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[New English File Teacher's Book itermecite Photocopable © Oxford University Press 2006 nica > Are they tru © 1 pairs, read about some strange laws and customs. Four of these are false, Discuss with your partner which ones you think they are. 1 In China, when you use chopsticks you shouldn't leave them upright in the bowl. It brings bad luck. 2 In Sweden, if you drink and drive, you have to go to prison for six months, 3 In Argentina, when you get on a train you should shake hands with all the other people in the carriage. 4 In France, you are not allowed to call a pig ‘Napoleon? 5 In Scotland, boys have to wear a kilt to school. 6 In Brazil, you should never make the ‘OK’ sign with your thumb. Itis very rude. 7 In Germany, every office must have a view of the sky. 8 In the Middle East, you shouldn't admire anything in your hosts? home. They will fee that they have to give it to you. 9 In Singapore, you mustn't eat chewing-gum. It's against the law. 10 In India, you shouldn't thank your hosts at the end ofa meal. It isan insult. 11 In Japan, women mustn't wear trousers to work. 12 In the UK, parents don't have to send their children to school. They can teach them at home if they prefer. 13 In Russia, men should take off their gloves to shake somebody's hand. 14 In Iceland, you mustn't take dogs into the city centre. 15 In Thailand, you shouldn't touch a person’s head (even of a child). The head is sacred. 16 In Australia, women mustn't sit on the top floor of a bus, only downstairs. 17 In Samoa, it is against the law for a man to forget his wife’s birthday. 18 In Switzerland, you aren't allowed to clean your car or cut the srass on a Sunday. 19 In the USA, you shouldn't tip taxi drivers. Itis considered an insult, 20 In Italy, if you give flowers you should give them in odd numbers, e.g. 1, 3,5, 7, or 9. Itis bad luck to give, for example, two flowers, © Which of these customs and laws would you like to have in your country? Choose your top three. 179 2 ind someone who] en tap Fe Taher Book ese C2 Comins Find someone wtioz. | Troop Oded Une res 2008 iT Rec oi cL eed BSUS MUL LoCo 11 would like to be able to travel more. 2 won't be able to come to the neat class. 3 could swim before they were four years old 4 has been able to speak English outside class this week 5 can't patk in very small spaces. {6 would ike to be able to speak another language. 7 canmake good cakes. ‘8 hasn't been able to do all the homework this week. 9 cantt ski (but would like to be able to). 110. needs to be able to speak English in their job (or job they like to do). 181 a Grammar must, have to, should © Circle the correct verb. Tick (¥) if both are possible. ? BL 1 A Did you see that film last night? &. Le he early 1960s, in Britain, young men B Yes, it was brilliant. You must / should go must / had to do military service. and see it. 7 e " " 7 TT 2 When you open the photocopier, you 5 You mustn't / shouldn't be late. Once the mustn’t / don't have to touch this part here; concert has started, you can't go in. it’s very hot. 3 You must / have to get a visa if you want to 6 When you drive across many European go to Russia. Union borders, you mustn’t / don't have to show your passport. © Complete the sentences with must, mustn't, oO so Service inclu have to, don’t have to, should, or shouldn't. Lioppelegt ee i | Tip ace 1 You have to _ pay for food and drinks at sat _Neeetonl separately. e 2 You leave a tip in this restaurant, 3 You fasten your seat belt now. 4 You drink this wine at between | Do not beer Fasten seat disturb 5 Hotel staff go into this room. L 6 Ifyou're in transit, you goto the Alitalia desk. You eat this after March 4th. 7 Best consumed 8 You have any experience to before March 4th work here. las wy Grammar must, may, might, car © Circle the correct verbs. A Isn't that Grant Duncan, over there? B No, it '(can’t)/ must be. He lives in New York now. A I'm sure it’s Grant. B Well, I suppose it ‘can't / might be him. But his hair is very grey. Grant doesn’t have grey hair, A But it ‘must / can’t be three years since we last saw him. A man's hair can go grey in three years. B Who's the woman he's with? She ‘can’t / mightn't be his wife, can she? A No, I'm sure it isn't his wife. I think it Smay can’t be his daughter. She looks just like him, Shall we go and say hello? © Complete the dialogues with must, might, ‘might not, or can't. 1 A This pizza can’t _be for me. It looks like a Margherita and I ordered a Four Seasons. Bit be mine, then. I ordered a Margherita. 2 A What time is Jane coming? B She wasn't sure. She's working late. She be here until 8.30 be very busy, then. 3A Which city is this? B I'm not sure. It__ be Rome. A No, it__ be Italy. The street sign is in French. Bit be Paris, then. That's the only place I've been to in France, 4A Can you help me finish this crossword? I can’t do eight across. B Let's see, An animal found in Australia. It be kangaroo or maybe crocodile, Bit be kangaroo, It ends in a y. I know! I be wallaby. A That's right. Well done! 49 e Grammar can, could, be able to © Circle the correct verbs. Tick () if both are possible. Tango dancing T decided to try to learn tango about never '(been able to) / could dance well, though both my parents are good dancers. | thought: well, if they 2could / were able to do it, I should *can / be able to learn, too. But the tango’s not an easy dance to learn, because the steps aren’t fixed, and every eight steps the man has to be able to transmit that to his partner. My first partner all, so she changed partner. | think my new partner understands me better, so I hope we Swill can / will be able to dance well soon. months ago. I've decide what move he’s going to make, and he has to ‘can / and I Sweren’t able to / couldn't understand each other at Irish language. I found a school and started going to classes, but the first problem was that I7couldn’t / wasn’t able to go to class every week, and the second was that it’s a very difficult language. Also I ‘wasn’t able to / couldn’t find the time do much homework, and trying to learn a language without °can / being able to study between classes is almost impossible. If "I can / Pm able to find time to go to Ireland in the summer, I'll definitely try again. As my family’s Irish, I thought I should learn to speak the © Complete the sentences where possible with can / can’t or could | couldn't. If neither is possible, complete with a form of be able to. 1 I started reading War and Peace, but I 7 couldn't _ finish it. It was too long. 2 I've invited Mark to the party, but I don’t 8 think he'll come. 3 You park there. There’s not 9 enough room. 4 Iwant to buy a new car next year, but I 10 haven't save much money yet. 5 He ______ play the piano when he was ray only four years old. If that car was a bit cheaper, 'd buy it. 150 like on holiday. __ do what I want wi We don't have to buy the tickets no get them on the train. I didn’t enjoy the film because I understand what was going on. Excuse me, do you think you help me with my cases? We won't meet tonight working.

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