Week 2 - Laboratory Techniques and Precision Measu - 231226 - 115448

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CHM 204

Title of Experiment: Laboratory

Techniques and Precision
1) Purpose:
The purpose of this experiment is introduce several of the tools, techniques,
glassware, and mathematical equations used in analytical chemistry.

2) Theory:
Laboratory experiments cannot be performed without errors. These errors can
be minimized by being attentive and by choosing the right procedure and
equipment. These errors usually affect the accuracy and the precision of the
results, which can be measured using a set of mathematical and statistical
equations. For this experiment, we will check our accuracy and precision when
measuring 10 ml of water using a 10 ml measuring pipette after 10 times.

3) Equipment
- Analytical balance
- Beaker
- 10ml graduated pipette.
- Pipette filler
- Bottle of water
4) Procedure
- Clean the analytical balance using a tissue or brush.
- Put the beaker on the balance.
- Record the mass of the empty beaker.
- Measure 10 ml of water using a 10ml pipette and pipette filler.
- Pour the water in the beaker.
- Record the mass of the beaker and the water.
- Fill the pipette again with 10 ml of water.
- Pour the water in the beaker while retaining the original volume in the
- Record the new mass.
- Repeat the last two steps for 8 times.
5) Table and data of Results
Trail Volume of Mass of water+ Mass of each (xi)2
water beaker 10 ml of
(±0.02 ml) (±0.0001) water
1 10.00 132.8632 10.0079 100.158
2 10.00 142.8434 9.9802 99.6044
3 10.00 152.8373 9.9939 99.8786
4 10.00 162.8190 9.9817 99.6343
5 10.00 172.7811 9.9621 99.2434
6 10.00 182.6986 9.9175 98.3568
7 10.00 192.7071 10.0085 100.170
8 10.00 202.7169 10.0098 100.196
9 10.00 212.7081 9.9912 99.8241
10 10.00 222.6977 9.9896 99.7921

6) Method of calculation
a) For mass of water
- Density of water= 1 g/ml and density= 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒

So, mass of water = volume of water

- To calculate the mass of water:

 Trail 1: mass of water= mass of (water+beaker) – mass of beaker
= 132.8632- 122.8553
= 10.0079 g
 Trail 2: we add 10ml of water without discarding the original volume, so
mass from trail 1+ new mass of water = 142.8483g
Then new mass of water= 142.8483-132.8632= 9.9851g

 Trail 3: we add the measured amount of water over the 142.8483 ml present.
The new mass recorded is 152.8373g.
Mass of water= 152.8373- 142.8483= 9.9939 g
 Trail 4: mass of water= 162.8190- 152.8373= 9.9817g
 Trail 5: mass of water= 172.7811-162.8190=9.9621g
 Trail 6: mass of water= 182.6986-172.7811= 9.9175g
 Trail 7: mass of water= 192.7071-182.6986=10.0085g
 Trail 8: mass of water= 202.7169-192.7071=10.0098g
 Trail 9: mass of water= 212.7081-202.7169=9.9912g
 Trail 10: mass of water= 222.6977-212.7081=9.9912g

b) Statistical calculations
- Mean= 𝑥̅ = 𝑛 ∑𝑖𝑛=1 𝑥𝑛
= 10
= 10
=9.98424=9.9842 (contains same number of decimal places as the
measurements recorded)
- 𝑑 = 𝑛 ∑𝑖𝑛=1|𝑥𝑖 − 𝑥̅ |
- |𝑥𝑖 − 𝑥̅ |=
- |10.0079 − 9.9842| = 0.0237
- |9.9802 − 9.9842 | = 0.0040
- |9.9939 − 9.9842| = 0.0097
- |9.9817 − 9.9842| = 0.0025
- |9.9621 − 9.9842 | = 0.0221
- |9.9175 − 9.9842| = 0.0667
- |10.0085 − 9.9842 | = 0.0243
- |10.0098 − 9.9842| = 0.0256
- |9.9912 − 9.9842| = 0.0070
- |9.9896 − 9.9842| = 0.0054
- 
- d= 10 =0.0191
- ∑𝑥𝑖2 = 100.1581 + 99.6044 + 99.8786 + 996343 + 99.2434 + 99.3568 +
- 𝑥̅ + 𝑑 = 9.9842 + 0.0191 = 10.0033 (4 decimal points)
2 (99.8424)2
∑𝑥 − 2 (∑𝑥𝑖) (996.8574)−
- 𝑠=√ 𝑖 𝑁
= √ 10
= 0.0277=0.03 (round to 1 significant figure)
𝑁−1 9

