Instution of Surveyors regstered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 ‘Notrnstanding anything contained in cause (a) of sub-section (3), the Central Goverment may, pending the preparation of the fegister, nominate to the first Councl, 19 consultation with the Indian sttute of Aenitects, persons refered to in te said clause (a) who are quaited for registration under section 25, and the persons so nominates shal hold offee for such period as the Central Goverment may, by nalifeaion In the Offical Gazeta, speaty ‘Notwrtnstanding anything contained in clause (f) of sub-section (2), the Central Government may, pending the Preparation of the register, nominate to. a fst Counel, in consuttalen win the State Governments ‘onicemed, persons refered to n the said ciause(f. who are qualife for registration under section 25, and the persons so nominated shal ela office for such peice as the Certral Government may, by notiteaion In the Offical Gazette, spesty ‘The President and the Vice-President of the Counc shall be elected by the members of the ‘Council fom among themselves Provided that on the first constitution of the Council and until the President is elected, a member of the ‘Council nominated bythe Central Goveenmert inthis Behalf shall discharge the functions ofthe President [An elected President or Viee-Prasidant of the Council shal hold effce fora term of tree years or il ha ‘ceases to be a mombor of the Counall mbichover i safer, but subject to hs being a momber ofthe Couned, he shall be sligbie for re-slection. Provides that — (a). the President or the Vice-President may, by wriing under his hand addressed to the Vice-President or the President, as ne case maybe, resigns oftce (b) the President or the Vice-President shall, notwthstanding the expiry of hs term of tree years, continu te hold office uni hs successor ertars upon office ‘The President andthe Vice-President of the Counc shall exercise such powers and discharge such duties as may be prescribed by regulations, Elections under this Chapter shall be conducted in such manner as may be proscribed by es. Where any dspute arses regarding any such election, the matter shall be refered by the Counel to aTribunel ‘appointed by the Ceniral Goverment by noiication in the Offcial Gazette n ths Dehall, and the decision of the Tneunel shal be tna! Provided that no such reference shall be made except on an application made tothe Councl by an aggrieved party wihin ity days trom the date ofthe deciaraton of the result of ne election. The expenses ofthe Tribunal shall be bome by the Counc ‘Subject tothe provisions af this section, an elected or nominated member shal Nol offce fora term of tree yeas tom the date offi election or nomination or untl his successor has been duly elected or nominated whichever slater. ‘an elected or nominated member may, at any tine, resign his membership by writing under his hand ‘adaressed to the Presioent, of In is absence, to the Vice-Presiders, end the seat of such member shall thereupon become vacant ‘A member shall be deemed to have vacated his seet~ (i) if js absent without excuse, suficiont inthe opinion ofthe Counc tom throe consecutive ordinary meatings ofthe Counel, or () if ho coas0s to be a mombor of the body refered to in clause (a), clause (g) or cause {h) of ‘Sub- section (3) of section 3 by which he was elected or nominated, as the case may be, oF (ii) in the case where he has been elected under clause {c) of sub-section (3) of sedtion 3, It he ceases to hold his appointment as tne head of an instiution, as refered to in th seid clause ‘A casual vacancy in te Councl shall be filed by resh election or nomination, asthe case may be, and the person so elected or nominated to fil the vacancy shal hold offce ony forthe remainder ofthe term for which the member whose place he takes was elacted or nominated Members of the Council shell be eligible for re-election or re-nomination, but not exceeding three consecutive terms: Tot 1013 21 ef 1360 7 10. 1" 12, 18. [No act o proveeding ofthe Counc! or the Executive Commitee or any other commie shall be invalid merely Validity of actor reason of proceeding of ‘Counc (2) any vacaney in, or detect in the consttutien of, the Counes, the Executive Commitee or any othe Executi committee, oF ‘Commitee oF Hot to be (©) any dofect inthe election or nomination of a person acting as @ mambiorthoreot, or Mvalidated by Reasons of Vacency et. (c} anylireguartyin procedure not affecting the merits ofthe case. ‘A person shall nt be eligble for election or nomination as a member of te Council, ithe = Disabilves (9) is en undischarged insolvent, oF (8) nas been convicted by a cout in inda for any offence and sentenced to imprisonment for not less than. {wo years, and shall continue tobe inaligible fora futhor pond of ve years since his release (1), The Council shall meet atleast once in every si months at such time and place and shell observe such rules Ofproceduro i rogars othe ransacton af Business ats meetings asmaybs prescribes by equator Meetings of Counei (2). Unless othenwise prescnbed by reguations, rine members of the Council shall form a quorum, and all the ‘acts ofthe Counel shal be decided by a majonty of tne members preserk ang vata, (8) In the case of an equal dvision of votes, the President, oF in his absence, the Vice-President or. in the absence of both the member presiding over tne meeting, shall have and exercise a second or casting vote. (1), The Counel shell constitute from among its member an Executive Committee, and may also consttute other evectve committees for such general or special purposes es the Counc deems necessary to cary out is Aurctions Gorcnivee and inert Act fom (2) The Executive Committee shall consist of the President and the Vice-President of the Council who shall be Committees. tmembers ex ofico and fve cer members wha shall be alaced by the Counel kom among ts members (2) The Present and ne viee-President ofthe Ceuncl shall be tne Charman and Vie-Chalman rspectvly of the Executive Commitee (4) A member of te Exocutve Commitoe shall ld offce as such unl the expiry of his tem as @ member of the Cour but subject Yes beng a member of he Counel, he shall be elgBle forreeecton, (©) In adaten to the powers and duties conferred and imposed on & by ths Act the Execute Commitee shall ‘rereise such powers ane charge such Cues 98 ma) be prscrec by regulations Fees and ‘The Present, he View President and other members ofthe Counc shal be ened to such fees and atowances astne Counel may, mth tn provous sancton ofthe Cental Goverment, x inthis Beha Aowances to Presient ond (1) The Counei sna ers and (2) eppcint o Reaisrer vine shal actits Secretary and who mey es0 ect, if 30 decided bythe Counel, es ts Since ‘Treasurer, Employees. (©) appoint such cther officers and employees as the Council deems necessary to enable itt carry out ts ‘unetens under ths Act, {c} withthe provious sancton ofthe Central