Positive Tensor Network Approach For Simulating Open Quantum Many-Body Systems

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PRL 116, 237201 (2016) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 10 JUNE 2016

Positive Tensor Network Approach for Simulating Open Quantum Many-Body Systems
A. H. Werner,1 D. Jaschke,2,3 P. Silvi,2 M. Kliesch,1 T. Calarco,2 J. Eisert,1 and S. Montangero2
Dahlem Center for Complex Quantum Systems, Freie Universität Berlin, 14195 Berlin, Germany
Institute for Complex Quantum Systems & Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technologies (IQST),
Universität Ulm, 89069 Ulm, Germany
Department of Physics, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado 80401, USA
(Received 5 February 2015; revised manuscript received 18 February 2016; published 7 June 2016)
Open quantum many-body systems play an important role in quantum optics and condensed matter
physics, and capture phenomena like transport, the interplay between Hamiltonian and incoherent
dynamics, and topological order generated by dissipation. We introduce a versatile and practical method
to numerically simulate one-dimensional open quantum many-body dynamics using tensor networks. It is
based on representing mixed quantum states in a locally purified form, which guarantees that positivity is
preserved at all times. Moreover, the approximation error is controlled with respect to the trace norm.
Hence, this scheme overcomes various obstacles of the known numerical open-system evolution schemes.
To exemplify the functioning of the approach, we study both stationary states and transient dissipative
behavior, for various open quantum systems ranging from few to many bodies.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.237201

Open quantum systems are ubiquitous in physics. To can indeed be viewed as a variational principle over matrix-
some extent any quantum system is coupled to an envi- product states [11,13,17–19]. Generalizing these ideas, a
ronment, and in many instances this interaction signifi- number of exciting methods have been proposed [20–26],
cantly alters the system’s dynamics. Traditionally, such some of which also allow us to study open quantum
decoherence processes are seen as adversary to coherent systems. In most cases matrix-product operators (MPOs)
state manipulation. However, suitably engineered dissipa- are at the heart of these methods. Indeed, several variants
tion can also have beneficial effects and can be exploited have already been developed [27–35], many of which
for state preparation [1–8], even of states containing strong exploit the well-known features of tensor network Ansätze
entanglement or featuring topological order. In condensed to encode the mixed many-body quantum states in a compact
matter physics, many concepts such as transport are often matrix-product formulation, ultimately making the algorithm
studied within the closed systems paradigm, but it is efficient and stable both for transient [27–29] and steady
becoming increasingly clear that some familiar concepts state physics [34].
may have to be revisited in the open system setting [9], However, in such a MPO description, the resulting
where the interplay between Hamiltonian interactions and truncated operators may not be positive; in fact, this
dissipation leads to interesting physical effects. property cannot even be tested locally, because it comprises
Since few analytical methods are available for such a computationally intractable problem [36]. In Ref. [27]
systems, the design of novel numerical tools for the this is circumvented by dropping the positivity assumption
simulation of dissipative quantum many-body systems is during the time evolution, which requires that the approxi-
of the utmost importance. In this work, we present a new mation errors remain sufficiently small. Alternatively,
algorithm that captures open many-body dynamics in one quantum jump schemes make use of a stochastic unraveling
spatial dimension—for both transient and steady regimes— of the master equation [30,37,38] and then employ pure-
based on a locally purified tensor network Ansatz class. state techniques, at the expense of having to sample over
It comprises a new approach in that the positivity of the many realizations. The comparative performance of these
operators is maintained during the whole simulation. two approaches has been recently investigated [39].
Importantly, the approximation errors can be controlled Remarkably, the subset of matrix-product operators that
in a way that yields a trace-norm certificate. Hence, the are cast in a locally purified tensor network (LPTN) form
algorithm provides not only a conceptually new approach [27,40] shows promising features: such operators are
to the problem, but also combines several desired features positive by construction and exhibit all the helpful features
of existing schemes and overcomes previous limitations. typical of tensor networks. However, while the LPTN
Tensor-network Ansatz classes have proven to be suc- structure has been studied to represent boundary states
cessful in capturing the physics of many-body states in projected entangled pair tensor networks [26,41,42] a
[10–15] by parametrizing a very small but physically practical algorithm for one-dimensional open systems has
relevant submanifold of quantum states with local corre- yet to be formulated. Here, we show that such a positivity-
lations. The density-matrix renormalization method [16] preserving algorithm can actually be engineered for

