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Week 2, Help Sheet 1

Solve the Rational Equation.

2 4
x−2 x

2 4
x ( x−2) =2 x ( x−2 )− ( x )( x−2)
x −2 x Multiply both sides of the equation by x(x-2)
and simplify.

2 x=2 x ( x−2)−4 (x −2)

2x = 2 x - 4x - 4x + 8 Combine like terms.
2x = 2 x - 8x + 8 Divide each term by 2 to simplify the answer.
x = x -4x + 4 Subtract x from both sides.

0= x -5x + 4 Factor the equation

0= (x-4)(x-1) Solve for x

x-4 =0 x -1=0

x=4 x=1

x ={4, 1} Answer
Week 2, Help Sheet 2

Solve the Rational Equation.

15 15
− =−2
x x−2

15( x )( x−2 ) 15 (x )( x−2) Multiply both sides of the equation by

− =−2( x )( x−2 )
x x−2 x(x-2) and cancel
15( x−2 )−15 x=−2( x )( x−2 )

15 x−30−15 x=−2 x 2 + 4 x
−30=−2 x 2 + 4 x 2
Add 2 x to both sides

2 x 2−4 x−30=0 Subtract 4x from both sides

x 2 −2 x−15=0 Divide each term by 2

( x+ 3)( x−5 )=0 Factor

X+3 = 0 or x-5 = 0 Set each factor equal to 0

X = -3 or x=5 Solve for x

{-3 , 5 } Answer State the Answer

Week 2, Help Sheet 3

Solve the given formula for the specified variable.

Solve for N

N⋅A= ⋅N
N Multiply both sides by N and cancel as shown.

N⋅A=B−C Divide both sides by A

A A Cancel as shown

A Answer

Week 2, Help Sheet 4

Solve for the indicated variable.

Solve for B

BD⋅ = ⋅BD
B D Multiply both sides by the common denominator BD.


= ⋅B
C C Solve for B by dividing both sides of the equation by C.


=B B= Answer
C or C

Or you can switch the B to the left side. Answer is C

Week 2, Help Sheet 5

My formula for WORK problems is

Time together + Time together= Number of Jobs done, usually one

Time of First Time of Second

Usually the number of jobs done is 1. One room painted. One house built. One
pool filled with water, one lawn mowed.

Angela and Casey were asked to clean their classroom. Working alone, Angela
could clean the room in 20 minutes. It would take Casey 25 minutes to clean the
room by herself. How long would it take them to clean the room together?

Time together? so I will use y

Time of the first = 20

Time of the second = 25

Number of jobs = 1 cleaning of the room

Now Plug and Chug

Y + Y = 1

20 25

y y
+ =1
20 25 Get a common denominator

5y 4y
+ =1
100 100 Common denominator is 100

100 Solve for y

100 x100 x10 Multiply both sides by 100

9y = 100

Y= 100/9 Answer

Week 2, Help Sheet 6

Work Problems

Alex can do a job in 6 minutes and Jenn can do the same job in 12 minutes. How
long would it take to do the job together?

My formula for WORK problems is

Time together + Time together = Number of Jobs done

Time of First Time of Second

Time together =Y

Time of First =6

Time of Second = 12

Number of Jobs done = one job done

Y + Y = 1

6 12

y y
+ =1
6 12

2y y
+ =1
12 12


Multiply both sides by 4

4⋅ =1⋅4

Y=4 Answer 4 minutes.

Week 2, Help Sheet 7

Solve the Rational Equation

3 1+ x
x−2 x −2

3 5( x−2 ) 1+ x
+ =
x−2 ( x−2 ) x−2

3 5 x−10 1+ x
+ =
x−2 x−2 x−2

3+5 x−10 1+ x
x−2 x −2

5 x−7 1+ x
x−2 x −2

x−2⋅5 x−7 1+ x⋅x−2

x−2 x−2

5 x−7=1+ x

4 x=8

x=2 ans Now check to see if the answer can be 2.

3 1+ x
x−2 x −2 Substitute 2 in for x to check the answer.

3 1+2
+ 5=
2−2 2−2

3 1+ 2
+ 5=
0 0 Division by 0 is undefined. So there is no answer.

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