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Chapter Linear Programming 1, Inan LPP, if the objective function z= ax + by has the same maximum value on two corner points of the feasible region, then the number of points at Which Zax OCcurs is ICBSE - 20201 fa) 0 &) 2 (©) finite (A) infinite 2. The graph of the inequality 2x+3y > [CBSE - 2020] (a)_ half plane that contains the origin (b) half plane that neither contains the origin nor the points of the line 2x-+3y =6 (c) whole XOY-plane excluding the points on the line 2x+3y=6 (a) entire XOY plane. 3. Which of the following types of problems cannot be solved by linear programming methods? (@) Transportation problem (b) Manufacturing problems (©) Traffic signal control (@) Diet problems 4. The optimal value of the objective function is allained al the points: (2) Comer points of the feasible region (b) Any point ofthe feasible region (©) on-axis (@) ony-axis 3. An optimisation problem may involve finding : (@)_ maximum profit (b)_ minimum cost (6) minimum use of resources (@) Alloftheabove 6. The condition x20, y2 0 are called : (@) restrictions only (b) negative restrictions (c)_ non-negative restrictions (@)_ None of the above 7. The feasible region for the an LPP is shown in this following figure. Then, the minimum value of Z = Lx+ Ty is 8. 10, Y xyes 89 (a) 2 &) 7 © 2» @) 31 ‘The maximum value of region for the an LPP it y ix + 3y, ifthe feasible shown below: (0.40) 8 (18, 16) 10 10 @ m2 (© 7 ©) a In which of the following problems (s), linear programming can be use (a)- manufacturing problems () diet problems (6). transportation problems (a) Allof these Corer points of the feasible region for an LPP are (©, 2), 8,0), (6,0), 6,8) and (0,5) Let F = 4y + 6y be the objective function. The ‘minimum value of F occurs at: (a) @.2)only (b) G,0) only (6) the mid-point on the line segment joining the points (0,2) and @3, 0) only any point on the line segm (0,2)and G, 0) @) nt joining the points 11. The corner points of the feasible region determined by the following system of linear inequalities 2e+y S10, x+3y515,x,y 20 are (0, 0), 5,0), (3,4) and (0,5). Let Z= px qy, where p, q>0. Condition fon p and q, 0 that the maximum of Z occurs at both. 6,4) and (0,5) is @ pea © p=34 The variable x and y in a Ii problem are called (@) decision variables (b) (©) optimal variables (a) The linear inequalities or equations or restrictions on the variables of a linear programming problem are called : ) p 2 linear variables None of these 2B. (a) linear relations (6) constraints (©) functions (2) objective functions 14. The objective function of an LPP is: (@) a constraint (b) a fanction tobe optimised (©) arelation between the variables (2) None ofthe above 15, Which of the term is not used in a linear programming problem ? (2) Optimal solution (b) Feasible solution (©) Concave region (2) Objective function 16. Which of the following sets are not convex? (@) Gy):2e+5y<7 Ob) Gye tesE © «imp @) Gy 3e+2Ps6 17. The optimal value of the objective function is attained at the point is: (@) given by intersection of inequations with axes only (©) given by intersection of inequations with X-axis only (© givenby comer points ofthe feasible egion (@)_ None of the above 18. The feasible solution for a LPP shown in Fig, Let Z += 3x — dy be the objective function. Minimum of Z occurs at Y 4,30) oe 6.8) (6.5) @o) 6.0) (a) @0) &) 8) © 69) @) G10) 19. Refer to Question 18. Maximum of Z occurs at : (@ 6,0) &) 6.5) © 68) (@) 4,10) 20. Refer to Question 18. (Maximum value of Z + Minimum value of 2) is @ 13 Om © -1 () -17 ible region in the set of points which satisfy @) The objective functions (b) Some the given functions (©) Allof the given constriants (a) None of these 22. The region of feasible solution in LPP graphic method is called. {@) Infeasible region (b) unbounded region (©) Infinite region (d)_ feasible region 23, In equation 3x~y >3 and dx—dy>4 {@), Have solution for positive x and y (@) Have no solution for positive xand y (©) Have solution forall x (@) Have soluton for all y 24, The comer point of the feasible region determined by the system of linear constraints are (0, 0), (0,30), (20, 40), (60, 20), 60, 0). The objective function is Z = 4x + 3y. Compare the quantity in Column A and Column B= Cola Max (@) Quantity in column A is greater (©) Quantity in column A is greater (©) ‘Two quantities are equal (@) Relationship cannot be determined and the basis of information supplied 25. Ina LPP, the objective function is always : {@) cubic (©) quadratic (© linear (@)_ constant 26. Maximise, 7.