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Notes from GG33 Overview Course

1: The Leader

 Male Energy
 Aggressive
 Competitive
 Naturally more muscular and athletic build
 One-track mind
 High Sex Drive
 Mid-range on the intelligence level (not that smart)
 Like to fight, debate and argue
 Good leaders, but can also be assholes- need to work to balance that out
 In the (2)-000s, a millennium of female energy, 1s who become soft, liberal, and lower
their aggression levels will be empowered. One of the best examples of this is Justin
Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, born on 12/25/1971=1+2+2+5+1+9+7+1=28
 Out of all the 1 energies (1,10,19,28,37, etc.) 28 is number that is most financially
successful and is the number of wealth- Bill Gates born on the 28th, Steve Jobs and Apple
are 28 lifepaths, Wall Street founded on a 28 day, etc.
 1 lifepath women and women born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, and 28th are part of the
minority of women who make for good leaders
 1 lifepath women should wax and keep their body hair off in order to soften them up a
bit and make them less of a turn-off to men
 Soulmate Number: 9 – Example: Steve Jobs became a billionaire and more famous after
marrying a 9 lifepath, Laurene Powell. Notice how he also labeled all his products
starting with the letter “i” (9th letter of the alphabet)? iPhone, iPad, iPod, etc.—the
products that truly made Apple great.
-Samuel Jackson (1 lifepath) has also been married to Latanya Richardson (a 9 lifepath)
since 1980.
-George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, is a 1 lifepath. The first Star Wars movie came
out on 5/25/1977=9 universal day.
 Friendly Number: 3
-Examples, Lebron James and Tiger Woods are both 1 lifepaths born on the 30th (3+0=3),
and are the kings of their sport.
-David Letterman is a 1 lifepath born on the 12th and Tom Cruise is a 1 lifepath born on
the 3rd.
-Tom Hanks, a 1 lifepath has had a long, loyal marriage with 3 lifepath, Rita Wilson.
 Love and Hate Relationship with the number 8
- Enemy Numbers: 4, 6 & 11-
-Ex. Duke of Wellington (11 lifepath) and Von Blucher of Prussia (6 lifepath) defeated
Napoleon Bonaparte (1 lifepath) at the Battle of Waterloo
-Ex. Lebron James (1 lifepath) and his short-term coach in Cleveland David Blatt (6
lifepath) hated each other and Lebron eventually got him kicked out.
-Another NBA example is Kobe (11 lifepath) and Shaq (1 lifepath), though the Horse vs
Rat astrology made it worse.
-Martin Luther King Jr. was a 1 lifepath who was killed by James Earl Ray, a 6 lifepath
-Even Tiger Woods (1 lifepath) and Elin Nordegen (20-hidden 11 lifepath) had a terrible
-George Washington, a 1 lifepath at war against King George III, an 11 lifepath
-Gary will give examples of 1&4 enemies when talking about the 4
- 1s make a lot of enemies in life generally speaking including with other 1s because
they’re aggressive and want to be #1

2: The Bride

 No such thing as a 2 lifepath. You can only be born on the 2nd to have 2 energy
 Feminine energy
 Soft, passive
 Represents duality and can see and understand two sides of an argument
 Diplomatic & Peaceful- Ex. Gandhi
 If they resort to violence they fail- Ex. Nat Turner
 Often physically beautiful in women, increases likelihood of man being soft/beta
 Curvy body
 Makes for a bad leader
 Good follower- often finds the right/best leader to follow
 Good parent
 History struggled to succeed in the workplace, needs to find a different alternative to
make money, or if woman better to focus on raising children in order to find health and
 But now 2 is empowered in the 2-000s, and the whole world is shifting (and getting
softer) to allow this to happen, so 2s and women more broadly feeling better about
school, the workplace, etc.
 Soulmate Number: 2 is more complicated. All lifepaths are soulmate numbers to a
person born on the 2nd. This is because the real 2 universal energy is strongly
intertwined in the Matrix.
-People born on the 1st, 9th, 10th, 18th, 19th, 27th, and 28th are soulmates to the 2.
 Enemy Numbers: None- and anyone who makes an enemy out of someone born on the
2nd is more likely to suffer greatly in life as the Matrix takes it personally and strikes back
hard against that person
 2 unconditionally loves the 3 (number of the child) even more than 1 and 9, but the 3
doesn’t always show the same level of love back so cannot be considered a soulmate
although the relationship is generally good.