Government, fx the pay and allowances and other conations of ‘Services of officers and ether employees of the Counc (2), Notwetnstanding anything contained in cause (a) of sub-section(1), for the frst thres years from the first Cconsttuton of the Council, the Registrar of the Council shall be a person appomnisd by the Central Govemment, whe shall nla oftce during the pleasure ofthe Central Goverment (8). All parsons appointed under this section shall be the omployees ofthe Council (1), There shall be estabished a Fund under the management and contr! ofthe Counc inte which shall be paid Finences of ‘all moneys received by the Counc and out af which shall be met al expenses and lbiiies properly ncurred Coun byte Counc Recognitionot 14 (Gustneations grantes by ‘authonties in Inae Recogntion of 15, architectural ‘qualifications ranted by Suthontes in foreign courts. Power at 6 Cariral Govern- martto meng Sonedule. Ettect of recoantion. Powerto require infor- mation as to courses af stugy ang examinetions 19, Inspection of ‘aminatons (2), The Council may invest any monay forthe time being standing to the credit ofthe Fund in any Government ‘ecuty orn any ctner securty apsroved by the Central Government (3), The Council shall keep proper accounts ofthe Fund estngussting captal tom revenue, (4), The annual accounts of the Council shall be subject to auelt by an auditor to be appointed annually by tha Council (5) As soon es may de practicable the end of each year, but not later than the thitietn day of September of tne year next folowing, ine Council shall use to be published in the Offi! Gazette a copy of tha audiod ‘accounts and the report of the Councl for that year and copies of the said accounts and report shal bo Terwardea to the Central Government. (8), The Fund shall consist of - (2) allmonoys received from the Certral Government by way of grant, git and deposi (b) any sums received under this Act whether by way of fe or otherwise. (7), All moneys standing tthe creit ofthe Council which cennet immediately be applied shallbe deposited inthe Stato Bank of India or in ary othor bark spoctied in column 2 of tho Frst Schedula to the Banking Companies (Acquistion end Transfer of Undertakings} Act, 1970, (1), The quattestions included in the Sehedule or notited unger section 75 shall be recognised quelitestions for the purposes ofthis Act, (2), Any authorty in india which grants an architectural qualification not included in the Schedule may apply to the Central Government to nave such quaiiicaion recognised, and the Central Govemment, ater consuiteton with the Council, may, by notifcation in the Offcisl Gazeite, amend the Schedule so as to indude such {ualifcation therein, and any such notficatin may also drect that an entry shall bg made in the Schedulo ‘against such erchatectural qualification declanng that it shall be a recognised qualifcaion orly when granted after a spectiog dare Provided that until the frst Counol is constituiod, the Central Goverment shall, before, issuing any Retieaton as aforesaid, consult an expert committee consisting of three members td be appointed by 1nd Central Government by notfeation in the Official Gazette (1), The Central Government may, afer consultation wt the Council, dect, by netifcabon inthe Official Gazette, that an areitectura’ qualifeation granted by any univeraiy or atherinsituion in any country outside Ini respodt of which a scheme of recprocty for tne recognition of architectural quelification is notin force, shall be a recognised qualiication for the purposes of ths Act of, shall be so only when granted aftr a specified dete orbetore a specited date Provided that until the frst Council is consiuted the Cartral Govornmont shall, before issuing any notification {28 aforesaid. consult the expert commitee set up uncer the proviso to sub-section (2) of section 14 (2), The Counci! may enter nto negotiations withthe authority in any Stste or county outside india, which by the law of such Stale or county is trusted with the marnterance of a register of architeds, for setting of ‘scheme of recprocty forthe recogntion of architectural qualifcatons and in pursuance of any such seem: the Centra! Goverment may, by notification in te Official Gazette, direct that such erchtectursl qualiiceton {5 the Courci has decided should be recognised, shall be deemed to be a racognised qualification for the Purposes of his Act, and any such netiteation may also drect hat such architectural qualifcaion, shall be so recognised only when granted ater a specifed dete or before a spaciied date Notwrtnstanding anything contained in sub-socton (2) of section 14. the Central Govermont, ater consuitation| withthe Counet may, Dy notiicaion inthe Oficial Gazeta, amend the Scneaule by arecting tet an entry be made therein in respect of any architectural qualification NNotwrinstanding anything contained by any other law, but subject to the provisions ofthis Act, eny recognised qualification shall be a suffcent qualification for enrolment inthe register Every autnonty in india which grants © recognises qualifications shal tumish such information as the Counell may, {fom time to time, require as to the courses of study and examinations to be undergone in order to obtain such qualification, as tothe ages at wttch such courses of study and examinations are requrod to be undergono and Such qualifications conferred and generally as tothe requisites lor obtaring such qualifcaion. (1), Tho Exocutive Committes shal, subjact to reguatons, if any made by the Council appoint such number of Inspectors as it may deem requiste to inspect any college or insttuton where architectural education is given. for to allend any examination held by any college of insitution for the purpose of recommending to the Contral Govemment recognition of architectural qualicatons grantod by hat collage or institution sat 1970 @ @ 2 (1) Q ® “ 6 The inspectors shall not interere wth the conduct of any traning or examination, but shall report to tha Executive Committee on the adequacy of tho standards of architectural education including staf, equpment, ‘accommodation, training ang such other facies as may be prescribed by regulations for gving such ‘edueaion or on tne suffsency of avery examination which hay attne ‘The Executive Committee shall foward a copy of such report to the college or institution and shall also formard copies wth cemaris, any, ofthe college ar institution thereon tothe Central Goverment When upen report bythe Executive Commit (a), that the courses of study and examination to be undergone in, oF the proficiency required fom the recognition. ‘candidates at any examination held by, any college or insiution, or (©) that the staf, equpment, accommodation, training and other facies for staf and training provided in ‘uch college or lsttuiion, do not conform tothe standards prescribed by regulations, the Coun shall ‘make a representation to tat effect tothe aporapriale Government ‘Alter considenng such regresentation the appropriate Government shell fonvard along with such remarks as, [Emay choose to make to ta collage or institution eancemed, with a iimalion af the pero whi Wtach ts college or institution, as the case may be, mey submit ts explanation tothe appropriate Government (On receipt ofthe explanation or where no explanation is submited within the peried fixed, then on the expiry ‘ofthat parod, the State Governmont, in respect of the collage or insttuion refered fon clause (b) of SUD section (5), shall make its recommondations to the Central Government ‘The Cartral Government - (2) ater moking suen futher enquiry, if any, 88 may think ft, in respect of the calege or institution Fefetred to in sub-section (3), or (&) on receipt of the exslanetian trom 9 college or instution refered to in cause (2) of sub-section (5), or were no axplanation is submitted wihin the pend fied, then on the expiry of that peried, may, by Notification in the Official Gazette, drect that an entry shall be made in the Schedue against. the barenitectural qualfcations awarded by such college or institution, asthe case may be, declaring that it ‘hall be a recognised qualification only when granted before @ specited date and the Schedule shall be doomed to be amerided acoarsingly Forthe purposes of this section, “appropriate government” means (2) in eeiauon to any colege or insttution estabished by an Act of Pattament or managed, controled or financed by the Central Government, the Cental Government, ane it appears tothe Council = Withdrawal of (0) ranyotrr cae, ne sat Goverment ‘town 24. The Counsi may prescbo the minimum standards ardecur edvcon required. for graning Snort of rectonsed quaticatone By colgesornstutons nina, sects ranean 22. (1) The Counc moy by realtions peste sendaris of professionel conduc and ekquete and code of ‘ethics for architects, Professional Cone (2) Roguiions made by tne Coun under sub-section (1) may spesty which vlotons thre shall constute Etovous auras n sy wolesoal feaped, Met Ww toy. ohare Waseotct and Sac) pov Shal nave efeerottnstanang any contained new forte ue bargin ees CHAPTER II REGISTRATION OF ARCHITECTS 28. (1) The Cara Govermert shal, a soon os may be, cause tobe prepredin he mannr,heriaterprovigs reparation and Rlopeloretacttecs rina, ie (2) The Couneil shali upen its constitution assume the duty of maintaining the register in accordance with th: visions otis Aa (8). Therese shllindude te flowing partaers, namely (a). the ful nome with date of bith, netionalty and residential address ofthe architect (0) his quatticaton for registration, and the date on which he obtained that qualification and the authority which conferred ft (c} the date of his rst admission to the register, (4) his professional agcross; and (6) such futher particulars as maybe prescribed by rules 24. (1) For tha purposes of preparing the register of arcitscs forthe frst time, the Central Goverment shel, ‘noticaton inthe Official Gazette, constitute Registration Tribunal consisting of three persons whe have, it reaistor the opinion of the Contral Government, no knowledge of, or expenance in, architecture, and tho Rogista ‘apparnted under section 12 shall act es Secretary of tne Tribunal Tho Central Government shall, by tho same or a lke netifcation, appoint a dato* on or bafore which ‘application for recitation, which shall Be eccompenied by such fee as may De prescribed by rues, shall be ‘ade tothe Registration Tbunel (3), The Registration Thbunal shall examine every application received on or betere the appointed day and itis Salistied that the apokcant is qualifled for reg'straon under section 25, shall direct the entry af the name of the applicant inthe registr (4). The frst register so prepared shall thereafter be published in such menner as the Central Goverment may direct and any person aggrieved by a decision of the Registration Tribunal expressed or implied inthe register ‘0 published may, win thity Gays tom the dato of such publication, appeal against such decision Tb an ‘auinonty appointed by the Central Government inthis behalf by notification inthe Gtfical Gazette (5). The autherty appointed under sub-section (4) shall, after giving the person affected an opportunity of being heard and ater cating for relevant records, make such erder as may deer EL (0), The Regstrar shall amend, where necessary, the register in accordance wit the decisions of the authority appointed under sub-section (8) (7). Evory person whose name is entered inthe register shal bo issued a certificate of registration in such form as may be prescribed by rues. (8). Upon the constitution of the Counol, the register shall be givan into its custody, and the Central Government ‘may drect that he winole or any specified part of the appicaton fees for registration in the frst regster shall, De paidto the credit af the Counel Q) ‘Qualfcation 25. person shal be entities on payment of such fee as may be prescribes by rues to have Ns name entered in tne forentyin register, ithe resides or cares onthe profession of rchitect in india and — ragiser (a), nolds a recognised quaitcaton; er (©) does not hold such a qualifcation but, being @ citizen of India, has been engaged in practice as an. arenitect for @ period of not le88 than fe years prior to the dete appointed under sub-section (2) of Section 24, or (c}_ possesses such otner qualifications as may be prescribed by rules Provided thet no person other than a citizen of India shell be enitled to registration by vue of a quaiiicaton— (2) recognised undar sub-section (1) of section 15 unless by the law and practic of @ country outs Ingia to whien such person belongs, cizens of India Molding architectural qualiicaton registrabe in thet country are permite to enter and practise the profession of erchtect in such country, or (b) unless the Central Govemment has, in pursuance of a scheme of reciprocity or otherwise, declared that. qualitcation to be @ recognsea quelifcetion under su- section (2) of section 15, Procedure for 26. (1) Aer the dete eppointe for the receint of applications for registration inthe frst reister of architects, all subsoquent ‘applications for registration shall be addressed to the Registrar ofthe Counal an shall be accompanied by registration Such foe as may be prascibed by rules (2), Itupon such applietion the Registrars of opinion thatthe applicant is enied to have his name entered in the register, he shel entor there onthe name ofthe applicant Provided that no person, whose name has under the provisions of tis Act been removed fom the register, shall be ented to have his name re-entered in the register excopt with the approval ofthe Counc (3), Any person whose eppiceton for registration is rejected by the Registrar may. witin three months of the cate ff such rejection, appeal o the Counc (4). Upon entry in the register of @ name under this section, the Registrar shall issue a certfeate of reistration