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Boliim Sonu Testler ve Ingilizce Anahtar Kelimeler ile Desteklenmistir. Numan SERCE Hatice BIRINCi Onur KARASU Mizgin KORPE LITERATURE CONTENTS CHAPTER 1... sv 1 INTRODUCTION TO LITERATURE 4. Literature 2. Oral and Written Literature 3, Fiction and Non-ficiton CHAPTER 2 = 3 FIGURES OF SPEECH 4. Allegory 2. Alliteration 3. Allusion 4. Anachronism 5. Anology 6. Anaphora 7. Aphorism 8. Apostrophe 9. Archaism 10. Archtype 11. Assonance 42. Chiasmus 13. Circumlocation 14. Conceit 45. Connotation and Denotation 46. Consonance 47. De ex Machina 18. Epithet 19. Euphemism 20. Flashback 21. Flashforward 22. Foreshadowing 23. Hyperbole 24, Imagery 25. Irony 26. Kenning 27. Lampoon 28. Litote 29. Malaphorism 30. Metaphor 34. Mentonym, 32. Onomatopoeia 33. Oxymoron 34, Paradox 35, Personification 36. Polysyndeton 37. Pormanteau 38. Pun 39, Sarcasm 40. Satire 41. Simile 42. Spoonerism 43, Parody 44, Synecdoche 45. Understatement (Meiosis) CHAPTERS == a vw 26 MAJOR GENRES IN LITERATURE Literary Genres 4. Prose ‘4 Short Story a. Anecdote b. Fable . Fairy Tale . Mini Saga e. Parable £. Drabble ‘4 Novellla, ‘4 Legend 4 Myht ‘4 Novel > Elements of Narrative Text > Novel Types * Bildungsroman * Epistolary novel * Gothic novel ‘* Historical novel +» Picaresque novel * Science fiction novel +» Realistic novel «Psychological novel + Sentimental novel, 2. Poetry > Poetry Genres * Ballad *Clerihew = Dramatic poetry Epic ‘= Mock Epic ° Haiku ‘Limerick * Lytic Poetry * Narrative Poetry + Pastoral * Romance > Poetic Terms 3. Drama CHAPTER 4 51 LITERARY PERIODS IN BRITISH LITERATURE Old English: 450-1066 Middle English Period: 1066-1500 Renaissance Period: 1500-1660 Neoclassical period: 1660-1785 ‘The Romantic Period:1785-1837 ‘The Victorian Period: 1837-1901 The 20th Century CHAPTER 5. : 75 LITERARY MOVEMENTS |. Humanism Clasisicism . Neoclasisizm |. Romanticism 5. Realism 5. Naturalism . Sybolism Impressionism )- Aestheticism 10. Dadaism 41, Surrealism 42, Existentialism 13. Modernism 14, Post Modernism 15, Transcendentalism SPNeReeNa LINGUISTICS CONTENTS: CHAPTER 1 83 What Is Language? What is Ling ? * Micro-Linguisties * Macro-Linguistics Test Your Knowledge-1 Test Your Knowledge-2 Review Test 1 Chapter 1 Answer Keys CHAPTER 2... - ~~ 89 Origin of Language Grammar Types Test Your Knowledge-3 Test Your Knowledge-4 Review Test 2 Chapter 2 Answer Keys CHAPTER 3. a sone 9S Properties of Human Language Test Your Knowiedge-5 Test Your Knowledge-6 Review Test 3 Chapter 3 Answer Keys CHAPTER 4... 100 Phonetics * Branches of Phonetics * Articulatory Phonetics * Consonants * Vowels * Diphtongs * Aspiration Phonology * Phoneme *Allophone * Nasalization * Minimal Pairs and * Phonotactics * syllable * Open Syllable and Closed Syllable * Consonant Clusters * Coatticulation Effects * Assimilation * Blision Word Formation Processes * Coinage * Eponyms * Borrowing * Loan Translation or Calque * Compounding * Blending * Clipping (Abbreviation) * Hypocorism * Backformation * Conversion * Acronyms: * Derivation * Multiple Processes Test Your Knowledge-7 Test Your Knowledge-8 Test Your Knowledge-9 Test Your Knowledge-10 Test Your Knowledge-11, Test Your Knowledge-12 Review Test 4 Chapter 4 Answer Keys CHAPTER 5 coon . 122 Morphology * Morpheme * Allomorphs * Types of Morpheme * Free Morphemes. * Bound Morphemes * Zero Morph. ‘Semantics * Conceptual Meaning * Associative Meaning * Semantic Features * Semantic Roles/ Thematic Roles * Semantic Relationships * Synonyms * Antonyms, * Hyponymy * Homonyms * Homophones * Polysemy * Heteronym * Metonym * Collocation * Connotation * Capitonym * Prototype / Arcitype * Presupposition vs. Entailment ‘Syntax * Generative Grammar * Syntactic Structure * Deep Structure * Surface Structure * The Syntactic Components Of Grammar * Transformational Rules * Phrase Structure Rules * Syntactic Categories * Recursion * Complement Phrases “Lexical Rules * Subcategorization * Verb Subcategorization * Structural Ambiguity Test Your Knowledge-13 Test Your Knowledge-14 Review Test 5 Chapter 5 Answer Keys CHAPTER 6... : Pragm: * Context * Linguistic Context/ Co-Text * Physical Context * Deixis * Speech Act Theory * Direct Speech Acts * Types Of Direct Speech Acts * Indirect Speech Acts * Levels Of Speech Acts * Reference * Anaphora * Cataphora * Inference Discourse * Discourse Analysis * Coherence * Cohesion * Cohesive Devices * Grammatical Cohesion * Lexical Cohesion "Speech Events * Conversation Analysis (CA) *Tum-taking * Completion Point * Filled Pauses * Maxims of Conversation/ Gricean Maxims * Hedges *Implicatures * Background Knowiedge * Schemal Schemata * Script Neurolinguistics * Language Areas in the Brain van 149 * Broca’s Area * Wemicke's Area * Motor Cortex * arcuate Fasciculus * The Localization View * Hypothalamus * Amygdala. * Frontal Lobe * Corpus Callosum * Contralateral Brain Function * Lateralization * Left Hemisphere * Right Hemisphere * Aphasia * Broca’s Aphasia * Wernicke's Aphasia * Conduction Aphasia * Dyslexia * Dysgraphia *Anomia * The Tip of the Tongue Phenomenon * Malapropisms * Slip of the Tongue Phenomenon * Slip of the Ear Phenomenon, * Dichotic Listening * The Critical Period Hypothesis Test Your Knowledge-15 Test Your Knowledge-16 Review Test 6 Chapter 6 Answer Keys CHAPTER 7. : seen ATO First Language Acquisition * Acquisition & Learning * Input * Caregiver Speech / Motherese * The Acquisition Schedule * Cooing * Babbling * One-Word Stage /Holophrastic Stage “Two-Word Stage "Telegraphic Stage * Multiword Stage * The Acquisition Process * Overgeneralization * U-Shaped Leaming * Approaches To Language Acquisition * Behavioral Approach * Nativist Approach Innatism * Socal Interactionist Approach * Childhood Bilingualism ‘Second Language Acquisition * First Language & Second Language & Foreign Language * Acquisition Barriers * Affective Factors “Transfer * Positive Transfer * Negative Transfer * Interianguage * Fossilization * Motivation * Instrumental Motivation * Integrative Motivation * Intrinsic Motivation * Extrinsic Motivation * Foreigner Talk * Negotiated Input Sign Language * Types of Sign Language * Alternate Sign Language * Primary Sign Language * American Sign Language * The Structure of Sign Language Test Your Knowledge-17 Test Your Knowledge-18 Review Test 7 Chapter 7 Answer Keys CHAPTER 8... ee 192 Writing * Writing & Speech * Cunieform * Pictogram * Ideogram * Logogram * Syllabic Writing * Alphabetic Writing * Rebus Writing * Orthography * Deep Orthography * Shallow Orthography Language, History And Change * Family Tree * Cognates * Comparative Reconstruction * Great Vowel Shift * Changes In Language * Extemal Chance * Intemal Change * Diachronic Linguistics * Synchronic Linguistics Sociolinguistes * The Standard Language * Vernacular Language * Accent * Dialect * Dialectology * Regional Dialect * Social Dialect * Isogloss * Dialect Boundary * The Dialect Continuum * Bidialectal * Styles * Formal Styles * Informal Style * Slang * Jargon’ Argot * Taboo! Vulgar * Idiolect * Diglossia * Overt Prestige * Covert Prestige * Speech Accommodation Theory * Convergence * Divergence * Code ~Switching * Bilingualism * Lingua Franca * World Englishes * Pidgin & Creole * Lexifier Language * Post-Creole Continuum * Language Planning Language and Culture * Categories in Culture “Kinship Terms *Time Concepts * Linguistic Relativity * Linguistic Determinism * Sapir-Whort Hypothesis * Gender * Biological Gender * Grammatical Gender * Social Gender Test Your Knowledge-19 Test Your Knowledge-20 Review Test 8 Chapter 8 Answer Keys METHODOLOGY CONTENTS CHAPTER 1... 