0031-9007=16=116(23)=237201(6) 237201-1 © 2016 American Physical Society

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PRL 116, 237201 (2016) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 10 JUNE 2016

FIG. 1. Markov dynamics of a quantum spin chain on the level of local tensors. Panel (a) shows the relationship between a density
matrix ρ in the MPO representation (top) and the locally purified tensor network (bottom) with tensors Al , physical dimension d, bond
dimension D0 , and Kraus dimension K. (b) Action of a local channel T acting exclusively on lattice site 2 on the level of the MPO and on
the level of the locally purified tensors. In the latter, the Kraus rank k2 of the quantum channel T is joined together with K.
(c) Compression schemes for the bond and Kraus dimension of a local tensor via singular value decompositions (SVD). (d) Locally
purified evolution of a time step eτL for a nearest neighbor Hamiltonian and on-site Lindblad operators. We only show three of the five
Trotter-Suzuki layers from Eq. (3).

Markovian dynamics: this scheme has the computational Our algorithm is an extension of the time evolving block
efficiency of tensor network methods, allows us to control decimation (TEBD) scheme [44], acting on the level of the
all approximation errors in the operationally relevant trace local tensor A½l that also allows for dissipative channels,
norm, and preserves positivity by construction, thus ulti- and never requires us to contract the two tensor network
mately merging the advantages of previous techniques layers (X and X† ) together. Similarly to TEBD, we split
while solving known issues. the propagator eτL for a small time step τ into several
Algorithm.—Our goal is to simulate the evolution of dissipative Trotter-Suzuki layers [45] of mutually commut-
spin chains under local Markovian dynamics, i.e., one- ing operators. Let us consider the evolution from time t
dimensional lattice systems (at finite system size, with open to t þ τ in row-wise vectorization jρtþτ ⟫ ¼ je⟫τL ρt ¼
boundary conditions) governed by the Lindblad master eτð−iH⊗1þi1⊗H̄þDÞ jρt ⟫, where jM⟫ denotes the vector given
equation as the row-wise concatenation of a matrix M. As usual, for
dρ one spatial dimension (for possible generalizations to
¼ LðρÞ ¼ −i½H; ρ þ DðρÞ: ð1Þ higher dimensions see the Supplemental Material [46])
dt we define the operators Ho and H e by splitting the
Here, H ¼ j H j is the Hamiltonian and the dissipative Hamiltonian H ¼ Nl¼1 H ½l;lþ1 into two sums, one con-
part of the Lindblad generator L takes the form taining the even interactions H½2l;2lþ1 and one containing
P the odd interactions H ½2l−1;2l . If the Lindblad operators Lα
DðρÞ ¼ α ðLα ρL†α − fL†α Lα ; ρg=2Þ, where the Lindblad
operators Lα model the coupling of the system with the act only on site (the case of two-site Lindblad operators is
environment. We focus on the typical scenario, where the treated later on), we can approximate eτL using a second
elementary Hamiltonian terms Hj as well as the Lindblad order Trotter-Suzuki formula as (see the Supplemental
operators Lα are two local, meaning that they only couple Material [46])
spins on neighboring sites, and denote them by H½l;lþ1 or
eτL ¼ eτHo =2 eτHe =2 eτD eτHe =2 eτHo =2 þ Oðτ3 Þ; ð3Þ
L½l;lþ1 , respectively.
We describe the variational mixed state of the system
partially shown in Fig. 1(d), where Hν ¼−iH ν ⊗1þi1⊗ H̄ν
as a tensor network representing the density matrix ρ. But
with ν ¼ o, e. The layers He and Ho implement the
instead of expressing ρ directly as a MPO [27,43] we keep
coherent part of the evolution and are identical to the usual
it at every stage of our algorithm in its locally purified form
TEBD layers. Expressing ρt as ρt ¼ Xt X†t we find that by
ρ ¼ XX† , where the purification operator X is decomposed
as a variational tensor network setting Xt 0 ¼ e−iτHν =2 Xt we recover exactly ρt 0 ¼ eτHν =2 ρt.
Hence, for the coherent part of the dynamics, we can just
X ½1s ;r ½2s ;r ½Ns ;rN adapt the usual TEBD algorithm for nearest neighbor
½Xsr11 ;…;s
;…;rN ¼
Am1 1 1 Am1 ;m
2 2
   AmN−1N ð2Þ
m1 ;…;mN−1
The dissipative layer requires a more careful treatment
with 1 ≤ sl ≤ d, 1 ≤ rl ≤ K, and 1 ≤ ml ≤ D. Hence, we and we exploit the fact that since the operators L½l act
represent ρ by a locally purified tensor network consisting ½l
only on a single site, we find eτD ¼ ⊗eτD , with D½l ¼
of rank-4 tensors A½l with physical dimension d, bond P ½l
½l ½l† ½l ½lT ½l
dimension D, and Kraus dimension K [see Fig. 1(a)]. j ½Lj ⊗ L̄j − ðLj Lj ⊗ 1 þ 1 ⊗ Lj L̄j Þ=2, where