- 𝑥̅ ± 𝜎 = 9.98 ± 0.03
𝐷 0.0191
- = =0.00191 <0.002  precise
𝑥̅ 9.9842
𝐷 0.0191
- = = 0.00191 < 0.002  accurate
𝑥𝑀 9.9904
- 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑥𝑀 : arrange the values in ascending order first
9.9175, 9.9621, 9.9802, 9.9817, 9.9896, 9.9912, 9.9939, 10.0079, 10.0098, 10.0098
9.9896+ 9.9912
- 𝑥𝑀 = = 9.9904

7) Discussions of Results
- Water was measured using a pipette. For a pipette, the uncertainty value
𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒
is equal to half of the smallest increment. = 0.02 so the
smallest value is 0.04 ml.
- The mass was measured using an analytical balance. The uncertainty of
the balance is the smallest value it can measure, hence the value 0.0001g.
- While subtracting, we take into consideration the least number of
decimal points, which is 4.
- While squaring, we keep the same number of significant figures, which is
- The mass of water+beaker is additive since water was not discarded for
every trail. Every time, we add 10ml over the existing volume since if we
were to discard, the %error may increase due to water droplets being
stuck on the wall of the tube.
- We use the mass and volume of water interchangeably since density of
water= 1g/ml.
- The mean 9.98424 can be rounded to 9.9842 since usually the mean
contains the same number of decimal places as the data recorded.
- The standard deviation is usually reported in 1 significant figure. While
adding the standard deviation with the mean, we usually round the mean
to have the same number of decimal points as the standard deviation.
- The average deviation is 0.00191 <0.002 which indicates that our results
are precise.
- The accuracy is measured using using . Since =
𝑥𝑀 𝑥𝑀
0.00191 < 0.002 , so, the results are accurate.
- Since our results are accurate and precise, we can use the pipette as a
measuring tool.
8) Sources of Error
- Misreading of the pipette meniscus
- Pipette is not calibrated, or the volume written on it is wrong.
- Using water at a temperature different than room temperature
- Pipette is contaminated.
- …
9) Extra Exercises
1) How many significant figures are present in the following numbers?
a- 0.01500  4 significant figures
b- 7000 1 significant figure
c- 1700  2 significant figures
d- 325.60  5 significant figures

2) Round to 3 significant figures :

a- 71006  7.10 x 10^4
b- 1300  1.30 x10^3
c- 0.05  0.0500
3) Give the answer to the correct significant figures and decimal places :
a- log 6.751 = 0.8294
b- √7.590 =2.755
c- (1.75+0.650)*1.750/(1.956*10-2 ) = 215

- (1.75+0.650)= 2.40

- 2.40*1.750=4.20

- 4.20/(1.956*10-2)=215

d- (17.50-3.7000)+(1.50x3.600) / 19.00 = 1.011

- (17.50-3.7000)= 13.80
- 1.50x3.600=5.40
- 13.80+5.40=19.20
- 19.20/19.00= 1.011
4) List 2 kinds of determinate errors and 2 kinds of indeterminate errors that
could be done in the lab session performed.
- Determinate errors may be methodological, personal, or instrumental. An
example of an instrumental determinate error may be the pH meter not
being calibrated. An example of personal determinate error may be
misreading of the procedure.
- Indeterminate errors may be instrumental or methodological such as
variation in humidity or temperature other than those suited for the
experiment, or error in the voltage of an instrument.

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