= — x + 2y, subject to the const xE3,x¢y25,242y26,y 20: @ Max Z=12at 2,6) () Zhasno max. value (©) Max, Z=10 at @, 6) (a) Max, Z=14 at 2, 6) 27. A linear programming problem is one that is concerned with : Col. B 340 (@) finding the upper limits of a linear function of several variables, (©) finding the lower limit of a linear function of several variables (©) finding the limiting values of a linear funetion ‘of several variables (@) finding the optimal value (max or min) of a linear funetion of several variables 28. Objective function is expressed in terms of the (@) Numbers (b) Symbols (©) Decision variabJes_(d) Noue of these 29, In a transportation problem, with 4 supply point and 5 demand points how many number of contraints required in its formulation : @2 H1 @o Ws 30. The feasible region (shaded) for a LPP is shown in the figure. The max. Z= 5x +7y is: y 5,4) a) x (@ 43 ©) 47 31, The position of points O(0, 0) and PQ, ~ 2) in the region of graph of inequation 2~3y <5, will be: (@) Oinside and P outside 0 6 wo (b) Oand P both inside (© Cand Poth outside (@) outside and P inside 32 Let Z = ax + by is a linear objective function variables xand y are called nn Variables. (@) Independent (b)_ Continuous (©) Decision (@) Dependent 33, Infeasibility means that the number of solutions to the linear programming models that satisfies al constraints is: (a) Atleast (b) An infinite number (9 Ze (@)_Atleast2 ‘Choose the correct option = {@) Both (A) and (B) are true and Ris the correct explanation A, {b)_ Both (A) and (R) are true but Ris not correct explanation ofA. (© Aisteuebut Ris fase (@)_Ais false but Ris true. 34, Assertion (A) + The region represented by the set {@ 9) 4522+ 4? £9) isa convex set. Reason (R): The sot (x,y): 4 Sx? + y? 9} represents the region between two concentric circles of radii 2 and. 35, Assertion (A) : If a LPP. admits two optimal solutions then it has infinitely many optimal solutions. Reason (R) : Ifthe value ofthe objective function of a LPP is same at two comers then itis same at every point on the line joining two corner points 36. A furniture dealer deals in only two items—tables and chairs. He took a loan of @ 50,000 from the bank to invest in this business. He took a room fon rent for the storage of furniture which has a storage space of at most 60 pieces. A table costs % 2500 while a chair costs % 500. He estimates that from the sale of one table, he can make a profit of £250 and that from the sale of one chair a profit of € 75. Find the number of tables and chairs he should buy from the available money so as to ‘maximize his total profit, assuming that he ean sell, all the items which he buys. y 109 0: \ Es 7 ob Nel oP Nolo f 10 (20.0) xl + + > Chae S| [4 Lee I Suey 100 Fig, Graphical representation of optimization problem Based on the above information answer the following: (@ Which constraint shows the linear objective function using decision variables x and y? (a) Z=250x+75y — (b)_ Z=250v-75y (© Z=275x-50y — (d)_ 7.=75x-250y Gi) Which equation shows that “he can store only (64 pices of chairs and tables’ ? (@) x+y260 () x-y260 () x-¥=60 @) x+ys60 (Gi) Choose correct investment constraint by furniture dealer (@) 2500x + 500y s 50000 (b) 2500% — 500y < 50000 (e) 800s~ 2500 < 50000 (4) 500+ 2500 < 50000 (iv) In which case total profit would be € 6250 ? {@) 10tables and 50 chairs (0) 80 tables an 10 chairs (©) Stables and 85 chairs (@) 20 abies anal 40 chairs (©) Due to this storage space maximum of 6) pieces, ‘his investment is limited to a maximum of : (a) ©3500 (©) ©58000 (b) ©5000 fay %450001 37. A cooperative society of farmers has 50 hectare of land to grow two crops X and Y. The estimation of income from crops per hectare is 10500 and 9,000 respectively. To control weeds, a runny herbicide hhas used for both crops at rates of 20 litres and, 10litres per hectare. Additionally, no more than 800, tres of herbicide should be used for protecting fish and natural world using a fishpond which collect drainage from this ground. (6 2Whectare for cop xand dMhectare from copy (d) 40 hectare for crop x and 20 hectare from crop y 38. There are three machines installed in a factory, ‘machines 1, Il and Ill. Out of these three machines, machines T and TT are capable of being operated for at most 12 hours in a day whereas machine II] must ‘be operated for atleast 5 hours a day. In factory they produce only two types