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PRL 116, 237201 (2016) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 10 JUNE 2016

the sum runs over all Lindblad operators Lj acting on 10-3
site l. Since e is completely positive, we can find a 10-7
set of Kraus operators fBl;q g satisfying eτD ¼
Pk τD½l on the level of the
q¼1 Bl;q ⊗ B̄l;q . The action of e
0 30 60
local tensors is now given by a contraction of Bl;q into At ,
while joining the variational Kraus dimension K with the
Kraus rank k ≤ d2 of the quantum channel eτD , as shown
in Fig. 1(b). The application of each Trotter-Suzuki layer
increases only the dimension of a single index of the local
0 20 40
tensors A½l : the bond dimension D is increased by the
coherent layers, and the Kraus dimension K by the FIG. 2. Main: excitation populations of the four sites (see the
dissipative layers. This allows for immediate compression main text) in the coupled spin-cavity model (yellow, cavity;
of the enlarged dimension similar to the standard density violet, spin; dashed, right; straight, left), here for γ ¼ 0.05,
matrix renormalisation group setting. In all compression α1 ¼ α2 ¼ 0.48, αCC ¼ −1.0, ωC ¼ ωS ¼ 1.0, as well as their
steps the Frobenius norm error introduced on the purifi- sum N (green line). The latter is nicely fitted by an exponential,
cation operators can be kept track of. This translates into a with decay rate γ fit ¼ 0.04997  8 × 10−5 . Inset: comparison of
the locally purified evolution, here for bond dimension D ¼ 40
trace-norm error for the state itself. By taking also the error and Kraus dimension K ¼ 40, with the exact Liouville evolution:
from the Trotter-Suzuki approximation into account, we infidelity I (blue line) and relative Hilbert-Schmidt distance (red
obtain an explicit bound for the trace-norm error; see line). Infidelities are estimated to be numerically reliable above
Theorem 1 in the Supplemental Material [46]. 10−7 (nonshaded area).
Numerical results.—In order to verify the applicability of
our method we consider three prototypical benchmark
situations. The first one comprises a few-body scenario, Iðρ1 ; ρ2 Þ ¼ 1 − Tr½ðρ2 1=2 ρ1 ρ2 1=2 Þ1=2  of the locally puri-
consisting of two qubits coupled via cavities with addi- fied evolution ρ1 with respect to the exact evolution ρ2
tional excitation losses [52]. As a genuine many body carried out in Liouville space. As expected, close to the
example we study the steady state of an XXZ spin-1=2 steady state the deviation of the locally purified dynamics
chain with edge dissipation channels, which allows for from the exact evolution converges to a finite value
comparison with analytical solutions derived in Ref. [9]. (depending both on τ and the maximal bond D and
Finally, we show the validity of the two-site Lindblad- Kraus dimension K).