213 APPROACHES, METHODS & TECHNIQUES 1, Definitions of Terminology 2. Learning Theories and Linguistic Theories LANGUAGE LEARNING APPROACHES & METHODS 1. Grammar-Translation Method 2, Direct Method 3. Auidio-Lingual Method 4. Silent Way 5, Suggestopedia 6. Community Language Learning 7. Total Physical Response 8. Communicative Language Teaching 9. Content-Based instruction 10. Task-Based Approach 11. Participatory Approach 12. Cooperative/Collaborative Leaming 43, Natural Approach +14, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) 415, Multiple inteligences Theory 16. Lexical Approach 17. Whole Language Approach 18. Computer Assisted Leaming 419, Eclectic Approach 20. Post-Method Pedagogy True-False Activity Matching Acrivity Review Test CHAPTER 2 evrvennn ‘TEACHING LANGUAGE SKILLS & AREAS ‘A. TEACHING LANGUAGE SKILLS 4. Teaching Listening 2. Teaching Speaking 3, Teaching Reading 4, Teaching Writing B. TEACHING LANGUAGE AREAS. 1. Teaching Pronunciation 2. Teaching Vocabulary 3, Teaching Grammar FACTORS AFFECTING LANGUAGE. LEARNING & TEACHING 4. Linguistic Factors Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis (CAH) Learner Language (Interlanguage) Mistakes and Errors Error Analysis ‘Types of Errors Error Treatment & Corrective Feedback 2, Individual Factors Age Motivation Intelligence & Aptitude Characteristics of Leamers & Learning Styles 256 Learning Strategies 3, Socio-cultural Factors Culture Acculturation English as a Lingua Franca Worid Englishes Intercultural Competence True!False Activity Matching Activity Review Test CHAPTER 3... = TEACHING ENGLISH TO YOUNG LEARNERS 1. Who Are Young Leamers? 2. Child as a Young Leamer 3. Theories of Cognitive Development & Language Development TEACHING LANGUAGE SKILLS TO YOUNG LEARNERS, 1. Teaching Listening Skills to Young Learners 2. Teaching Speaking to Young Leamers 3, Teaching Literacy Skills to Young Learners 4, Teaching Vocabulary to Young Learners 6. Teaching Grammar to Young Learners CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT 1. What is Classroom Management? 2. Objectives of Classroom Management 3, Dimensions of Classroom Management 4, How to Manage Disruptive Behaviour in Classroom 5. Factors Affecting Classroom Environment True/False Activity Matching Activity Review Test 170 CHAPTER 4... ne AZ MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT 41. Key Terminologies: Curriculum, Syllabus & Lesson Plan 2, Syllabus Types 3. Shapes of Syllabus Design 4. Materials and Materials Types 5. Principles for Materials Development 6. Steps in Materials Development MATERIALS ADAPTATION 1. Objectives of Adaptation 2. Adaptation Techniques MATERIALS EVALUATION 1. Approaches to Materials Evlauation TESTING IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING 4, Definitions: Testing & Assessment & Evaluation 2. Why Do We Test? 3. Ways of Assessment 4. Test Types 5. Characteristics of a Good Test True!False Activity Matching Activity Review Test _ ae Urea [Ee —T soe UTERATURE CHAPTER 1 fas eG Pees Uh Literature sanatsal degeri olan edebi yapitian ifade eder. Edebiyat s6zli(oral) ve yazil(written) olabili, _amag dogrudan(directly) veya dolayl (indirectly) olarak kigide estetk duygular uyandirmaktr. Edebiyat s6zid ‘edebiyat ve yazih edebiyat olmak dzere ikiye ayriir. 1. Oral literature: Okuma yazmasi olmayan ya da okuma yazma seviyesi digok toplumlarda kullanilan edebiyatr Genel olarak sorularda da karsimiza sikca cikabilecek s6ziii edebiyat tUrlindeki oases) yayain eserler suniardr: herole epics, songs, tales, satire, ballads, elegies, Og eee riddles, proverbs, ce 2. Written literature: S6zi0 edebiyatin aksine yazih eserferin bulundugu, ‘okuma yazma seviyesi yiiksek olan toplumlarda kullanilan edebiyata denir. ‘Yaygin toler sunlardir; novel, poetry, drama ve non-fiction tirleri olan histories, textbooks, trav spers, > books, and literary criticism. Fiction and Non-fiction Fiction, kelime anlami kurgu demektir. Gergek yagamdan alinti ya da yazarin diis gliclyle yarattigi bir konuyu éykiisel anlatim bigimidir. Novel mek olarak gésterilebili. Non-fiction: Kurmaca ya da kurgusal olmayan, diz yazi seklindeki yazin turline denir. Histories, textbooks, travel books, newspapers, self-help books, and literary criticism non-fiction turune mek verilebili. “Not real +- : ‘talk + “Fact talk “Recs in ootey it “Read to ‘earn St a i Read in any order}. QO rvs 2 LITERATURE CHAPTER 1 ‘TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE 1 ‘A. Fillin the blanks using the words in the box. Fiction ral literature Non-fiction ‘Written Literature 1SCHON. js a type of literature created from the imagination, not presented a€ faa) though it may be based ona true story or situation. Types of literature in the this genre include the novel, short story and novella. 2,Qhc\.| a term generally applied tospoken litera traditions such as folk tales, musical theater, proverbs, riddles, life histories, plays, epic pi rical recitations. Unlike written literary genres, it is conveyed or passed down to future generations by word of mouth, typically through memorization and recitation. tis considered a verbal art form. is quite simply Iterature that is written down. The term is used to distinguish it from oral literature, which may include, folk song, oral poetry and traditional tales. Written literature is usually more crafted and includes poetry (often more sophisticated than folk ballads etc), drama, fiction etc as well as essays ‘and philosophical and religious writing. B. Write the hints into correct group. FICTION NON-FICTION imagination... RON AGS. an Stogies.. Jouracwl agcticles, -PRECMNK..... Newspaper PN aoe tlexthaok.... [3 some noce QB LITERATURE CHAPTER 2 oT Ua ae FIGURES OF SPEECH Figures of speech: Turkcedeki karsilit s6z sariatidir. Dilde edebi etkiyi artirmak amaciyla sozetigtn gercek anlamindan uzaklasarak kazandig! yeni anlamlara denir. Sézcikler genellikle figurative (mecazi) bir anlam kazanir. 4. ALLEGORY: Bir fikrin, davranisin, eylemin, duygunun, bir kavramin ya da bir nesnenin; simgelerle, sembollerle fade edlimesine allegory denir. Bu tarzdaki eserter de “allegoric” eseriercir. OrneGin; adalet dstincesinin géz0 bagi ve elinde terazi bulunan bir kadinia (Themis) anlatimas bir allegory Smegidir. George Onweltin Animal Farm isimii eseri allegory'nin en yaygin 6meklerinden biridi. Orwell bu eserinde Rusya'daki ideolojileri elestirmek amaciyla hayvanlan kullanir. Ciftikteki her hayvan Rus toplumunun farkit bir kesimine hitap eder. Ornegin; romanda gegen iki domuzun iktidara gegmek igin verdikleri micadele, Sovyet Devrimtnin énderleri Trocki ve Stalin‘in rekabetini animsatir. Edmund Spenser'in “Faerie Queen” eseri ve anonim bir ortagag oyunu olan Everyman moral ve religious allegory’ye émekti. John Bunyan'nin “Pilgrim's Progress” eseri spiritual allegory igerr. Milton’in Paradise Lost eseri ise Christianity ile ilgili allegorik bir eserdir 2. ALLITERATION: Ses yinelemesidir. Slir ya da diizyazida bir uyum yaratmak amaciyla, kelimelerin baginda yer alan sessiz harflerin kasith olarak tekrarlanmasina denir. ‘Samuel Taylor Coleridge'in “The Rie of the Ancient Mariner’ siirinin verilen dizesinde gegen “b’ seslerinin tekrari aliterasyona verilebilecek bir diger ormekti “The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew, The furrow followed free; We were the first that ever burst ‘s Into that silent sea.” 3. ALLUSION: Allusion; tarinsel, kaltdrel, edebi veya politk énemi olan bir kisiye, yere, olaya veya duginceye yapilan dolayl bir gondermedir. Allusion yapilan kisi, yer veya olay detayli bir gekilde anlatilmaz; bunlara kisaca deginiir. Ornegin; “Don't act like a Romeo in front of her.” cUmlesinde Shakespeare'in "Romeo and Juliet” ‘eserindeki Romeo karakterine gonderme yapilir. 