3: The Child
 Child-like energy
 Highly creative, often lacks logic
 Effective communicator
 Lacks discipline, but needs it to thrive
 Often lacks sex drive because of child-like energy state
 Likes the simple things in life, simple foods, etc.; All Snoop Dogg needs is a good blunt to
 Needs a two parent household growing up, more than any other number or
could become a very problematic person
 Likes to cheat/break the rules in order to get what they can’t have- Ex. Bill Cosby
 Sometimes can have a criminal mindset, whether an actual criminal or not
 Eat badly, can often be obese. On flipside, many 3s have great weight loss stories
because they have the energy to bring themselves back.
 Soulmate Number: 3 – It loves its own energy, and has no true soulmate
 Friendly Numbers: 1 and 2: As the child, it is generally friendly to the father and mother
 3 has a 66.6% positive/33.3% negative relationship with 4- The 3 either has the most
amazing relationship with the 4 lifepath and produces incredible things like Francis Crick
(4 lifepath) and James Watson (3 lifepath) with DNA, or it has a bad relationship because
the different thought processes end up clashing. For the most part, they complement
each other well. But, sometimes the clashes and tension get out of hand.
-The 3 has this very similar relationship of 66 positive/33 negative with the 22 lifepath:
Ex. Koch Brothers with Charles a 3LP and David as a 22 LP
-Bill Gates (4 lifepath) founded Microsoft on 4/4/1975=3 Universal Day and it was very
successful. That date itself has strong 3 energy with 4 as the secondary energy.
-Facebook was also founded 2/4/2004=3 universal day with 4 energy too! It and
Microsoft are 2 of the 5 largest Market Cap companies on NYSE
-Bill Gates also great friends with Steve Ballmer, a 3 lifepath
-In more advanced classes, Gary will describe techniques to tell whether a 3 and 4
relationship will be the 66% positive side, or the 33% negative side
 Enemy Number: No substantial enemies other than 7 which will be discussed under 7

