Case Study Summary

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In the field of forensic investigation, the unearthing of skeletal remains beneath the sheltering

branches of a tree in a quiet residential area has ignited a compelling quest for truth. This case
report navigates the intricate details of a meticulous forensic examination, aiming to unravel the
enigma surrounding the identity, demise, and circumstances that led to the discovery of these
concealed remains.

The crime scene, initially untouched, unveiled a poignant tableau – skeletal remains, a torn pant
hanging delicately from a tree branch, a pair of slippers, a cell phone, a shaving blade, and a
piece of rope. The forensic endeavor commenced with a medico-legal examination of the skeletal
remains, a puzzle waiting to be deciphered. The bones, ranging from the cranium to the tibia,
offered a silent testimony to an untold narrative. The absence of soft tissues, bony deformities, or
signs of disease added layers of complexity to the investigation, leaving the cause of death
shrouded in mystery.

Nevertheless, the medico-legal examination did not leave the investigators empty-handed.
Meticulously scrutinizing the skeletal elements provided valuable insights into the deceased's
demographic profile – an age range of 18 to 25 years, male gender, and an estimated height
between 165 and 173 cm. This preliminary profile formed the foundation for the investigators to
build their pursuit of truth.

A pivotal breakthrough emerged with the discovery of a cell phone in the pocket of a damaged
pant. Despite its rusted and damaged state, the identification of the SIM card served as a crucial
linchpin in the investigative process. The SIM card revealed a cell phone number and its
associated service provider, Airtel. The collaboration with the service provider bore fruit as they
cooperated by providing the consumer's enrollment form, which included a photograph and
address details.

This newfound information led the investigators to the parents of a missing person, who had
reported their son missing two years prior. The pieces of the puzzle started falling into place as
the forensic team embarked on a journey to confirm the identity of the deceased. Allelic profiling
of the suspected parents was compared with the DNA profile extracted from the skeletal remains.
The conclusive match established the identity of the deceased as the missing son, underscoring
the astonishing fact that the skeletal remains had lain undetected for over two years.

The investigation took a haunting turn, suggesting that the cause of death was likely suicidal
hanging, pieced together through the meticulous reconstruction of events at the crime scene. The
narrative of a life lost in silence and solitude unfolded, hidden beneath the veiled sanctuary of a
tree in a residential area.
In conclusion, this intricate case not only underscored the challenges posed by concealed skeletal
remains but also highlighted the indispensable role that forensic science plays in untangling such
perplexing mysteries. The collaboration between forensic experts, law enforcement, and
technological advancements played a pivotal role in solving the mystery, shedding light on a
tragic incident that had remained undiscovered for an extended period. This forensic journey
serves as a testament to the power of science and perseverance in bringing closure to the
poignant narratives hidden within the bones of the departed

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