4, ANACHRONISM: Anakronizm, herhangi bir olay ya da varigin icinde bulundugu zaman dilimi (dnem) ile kronolojk agidan uyumsuz olmasidir. Ozelikle edebiyat ve sanatta genellkle eserin gectig tarihi déneme ait olmayan variklan ve uygulamalan belek igin kullanlir Omegin; “Ross: That now ‘Sweno, the Norways' king, craves composition: Nor would we deign him burial of his men Till he disbursed at Saint Colme's inch Ten thousand dollars to our general use.” Yukarida "Macbeth" Act 1 Scene 2 de “dolar” s6zcdgindn kullaniimast bir anakronizm érnegiidir gunka ‘oyunun yazildigi dénemde dolar parasal bir birim olarak kullanilmamaktadir. Shakespeare zamaninin diginda bir ogeden bahsetmistr. N GQ r000\ 4 | CHAPTER 2 5. ANALOGY: Analogy; bir fkri veya bir nesneyi, ondan oldukga farklt olan bir bagka geye benzeterek yepilan bir karsilastirmadi. ‘Smegin; Shakespeare, “Romeo and Juliet”, Act Il, Scene Il. “What's in a name? That which we calla rose By any other word would smell as sweet. So Romeo would, were he not Romeo called,” Juliet, burada gallin adi degisse bile gil yine de gizel kokmaya devam edecek demektedir ve tipkt bir gol gibi Romeo, adini degistirse dahi Juliet onu sevmeye devam edecektir. Farkll bir 6rnek verecek olursak: ‘Just as a sword is the weapon of a warrior, a pen is the weapon of a writer’, cimlosinde yazarin kalemi bir ‘savasginin silahina benzetilerek analogy yapiImistir. Gordaguniz Uzere kalem ve silah arasinda bir benzerlik ‘olmamasina ragmen yazar oldukga iki farkit nesneyi analogy yoluyla birbirine benzetmistir. Tekrar 6. ANAPHORA: Yazili veya s0zi0 olarak, sanatsal bir etkiye ulagmak igin climlenin birinci bolGmdndn ‘Kasitii/Olarak tekraredilmesi anaphora olarak bilinir. CUmlelerin veya dizelerin basinda ayni kelimelerin. tekrarlanmasiyla yapilt. ‘Hwan the Bester nen Iwas ne wea of tres, was ha 29@ of wadom, wee to age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the ‘season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.” Paragraf boyunca tekrarlanan "it was” ifadeleri anaphoraya 6mektir. Ag\’ 7 > T-APHORISM: Ozdeyi, vecize,aforama ya da 62d sBzlere deni. Dastnce, duygu ya da keer kisa ve 6z bir bigimde anlatan sézlerdir. Ozdeyislerin sdyleyeni genellikle bellidir. ‘Asagida verilen sbzler aphorism'e dmnek verilebil “Ask, dyle engin bir denizdir ki, ne baslangici ne de sonu vardrr." Meviana ife is a tale told by an iiot — full of sound and fury, signifying nothing,” (Macbeth) yO A. APOSTROPHE: Apostrophe,birkisive ya da duruma genelikle bigKEVETSoluyla seslenmeye yarayan oY See sanatei Yazar ya da konugmacs, gergeklerden siyrir ve Konusmasinda haya bir karaktere hap eder. ‘William Shakespeare “Macbeth” oyununda apostrophe kullanuli “ls this a dagger which | see before me, | ‘The handle toward my hand? | Come, let me clutch thee! | have thee not, and yet I see thee stil” King Duncan't dlddrmeden énceki zihinsel catismasinda Macbeth bir hangere sesleniste bulunur ve onunla ssanki baska bir kigiymis gibi konugur. 9. ARCHAISM: Bir kultrde artik var olmayan eski bir kelime veya deyimin kullaniimasina deni. Yunanca bir s8zcik olup ke antami eski demektir. Asagida gegen dizelerde koyu renkti yazilmis sdzciikler birer archaism 6megi olup gintimuz ingilizcesinde kullaniimamaktad, Itis an ancient Mariner, ‘And he stoppeth one of three. ‘By thy long grey beard and giltering eye, Now wherefore stopp'st thou me? wnnncn UTERATURE CHAPTER 2 10, ARCHETYPE: Evrendeki herhangi bir seyin ilk 6rmegine arketip denir. Bir nesnenin bilinen ilk ve en. ‘zgtin bicimidir. Arketipler evrenseldir; diger bir deyisle, tm kaltOrler, dinler ve tarih bélGimleri arasinda grlUrler. 6rnegin; Kahraman, hizinld kahraman, KOtd kahraman, giinah kecisi, Kimsesiz / aylak, Hazreti Isa figard, dalavereci, dahi, talihsiz asiklar ve soytan / palyago gibi sdylemler birer arketip 6megi olarak kabul edilebil. 41, ASSONANCE: Siirde melodik bir etki yaratmak amaciyla yapilan ayni Gnlil seslerin tekrar edilmesine denir. Assonance, consonance'!n tam tersidir. Assonance Gnld seslerin tekrartyken, consonance Unstiz seslerin tokraridir. *| must confess that in my q ornegir. "Poetry is old, ancient, goes back far. It is among the oldest of living things. Se old itis that no man knows how and why the first poems came’climlesindeki Unid yinelemeler bir baska assonance dedi olarak gésterllebilir. | felt depressed and restless.” Cimlesindeki “e” sesinin terkan bir assonance 12. CHIASMUS: Chiasmus, birinel deyimdeki sézcdk siralamasinin (syntax) Ikincisinde tersine gevridigi bir konugma sekiidr. “Love as if you would one day hate, and hate as if you would one day love.” dizelerindeki love ve hate sézciklerinin ik dizedeki siralamasinin ikinci dizede tam tersi olacak sokilde kullanilmast chiasmus'a érektir 13. CIRCUMLOCATION: Tek bir s6zc0kie ifade edilebilecek bir kavram! birden fazia sozcUkle anlatmaya circumlocation denit. Belli bir duyguyu, dOgnceyi ya da kavrami dogrudan anlatmak yerine, onu sist sézciklerle antatma yoludur. Omegin; Tani diyecek yerde yerlerin ve goklerin yaraticisi demek gibi Circumlocation s6z sanati Periphrasis olarak da adiandini. Omegin; “My car” demek yerine “The vehicle that | use to drive to work.” demek veya “1 lost my homework," yerine, "As a matter of fact, the assignment in question is temporarily unavailable due to the secrecy of its location.” cUmlesini kullanarak dolaylt anlatima bagvurmaya circumlocation denir. 44, CONCETT: Birbiriyle alakasi olmayan dgeleri karsilastirma veya kiyasiama yéntemine conceit denir. Edebiyatta, abartili ya da gasirtici ve genellikie de gUlddrdci bir etki yaratan benzetmelerdir. Conceitigin “An ‘extended metaphor'veya “far-fetched metaphor ifadesini kullanmak yerinde bir aciklama olur. Omesiin, sevgilinin g8zierini bademe, kaslarini yaya, kirpiklerini oka, boyunu selviye benzetmek. Shakespeare’in "My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun” diye baslayan sonesi, bu tir benzetmeleri alaya almak igin yazilmist. Iingiiz edebiyatinda en gok bilinen ve sevilen bir medi de, John Donne'n “The fe (pire) a giriair: “oh stay, three lives in one flea spare, where we almost, yea, more than married are. this flea is you and i, and this our marriage bed, and marriage temple is.” Tum sir iki sevgili ve bir pire Uzerine kurulmustur. Donne “The Flea” siirinde pire-sevgilisi arasinda bir benzetme yapar. Bu benzetme bir conceit émegidir. QD worvoen 6 | UTERATURE_ CHAPTER 2 15. CONNOTATION'AND DENOTATION: Denotation bir kelimenin akta'getenik’anlamidir. Kelimolerin soziUkte yer alan ilk anlamlart gergek anlamlandir; bunlara sbzlUk anlami da denit ‘Omegin; Hanna's interest in interior decoration has turned into her leisure pursuit. (Hobby) Cimlesinde alt gil olan sézcigin sézidk anlami kastediimektedi. Connotation bir kelimenin s6zldkteki anlaminin yant sira akla getirdigiikinglanlamidir. Sézcagun sagnigtirdigi bir diger anlamdir da denilebilir Omegin; “a place of warmth, comfort and affection.” Itadesinin bizlere ¢gadristirmasi connotation'a émek verilebil. ome” sozctigind 16. CONSONANCE: Kelimenin basinda yer almayan sessiz harflerin kasith olarak tekrarlanmasina Consonance denir. ‘Asagjidaki belirtlen Gnsiz harflerin tekran birer consanonce drnegidir. ¥ All's well that ends well. ¥ The early bird gets the worm. Dest bis! arzOsiyle dldrsem dostiar 17. DEUS EX MACHINA: Bir kurguda beklenmedik, yapay veya imkansiz bir karakterin senaryo akisi iginde beklenmedik bir yerde aniden ortaya gikmasi ve gozulmesi imkansiz gériinen bir sorunu ansizin .gézmesine denir. Hikayeye birden giren ve sorunlan ¢6zen karaktere denir. Latincede “the God from the machine” de denilmektedir, Ozellikle de eski yunan trajedilerinde iyice dallanip budaklanan kontrolden gikan ‘oyunu bir sonuca baglamak icin gokten tann indiren bir yontemdir. Omegin; Shakespeare'in “As You Like It” oyununun son sahnesinde Hymen (Evillik Tanrisi)in sahnede beliip ana karakteri evlendirerek oyundaki krizi cozmesi deus ex machine dmedidir 18. EPITHET: Epithet sifat gorevi gorur. Isimleri ve nesneler niteleyen veya onlarin ézelliklrin beliten ssozctklerdir. “Alexander the Great” ifadesinde the Great bir epithet medi. Omegin; “Goal he said quietly. Isnt the sea what Algy cals it a great sweet mother? The snot-green sea. The serotun-tightening sea! | must teach you. You must read them in the original. Thalatta! Thalattal She is our great sweet mother...” (Ulysses by James Joyce) ‘Yukarida verilen parcada Joyce, a great sweet mother, snot-green sea ve scrotum-tightening sea ifadelerini kullanmisti. Bu ifadeler birer epithet ériegicir. 