4: The Worker

 4 is overall the hardest worker ( a lot of 11 lifepaths hardest workers too) and can be
a workaholic (good and bad)
 Number of law and order- makes for good policeman or soldier
 Number of the Superhero- Often saves the 2 and 3 energies
 One of the smartest energies in numerology – Michael Faraday, Marie Curie, etc. Even
Isaac Newton born on the 4th.
 At times can be robotic
 Naturally more muscular/buff build
 Puts the “Control” in “Command and Control”
 High Sex Drive
 It’s the builder and needs to constantly see progress in what it’s doing
 Least creative number, but very logical
 Disciplined and focused, sometimes it should just let loose and relax
 4 mostly fantasizes about being in a relationship (romantic, sexual, etc.) with a coworker
 Does things by the book, and follows the law- if it doesn’t, it suffers
 Big Secret: 4 is the real number of wealth, not 28, but Gary doesn’t put it publicly and
instead gives the 2nd greatest number of wealth which is 28 because if he revealed the
real truth billionaire elite would be after him and others would copy his work. This is
the real reason, along with the 28th while Bill Gates is so rich. Bernard Arnault born
March 5, 1949 is a 4 lifepath and now in competition to be richest man in the World.
Amazon incorporated on 5/28/1996=4 Universal Day and it has competed to be the
largest company in the World. JP Morgan, founder and collaborator in America’s
greatest companies (US Steel, GE, JP Morgan Chase) was a 4 lifepath. (M)usa of (M)ali
may have been the richest man in the history of the World, and while we don’t know his
birthday they like to use the $400 billion target to represent his wealth as a hint.
(M)icrosoft and Facebook both 4 companies. (M)cDonalds the king of fast food. This is
also why Donald Trump, a 4 lifepath, while not the richest man in the world (though a
billionaire) was often seen as a symbol of excess wealth.
-Will reveal secret about #9 and its connection to wealth also, something Gary refuses
to release publicly
 Soulmate Number: 8 – 4 is the real number of wealth and 8 is the number of money, a
natural pairing
 -Ex. Arnold Schwarzenegger started acting career with Hercules movie released on
12/16/1969=8 day (in NYC) and 2/25/1970=8 day (everywhere else) – launched a great
movie career for not the most talented actor, because 4 and 8 are soulmates
 -Ex. Cindy Crawford (2/20/1966=8), a famous 8 lifepath model, has had a long
and successful marriage to 4 lifepath Rande Gerberg (4/27/1962=4)
 -Amazon Inc. was founded on 7/5/1994=8, and it was incorporated on 5/28/1996=4.
Because the 4 & 8 are soulmates, this was one of the greatest combinations
Amazon could have undertaken.
 4 has a 66.6% positive/33.3% negative relationship with the 3 (just talked about this so
won’t go into it again)
 Enemy Number is 1 and 9- 4 is in constant competition with 1 to win over 2 (the
feminine) and 3 (the child).
-Tom Cruise (1 lifepath) and Nicole Kidman (4 lifepath) bad marriage
-Martin Luther King (1 lifepath) killed on 4/4
-Carlos Ghosn, a 4 lifepath, seemed to be doing well at Nissan, a 9 company
(12/26/1933) for a long time, but in the end, it ruined his entire life
 One sided relationship with 7- 4 sucks the energy out of 7 and is empowered by it, part
of the reason the world wide web went up on 8/6/1991=7 universal day; to empower
wealth and the wealthy even more. This is part of why wealth gap has grown massively
since then. 4 lifepath Marie Curie was actually not as smart as her husband Pierre, but
she worked with him, sucked his energy, and got more of the credit than she deserved
for her discoveries (even though she was smart). It’s not really an enemy relationship
because 7 is mostly cool with this process, even though it doesn’t benefit much from it.
Donald Trump (4) and Roger Stone (7) are a perfect example of this with Stone going
down protecting Trump.
 Opposite one sided relationship with 6- to be discussed under the number 6
 Secret: 4, the number of wealth, often likes to give its wealth to 5 because it obsesses
over the 5. This is why you get really wealthy countries founded under 5 energy like the
United States, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.