in such form as may be prescribed by rules, * Date appointed by Central Government is 27.4 1974, vide notification dated 14.3.1974. Reewel fees, 5 of 1908, 27, ey 30 a 32, 3 (1), The Central Govemmert may, by notiication inthe Offical Gazette, direct that forthe retention of @ name in the register altar the 31st day of December af the year flowing the year in which the name is fest ertared in the register, there shal be paid annually o the Cauncl such renewal fee as may be prescribed by rules and lwnere such drection has been made, such renewal foe shall be due to be paid before he frst day of Apel of the year to which irelates, (2) Where the renerval fe isnot paid bolore the due date, the Regitar shall remove the name of the dafaulter ‘tom the register Provided that a name so removed may bo restored to the register on such conditions as may bo prescribed by rules, (8) On payment of the renawal foo, te Registrar shal, n such manner as may be presenbed by rules, endorse the certtoate of registration accordingly, ‘An archtact shall on paymant of such foo as may ba prosented by rules, be enited to have ontored in the reaistr eny futher recognised quelifestion whieh he may cttan. (1), The Council may, by order, remove from the register the name of any archtect — (0). fom whom a request has been received to tha efector (0) whe has led since the last publication ofthe register. (2), Subject to the provisions of this section, tne Council may order that the name of any architect shall be Femoved trom the register whore I's salsfed, ater giving him a reasonable opporunly of being neard and ator such further inqury, any, 3s it may think to make (a) that his name hes been entered in the register by error or on account of misreoresentetion or Suppression of a materia factor (b) that he has been convicted of any offence wich, in the opinion of the Counel, involves moral turpitude, (c} that he is an undischarged inseivent or (2), that ne nas been agudged by a competent cout to be of unsound mind (8) An order under sub-section (2) may crect that any architect whose name is ordered to be removed trom a register shall be eligible fer registration under this Act forbe specited (4) An order under sub-section (2 shal net take elect unt the expiry of hres months from the date thereot (1) When on recoipt of @ complaint mado toi, the Council is of opinion that any architect has been guity 0 professional misconduct which, if proved, wil render him unit to practise as an architect, the Council ma} hoi an ingurry in suen menner 2s may bo prescribed by rules (2) After holding the inquiry under sub-section (1) and after hearing the architect, the Council may. by ofder, reprimand the said architect or suspend fim Irom practice as an architect or remove fis name for the register or pase such otter order as k tin [A person whose name nas been removed from the register under sub-section (2) of section 27, sub-section (1) 0) sub-section (2) of section 28, or sub-section (2) of section 30, or wnere such person is dead, his lego Tepresentative, as defined in clause (11) of section 2 ofthe Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, shall forth surende his ceriicate of registration to the Registrar and the name so removed shall be published inthe Official Gazette ‘Tho Council may, at any time, fr reasons appaanng toi to be sufficient and subject to the agproval of the Contra Govemment, order that upcn payment cf such fee es may be prescroec by rules, the name ofthe person removes fom the register shall be restored thereto \whers tis shown to the satisfaction of the Registrar theta certificate of reastration hes been lost or destroyed! he Registrar may, on payment of such fee es may be prescribed by rues, issue a duplicate certificate in the fort prescnbed by ules ‘As soon as may be afte the fst day of Apri in each year, the Register shall couse to be printed copies of the Tegister 2s it stood on the said date and such copies shall be made avallable to persons eoplying therefor or payment af ueh fee a may be presented by ries nd eal Da evidence that on the said date the persons Whose ames ara entered therain wore archtaces. Entry of ‘edatena! ‘waliication Removal rom reoister Procedure in Inquiries relating to misconduct Surrender of ticates, Restoration to Register Iseue of uplicato ceticates Printing ot regster Falure to surenger cerifcate of registration Cognizance of offences Information tooe fumiened by Counc end ubiiceton thereot Protection of fection taken in {00d fath Members of Counel ana offers and ‘employees to be pubic servants 35 6 37 38. 38 “a (1), Any reforence in any law forthe tia being in foes to an architect shall be daemad to be a referance to ar architect repstered Under tes Act. (2), After the expiry ef wo years fom the date appointed under sub-section (2) of secon 24, a person who is fagistored in the register shall get preference for appointment as an architect under the Central or State Govemment orn any other loca! Body or institution wach is supporied or edad from the public or local finds ‘rin any institution recognised by the Central or Staze Government CHAPTER IV MISCELLANEOUS WW any person whose name iG not for the time being anterad in the ragister falsely represents that Is $0 oftered, oF uses in cornedton wth his name or ttle any words or laters reasonably calculated to Suggest that his name is so entered, ne shell be punishable win fine which mey extend to one Thousand eypees of one year fom the date appointed under sub-section 2) of saction 24, no person other than a registred achtect, or @ tim of archtects shal use tne thie and sta ot architect. Provided thet the provisions ofthis section shall nol apply to — (2), practice of the protession of an architect by a person designeted as a “landscape arcntect’ or "navel rented (©) a person wno, caring on the profession of an architect in any country outside Inca, undertakes tne funciion 9s 9 consultant or designer in indie for @ specif project with the prior permission ofthe Central Govemment Explanation —For the purpose of clause (a), — (i) “Tondseape architec” means, a person who deais wth the design of open spaces relating to plans, trees ‘ani lanescape, (i) "naval erchitec” means, an architect who deals with dasign and construction of ships. (2), Itany person contravenes the provisions of sub-section (1), he shall be punishable on fst conwation with fine lwhich may extend to five hundred rupees and on any subsequent conviction wil imprisonment which may ‘extend to Sx months or nth fe not exceeding one thousand rupees or wit both. I any person whose name nas been removed from the register fais without sufficient cause frtntn to surrender fis cerifeate of registration, he shall be punishable ith fa which may evtend fo one hundred rupees, and, inthe cease of a continuing falure, wih an addtional fine which may extand to ton rupees for each day afer tho fst during which he hes persisted in the