19, EUPHEMISM: Kaba; crkin ve Sakincalinésheler veya kavramian baska szctklerie daha uygun bir bigimdeifade etmeye denir. Omegin; dlmek yerine vefat etmek, zenci yerine siyahi, vasatyerine fena dedi demek. Agagida verilen birkag 6mekte euphemism’ gdrmek mambiindar. He is always tired and emotional (drunk). '® We do not hire mentally challenged (stupid) people. © He is a special child (disabled or retarded). 20, FLASHBACK: Roman, hikaye, sinema gibi sana dallannda simdiki zamandan goginig zmana siderek, gegmis zamanda yaganan olay érgistinin anlatildi teknktr. Onceden yaganmis bir olayin aniatldin sahnelete dénmekti. “To Kill a Mockingbird” romaninda Jenin kolunu krdigini romanin en basinda bilyoruz ama neden kirdigini romanin sonund olayin yagandigi zamana (gegmige) giderok dgreniyoruz. UTERATURE CHAPTER 2 21. FORESHADOWING: Yazanin ileride olacakiara lg pucu vermesi esasina dayanir. Bir ikaye sirasinda hikayenin sonu hakkinda ipucu veren dgeler tanimlamak igin kullaniian s62 sanatidr. Omegin; romanin ortasinda bir cegmenin acik kaldigindan bahseciImektedir. Bir stire sonra ise adi gegen yer sel basar. 22. FLASHFORWARD: Bir romanda veya filmde igerisinde bulunan zamandan ileriye giderek gelecekten bit kesit gBsteriimesine denir. Oyklide su andaki bir hikayeyi kesintiye ugratan ve anlatiy! zamania iler alan bir sahnedir. ‘Asagida Chaties Dickens'in "Christmas Carol” kitabinda gegen bir sahneden s6z edilmistr. Bu sahne Flashforward'a Ornek gisterilebilir. Ebenzer Scrooge, the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Christmas Present ve Christmas Yet to Come isimli Ug rub tarafindan ziyaret edili. Her biri onun geleceiinden sahneler gésterirler. Hayaletlerden biri Ebenzeri kendi {lim zamanina gétirdr. Oldminden sonra insanlanin onun hakkinda kétU seyler syledigini ve Ebenzeri borcu olanlarin onun éldimGnden mut oldugunu gésterir. Bob'un zayif oglu Tiny Tim‘ dldmund gésterir ve en sonunda onu kendi mezanina gétiirir. Ebenzer mezar taginda kendi ismini g6rince gok olur ve hayaletten kendisini geri gétdrmesini ister, kendi yagamini degistirecegini ve eskisi gibi cimri ve kaba bir insan olmayacagina séz verir. Geri geldiginde giindn noel glint oldugunu ve kendisini dizeltme imkéninin oldugunu gérlir ve buna cok sevinir. Hemien sokagja gikar ve kasaba bir ¢ocuk gondererek ona en biiyUk hindiyi satin almasini sdyler. Bu hindiyi Bobilarin evine gonderir ancak hindiyi kendisinin génderdiginin s6ylenmesini istemez. Sonrasinda yedeninin davet ettifi akgam yemegine katulr Ilerleyen zamanlarda Tiny Tim‘in tedavi edilmesini saglar ve ona kendi oglu gibi davranrr. Yoksullara yardim eder. Etrafindakilerle iyi geginir ve onlara sicakkanlt davranir. Artik ‘eskisi gibi degildir. Foreshadowing ve Flashforward benzer gériinse de birbirinden farkli kavramlardir, Foreshadowing ilerleyen zamanlarda gelecekte gergeklesecek bir sahne ile ilgill jpucu (hint) verirken, Flashforward layin ortasinda akisi béler ve gelecekten bir sahne géster 23. HYPERBOLE(OVERSTATEMENT): Herhangi bir durumu, olayi ya da gergegi oldugundan daha buyOk ya da kigik gOstererek abartili anlatima bagvuran s6z sanatidir. Omedgin; “Sevingten goklere zipladim." veya *Gittigini duyunca bir kez daha 6ldim." ifadeleri birer hyperbole Omegidir. William Shakespeare's Macbeth, Act Il, Scene I: “Neptune's ocean wash this blood Clean from my hand? No. This my hand will rather ‘The multitudinous seas incarnadine, Making the green one red.” Macbeth, kraliSidirdikten sonra buyUk bir viedan azabi duyar. Isledigi ginahtan dolay: pisman olur ve en biydk okyanusianin bile elindeki kant yikayamayacagina inanir. Verilen dizelerde hiperbollerin etkin kullanimint gérebilriz 24, IMAGERY: Imagery, kellmelerle resim gizme sanatidir, varlik ya da nesneyi okuyucunun hayalinde canlandirablimesini saglamaktir. Sadece gérme yetimizle dedil; dokunma, isitme, tatma ve Koklama duyularimiz araciligiyla da variklarin niteliklerini ve bu varliklarin duyularimiz Gzerinde uyandirdiklari izlenimleri belirime sanatina denir. Itwas dark and dim in the forest. The words “dark” ve “dim” gérme duyumuza, ‘The children were screaming and shouting in the fields. “Screaming” ve ‘shouting duyma (hearing, or auditory)duyumuza, He whiffed the aroma of brewed coffee. “Whiff and “aroma’ koku (smell or olfactory) duyumuza hitap eder ve bunlar birer imagery Smegidir Imager yasagidaki duyulanmizdan herhangi birine hitap edebilr. Tactile :Dokunma Visual: Gorme Olfactor Koklama Gustatory_: Tatma Thermal : Isi 2 D womans [8 | UTERATURE CHAPTER 2 25. IRONY: Anlatim: etkili kilmak igin soylenecek geyin tam tersini sdyleyerek biriyle veya bir olayla alay! ‘etine yéntemidir, Kastedilen geyin aksini soylemekti. 4 tor irony ward: ¥ Verbal trony: En yaygin ironi cesididir. Anlatinak istariléh geyin tar zitini Sbyleyerek olur. Asagida verilen drnekleri inceleyelim: > Oh great! This is just what we needed Oh Gok iyl Bir bu eksikt > This cake is as sofi as concrete Kek de beton gibi yumusacik olmus. v Dramatic Irony: Sahnede karakterin bilmedigi/aitia’ sayirilerin bildigi durdmiarin anlatildigi irony gesididir. Veriten omegi inceleyelim Macbeth (By J Wiliam Shakespeare) “There's no art To find the mind's construction in the face: He was a gentleman on whom | built An absolute trust.” ‘Yukaridaki verilen durum dramatik ironinin en guzel dmeklerinden biridir. Burada; Duncan, Macbeth‘ kral olacagina dair cadilarin kehanetinden ve Macbethin onu dldureceginden habersiz, ona olan giiveninden s6z etmektedir. Kralin aksine, izleyiciler bu durumdan haberdardhr ¥ Situational Irony: Bir durumun beklendiginden farkli sekilde gelimesi veya sonuglanmasina denir. Beklenenin tersi bir durumla karsilagmaktie, Onegin; bir pilotun yakseklik korkusunun olmasi veya bir doktorun kan gérunce bayiimas! situational irony olarak degerlendinilebilir. Asagida bir baska situational irony &megi verilmisti. Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare ~"Romeo finds Juliet drugged and assumes she is dead. He kills himself then she awakens, see that he is dead and kills herself.” ‘Yukarida anlatilan sahnede Romeo ve Julietin kavusacag: diigindildrken, Romeo bir yanlig anlama yiziinden kendini éldéirdr ve bunun Gzerine Juliet uyanip yani basinda Romeo'yu Ola bir sekilde goriince Romeo’nun hangerini alr, gdgsine saplar ve o da kendini 6lddrdr, Bu durum bir situational irony érnegidir gUnko ‘oyun beklenenin aksine bir sonia bitmistir. ¥ Structural Irony: Yazaila kafaktehin bakis aeisinin jusmnamasira deni. Karakter veya anlaticiin bakig acisinin, yazanin veya okuyucularinkinden farkli olmasidir. 