5: The Traveler

 The Traveler
 Number of good looks, especially good looking women (women tend to like 1LP and 4LP
men most)
 5 LP women and women born on the 5th, 14th, and 23rd have a high sex drive
 Number of Change and Freedom- American born on 7/1/1776=32/5
 It is the energy of great conquerors and rulers (Augustus Caesar greatest ruler of all
 Number of entertainment and hospitality
 Changes its mind easily, goes back and forth
 Risk taker
 Needs its space, freedom, and flexibility
 Smartest number after 33 and 7
 Secret Power: The 5 can easily “place themselves in another man’s shoes.”
 Soulmate Number: 11
 -Ex. Augustus Caesar was a 5 and would never have been the greatest ruler in history
without Julius Caesar, an 11 lifepath who adopted him
 -Ex. Abraham Lincoln, probably the greatest President in US history, born 2/12/1809=5,
and came to power in 1860 (in his 20 personal year, which is a hidden 11 personal year).
 Ex. Michael Jordan, an 11 lifepath, greatest basketball player of all time wore the Jersey
#23 (2+3=5) and that energy helped him a lot in becoming the best
 -11 is a number of emotional energy and it makes itself easy for the 5 to tap into:
Example is Bernie Sanders, a 5 lifepath, who has garnered a huge and legitimate
following by tapping into people’s emotions. Trump has done the same and it makes
sense because he’s born on the 14th=5.
 -Ex. Christine Lagarde (1/1/1956), a 5 lifepath, became the Finance Minister of France in
her 11 personal year (1/1/2007=11) and it catapulted her into becoming one of the
most powerful women on earth. She went on to lead the IMF and in her 5 personal year
too but it all started with that 11 momentum.
 Ex. Truth is that if NBA wasn’t founded on 6/6/1946=5 day, Michael Jordan and Kobe
Bryant (both 11 lifepaths) wouldn’t be considered the greatest NBA players of all time
even though 11 is athletic. It’s because of the 5 energy. Also why Kareem Abdul Jabbar,
a 5 LP, holds the record for most career points
 Secret #2: 5 is the beginning of war, but 11 is it’s continuation. This is why WWI, which
started and ended on a 5 day, was ended on 11/11 at the 11th hour. It helped guarantee
WWII. Why 9-11-2001=5=Endless War(on terror). Again, 5 and 11 are soulmates.
 Secret #3: 5 is able to seduce wealth out of the number 4.
 Friendly Numbers: 7 and 33
 -Catherine Zeta Jones (5 LP) and Michael Douglas (7 LP)- she had no reason to be
married to him this long as she’s much younger and has her own money and fame.
 -Michael Jordan wore Jersey #23=5 and Scottie Pippen wore #33 = arguably greatest
duo of all time in NBA history
 -FDR was a 5 lifepath and Eleanor Roosevelt, a very significant woman in
American history and his wife, was a 33 Lifepath. Solid combination.
 Secret Soulmate/Savior: 6 – The 5 has a love/hate relationship with the 6, but the 6 is a
solid long-term partner for the 5 because ultimately, especially with age, the 5 needs to
calm down and settle a bit more or it can become a total loser in life, unable to commit
to anything or support anyone including itself. Constant freedom and change comes
with its downsides, and the 6 helps the 5 plug in these downsides. The 6 likes the 5
more than the 5 likes the 6, but in time the 5 comes to really appreciate the responsible,
calm, settled nature of the 6 and how it helps balance out the 5.
 Best time to have sex to create a family is between 11:55pm-12:05pm (ejaculation) on a
5 and 6 day.
 Enemy Number: 8. While 8 and 5 don’t really hate each other personally, they fail in
the long-term under each other’s energy. 5 needs to be free and have its space. 8
wants to own and command. 5 can’t live under that, and 8 hates rebels.