failure, (1), No court shall take cognizance of any offence punishable under this Act, except upon complaint ma ‘order ofthe Counel era person authensed in tnis behalf by ne Council by (2), No Magistrate other than a Presidency Magistrete or a Magistrte of the fst cess shal try any offence punishable underthis Act. (1), The Counel shat tumish such reports, copies ofits minutes, and other information tothe Central Government ‘as that Government may requre, (2), The Central Govarnmant may publish, n such manner as may think ft, any report, copy or other information| ‘umished tot under tis section No sult, prosecution or other legal proceetding shall He against the Central Goverment, the Council or any member of the Council, the Execute Committee or any other committee of officers and oiner employees of the ‘Council for anything which isin good faith done or intended to be done under tes Ac or any rule oF regulation made theraunder ‘The members of the Councll and offcers and other employees of the Council shall be deemed to be public servants wthin the meaning of section 21 of the indian Penal Code * Dato appointed by Central Governments 27 4.1974, vide nctiicaton dated 14.8.1074 cttect ot regstration, Pert for falsely aiming to be registered Protibiion aganstuse of te. 45 of 1860, Powerto Sicutes. Power of Central Goverment Tomes rules 4 4s “ It any aiteuty anses in gving ettect to the provisions of this Act, the Central Government may. by order published in he Official Gazette, make such provisions, not inconsistert wih the prowsions ofthis Act, @s appear fe tto be nacossary or expedient fr removing tho ciicuty Provided thet no such order shall be made under ths section alter the expiry of two years from the date of commencement ofthis Act @ o @) a “ @ very order mado under this section shal, as soon as may bo ater itis mad, be laid before each House of Patiament ard the provisions of sub-section (3) of section 44 shall aply in respect of such order as applies. In respect of rule made under ns Act The Central Government may, by nolicstion in the Official Gazette, make rules te cary out the purposes of this Aet In particular and without prejudice tothe generality ef the foregoing power, such rules may provide fr all or ‘any ofthe folowing matters, namely= {2}. the manner in which elections under Chapter I shall be conductad, the terms and condtions of servica ‘of the member of the Tnounal eppointed under sub-section (2) of section § and tne procedure to be followed by the Tribunal (0). the procedure to be foloned by the exper commites consttuted under the proviso to sub-section (2) of Section 14 in the transaction of ts business and the powers and dufies of te expert committee and tne traveling end daty alowences payable to the members thereof (}_ the particulars to be included in he register of architects under sub-section [3] of section 28, (4). the form in which a corticte of registration is to be Issued under sub-section (7) of section 24, sub- Section (4) of section 28 and sation 33; (2), the foo t0.b0 paid under sections 24, 25,26, 27, 28,32 and 33 (1) the condtions on which name may be restored tothe register under the sroviso to sub-section (2) of section 27 (a). the manor of endorsement under sub-section (3) of section 27 (h) the manner in which the Council shall hols an enquiry under section 20, (i) the foo for supplying printed copies ofthe register undor section 34 (i) ary other matter which iso be or may be provided by rules under this Act Every rule meds under ths section shel be laid, a8 soon as may be after it's made, before each House of Partament, while it's in session, for a total period of thy days which may be comprised in one session or ia |wo or more successive sessions, and if, betare the expt of he session immediately following the Session for the successive sessions aforesaid, Both Houses agrse in making any moditcaion to the rue or Botn Houses agree thet the rue should nct be made, the rule shal treater have efect only in such modited form or be of no effct as the case may be, so however. that any such modifeation or anuiment shell be without prejudice te the ality of anything previously dane under that ule The Council may. withthe approval ef the Central Government, “(by netieation inthe oficial Gazette) make regulations not inconsistent withthe provisions of this Act, or the rules mada thereunder to cary oUt the purposes ofthis Act In particular and without prod to tho genoraliy of the foregoing power, such regulations may provide for- (a) the management ofthe property of na Couns (0) the powers and cuties ofthe President and tne Vice-President ofthe Counc {o} the summoning and holding of moctings of the Council and tho Executve Commitee or any othor Committee constituted under sectan 10, the times and places at which such mestings shall be held, the Conduct of usiness tnereat andthe number of persons necessary to constitute @ quorum, (@) the funcions of the Executve Committee or of any other committee constituted under sedtion 10, (e). the courses and periods of study and of practic! training, if any, to be undertaken, the subjects of ‘examinalions and standards of proficiency Ierain to be obtained in any colege or nsttution for grant of recognised quelitetions * Ingertad by Ntieaton inthe Gazette of Inde on 10" May, 1982. 10 Power ot Counel to make regulations *9) (the appointment, poners end duties of inspector a) the standards of stat, equipment, accommodation, taining and other facies for architectural ‘education: (0). the conduct of professional examinations, qualifcations of examiners and the conditions of admission to such examinations (i) the standards of professional conduct and etiquette and code of ethics to be observed by architects; W) any otter mattr which isto be er may be provided by regulations undor this Act and in respect of which Fo rues nave been made. Every regulation made under this section shall be lad, as soon as may be after it's made, before each House ‘of Parliament. while itis in session, for a total periea of hity days which may be compnsed in one session or In two or more successive sassions, and if before tha expiry of tne session immediatly fellawing the session or the successive sessions aforesaid, bth Houses agree in making any modification inthe regulation or both Houses agree thatthe regulation should nol be made, the regulations shal thereafter ave effect only in such ‘modified ftom or be of no effect. as the case may be; so however. that any such modiication or annulment ‘hall be without prejudice te the vaio of aryting previeusly dane under that reguiaton * Inserted by Notification inthe Gazette of India on 19" May, 1982. 