26. KENNING: Eski Germen sirinde herhangi bir szcUgin yerine kullanilan metafordur. Bir nesneyi tanimlayan iki kelimelik bir ctimle olarak da tanimianabilir (deniz" yerine balina yolu" denmesi gibi). May | for my own self song's truth reckon, Journey's jargon, how | in harsh days Hardship endured oft Bitter breast-cares have | abided, Known on my keel many a care's hold, ‘Seafarer, gir kenning sanatinin en. " id there | oft ea ee glizel Smeklerinden biridir. Sai bir That he on dry land loveliest liveth, sdrd kenning kullanmigtir. Burada, List how 1, care-wretched, on ice-cold sea, “whale-path’, “whale-road” and Deprived of my kinsmen; *whale’s acre” okyanustan s6z eder. Over the whale's acre, would wander wide Eager and ready, the crying lone-flyer, \Whets for the whale-path the heart res (The Seafarer by Ezra Pound) tibly. [8] sence QD LITERATURE CHAPTER 2 27. LAMPOON: Bir kimseyi, bir nesneyi ya da yeri, bir inanct ya da diistiniig bicimini yermek; toplumun ya da dizenin aksayan yanlarin: ifneleyici, galdng, alayci bir dille elestirmek amaciyla yazilan yazilara denir. Asagida verilen érmekler birer lampoon ornegidir. ‘AModest Proposal (by Jonathan Swift): Mitevazi Bir Ones, 1729 yilinda yaziimis sarkastik bir yergit J. Swift bu eserde,icinde bulundukian durumdan kurtulmak icin en ufak bir caba bile gostermeyen Iianda ulusu ile air bir sekide dalga gegmisti. Oners "adem yemek yok, bebekleri yiyelim, madem para yok evde bir sia gocugunuz var onlartisgi yada et olarak satalim, bu darliktan kurtulalim, nasil olsa bir ise yaradiklan yok." geklinde bir dokundurmadrt. ‘Mac Flecknoe (by John Dryden): John Jryden' in restorasyon déneminde dénemin komedi yazaranndan ‘Thomas Shadwell’ i elestirdigi hicvi. Thomas Shadwell Ben Jonson’n varisi oldugunu iddia eder; ancak kendisi Jonson kadar iyi yazamamaktadrr. Dryden onun ancak daha két bir yazar olan Flecknoe' nun varisi olabilecegini sdyler. Dryden, Shadwell e agir elestirilerde bulunur ve onu aptal olarak gésterir 28, SATIRE: Satire; bir kig, Olay ya da durumun igneleyici s8zlerle anlatilmasina denir. Agagida verilen eserier birer satire Omedicit. ‘Alexander Pope's "The Rape of the Lock’ (18. yazyilIngiltere'sinin orta sinifin elestirit.) vonathati Switt's "Gulliver Travels" (Swit, siyaseti, dini ve Bat: Kiltarindi acimasizca elestiri.) Mark Twain's "Huckleberry Finn” (Twain bu eserinde kéleligi elestirir ve bu konudaki diistincelerini paylasir.) 29, LITOTES: Anlamca gUgld bir sézUn yerine karsitint ya da olumsuzunu kullanmakia yapilan bir anlatma bicimidi. "Bu gizelmig" demek yerine, "Bu yaz! hig fena degiimis", timcesini kullanmak gibi. Asagida verilen 6rnekleriinceleyelim: “Lam not unaware how the productions of the Grub Street brotherhood have of late years fallen under many prejudices.” (Jonathan Swift, A Tale of a Tub) "I can't get no satisfaction.” “He is stingy" demek yerine “He is not the most generous man in the world” ifadesini kullanmak. 30. MALAPHORISM: Malapropism sézcikleri yanlis/uygunsuzca kullanma, benzer sesiileri galing bir sgekilde birbirine karigtirmaya denir. Yani ayni sesletime sahip farkli anlama gelen kelimeleri karistirmaya dentr. “Temizlik imandan gelir” demek yerine “Temizlikirandan gelir”, “Immortality” yerine “Immorality”, “Alcoholics Unanimous" yerine “Alcoholics Anonymous”, “Tandem bicycle” yerine “Tantrum bieyele” demek birer malapropism dmedi olarak kabul edlebli. 31. METAPHOR: Metaphor bir geyin sembolik olarak baska bir seve benzetiimesiditama bu yapilirken "gibi" like" veya as") edat kullaniimaz, yani Gst0 kapalt (implicit bir benzetme yapilir.. Genellikie gorsel ya da somut ifadelerle anlatimi kuvwetlendimmek amaciyla yapilr My brother was boiling mad. (Gok kizgin oldugu kastedimektedir.) The assignment was a breeze. (Odevin zor olmadig} kastedil) ‘ UTERATURE Actsll, Scene-Vil of Shakespeare’ As You Like It as: Jaques: All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, ‘And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages. ‘Yukardaki dizilerde metaphor sanatin gérmek mamkundir, ‘Shakespeare dUinyay! bir oyun ya da sahneye benzetir, erkekler ve kadinlarin bu sahnede birer oyuncu ‘olduklarini séyler. Tam insanlar dinyaya farki bir kapidan girip, farklt bir kapidan cikarlar ve dogduklarinda bu sahnede yer alirlar. Oldiklerinde ise sahneyi terk ederier. Hayatlan boyunca kisiler, fark bir bollmde farkl bir ‘ol oynar ve bu béllimler bir dramanin 7 perdesine benzetilmistir. seven oul 32. METONYMY: Bir s6zcligiin benzetme amaci gidolmeden baska bir sdzcigun yerine kullanilmasidir. “Ben ortaokulda Akifi cok okudum,” cimlesinde “Akif’ s6zi ile Mehmet Akifin sirleri kastedilmistir. Agagida verilen ciimieler birer metonymy dmegidir England decides to keep check on immigration. (England refers to the government.) ~ The pen is mightier than the sword. (Pen refers to written words and sword to military force.) 33.0NOMATOPOEIA: Dogada bulunan canli veya cansiz varliklanin ¢ikardig} seslerin taklt edilmesiyle olugan kelimelerdir. “Gatidan gelen tikirtilani sen de duyuyor musun?” comlesinde, alti cizili kelime normalde kulagimiza gelen “tk yansima sézciginden gelmektedi. + The buzzing bee flew away. The sack fell into the river with a splash. > The books fell on the table with a loud thump. Machine noises—honk, beep, vroom, clang, zap, boing Animal names—cuckoo, whip-poor-wil, whooping crane, chickadee Impact sounds—boom, crash, whack, thump, bang ‘Sounds ofthe voice—shush, giggle, grow!, whine, murmur, blurt, whisper, hiss Nature sounds—spiash, drip, spray, whoosh, buzz, rustle [4 rowsvocr QB LITERATURE CHAPTER 2 34. OXYMORON: Iki zitanlaili Kélitiehin bir afada kulfanilmasiyla olugan soz sanatidir. Oregin; cruel kindess veya hot ice birer oxymoron émegidir. Asagida verilen émekler inceleyelim > There was a love-hate relationship between the two neighboring states. —> The doctor was absolutely unsure of the nature of his illness. 35. PARADOX: Insan zihninde var olan ve dogruluguna kesin olarak inanilan bilgierin ya da itadelerin, kendi igerisinde geliskill olmasi ve insan mantiginin sinirlarina ters dsmesi olayina paradoks denir. “Yumurta ‘mi tavuktan cikar, tavuk mu yumurtadan cikar?” bilinen en yaygin paradokslardan biridir. —> Your enemy's friend is your enemy. —> lam nobody. > Degismeyen tek sey degisimd > Bildigim tek sey hicbir sey bilmedigimdir. ‘Yukarida verilen dmekler birer paradoks érne@iair. Yine George Orwell'in “Animal Farm” kitabinda gegen; “All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others” cimlesi bir paradoks émegidir. Ik baktigimizda ifade sagma gibi gelse de, Uzerine dgindldagiinde George Orwell'in derin bir mesaj verdigini gordriz. 36. PERSONIFICATION: Insana 6zg0 riteliler bulunmayan cansiz variklat, hayvanlan ya da dUssel yaratikian,insana, kgiye 6290 ritelikies varmi gibi davrandirma, dasinddrme veya konusturma sanatidr @modgin; yazarin masalda agaci konusturmas! bir personification Smegicr. “The wind whispered through dry grass." ve “The flowersdanced in the gentle breeze.” Ciimlolerinde de personification gormek mimkindor. ‘The Waste Land (By T. S. ELIOT) “April is the cruellest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain.” Yine yukaridaki dizelerde T.S. Ellotin ik satirda Nisan‘i en acimasiz ay olarak nitelendirmesi personificaion ‘s6z sanati igeriyor. 37. POLYSYNDETON: E§ gérevll ya da benzer islevli Ogelerin baGlaglarla art arda siralanmasi durumudur. ‘Omegin Orhan da, Sevim de, Ozcan da biliyorlar ki bunu ne Ozgir yapmistir, ne de Filz Asagida tekrar eden nor baglaci bir polysyndeton émegidir. “Oh, my piglets, we are the origins of war — not history's forces, nor the times, ner justice, nor the lack of it, nor causes, nor religions, nor ideas, nor kinds of government — not any other thing. We are the killers.” (Katherine Hepburn, The Lion in Winter) 38. PORMANTEAU: Iki s6zcUgUn ve anlamianinin karigimindan taretilen yeni sézcuige denir. Iki kelimenin birlegerek yeni bir kelime olusturmasina denir. Dilbiimde bu isleme “blending” denir. Oregin; Sitcom, (situational/comedy) Chinglish, (Chinese/English) Chunnel, (channeltunnel) Edutainment, (education/entertainment) Ginormous, (giant/enormous) Internet, (interational/network) @ Numantoca | 12 | LITERATURE CHAPTER 2 38. PUN (PARANOMASIA): Yazilisian ve soylenisleri ayn (sestes, es sesli), anlamlan farkl olan sozcikler bir arada kullanma sanatidrr. “Karsimda duran yice daglar, Ayniik yOregimi dagiar” émeginde “daglar” sézcigiiyle kelime oyunu (pun/cinas) yapilmistir. Asagidaki mnekleriinceleyelim: ‘itis the unkindest tied that ever any man tied."