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Title: Celebrating Excellence: Cambridge School Shines at FAP Awards

Cambridge School proudly basks in the glory of the recent recognition

bestowed upon its outstanding achievers at the prestigious FAP (Federation of
Academic Professionals) Awards. The ceremony, held on November 25th and
26th, was a testament to the school's commitment to holistic education.
In the category of School Awards, Cambridge emerged as the 'Best School in
Sports Achievement.' This accolade reflects the institution's dedication to
fostering a culture of athleticism and sportsmanship among its students.
The dynamic leadership of Ms. Deepali Mehrotra, our esteemed Principal, was
acknowledged as she clinched the 'Best Principal in Sports Achievement'
award. Her vision and unwavering support have played a pivotal role in shaping
Cambridge School into a powerhouse of sports excellence.
Mr. Shaffy Chawla, a beacon of innovative teaching methodologies, was
honored with the 'Best Teacher in Innovating Teachings' award. His ability to
make learning a captivating experience has left an indelible mark on students
and peers alike.
Recognizing exceptional proficiency in teaching, Mr. Rahul Singh was named
the 'Best PTE Teacher of the School.' His dedication to guiding students through
the intricacies of English language proficiency is truly commendable.
A standout achiever, Scholar Bhavya Kathuria, was celebrated as the 'Best
Student in Sports' for her remarkable feat as a National Participant in
Swimming. Bhavya's achievements exemplify the school's commitment to
nurturing talent and fostering a competitive spirit.

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