10 12 13 16 16 17 ‘THE SCHEDULE (See Section 14) QUALIFICATIONS {Gechelor Degree of Architecture awarded by Indian Universities estebished by an Act of ie Central or State Legislature ‘Nationa Diploma (Formally Al Inca Diploma) in Architecture awarded by the Al nda Couns for Technical Education Degree of Bachelor of architecture. Arch.) anarded by the Incian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur Five-Year fulltime Diploma in Architecture of the SirJJ. School of Ar, Bombay, awarded ater 1961 Diploma in Architecture awarded by the Stale Board of Technicel Education and Training ofthe Goverment of Andhra Pradesh with tfect from 1960 (Tor the students trenea at the Government College of Arts end Architecture, Hyderabad) Diploma in Architecture awarded by the Government College of Aris and Architecture, Hyderabad tll 1969, subject tothe consition that the candidates concerned have subsequently passed @ special tinal examination in Architecture held by the State Board of ‘Teennical Eauestion, Andhra Pradesh ang cbtanes a special cortiate Diploma in Architocture awarded by the University of Nagpur with effect from 1965 to the studonts trained at tho Government Poltechni, Nagpur. Government Diploma in Architecture awarded by the Government of Maharastra (or the former Goverment of Bombay). Diploma in Architecture of Kalabhavan Technical Insitute, Baroda. Diploma in Architecture awarded by the School of Architecture, Ahmedabad. Membership of the Indian Institute of Architects Diploma in Architecture awarded by ne Unversity of Nagpur during te period 19620 1964." Bacholor Degree in Architecture awarded by tho School of Planning of Architecture, Now Oslhi (an Institution doomed to bo a University) with etfect rom 2-12979? Diploma in Arcntecture awarded ay the Cente for Environment Planning and Technolegy (CEPT), Ahmedabad, with etter rom 46-10-1980? Diplome in Architecture awarded by the Insbtute of Environment Design to the students trained at te D.C. Patel Schoo! of ‘reritecture, Vellabh Vidya Nagar (Gujarat) $#** Five-Ysar Diploma in Architecture awarded by the Sushant School of At and Architecture, Gurgaon (Haryana) with effect rom 1161998 to the students trained at the Susnant School of Art ang Architecture, Gurgaon (Haryana) Five-Year Diploma in Architecture awarded by the TVE School of Habit Studies, Sectr-D, Vasant Kun} New Dalni with effect rom 181985 to the students trained a the TVB School of Habitat Studes, Sector-D, Vasant Kus, New Delhi ‘Section-18 read with proviso to Sub-Section (2) of Section-t4] Foreign Qualifications AUSTRALIA Degree of Bachelor of Architecture awarded by the University of Adelaide agree of Bachalor of Architecture awarded by tha Uniarsty of Malboume Dograe of Bavtolor of Architecture awarded by tho University of Naw South Wales, Kensington GERMANY Diplome-Ingeniur awarded by the Technical Universtiae in Federal Republic of Germany in Avehstecture ‘SWITZERLAND Doctorate of Technical Sciences in Architecture awarded by Swiss Federal Instute of Technology, Zurich (Recognised ‘at par with Ph.D. degree ofthe Indian Universities} ux. Degree of Archtecture ouerded by the Universes of Cambridge, Curham, Edinburgh, Glassgox, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Shefald, Wales The Diploma ofthe Architectural Association, London. ‘Associateshin Examination of the Royal Insitute of British Architects, London (AR BA. Exemination)Corporate Membership ofthe Royal instiute of Bash Architects, London) UKRAINE (a) Oiplomamaster of Science in Architecture awarded by Odessa State Academy of Chil Engineering and Architecture, (deste, Uirare. NNotadin tne Gazeta of na Pai Soction 8 sub-Soction () wth G:SR No. 780 dated 47-1073, Notifedin the Gazette of Inda Pat Il Section 3 sub-Secton (i) wh G SR. No. 780 dated 18:31982, Page No. 2218-17, [Notiadin tte Gazete of india Pail Sacion 3 sub-Section () win GSR. No. 688 dated 1810-1962, Page No. 2423, Notadin te Gazette of india vide Mnsty’s 18-12187-T-127TD.3 dated 29.11.7990. Notiadin ne Gazete of india vide bansuy's No. F16.1287-T ST Il dated 7-10-1983 Notfadin te Gazeta of India vido G.SR. 482 dated 129-1904, Noifadin the Gazeta of Inca vida GRR. No. 36% dated 207.1995, Notiadin ne Gazeta of Inia vide Minsty's FNo. 28-1/95.7.Sil dated 261.1966 [ottiad in tie Extra Orcnary Gazete of Indie Part Section 3 sub-Saction (1) dated 27-2-1973, [Notad, vide GER No.210 ested 01-06-2001, nthe Gazete of naa Pat -Secten 3- sup-Secton () on 16.08.2001 12 8.0) 13 1 2, 2 “4 6 16. ” 18 6 20 a 2 23 ey 2 28 a 28 ea 30 34 32 2 38 26, 37 28 6, 40 4“ 2, 2 4s “ a 8 4, 50, 5 Bacholors Degree in Architecture awarded by the American _Unwverstiesfnsttutons, the curicula of which are acsreaited tothe National Architectural Aceredting Board (USA) University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, ‘Arizona State University, Tempe, Azone University of Arkansas, Feyettevile, Arkansas-72707 ‘Auburn University, Auburn, Alabema California Poltechnic State University, San Luis, Obsro California, ‘Camagie-Mellon University, Pitsourgh, Pemsyvania-15213, ‘Case Western Reserve University, University Circle, Cleveland, Ohio ‘The Catnoloic University of America, Washington, D.C University of Cincinnati, Cincinnab, Ohio-45221 (Cty College, The City University of New York, New York, NY ‘Clemson University, Clemson, South Ceroline-20631 Universi of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, Columbia University, Momingside Heights, New York, N.Y, 10027, ‘The Cooper Union forthe Advancement of Science and At, Cooper Square, New York, N.Y. Comet University, hace, New York. Detroit Insttute of Technology, Detroit, Michigan. Univarsity of Fora, Gainesvite,Florda-32801 Georgia institute of Technology, Atlante, Georgia-30332 Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts-02738, University of Houston, Texas Howard University, Wastington,0.c. 20001 Minos insttuto of Technology, Chicago, Chicoge linois-60616. The University of Chicago, Chicago lini. ‘The University of linos, Urbana, lirios-£080 lowa Stato Unversity of Seiones and Tachnolagy, Ames, lowa 50010. Kansas State University of Aaricuture an Applied Science, Manhattan, Knsas-00502 University of Kansas, Lanrence, Kansas-66084 Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky-40506, Lousiana State Unversity and AM Collogo, Baton Rouge, Lousiana Messacnusets Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusets-02139, Miami Univesity, Oxford, Ohio-#5055, ‘The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan-48 104 University of Minnescta, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana, University of Nebrasks, Lincolon, Nebraska, North Carolina State University a Raleigh, Raleigh, North Carolina University of Ntrs Dame, Notre Dame, indiana ‘ono Stato Unversity, Columbus, Onio-43200. Oklahoma Stato University, Sullater, Oklahoma. University of Okianoma, Norman, Oklahoma Universy of Oregon, Eugene and Portiand, Oregor-97408, ‘Tha Pennsyivania State University, University Park, Pennsyfvanie-16802 Pratt institute, Brookiyn, New York-t 1205, Reneseslayer Polytechnic Insitute, Troy, New York. Rhode Island Schoo! of Design, Providence, Rhode island Rice Unversity, Houston, Texas-77000", Univecity of Southern Calfomia, Los Angalas, California ‘Syracuse Unversty, Syracuse, New York-13210. ‘The Texas A&M University, College Staton, Texas Texas Tech University, Lubback, Texas ab) 14 22 2, 55, 56, 7 58, 59, 80 a 2, a 85 86. 