(Richard ill) > Alittle more than kin, and less than kind. (Kindred)" (Hamlet) 40. SARCASM: Bir kisiyligneleme, bir konuyta lay élme veya s6zUin tain tersini kastetmekdir. Genellile bir kisi ya da durumu ignelemek, alaya almak icin yapilr. Buna verbal irony de denebilr. Oh, great, that's just what | needed, another bill to pay.” veya "I work 40 hours a week to be this poor.” cumlesinde sarcasm gdrmek mdmkiindi, William Shakespeare, Sarcasm’ etkin bir sekilde kullanan yazarlar arasindadir. "Julius Caesar” oyununda, Mark Antony karakteri Sezar'n cenaze toreninde “Friends, countrymen, lend me your ears."diye tarihi bir konugma yapar. Bu Konusmada Mark Antony, Brutus'tan s6z ederken birkag kez honorable ‘man"ifadesini tekrariar. Brutus'tan sirekli serefli bir insan olarak bahseden Mark Antony, aslinda Brutus‘un da Sezar' dlddrenler arasinda oldugunun farkindadir. Bu yazden soylenen “honurable man’ ifadesinin tam tersini kastetmektedir. Bu da bir sarcasm émegii. Satire ve sarcasm da birbirinden farklicir: Sareasmibir:durumla dalga'geper, Satire IseliGneléinie. yapar. Omedin gee Kalan biring; Bu kadar erken gelmeseydin demek sarcasm, Bir giin de zamanin da gel demek satire-olur. 41. SIMILE: Aniatim guglendirmek amaciyla, birbirinden farkir iki varik ya da kavram arasinda benzerlik kurmaya simile denir. Genellikle gibi (like veya as) edati kullanilir. » Our soldiers are as brave as lions, » Her cheeks are red like a rose, 42. SPOONERISM: Bir tr dil sUirgmesidir. Iki veya daha fazla kelimenin ik harflerinin yerinin istemeden degistirimesine denir. Omegin; “a crushing blow” yerine “a blushing crow” veya “sesini kes” yerine “kesini ses” demek spoonerism'e érnektir 43. PARODY: Bir kisivi Vea: nesnieyi komik yonden taki StiiGktir. Ciddi yaprtiann tarzini ve havasin! karikatirize ederek yahut konulanyyla dalga gegerek gildirmeyi amaclayan yaprtiara verilen isimdir. Yani nem bir konuyu énemsiz, onemsiz bir konuyu da Gnemliymis gibi ele alan mizahi bir tirdur. Travesty veya burlesque olarak da adiandiniir. Charlie! Chaplinin flmleri bu tarza émek verilebiir 44, SYNECDOCHE: Bir parganin, bitline veya bir bitdndin pargaya gonderme yaptigt ifadeler ‘Synecdoche olarak adiandinlir. Agagida verilen drekleriinceleyelim. — The word “sails” refers to a whole ship.(Part to Represent Whole) ~ The word "police" can be used to represent only one or a few police officers. (Whole to Represent a Part) 45, UNDERSTATEMENT: Bir kisiyi, durumu veya olay! oldugundan kugk gdsteren s6z sanatidir. Olumiu bir durumu olumsuz ifadelerle anlatmaya denir. "Ihave to have this operation. It isn't very serious. | have this tiny litle tumor on the brain.” Beyinde bir tUmére sahip olmak, ciddi bir sorundur ancak yukaridaki ifadede ufak bir sorunmus gibi ele alinmasi understatement drmegicir. [43 | numaynoca @ UTERATURE ‘TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE 2 ‘A. Match the sentences with figures of speech used in them. CHAPTER 2 41. With malice toward none; with charity forall; with firmness in the right,...— Abraham Lincoln, Second Inaugural Address 2. So, first of all, lot me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself —Franklin Delano Roosevelt 3. In winter, when it rained he climbed into bed, and felt as snug as a bug ina rug. ' 4, That was when his mom called to say his dad passed away. 5, "The moan of doves in immemorial elms, ‘And murmuring of innumerable bees...” (‘Come Down, O Maid’ by Alfred Lord Tennyson) 6. I find thee apt; And dullershouldst thou be than the fat weed ‘That rots itself in ease on Lethe wharf, 70 Wouldst thou not stir in this...- (Hamlet by William Shakespeare 7. He remembered that day of his preliminary interview—sunny June, with the air full of flower scents and the plick-plock of cricket on the pitch. Goodbye Mr. Chips (By James Hilton) 8, I've asked you not to do that a thousand times. 9. “Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears.” 10. Paid volunteers were working for the company. ‘a.Oxymoron | ‘Consonance c.Onomatopoeia d.Hyperbole eSimile ‘.Anaphora .Euphemism hArchaism iMetonymy j.lmagery LITERATURE 1) ceeccee seers i a brief and indirect reference to a person, place, thing or idea of historical, cultural, literary or political significance. It does ‘ot describe in detail the person or thing to ‘which it refers. Itis just a passing comment. sifok Allusion B)Epthet_ 6) Conceit yas D) Hyperbole) Metonymy abort eniodme Edler, La ttorely tocthsel oirderma Riel be inchireet 2) Her heart was divided between concern for her sister, and resentment against all the others, (Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen) Which one of the following? A) Onomatopoeia (8) Hyperbole ) Personifcation 1D) Flashback E) Epithet” 3) Which of the following statements is the best definition for euphemism? AY) Itis a fgure of speech in which several conjunetons are used fo join connected clauses inplaces where they are not contextual essary. €6)!tis a pote or mild word or expression used refer o something embarrassing, taboo, or unpleasant. C) Itis a vulgar term that is meant to offend the audience, D) Itis the repetition of the same cons it sounds a the beginning of words hata In Close proximiy fo each other, E) tis a figure of speech in which a used phrase or words considered very old fashioned and outdated @ NUMANHOCA | 14 REVIEW TEST 1 4) "Death, be not proud, though some have called thee Mighty and dreadtul, for thou art not so." (John Donne, Holy Sonnet X) Which one of the following? A)imagery > Sic ne howykarts B) Deus Ex Machine 9 Wish ye dey resneye 5) Which of these lines from Samuel Taylor Coleridge's “The Rime of Ancient Mariner” contains aU ses Yertieme <\ AVOry ateKDy @y ater@y, ol ses! iO se @ sre, 1 Yea, slimy things did craw with legs Nine fathom deep he had followed us ‘We could not speak, no more than if 6) which of the folowing is 6h Hguratnve ‘speech? A) Irony B)Chiasmus —_C) Analogy D) Pun CE ptagonist 2 ort anit ¥ FI Mertthern rt td Ex » 7) might a SK" Wi fo use an “oxymoron in his or her piece of literature? A) For comedic purposes. 8) Torepeset fa way the superar functions. ©) Using a phrase or word is considered very fashioned and outdated Ghe se two contradictory terms together Using something or someone that is notin the corec chronclogieal time pei DACALA Lehr cor cncley ' Lb venice A) LITERATURE 8) refers to the literal meaning of ‘a word, the “dictionary definition”. or) the other hand, refers to the associations that are connected to a certain word or the emotional suggestions related to that word. Choose the best option. A) Oxymoron/Paradox FigurativeLiteral Denotation/Connotation confident falkative C) Conversational D) Chatty E) Nosy COmentnicatar jer oop 410) Ain.