6: The Homebody

 Family-oriented
 Homebody
 Responsible
 Often your “Average Joe” kind of person
 Number of Time- 60 seconds=1 minute, 60 minutes=1hr, 24(6) hours in a day.
 Number of friendship
 Animal lover (like Steve Irwin and Jane Goodall)
 The Farmer
 6 is a dumb number overall, but about 10% of them complete geniuses- competitive
with 7s and 33s in this regard
 Many 6s struggle with obesity
 6 usually very well equipped and good in the bedroom, especially men. They are able to
convince 5 women to finally settle down because of this.
 666 a combination of 3 sixes. 3=Children. Six is strongly linked to SEX and procreation
for a family. 666=18=9. 9 is the number of endings. So perverted meaning behind 666=
It’s a universal symbol of victory for pedo elite who want to end the family and take
ownership of the children. They want you to fear and hate 666 so it can create more of
the reality they desire because what you hate, you create.
 6 saves the 5 from itself and its risky behavior, and gives it a great family life long-term.
5 makes 6 less boring. They are secret soulmates, but it takes time for it to show and
work because it’s very complementary relationship, with each number plugging in the
other’s weaknesses.
 5 is sex, but 6 is fertility. Both needed together.
 Soulmate Number: 33
 The two 3s in 33 are what make 6 the most joyous in many ways. 6 is the number of
family, and 3 is the number of the child.
 3 lifepath won’t appreciate 6 the right way, until it loses it, but 6 plays a very important
role for 3
 But the 33 lifepath is a more advanced soul and believes in the concept of “Family First,”
in a big way. 6 is the number of family, you get it.
 Ex. Steve Irwin, 6 lifepath, famous show “The Crocodile Hunter,” started on
 George Steinbrenner, a 6 LP, had a very long, strong marriage (til his death) Joan
Steinbrenner, a 33 lifepath.
 Joy Behar, a 6 lifepath, was chosen to be a host on the view in her 33 personal year
(10/7/1996=33). Show started in August 1997 with two months left to go in her 33
personal year. This part of the reason it’s a big success and she got so famous from it.
 Again, 6 loves the 3, but the 3 doesn’t always love the 6 back until it loses it. Steve Irwin
was killed by an animal (he loved) on 9/4/2006=3 day. The 4th was also striking back
against Irwin, but we’ll get to that secret in a minute.
 The 6 lifepath loves children, and this can come off as creepy to other people especially
grown men. While Gary won’t say whether Michael Jackson, 6 LP, was innocent or
guilty of being a pedo; he thinks he was very misunderstood about his love for children
 Best Friend Number: 8
 Ex. Michael Jackson and Liz Taylor (8 lifepath) were best friends
 Richard Nixon would’ve been completely screwed without 8 lifepath Gerald Nixon
succeeding him as President and pardoning him. This pardon for Nixon’s crimes was
extremely controversial.
 Secret: 6 siphons off energy from the 4 and often takes advantage of it. There’s a
balance to everything. The same way 4 “cheats” the 7 but sucking it’s energy (though 7
doesn’t mind), 6 does the same to 4 (and 4 doesn’t mind).
 Ex. Buckminster Fuller (impure 33 which vibrates like a 6 more frequently)- became
famous off the geodesic dome that Walther Bauersfeld actually created a quarter
century earlier
 Ex. Roger Ebert was a 4 lifepath who had his energy sucked away by his wife, born
10/15/1952=6 lifepath. He didn’t marry her until he was 50 and started having health
issues until after their marriage. It ended very badly for him over a long period of time.
While women don’t really have an effect on their husband’s health to the same extent
has men have an effect on women’s heath (because men penetrate women with
energy, not the other way around); in the case of a 4 and 6, the energy will be sucked
just like with 4 and 7 (but 4 sucking the energy out of 7).
 Trump (4) hates Rosie O’Donnell (6) because he became aware of the one way energy
relationship where she was just sucking the energy out of him. Again because Trump is
actually more “woke” than most people when it comes to energy, he realized energy
like Rosie is not great for him. But most people never realize this, and that’s why it’s
hard to call it an “enemy” relationship as the 4 doesn’t hate the 6 or vice versa…it just is
what it is…good for the 6, bad for the 4.
 Enemy Number: 7
 7 is the anti-family number. It and 6 will never get along or see eye to eye.
 The 10% of 6s who are geniuses hate the 7s and vice versa; jealous of each other’s
 Most 6s=Average Joes and most 7s are high IQs, which creates a mismatch
 Most 6s love people and children, and most 7s do not
 6 extracts energy from the 4, which extracts energy from the 7 so in an indirect but
efficient manner, 6 is actually extracting energy from the 7 (part of why 10% of 6s got so
 Ex. Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon and Blue Origin is a 6 lifepath and hates Elon Musk, CEO
of Tesla and Space X, who is a 7 lifepath. They’re constantly competing, talking shit, and
trying to take each other out.
 7 has many enemies, but 6 is probably its worst

7: The Loner

 Lone wolf
 Introverted
 Intuitive
 Extremely intelligent and high IQ (like Steven Hawking, Bernhard Riemann, Leonard
 More book smarts than streets smarts though
 Bad at relationships like that three-time divorced so called numerologist, Ali. What a
sorry excuse for a 7 that moron is. She got all the bad shit that comes with 7, and none
of the good.
 Injuries and health issues more frequent for 7 than any other number
 Energy is vulnerable to homosexuality programming
 Soulmate Number: None. 7 has no true soulmate. In some ways, it’s its own soulmate
like 3, but 7 also hates itself, unlike 3 which loves itself in pretty much all things.
 Friendly Number: 5 and 9
 As we discussed for 5
 Ex. of 7 and 9 would be Jam Master Jay (7) and Reverend Run (9)
 Secret: 7 desires to be with the 11, but it’s not out of it actually being a good
relationship. 7 is stuck, isolated, in this reality and wants to find an end to it and
completion for itself. 9 is the number of completion. 7+11=18=9.
 11 doesn’t care as much for 7 because 11 is the most emotional number and needs to
be taken care of in that regard. 7 is incapable of doing that because it’s the lowest
emotion as an energy.
 7s are very misunderstood by most people
 7s can’t communicate their intelligence and bring it down to a lower level for the
masses very effectively, like a 33 can
 7s can often be (P)erverts and they are one of the top energies in (P)orn
 Secret: 7 is bad luck, but three 7s put together, improve that luck greatly. 777=much
better luck for those with bad luck. Elite know this, and put 777 in casinos everywhere
because it attracts desperate people with bad luck, who are looking for a slight
improvement in their chances. People’s energy realizes this subconsciously. So if you
have a lot of bad luck, 777 is a step in the right direction to improving it. You’re still
going to lose money at the casino without Gary’s advanced codes, because that’s just
the way casinos are designed.
 As discussed, 7s should be careful about spending too much time with 4s who will suck
their energy, intelligence, and claim credit for 7s work
 25th can be very problematic from a mental health standpoint, especially May 25th like
that girl Vara who is batshit crazy
 Enemy Numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 11 (slightly less), 22, 33 -7 is the most hated number
and fails under the most energies out of any number. If you want your parents to leave
you alone, marry a 7. 6 is the worst of these enemies.