of toys namely, Mand N each ‘of them requires the use of all the three machines. ‘The number of hours taken by M and N on each of the three machines are given in the table below : emg Number of hours required on machines i W UL M 1 2 1 N 2 1 1.25 ‘The amount of profit she makes on per price of toy. ‘Mis 600 and on toy Nis? 400, >x Comer point | Z= 6bdx + 400y xty=50 0) 3000 oO 300 Fig.: Graph of OABC is the feasible egion (shaded) a mh Comer Point Za Us + 90007 a no 0, 0) 0 a a ACO, 0} 000 Bad, 20) 35000 y CO, 50) 50000 psy Based on the above information answer the Ne following questions: New ) What is the objective function of given problem ? (a) Z=9000s-+10500y (b)Z= 10500 + 9000y (©) Z=8000x-+10500y (a). Z= 10500 - 90004 (i) Which equation shows the constraint related to land 2 (a) x+y250 () x-y250 (© x+ys50 (@) x-ys50 (it) What is the characteristics ofthe Feasible region ‘oape? (@) Unbounded —_(&)_ Bounded (©) Both (a) and (b) (a) None of these (iv) The maximum income would be got by people (@) %495,000 (&) €490.000 (©) €485,000 (a) €4,80,000 (¥) How much ground should be billed to each crops so as to maximize the total ineome of the people? (30 hectare for exop ¥ ancl 20 hectare from sropy (©) 20 hectare for crop x and 30 hectare from copy Fig. Graph of ABCDE is the feasible region (shaded) Based on the above information answer the following () How many of each type of toys should she [produce so as to maximize her profit assuming ‘hat she can sell al the toys that she produed ? ‘What will be the maxiamum profit ? (a) 4units, ©4000 (by 4 units, 76000 (©) Sunits, ¥ 3600 (4) Sunits, 75600 (ii) Select the equation of the total profit on production : (2) Z=60x=400y —(b) Z,= 600+ 400y (©) Z= 60x» 400 (a) Nov ofthese (ii) Choose the correct constraint of Machine: (a) x+2y212 &) x+2ys12 (© x+2y=12 (@ x42ys12 (iv) According to above figure 1, constraint on Machine Il is (@) 2+2ys12— (b) Dee yst2 (© x+2ys12 (@) x42ys21 (¥) Tick on correct constraint on Machine II is Sys Sy G@) + pyes &) xedyss eau Bos ( retys3 — @) xedye ). Corner points of the feasible region for an LPP are (0, 3), 6, 0), (6, 8), (6, 8). Let z = 4x - 6y be the objective function Based on the above information, answer the following questions : (@ The minimum value of z occurs at @ 68) &) 6.9) © (0.3) @ @8) Gi) Maximum value of z occurs at: @) 60 ©) ©.8) © 0.3) @ 68) (Gil) Max min (@) 58 (b) 68 © 7 (a) 88 (iv) The comer points of the feasible region, determined by the system of linear in equalities @) (0.0) €3,0),6,2),23) ©) 6,0, 6,2),2,9), 0-9) © 0.9, 8,0), 2,3), 8.2), .3) (d) None of these (9) The feasible solution of LPP belongs to (a) First and second quadrant (b) First and third quadrant (©) Only second quadrant (4) Only first quadrant 40. Linear programmin, is a method for finding the ‘optimal values (maximum or minimum) of quanties subject to the constraints when relationshp is expressed as linear equation or inequalities. Based fon the above information, answer the following ‘questions ‘The optimal value of the objective function is allainted a the points (@) x-axis () ony-ans (©) which are comer points of the feasible region (4) none of these (i) The graph of the inequality 3x + 4y s 12s, (@) Half plane that contains the origin (0) Half plane that neither contains the origin ‘nor the points one the line 3x +4y = 12 (0) Whole XOY plane excluding the points on the line 3x # 4y=12 (€) None of these (Gi) The feasible region for an LPP is shown in the figure, Let 2 = 2x + 5y be the objective function maximum of z occurs at @ 7 © 6) (d) 43) (iv) The comer points of the feasible region determined by the system of linear constraints ae (0, 10), (5,8), (15,15), (0,20). Let 2 = px + ay, ‘where p, 4» 0 condition on p and q s0 that the maximum of 2 occurs at botht he polnts (15,15) and (0,20) is: @ pag ) pay (© 9-2 923 (0) The comer points of feasible region determined by the system of linear constraints are (0,0) (, 40), (20, 40), (60, 20), (60, 0). The objective function is z = 4x + 3y. Compare the quantity in Colunnn A and Column B ©) 63) Column A, Max Z 25 Column B (@) The quantity in columnin A is greater {b) The quantity in column in Bis greater (©) The two quantities are equal (@) None of these v 8 9. 