-ARQGNES is an error of chronology or timeline in a literary piace. In other words, itis something used out of time and out of place. Choose the option which dbest completes the given sentence? Pun sestes |Anachronism Sinite™ D) Meiosis E) Periphrasis 11) There is an example of ... inthe sentence “Child is father of the man.” A) Hyperbole B) Litote Malapropism Paradox > “Buk me pron, qiker Asyndeton jure ny pennuile-hev REVIEW TEST 1 Foreshadowing Is a literary device in which the uthor gives clues about events that will happen later in the story. II. Clues are fairly subtle so that they can only be noticed or fully understood upon a second reading In literature itis a scene that take places ‘chronologically after the current action and shows what is to come. How many ofthe following statements given above islare (ru for foreshadowing? A) Only | “BY tte 6) tte ) Only I wi 13) What type of figurative language is being used in the following sentence? “AGjalunbladdoa was chasing a(vetYpsmall rabbit aCTESS (oo! ungreen field,” A) Simile 8) Allegory C) Consonapes D) Litote > Fors dfotumsuatam kullon E) Euphemism ‘4)Which ofthe followings is Kayan example of "Hyperbole"? Kenning” C) Sarcaerh D) Pun E) Meiosis 17) refers to the omission of a conjunction such as “and” or ‘as” from a series of related clauses. Its usually used to accelerate a passage and emphasize the significance of the relation between these clauses. On the other hand, figure of speech in which several conjunctions are used to join connected clauses in places where they are not contextually necessary. Choose the option which best completes the given sentence best? A) Periphrasis/Citcumlocation B}-Litote/Metonyeny ‘}LampoontAnaphora— D) Portmanteau/Synecdoche ) Asyndeton/Potyeyndeton Sorte 418) education + entertainment fan + magazine = fanzine oxford + cambridge = oxbridge ‘words given above is formed by biending parts of two or more words to coin a new word. Choose the alternative which best completes the given sentence. AA) Anaphora B) Simile ©) Epithet Oppormanteau E) Connotation 49) Ain). is agiliay on words in which a humorous effect is produced by using a word that suggests two or more meanings or by exploiting similar sounding words having different meanings. Humorous effects depend Upon the ambiguities words entail. The ambiguities arise mostly in homophones and homonyms. "Denial is not just a river in Egypt and “Time flies like an arrow. Fruit fes like @ banana.” are both examples to it Choose the best option that completes the given sentence. A) Satire B) Pun ) Conceit D) Litotes Fiction 20) Which of the following scenarios is an ‘example of deus ex machina?» scirclun & When everything seems to be going Tarturfe's , an officer of the king arrives to arrest him and everyone else who has been acting in good fait profs from ths. {8} Isaac Newion was sitting below an apple tree when an apple fell on his head, which caused him to develop his Universal Law of Gravitation ‘«C) John Smith, who is able to see the future of ‘others just by touching them. This clairvoyance | allows him to understand not just what is definitely going to happen, but what might happen if no one puts a stop to it. aD) Amother remembers her murdered chi © While going to a church, she remembers her & child's birth, growing up, and death, Later, she thinks back further fo a distant time in her past to \__ remember how her own mother was ruthless to her. \\E) Gabrie! Conroy attends a birthday party on this day that symbolizes the dullness of Conroy's life. After he returns home he has a revelation about the inevitability of death that ultimately cchanges his outlook on life. 17_| NUMANHOCA @D LITERATURE 4) Epithet isimieriniteleyen ve boylece sifat orev goren ifadelere deni. Omegin, "Mehmet the conqueror” syleminde “conqueror” ifadesi Mehmet! niteleyen bir epithet tr. Conceit, edebiyatta abartil ya da sasirtici, genelde gdlddrdcd, abarti veya sagirtici bir etki yaratan benzetmelere deni. Hyperbole, abartii aniatima bagvuran séz sanatidir Metonymy, bir sézcgiin benzetme amaci glidilmeden baska bir s6ze0gun yerine kullaniimasidir. Omegin; “Ahmet Kaya'y! dinledim” ifadesinde kastedilen sey Ahmet KAYA\dan ziyade onun sarkilaridir. Allusion ise bir Bir kavram ya da isime gOnderme ya da referansta bulunmaktr. CevapA 2) Personification kigilestime sanatidir. Verilen ifadede kalbin endigelenmesinden ve glicenmesinden s6z edilmistr. Kisiye ait bu ézellikler Kalbe aktanimistir ve béylece personification sanatina basvurulmustur. Onomatopoela, dogadaki seslerin taklit edilmesine denir. Flashback, bir romanda veya hikayede iginde bulunulan zaman diliminden gegmige giderek orada yaganan bir sahnenin anlatildigi soz sanatidir, Cevap C 3) Euphemism'n tanim B sikkinda verilmistr. Euphemism k6td veya zor bir durumu kibar ve daha az incitici olan kelimelerle anlatma durumudur, C sikkinda verilen tanim ‘euphemismin tam tersidir. A gikkt “Polysyndeton’, D sikki “Assonance’, E sikki ise “Archaism” séz sanatin: tanimlamaktadir. Cevap B REVIEW TEST 1 ANSWER KEY 4) Verilen ifade de élame sesleniste, haykinigta bulunulmustur. "Death, be not proud...” ifadesi bir Apostrophe Gmegidir. Apostrophe, bir kisiye ya da duruma genellikle bir hayking yoluyla ‘seslenmeye yarayan s6z sanatidir Cevap A 5) A ikkinda verilen dizede “Day after day, day afer day’, “a” sessiz harfinin tekrari bir alliteration émegidir. Cevap A 6) A. B, C ve D siklan birer séz sanatidir. Ancak ‘Antagonist bir eserde ana karaktere kars! olan kimseye denir. Cevap E 7) Iki zit anlamlt kelimenin bir arada kullaniimasina Oxymoron denit. Cevap D 8) Dogru cevap C segenegi olacaktr. Denotation bir s6zcUgtin s6zl0k anlami, yani gergek anlamidir. Connotation ise bir sézcigun agnistirdigi antama denir, Omegin; kirmizi gill aki cagnstirmast bir connotation ‘ome@idir. Sorunun B gikkinda verilen Figurative ve Literal s6zcUklerinin yerleri degismis olsaydi B sikkint da dogru cevap olarak almak mamktn olurdu. Ganka Figurative ve Connotation veya Denotation ve Literal ayn! isieve sahip olup birbirlerinin yerine kullanilabilirer. Cevap C LITERATURE 9) B,C, D ve E segenekieri *Communicater sézcligGndn gagnstirdii antamlardir. Ancak A segenegindeki Confident farkldir. Assured veya assertive, confident'n gagristirdigi bazi sbzctikiere mek olarak verilebil Cevap A 10) Verilen ctiiede kronolojik bir hata olan anachronism'den s6z edilmektedir ‘Anachronism bir sahis veya olay! gergek “He's as headstrong as an allegory on the banks of the Nile.” (i.e, alligator) > "He is the very pineapple of politeness.” (i.e. pinnacle) Cevap C 16) Es gorevii ya da benzer iglevil égelerin baGlaclarla art arda siralanmasi durumuna Polysyndeton denir. Cevap A 17) Camlenin boldmleri arasinda baglag kullanmamaya asyndeton denir. Omegin; came, I saw, | conquered. E5 gdrevi ya da benzer islevli Sgelerin baglactarla art arda sitalanmasina ise polysyndeton denir. Covap E LITERATURE 18) Iki kelimenin biriegerek yeni bir kelime olusturmasina portmanteau denir. Cevap D 19) Yazilisian ve okunuslan aynt, anlamlari farkl, olan sézcoklerin bir arada kullaniimasiyla yapilan kelime oyununa pun denir. “Denial is not just a river in Egypt.” "denial" (nkar) ve “the nile” (nil neh kelimelerinin ingllizeedeki okunusunun benzemesi bir pun Srnegidir. Yine; “Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like @ banana." ciimlesindeki anlam belirsizigi pun'a 6rnek verilebilir Time flies like an arrow fruit flies like a banana: zaman ok gibi ugar, meyve sinekleri muz gibi ugar. Time flies like an arrow fruit flies like a banana: zaman sinekleri oktan hoslanirlar, meyve sinekleri muzdan hoslanitar. Time flies like an arrow fruit flies like a banana: zaman sinekleri ok gibidir, meyve sinekleri muz gibidi Cevap B REVIEW TEST 1 ANSWER KEY 20) Bir kurguda beklenmedik, yapay veya Imkansiz bir karakterin senaryo akig! iginde beklenmedik bir yerde aniden ortaya gikmasi ve bir sorunu ansizin g6zmesine deus ex machine denir. Asikkinda hergey Tartutfe'm lehine islerken ansizin bir kral memurunun ortaya gikmasi ve nu tutuklamasiyla herkesi kurtarmast bir deus ex machine 6megicir B ve E ikian birer Epiphany Grnedidi Epiphany bir "Anal" Anidir. Bir eserde, karakterin geri Kalan yagami dedistiren ve karakter Gzerinde aniik bir aydinlanma etkisi lusturan teknige denir. Karakter aniden birgeyin farkina vant ve hayatina yeni bir yon vert. James Joyce'un eserlerinde bol bol kullandigt bir yéntemdir. “The Dead” by Jame Joyce epiphany’ verilecek en iyi dmeklerden bitiir. E sikkinda “The Dead" hikayesinde gegen Gabriel Conroy karakterinin yagadig1 epiphany dred verilmistir C sikkinda Flashforward ve son olarakda D sikkinda bir Flashback Omegi verilmistir. Cevap A LITERATURE 1) "Brutus: Peace! Count the clock. Cassius: The clock has stricken three.” Which one of the following? A) Pun B) Oxymoron C) Allusion D) Euphemism E) Anachronism 2) |. Not the sharpest tool in the shed; not the brightest crayon in the box; not the sharpest knife in the drawer. 