7 ‘Stophen F. Austin State University, Nagogdoches, Taxes Tulane Unversty of Lousiana, New Orleans, Lousiana University of Utah, Salt Lake Cty, Utah, University of Virgina, Chedotesvile, Virginia, Virginia Peivtecrnie institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virgina. Yalo Unversity, Now Haven, Connactict Ball State University, Munde, Indians Hampton institute, Hampton, Virani. University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawai-96822. University of iano, Moscom, Idaho North Daketa State Universty, argo, North Dakota University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, Lousiana University of Tennessee System, Knowle, Tennessee-37916. Tuskegee Institute, Alabama, Washington State Universty, Pulman, Washington Boston Architectural Centre, Boston, Massachessots Graduate (Master's and Doctor's} Dograe in Architecture awarded by Accredited American. Universtesrinsttutons, University of Caifomia, Berkeley Campus, Cabforia ‘The Catholic University of America, Washington D.C (Cty College, The City University of New York, New York, N.Y ‘Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina Coral University, aca, New York. University of Fora, Gainesvile,Flonda, Harvard Unversity, Camondge, Massachusetts Howard University, Washington D.C. University of tines, Urbana, tlinois. lowa State Unversity of Science and Technology, Ames, Iowa Kansas State University of Agicuture ane Applieg Sciences, Manhattan, Kansas. University of kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. ont State Unwersity, Kent, Ohio, Massachusetts Insttuto of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusots The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota University of Nebraska, Lincolon, Nobrasia, ‘The University of New Mexico, Abuquarque, New Maxico Oklahoma State University, Silwater, Oklahoma University of Oklanoma, Norman, Oklanoma University of Oregon, Eugene an Portand, Oregon, Univorsity of Pennsytvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Pratt institute, Brooklyn Now York Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08540, Ronseelaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N.Y. Rice Unversity, Houston, Texas University of Southern California, Los Angsies, Cailorua Syracuse Unversity, Syracuse, New York ‘The Texas A.M University, College Station, Texas University of Utah, SlatLeke City, Utah, Virginia Poitecrnic Insitute and State Unversity, Blacksburg, Vrgria Washington University, Saint Lous, Missour-63120. ‘The Universiy of Washington, Seattle, Washington. ‘Yale Unversity, New Haven, Connecticut, University of Hewes, Honolulu, Hawai University of idaho, Moscon, Idaho sia) 10 11 CCortiicate of Fellowship awarded by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundetion, USA. ussr Diplomandaster of Science in Architecture awarded by Talk Technical Unversity, Dushanbe, an accredited University in Taykistan, USSR! YUGOSLAVIA Doctorate Degree in Architecture awarded by the Zagreb University, Yugosiavia UZBEKISTAN Diploma / Master of Science in Architocture awarded by Tashkent Institute of Architecture & Civil Engineering, Uzbekistan * 7 Traariad as per approval fer neifeation inthe Gave of India aacarded by the Govammank af india vide lelar na F No 356/08 TS IV datad 28 12 1908 Noted, vide GSR No 318 dated 01-08-2001, in the Gazette of India Par il- Section 3 -sub-Section() on 16-08-2001, The Notifications of Govt. of India related to the Architects Act, 1972 The Gazote of Inia EXTRAORDINARY PART Section 3-Sub-section (I) No 220 NEW DELHI FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1972 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SOCIAL WELFARE (Department of Education) NOTIFICATION Now Deli the tst September 1972 G.8.R.400(6), ~ In exercise of the powers corferted by sub-section (3) of section 1 of the Architects Act, 1972 (No 20 of 1972), the Central Goverrmant hereby appons the First Day of September, 1972, as the date on which the said Act ‘hell come into fore. No 12972-71) LS. CHANDRAKANT Eaucatonal Advise to the Govt. of nia (Gazet Notfieaton Page No.1077) The Gazette of India EXTRAORDINARY PART ILSectlon 3-Sub-section (I) No 58 NEWDELHI, THURSOAY, MARCH 14, 1974 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SOCIAL WELFARE (Bepartment of Education) NOTIFICATION ‘Now Dati, the 4th March 1974 GSR. 129(E), ~ in exercise ofthe powers contered by sub-section (2) of section 24 ofthe Architects Act, 1872 (No 29 fof 1972), the Central Goverment hereby appoints the 27% day of Apnl, 174 as the date on or belore which ‘applications for registration shal be made tothe Registration Tribunal Ne. F.12-10737-1) A.B, CHANDIRAMANI int Educational Adviser (7) (Gazette Notication Page No-495) COUNCIL OF ARCHITECTURE RULES 1973* G.S.R. 67 (E)- In exereiso ofthe powers conferred by Section 44 of The Architects Act, 1972 (No 20 of 1972), (Amended Vide GSR 751 Notfcaton et 10 10,1987) tho Certral Goverment hereby makes the following rules, namly.- 16 CHAPTER | PRELIMINARY ‘Short ttle and commencement ~ (1) These rules may be csled the Council of Architecture Rules 1973, (2) Thes ‘es shall come ito force onthe date oftheir publication inthe offical Gazette Definitions ~In these rule, Inless the context otherwise requires ~ (e) “Act” means the Architects Act, 1972; (©) “Form means @ form annexed to these ries (c) “President” means the President of the Counei of Architecture (2) "Returning Omicee" means any officer appointed as such by tne Central Government for the purpose of these rules: (8) "Section’ means @ section ofthe Act Election tothe Councl undar clause (a) of sub-section (3) of section 3. Representatives ofthe indian institute of Architect ~ (1). The President shall, not lator than sisty days before the date of occurrence of vacancy by the expiry ofthe tem of offee of a member, seng indmation tnereot fo Central Government wno shall not later than forty fve days Detore the ‘ete of occurrence of te vacancy, forwerd @ notice by registered post to the Secretary ofthe Indian Insitute of Architects requesting him to hold an election by date not later then the date specifed in te notice (2). Inthe case of @ vacancy under sub-section (2) oF sub-section (2) of section 6 or eny other vacancy, the President shall nolify the Central Government 2s soon as possible the cccutrence of such vacancy and the Centra Government shal thereupon forward 3 notice by registered post to the Secretary of the Indian Insitute of Architects requesting lam to held an election to fll tnat vacency by a date not later than tne dete specited inthe notice (2), Fortha purpose of ha frst olaction undarciausa (a) of sub-section (3) of section 3, shal be sufficient if