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Nursing Process in the Care of the POPULATION deviations from normal health patterns.

GROUPS & COMMUNITY This allows for early detection of potential

health issues or risks.
2. Identify emerging health issues
 As community health nurses our role is  Monitoring helps in identifying emerging
extend beyond the walls of a hospital or health issues within the community. By
clinic and the nursing process even more tracking health trends and patterns,
crucial in delivering effective care to community health nurses can recognize
individuals and communities and respond to new or increasing health
 Nursing Process is a systematic framework concerns promptly.
that guides our practice and ensure that we 3. Plan appropriate interventions
provide comprehensive and holistic care to  Monitoring provides valuable data that
community members helps community health nurses plan and
 It consist of ADPIE (Assessment, Diagnosis, implement appropriate interventions. By
Planning , Implementation , Evaluation) understanding the health needs and risks
of the community, nurses can develop
ASSESSMENT – most important and first work, targeted strategies to promote health,
gathering data (health status and environment , social prevent diseases, and address specific
determinants like community resources) health issues.
DIAGNOSIS – analyzed the data 4. Evaluate the effectiveness of interventions
 Monitoring allows for the evaluation of
PLANNING – collaborate with community members , the effectiveness of interventions and
brgy health care workers , midwife , doctors , nurses programs implemented by community
IMPLEMENTATION – we put our plan into ACTION , health nurses. *By tracking outcomes and
work closely with community members analyzing data, nurses can assess the
impact of their interventions and make
EVALUATION – we assess the effectiveness of our necessary adjustments for improvement.
intervention and we check if its achieve , gather Overall, monitoring plays a crucial role in
feedback promoting health, preventing diseases, and
improving the well-being of individuals and
communities. It helps community health
F. Monitoring and Evaluating Community Health nurses make informed decisions and provide
Programs Implemented evidence-based care.

 In community health nursing, monitoring
 Monitoring in community health nursing plays a crucial role in ensuring the
involves the systematic observation and delivery of high-quality care and
assessment of health status, behaviors, and achieving positive health outcomes. It
environmental factors. It focuses on helps identify gaps in healthcare delivery,
collecting data, analyzing trends, and assess the impact of interventions, and
evaluating the effectiveness of interventions. make informed decisions for improving
This helps in identifying changes in health health services.
status, detecting potential health risks, and  Monitoring involves the regular collection
tracking the progress of health promotion of data, such as health indicators, patient
and disease prevention activities. outcomes, and program performance, to
monitor trends, identify areas for
EXAMPLE: improvement, and guide evidence-based
You are community health nurse working in the rural practice.
area with high prevalence of diabetes. You assess the Community Health Nurses us various methods for
health status of community members to check if monitoring including data collection through:
 surveys
The purpose of monitoring in community health
 interviews
nursing is to:
 observations
1. Detect deviations from normal health  health records
patterns  They analyze the collected data to identify
 By regularly monitoring individuals, patterns, trends, and areas of concern.
families, and communities, community  Monitoring also involves ongoing
health nurses can identify any changes or communication and collaboration with
o healthcare teams, information to make improvements and
o community members, adjustments to the program as it
o and stakeholders to ensure the progresses.
continuous improvement of 2. Summative Evaluation
healthcare services and address  Summative evaluation is conducted at the
emerging health needs end of a program or intervention to assess
 Overall, monitoring in community health its overall effectiveness and outcomes. It
nursing is a vital process that helps assess the aims to determine whether the program
effectiveness and impact of healthcare achieved its intended goals and
interventions, ensures accountability, and objectives.
supports evidence-based decision-making for
Scenario: You are a community health nurse working
promoting the health and well-being of
in a rural community. As part of a maternal and child
individuals and communities.
health program, you have implemented a
EVALUATION breastfeeding support group to promote and support
breastfeeding among new mothers in the community.
 Evaluation in community health nursing
refers to the systematic and ongoing Formative Evaluation Example: To conduct a
process of assessing the effectiveness formative evaluation of the breastfeeding support
and outcomes of nursing interventions group, you decide to gather feedback from the
and programs in the community. It participants and make necessary adjustments to
involves gathering data, analyzing improve the program
information, and making judgments about
the quality and impact of the nursing care
provided. The purpose of evaluation is to To conduct a summative evaluation of the smoking
determine whether the desired goals and cessation program, the most appropriate step for the
objectives of community health nursing nursing team is to conduct surveys to measure
have been achieved, and to identify areas changes in smoking behavior and attitudes among
for improvement. It helps in measuring program participants. This will provide valuable data
the effectiveness of interventions, on the effectiveness of the program in helping
identifying gaps in care, and making individuals quit smoking and assess any changes in
evidence-based decisions to enhance the their attitudes towards smoking. Surveys allow for the
health outcomes of the community. collection of quantitative and qualitative data,
providing insights into the outcomes and impact of
the program.


The steps of program evaluation in community

health nursing typically involve the following:


EVALUATION PLAN MONITORING AND  Define the purpose and objectives of the
EVALUATION program evaluation. Identify the key
stakeholders involved and clarify their
Tools/Instruments for evaluating outcomes of nursing roles. Determine the evaluation questions
interventions: and develop a detailed evaluation plan,
 Thermometer including the methods, data collection
 BP app/stethoscope tools, and timeline.
 Weighing scale 2. Data Collection
 Tape measure Collect relevant data to assess the
 Checklist – post CVA patient program's effectiveness and impact. This
may involve using various methods such
 Interview –related to client’s condition
as surveys, interviews, observations, and
In community health nursing, there are several types reviewing existing records or documents.
of evaluation that can be utilized. These include: Ensure that data collection methods align
with the evaluation questions and
1. Formative Evaluation:
 This type of evaluation is conducted
3. Data Analysis
during the planning and implementation
 Analyze the collected data to derive
stages of a program or intervention. It
meaningful insights and draw conclusions.
focuses on gathering feedback and
Use appropriate statistical or qualitative
analysis techniques to interpret the data
and identify patterns, trends, strengths,
weaknesses, and areas for improvement.
4. Interpretation and Reporting
 Interpret the findings of the evaluation
and communicate them effectively to
stakeholders. Prepare a comprehensive
evaluation report that includes a
summary of the evaluation process, key
findings, conclusions, and
recommendations. Present the report in a
clear and concise manner, tailored to the
needs of different stakeholders.
5. Utilization
 Ensure that the evaluation findings are
utilized to inform decision-making and
program improvement. Collaborate with
stakeholders to develop action plans
based on the evaluation results.
Implement the recommended changes
and monitor their effectiveness over time.
6. Feedback and Continuous Improvement
 Seek feedback from stakeholders on the
evaluation process and outcomes. Use
this feedback to refine future evaluations
and improve the program's design,
implementation, and evaluation
strategies. Emphasize the importance of
continuous improvement and learning
from evaluation findings

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