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Essay about "Is better to adopt a baby or an older child?



Сагындыкова Елена

Adopting a child is an experience that promises to bring great joy as it changes a couple
or individual’s life forever. Adoption is one of the greatest ways for loving responsible
couples to give unwanted youth a happy home. As the number of children in the care of
foster homes and orphanges grow, adoption is a vital way for children from broken homes
as well as potential parents with a stable environment to become connected.

A child under one year old is a "cat in a bag". At this age, it is impossible to diagnose a
number of diseases, predict how a child will develop and look in the future. Taking a baby,
we give birth, as it were. What I gave birth to or adopted, this is what I love. The baby needs
a year, preferably two, to nurse independently, without relying on nannies. As a rule,
mothers with infants burn out quickly, because they have to devote themselves entirely to

From one to three years: In children at this age, their appearance is already "determined".
Parents can talk to the child, find out what hurts: tooth, eye, stomach. It can be seen that
the child can walk and talk. Children at this age are removed from many diagnoses that were
made at birth. The child can already be sent to kindergarten, but we must be prepared for
the fact that he will lag behind his peers. There is no need to be afraid of this, children at this
age quickly catch up with their peers. But the baby from the orphanage will not have a crisis
of three years by the age of 3: "I am myself," because he is not yet attached to his parents.

From three to six: This is a "magical" age when a child is literally bursting with love. He
believes in fairy tales, but also learns for the first time that there is death. At this time, the
baby can not start preparing for school. It is necessary to "nourish" him with maximum love,
because in the future he will spend a lot of effort on studying. It's a time of play, traveling
together, magical stories. Parents should devote as much time as possible to the child,
because this is a very important period for him. For the first time, the baby has an idea of
justice, good and evil. It is it that will move him in the future, when he will think not with his
head, but with his heart. At first, the child should be treated as an infant, that is, to say – you
are, and this is happiness. Then he must pass the age of "one to three", when the rules of
behavior and safety are learned.

From six to 12: At this age, the main thing is not to break the child. Foster parents take on
the upbringing of a student who has not passed the previous stages of growing up. He
wasn't coddled, he didn't get enough exercise, he didn't get enough love, but he already has
to go to school. There is no need to demand extraordinary success from a child. The main
thing you need to be prepared for is a dialogue with the school. A kid from an orphanage is
unlikely to ever be an excellent student at school, but he will go to clubs, play football, hug
and kiss his mother, spend time together with joy and help with the housework with
From 13 to 15: In adolescence, children reconsider values: it's time for them to separate
from the adults with whom they have grown together, so they look for flaws in them. If the
child does not find a shortage of mom or dad, then he simply will not be able to "get away"
from them, because how can you get away from such good ones? Children at this age in
orphanages are given good grades in the classroom so that they do not lose motivation. The
child will tell potential parents the things they want to hear from him. If Dad says he likes to
read, then the teenager will repeat. But this is not so, because reading is a pleasure, and in
orphanages it is received differently.

From 15 to 17: Relationships with older children are a kind of marriage. The child thinks that
he has already formed, in fact, he has not yet realized who he is and what to do next.
Parents who decide to take a young man or a girl should definitely try the guest mode first. It
is advisable to choose the summer vacation period for this. All teenagers at this time are
children who sleep for a long time, eat well, have fun and walk. A teenager needs his own
room, to which he can always return, and moms and dads should give him confidence that
he is no longer alone, and he has a family.

In conclusion, I want to say children of any age can make you happy, or they can make you
sad, and parenting has never been easy. The speed of attachment formation in children does
not depend on age. With the same success and with a six-year-old, and with a fourteen-year-
old child, you can quickly develop a close, trusting relationship. Adoption is a long,
complicated and sometimes expensive process. In any case, I think that if parents give all
their love and attention to an adopted child, he will gradually learn to trust them and live in
a new family.

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