operator approach in the case of the Kitaev wire [7]. As a second benchmark, we consider the evolution
In the first model, two interacting optical cavities (C1 and of
P a x spin-chain under the XXZ Hamiltonian H ¼
y y
l ðσ l σ lþ1 þ σ l σ lþ1 þ Δσ l σ lþ1 Þ. Via a Jordan-Wigner
x z z
C2 ) are each coupled to a private qubit (S1 and S2 ).
Ordering the sites as ðS1 − C1 Þ − ðC2 − S2 Þ gives a nearest transformation this system is mapped into a spinless
neighbor model suited for our algorithm. The coherent part fermion Hubbard model with a density-density nearest
of the dynamics is captured by the Jaynes-Cummings neighbor interaction. Therefore, with the addition of two
Hamiltonian, which describes each spin-cavity interaction, reservoirs embodied by Markov channels at the edges, it
plus a photon tunneling between cavities. In terms of the models fermionic dc transport in a quantum pffiffiffiffiffi wire. We
spin operators σ  y † L← ¼ 2γ σ þ
l ¼ ðσ l  iσ l Þ=2 and the creation cl and
x introduce the Lindblad operatorspffiffiffiffiffi 1 at the
annihilation operators cl of P the cavity photons, the leftmost site (source) and L→ ¼ 2γ σ −N at the rightmost
− †
Hamiltonian is given by H ¼ l¼1;2 ðαl ðσ þ l cl þ σ l cl Þþ
site (drain). We identify the steady state for different
† †
ωC nl þ ωS σ l Þ þ αCC ðc1 c2 þ c2 c1 Þ. The dissipation mod-
z parameter regimes ðΔ; γÞ. For comparison with analytic
els a homogeneous probability of excitation losses and is results from Ref. [9], we consider the local z axis
pffiffiffi magnetization σ zl and the spin-current operator I l ¼
given by single-site Lindblad operators: LSl ¼ γ σ −l for
pffiffiffi iðσ þ − − þ
the spins and LCl ¼ γ cl for the cavities. We start the l σ lþ1 − σ l σ lþ1 Þ. The steady state regime is achieved
evolution in a pure product state, where only the right by evolving the system until these observables become
cavity is nonempty and filled exactly with Nð0Þ ¼ 3 stationary. Figure 3 shows the local magnetization of a
photons. The symmetries of the model imply an easy chain of N ¼ 100 spins in the top panel, while the current
relation between the total excitation number N ðtÞ and the as a function of the chain length is plotted on the bottom
coupling strength γ: N ðtÞ ¼ N ð0Þe−γt , a behavior that is frame. A remarkable quantitative match to Ref. [9] emerges
reproduced by our simulations with high precision (under even for small D and K (∼60).
0.2% relative deviation). Figure 2 shows the occupation on Finally, we consider a setting with two-local instead of
each site as well as N ðtÞ, which correctly reproduces the on-site Lindblad operators (see the Supplemental Material
expected exponential decay. The inset shows the infidelity [46] for details). We employ a two-layer Trotter-Suzuki