10. Solutions (a) infinite Explanation : (b) half plane that neither contains the origin nor Torey the points of the ine 2x Sy 6 = Explanation iG As the regitited region is not forwards the fi origin 2 (9) Traffic signal control a Explanation, ‘The minimum value of F is 12 at (0, 2) and (3, 0). aapels lee bute =. The minimum value of F occurs at any point (@) Corner points ofthe feasible region atheline seanenjotiingtie pale (2 sol Explanation: G0). By putting the comer points in objective 1. (d) q=3p function, we get the optimal value. Eylemation ao The maximum value of is unique, : It's given that the maximum value of Z occurs Explanation: at two points (3, 4) and (0, 5). Value of Z at (3, 4) {An optimisation problem may involve finding =Value of Z a0, 5). maximum prof, minimum cost or minimum ei ae car tse of resources et. = cree (9. nonnegative restrictions ie Gh dectdca vast Explanation : 13. () constraints The conditions x2 0, and y 2 0 are called nom- 14. (b) a function tobe optimised negative restrictions. 35. (© Concave region (a) 21 16. (©) (ix1)=5 Explanation Explanation : “The values ofZ atthe comer points are given by Il =5isnota convex stat any two points from Saco vaca gai piv fon wl He ny 62) a 17. (9. given by comer points ofthe feasible region (0,3) 21 (Minimum) ‘18. (b} (0,8) 5) 6 Explanation: From the above table, we se that the minimum ComerPoints | _ Corresponding value of 21821 value of Z= 34—4y (@ 12 oy 0 Explanatio 6.0) 15 (Maximum) Since, the feasible region is bounded, Therefore, (63) =2 maximum of Z must occur atthe comers points 6B) Sa of the feasible region ai = Comer point Value of Z os a (NGA Satter Tse lence the mininvam of Zoccars at (0 8) and ts AQ5, 0) 4(25) + 3(0) = 100 ‘minimum value is (— 32). 6.16) | 406)+306)=112 Gasman] OO A a Refer to saluton 18, maximum of Z occurs at lence, the maximum value ofZ i 12, oo (@) Allof these 20. (@) =17 Explanation : Explanation: By definitions of LPP. Refer to solution 18, maximum value of Z + (4) any point on the line segment joining the points ‘minimum value of Z «15 ~ 32=~ 17. (@2)and@, 0) a © All of the given constriants 22. (a) feasible region 23. (a) Have solution for positive x and y Explanatio: As both the inequalities are greater. 24. (0) Quantity in column A is greater 25. 26. 27. 28. 2. 30. a. © © @ © @ @ Explanation: Comer Paints Zaieedy (0,0) o 0,30) 0 (20,40) 200 (60,20) 300 — Max. 60.0) 200 Tolan ACoA linear Explanation : Ina LPP, the objective fumetion is always linear. Zhas no max. value Explanation : Here, Zanxe2y ven constraints are x y20 xty2S, x4 2y20, ‘Comer points Zonet dy DG, 0) =6 AGD -2 BG, 2) 1 fere, the open half plan has points in common with the feasible region. Z has no more value. Finding the optimal value (max or min) of a linear fumction of several variables Explanation : By definition, Decision variables Explanatioy As it involves decision variables, for which function need to minimized or minimised. 9 Explanatio Given, ‘Comer Points ‘AG, D) 2a,4) 0,2) (Cinaideand P owtade Explanation Zabee Ty 5 48 — Max. u“ 2. 37. © © @) @ “0 w ay) @ aw) @) w o ai i) ©) av) @ w 0 ai iy ayo) Decision Explanation : Variables x and y are decision variables, which helps to decide the min. and max. value of Z. Zero Explanation : As not all the constraints are satisfied, That is why, no solution exist or is infeasible. (A) Is incorrect, (R) is correct. Explanation As it represents a concave set. (A) is correct, (R) is correct, (R) is correct explanation of (A) (a), The linear objective function using decision variables and y is Z=250x+75y Following equation shows that “he can store only 60 pieces of chairs and tables: ie, xtysod (Correct investment constraint by furniture dealer is, 2500x + 500y <50000 He may choose to buy 10 tables and 50 chairs, as he can stoze only 60 pieces. Total profit in this case would be ® (10 = 250+ 50 7B), ies F 6250. ie, 10 tables and 50 chairs Duetohis storage space maximum offpiecss, his investment is limited to a maximum of % 50000. ‘Objective function is 10500: + 9000 ‘The equation for lancl is ie, xt y $50. @ ) © © Bounced is the characteristics ofthe feasible section (covered), “The people will get the maximum income of 4,95 000 (by table). Ground should be allocated to each crop 0 as to maximize the total income of the people. je, ADhectare for erop xand 20 hectare from crop y. According to table the point (4,4) is giving the maximum value of Z. Tenee, the ‘manufacturer has to produce 4 units of each stom to get the maximum profit The equation of the total profit on production : Z= 600% + 400y. “The correct constraint of Machine I: 34 2y < 2 According to above table, constraint on Machine Il is :2r+ys12 @ @ ©

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