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Disaster management refers to the processes and strategies put in place to prepare for,
respond to, and recover from disasters. The goal of disaster management is to reduce the
impact of disasters on individuals, families, communities, and entire countries. Effective disaster
management involves a coordinated effort between government agencies, non-governmental
organizations, and community members.


Preparedness is a critical component of disaster management. This involves developing plans

and procedures for responding to disasters, as well as educating the public about what to do in
the event of a disaster. Preparedness measures include conducting drills and exercises,
stockpiling emergency supplies, and identifying evacuation routes.


The response phase of disaster management involves implementing the plans and procedures
developed during the preparedness phase. This includes mobilizing emergency responders,
providing medical assistance, and evacuating affected populations. Communication is also a
critical component of the response phase, as it is important to keep the public informed about
the situation and any actions being taken.


The recovery phase of disaster management involves returning affected communities to a state
of normalcy. This includes repairing damaged infrastructure, restoring utilities, and providing
support to individuals and families who have been impacted by the disaster. Recovery efforts
may also include providing financial assistance to affected businesses and communities.


Mitigation refers to measures taken to reduce the impact of disasters before they occur. This
can include building infrastructure that is resistant to natural disasters, implementing zoning
laws that restrict development in high-risk areas, and educating the public about how to reduce
their risk of being impacted by a disaster.

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