tho Contral Govemment lonard a notice by registered posto the Secratary of te Indian Insite of Architects requostig him to hoi the election by @ date not later than the date specified intne notice. Intimation of name of elected person to Central Government Tho namo ofthe elected person shall be intimated by the Secretary ofthe Indian insite of architects to the Central Goreriment vino shall take steps to publish the name of the siected person inthe Otfciel Gazette Election to the Council under clause (c) of sub-section (3) of section 3 Persons entitied to vate and to stand fer election — ll persons who are the Meads of architecture! instations in Ins imparting tul-time intrusion for recognised quaiteations shall be ented to vate at and to stand forthe election of 2 member under cause (c) of sub-section (3) of section 3 Returning Officer - The Rturing Officer shal call upon all the head of architectural institutions in India to sect such ‘umber of members as are relerreg to in clause (¢} of Sub-section (3) of secion 3 and inthe case of frst electon, hve members shallbe elecies Returning Officer to decide questions relating to right of persons to vote at or to stand for election ~ if any (usstion arises as to whether a person i or Is net ented to vote at oF to sland for the election, the question shall be referred to the Retuming Offeer (lors decison}. Fixation of dates of various stages of election - The Returning Officer shall eppoint and notiy in the Otficiel Gazette {and in such other manner as he thinks ft, the date, the te and place for — (0), the receint of nomination papers and ther srutiny, (8). the despatcn ofvting papers tothe elections (6). the poll, the scrutiny and counting of votes, Pipished athe Extra crainary Gazelo of india Partll Sec 3 Sub-Sect) on 262.1873 1 Amended by Notiicaton GSR No.1108 dated 26.9.1975, 10. 1". 2. a 1“. 18. [Nomination of Candidates — Any person quatfed to stand forthe election under this chapter may be nominsted as @ candidates for election and such nomination shall be made by means of @ nomination paper in Form No. 1 which shall be Supplied by the Returning Officer to any elector who may epply forthe same. Nomination Paper (1) Each nomination paper shall be subscnbed by bvo electors as proposer and seconde Provided that no elector shat subserbe more nominations than there are seats lo be filed up Provided futher that if more than prescribed number of nomination papers be subscribed by the same elector. the prescrived number of romination papers Wrst received by the Returing Otfoer shelf ctrerwise i order, be Nala to be valid and if more than the preserved fhumber of nomination papers subscribed by the same elector be received simultaneously by the Returring Officer all such nomination Dopers shall beheld invake. (2) Onreceipt o exch nomination paper, the Retuming Officer shal forthwith endorse thereupon the date end hour of receipt Rejection of nomination paper ~ Arnomination paper which isnot received before the dete and the time appointed in that behalf shall be rejected, Scrutiny of nomination paper= (1) On the date and at the tine appointed by the Returning Officer for the scrutiny ofthe nomination papers, the candidates and the proposer ‘andthe seconder ef each candidate may allend the ofce ofthe Returning Officer, who stall allow them to examine the nomination papers ‘ofthe candidates which have been recewved by him as aforesaid (2) The Retuming oftcer shall examine the nomination papers and decide al questions which may arse as to tne valaty of any nomination * ‘Withdrawal of candidate ~ (1) Any candidate may withdraw his candidature by notice in vnting signed by him and deivered to the Retuming Oicer not later than Seventeen clear days before the cate appointed for the pol (2) A candidate who has withdrawn his candidates shall not be allowed to cancel the withdrawal orto be re-nominated as a candidate forthe Same election (2) The Returning Offer shal on ceiving a notice of withdrawal, publish the fact of such withdrawal inthe Offical Gazette, Procedure of election = (1) Whore tne number of candidetes validity nominated is aqua to or less than the number of members to be elected, the Raturing Officer shall fothwth daciare such candidates to bo dy cloctos (2) Winere the number of such candidates i¢ less than the number of members to be elite, the Returang Otfcer shall commerce esh proceedings for the election ofthe remaining members tobe elected under ieuse () of sub-section (3) of secon 3 (2) Where the number of such candidates exceeds the number of members fo be elected, the Retuming Officer shall forthwith publish their emes and addresses in the Official Gazette and shell ther cause tneir names tobe entered inte voting paper in Form No. I (4) ta pals found necessary, the Rotuming Otfcor shal, fourteen days betore the date appointed thorefore, sand by post to each aloctor a letter of intmabon in Form No. IV together with a numbered declaration paper in Form No, ll cortamnng the names of the candidates i falphabetica! order and Bearing the Retuming Oticers iials or facsimile signature, a Voting paper cover ederessed to Nim (the Reluming Officer) end an outer cover also adsressed to him. A coriicat of posting shal be obtained in respect of each such letter of itimation sert toan elector: Provides thatthe voting pener and other connected papers may also be sent to any elector on his appiing to the Retuming Officer for the ‘ame betors the dete appointed forthe pol fe Retuming Otcer is satisfies tnet the papers Nave not Been sent te him (9) An elector who has net received the voting and other connected papers sent to him by post or wino has jst them or in whose case the pers betore their retum tothe Retuming Officer nave been madvertently spo. may transmit a declaration to thet effect signed by himself {and request the Reluming Officer fo send him tesh papers and ifthe papers nave Deen spill the spoit papers shall be relumed to the Returning Officer who shall eancal them an rcpt (©) In every case in which tresh papers are issued, a note shall be kept in a register maintained forthe purpose to denote that fresh papers hove been issued to certan members (7) No lection sal bo vata by reason of tho non-caipt by an slacor of is voting papor Votes to be sent by registered post ~ Every slactor dasirous of recording his vote shall alter fling up the dacaration paper and the voting paper azcoraing to tne drections given inthe later of intaravon, enclose tre Yatng paperin the voting paper cover. sea Us the cover and declaratan paper in the outer envelope addressed tothe Returning OTfcer. and send the outer envslope by eaistered past atthe flactors own cos fo the Returning Otteer so a5 10 reach him not later than the date fixed for tha pall and all envelopes efter that day shal be rejected, 1. Amended by Notfication GSR No.1104 deted 26.9.1973, 7 the cover. enclose

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