8: The Money Man

 Number of money
 Power
 Puts the “Command” in “Command and Control,” with its soulmate 4 being the control
 Karma
 Ups and downs in life, in weight, in money, in power, etc.
 As Above, So Below
 Yin/Yang
 Infinity on closed loop
 Indecisive at first, but once it decides on something, it goes hard on that decision (unlike
5 which remains doubtful and indecisive)
 More artistic than most people realize (Michelangelo, Picasso, etc.)
 Another leadership number
 50/50- Some are dictators, some are great inclusive leaders
 In general, don’t argue too much with an 8. They don’t like debates, and will bring down
the hammer hard on you.
 Soulmate Number: 4 as discussed
 Friendly Number: 6 as discussed
 Love/Hate Relationship with 1
 Enemy Number: 5 as discussed
 Secret: If a new 8 comes into your life, it means that you can expect good or bad money,
power, or karma related issues

9: The Secret
 The number of endings and completion
 The Vice President – 9 is great at “leading from behind,” and this is why it works so well
with the number 1, who leads out front
 Good leader and good follower
 One of the smarter numbers
 Here to balance out the master numbers appointed by the Matrix
 Big Secret: 9 is the ultimate number of manifestation. 9 is the number of reality and
illusion, notice how R and I are the 18th (9) and 9th letter. This world is built on reality
and illusion. So if you keep the 9 energy close to you, and use the secrets of the law of
attraction, you will be much more effective in manifesting both the reality and the
illusions you want. Hell, even that thrice divorced numerologist might actually be able
to manifest a man that actually loves her. This is the main reason Gary doesn’t talk
about 9 much. Why help these haters and loser manifest a better reality for
themselves? And then claim credit for the knowledge of how they did it? Hell no!
 When 9 is introduced into a situation, everything either becomes a better version of
itself or is brought to completion
 3+9=12. So you are building on your own energy using the 9. 3x9=27, a form of
 9 is also strongly linked to 2, why it’s called the Femi(NINE)
 Secret: City of (Nine)veh was built by non-elitist who understood the power of the
number 9. Took a great effort, but the elite finally got control and sacked the city. One
of the greatest threats to the elite in human history was Nineveh and the smart people
behind it.
 If there’s ever utopia on earth, 9 will be a major reason behind it
 Completion is the highest goal in this level of the Matrix so you can move onto the next.
 The 9 energy is the most useful in opening the 3rd eye chakra and helping support your
path to attaining the crown chakra
 The 9 energy represents the end of the separation between the Master numbers (11,
22, 33) and the non-master numbers (1-8). In some ways, this makes 9 a secret master
or the most masterful. The Master numbers do not like 9 for this reason.
 9 is also adaptable and thinks quickly and effectively on its feet like chess grandmaster
Garry Kasparov
 9’s job is to help unify the 1-8 together (why 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8=36=9) to overthrow the
Masters. It hasn’t been successful, but that’s the energy it brings.
 Soulmate Number: 1 as discussed
 Friendly Numbers: All the numbers 1-8
 Enemy Numbers: 11, 22, 33

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