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PRL 116, 237201 (2016) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 10 JUNE 2016
0 50 100
that strategies (a) and (c) yield, surprisingly, equivalent
precision, and are preferable choices to strategy (b).
0.5 Discussion and advantages of the scheme.—The LPTN
algorithm introduced in this Letter yields an overall
0 computational cost scaling as Oðd5 D3 KÞ þ Oðd5 D2 K 2 Þ,
by executing a clever contraction of the coherent terms.
-0.5 Moreover, this method takes advantage of the gauge
freedom, e.g., by reducing costs for local measurements
from OðNÞ to Oð1Þ, with N being the system size. It
complements known evolution schemes employed in
many-body calculations for 1D systems (namely the
10 MPO representation and the quantum trajectories tech-
nique) in a significant way. Indeed, our scheme allows us to
-2 overcome known shortcomings of the other methods,
although possibly concomitant with a slightly reduced
efficiency, as we describe briefly in the following.
10-3 The computational cost of regular MPO techniques
5 10 20 50 ~ 2 Þ þ Oðd6 D
~ 3 Þ. They have been extensively
scales as Oðd8 D
FIG. 3. Comparison of simulated steady state (points) with employed with success [27–33,35]. The LPTN paradigm is
analytical results (lines) from Ref. [9] for the XXZ model with a preferable choice in cases where the negativity of the
edge driving of γ ¼ 1 in several parameter regimes. Green MPO Ansatz becomes pathological. Note, however, that the
squares, Δ ¼ 0.5; red dots, Δ ¼ 1.0; cyan triangles, Δ ¼ 1.5. roles of the bond dimensions in the schemes are not
Top: local magnetization in the z direction hσ zj i as a function of identical [40], and there is an additional trade-off between
the site j, for a chain of length N ¼ 100. Bottom: time averaged D and K in the LPTN case. Quantum trajectory techniques,
steady state spin current I j ¼ 2Imhσ þ −
j σ jþ1 i at the chain center in contrast, carry a computational cost (assuming the single
j ¼ N=2, as a function of the total chain length N.
sample evolution relies on a matrix product state Ansatz
with bond dimension D̂) of the order Oðηd4 D̂2 Þþ
approximation with odd Lo ¼ Ho þ Do and even Le ¼ Oðηd3 D̂3 Þ, where η is the number of samples employed
He þ De terms. After computing the Kraus decomposition in the stochastic unraveling. These methods have delivered
for the corresponding nearest-neighbor channels eτL2l;2lþ1 ¼ excellent accuracy in a number of physically relevant
Pk ½2l;2lþ1 ½2l;2lþ1
scenarios, especially in transient dynamics and in situations
q Bq ⊗ B̄q one can choose how to implement where the stationary states are expected to be close to being
the action of Bq onto A½2l and A½2lþ1 . In particular, pure [30]. Their limitations are crucial, however, when the
there are different possibilities for distributing the Kraus stationary states are expected to be highly mixed, such as in
rank k of the channel between the Kraus dimensions K 2l high temperature environments. Then, the number of
and K 2lþ1 of the two sites. samples required increases drastically, challenging also a
Moreover, when such a dimension k is distributed non- parallel computation approach. Possibly more challenging
trivially (k1 > 1 to the left site, and k2 > 1 to the right site, is the fact it can happen that quantum states of relatively
where k1 k2 ¼ k) there is an additional freedom, represented small correlations are represented as ensembles of matrix
by a unitary transformation U in the k-dimensional auxiliary product states each with a large bond dimension D̂. An
space, that influences the precision of the algorithm. This extreme case of this form is constituted by a maximally
gauge transformation U is discussed in detail in the mixed stationary state with D ¼ 1 and K ¼ d, represented
Supplemental Material [46], alongside a numerical tech- as an ensemble of pure states of bond dimension D̂, giving
nique we adopt to optimize it. For an appropriate compari- rise to an overhead of D̂3 .
son, we consider three strategies: (a) Kraus rank all to one Importantly, the LPTN offers a concise control of errors
side ( e.g., k2 ¼ 1), (b)
pffiffiffiKraus rank distributed as evenly as accumulated during the simulation and guarantees a sim-
possible (k1 ≃ k2 ≃ k), with random U (unoptimized), ulation to be accurate up to a given error. At the same time,
and (c) analogously to (b) but with optimized U. the new scheme introduced here calls for further theoretical
As a benchmark of this technique we simulated a Kitaev and numerical studies to determine under which physical
wire model, comparing the LPTN to the exact evolution, conditions and dynamical processes each of these three
which we discuss in detail in the Supplemental Material [46]. different approaches is most effective. A deeper under-
The results showed that we can capture accurately the real- standing of these issues will guide future research in out-of-
time evolution starting from an entangled mixed random equilibrium quantum many-body systems providing the
state, by direct comparison of our scheme with the exact best possible numerical tool available in each different
Liouville evolution, for a chain of six sites. It also suggests scenario.

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PRL 116, 237201 (2016) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 10 JUNE 2016

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