11. “Iwas within a hair's-breadth of the last ‘opportunity for pronouncement, and | found with humiliation that probably | would have nothing to TL could listen to that song on repeat forever. IV. "Consciousness of place came ebbing back to him slowly over a vast tract of time unlit, unfelt, unlived Which figures of speech examples used respectively in the given sentences above? H tt N. A) litote pevirasis hyperbola asyndeton 8) asyndeton tte periphrasis hyperbole ©) periphrasis hyperbole tampon satire 0) Polysyndeton Circumlocation totes hyperbole E}lampoon —_Polysyndeton hyperbole periphasis, 3) Ain is a technique employed by writers to expose and criticize foolishness, and corruption of an individual or a society by Using humor, irony, exaggeration or ridicule. It intends to improve humanity by criticizing its follies and foibles. A) Simile B) Satire C) Periphrasis, D) Kenning E) Metaphor @ Numan toca | 20 | REVIEW TEST 2 4) “Hark, hark! Bow-wow. The watch-dogs bark! Bow-wow. Hark, hark! | hear The strain of strutting chanticleer Cry, "cock-a-diddle-dow!” (Ariel in Wiliam Shakespeare's The Tempest, ‘Act One, scene 2) What is the figures of speech used above? ‘A) Oxymoron B) Metonymy ¢) Kenning D) Onomatopoeta E) Simile 5) In the sentence; “She sat like Patience on a Monument, smiling at Grief” the is an example of in which the comparison is made withthe use ofthe word lke or its equivalent Choose the best option completes the given sentence. A) Simile B) Paradox C) Denotation D) Kenning E) Metaphor 6) "Suit the action to the word, the word to the action.” Shakespeare's Hamlet “Foul is fair and fair is foul.” Shakespeare's Mac Beth ‘The sentences given above are both examples to... Itis the way ofemploying two or more clauses which are related grammatically and conceptually, but in which the grammar and concepts are reversed, Choose the alternative which best completes the given sentence. ‘A) Metaphor 8) Irony C) Chiasmus D) Coneeit E)Pun 21_| NUMANHOCA QD UTERATURE 7) "In the hard-packed dirt of the midway, after the glaring lights are out and the people have gone to bed, you will find a veritable treasure of popcorn fragments, frozen custard dribblings, candied apples abandoned by tired children, sugar fluff crystals, salted almonds, popsicles, partially gnawed ice cream cones and wooden sticks of lollipops.” What is the technique employed in the given passage above? A) Portmanteau B) Imagery C) Sarcasm D) Metonymy E) Litote 8) cccsssmnmnens FOFERS t0 a thing by the name of one of its parts. For example, calling a car“a wheel", A part of a car ie. ‘a wheel” stands for the whole car. In a... on the other hand, the word we use to describe another thing is closely linked to that particular thing, but is not ‘part of it. For example, “Crown” which means power or authority is a metonymy. A) Periphrasis / Circumlocation B) Synecdoche / Metonymy C) Lampoon / Anaphora 1D) Synecdoche / Metonymy E) Asyndeton / Polysyndeton 9) Its commen practice to refer to celebrity life ‘and culture in the United States as “Hollywood,” as in “Hollywood is obsessed with this new diet.” ‘The meaning of this statement is not that the place itself has any obsession, of course, but instead refers to the celebrities and wannabe celebrities who reside there. What is the figures of speech mentioned above? ‘A) Circumtocation B) Metonymy ) Lampoon D) Synecdoche E)Asyndeton REVIEW TEST 2 10) Ain. is the deliberate repetition of the first part of the sentence in order to achieve an artistic effect. In the sentence “Everything looked dark and bleak, everything looked gloomy, and everything was under a blanket of mist, there is an example of this technique. A) Simile B) Satire C) Anaphora D) Kenning E) Metaphor 11) An. sneeei8 an incorrect word used accidentally in place of another word with a similar sound. They can be humorous because they give rise to nonsensical statements. For ‘example, the common phrase “for all intents and purposes" is often turned into “for all Intensive purposes.” What is the figures of speech used above? A) Litote B) Periphrasis ) Pun D) Simite ) Malapropism 42) Romeo: But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. There is ain. used in the lines given above. It is an implicit, implied, or hidden comparison between two things that are unrelated, but which share some common characteristics. ‘A) Metaphor B) Allusion C) Hyperbole D) Paradox ) Oxymoron LITERATURE 13) Imagine that you've just completed a marathon or after having not slept all night long, Which of the following sentences would be an melosis? ‘A) lam getting tired of this marathon, B) | am exhausted at the end of the day. C) I'm a little tired, D) Of course the job was tiring as | couldn't sleep all night E) am done with this job but 'm very tired 14) Ain, is an imitation of a writer, artist, subject, or genre in such a way as to make fun of or comment on the original work For example; Charlie Chaplin impersonated Hitler in the film “The Great Dictator”, Choose the alternative which best completes the given sentence. ‘A) Anaphora 8) Parody C) Personification D) Coceit E) Imagery 15) Ain, is a story within a story. It has a “surface story" and another story hidden underneath. For example, the surface story might be about two neighbors throwing rocks at each other’s homes, but the hidden story would be about war between countries, What is the figures of speech used above? A) Euphemism B) Flashback ©) Allegory D) Metaphor E) Kenning QD numannoca | 22 | REVIEW TEST 2 16) “Structure of an atom is like a solar system. Nucleus is the sun and electrons are the planets revolving around thelr sun.” Considering the statements given above find the right figures of speech used in the sentence? A) Metaphor B) Oxymoron ) Satire D) Archetype E) Analogy 17) | am sure | have done everything in my power since | exploded the affair; long ago I laid ‘my posttive conjunctions on her never to think cn the fellow again. | have since laid Sir ‘Anthony's preposition before her; but, | am sorry to say, she seems resolved to decline every particle that | enjoin her. What is the figures of speech used in the passage above? A) Fiction B) Malapropism ©) Parody D) Symbol E) Metonymy 1B). .oi8 a literary technique in which two or more ideas, places, characters and their actions are placed side by side in a narrative or a poem for the purpose of developing comparisons and contrasts.The famous opening to Charles Dickens's novel A Tale of Two Cities shows the intense struggle between love and hatred, freedom and ‘oppression, and good and evil that lead up to the French Revolution. The title already sets up the idea of comparison, in that there are two cities, and indeed the entire novel is full of doubles, Choose the option which best completes the ven sentence? ‘A) Metonymy B) Symbol ) Paradox ) Juxtaposion E) Personification 23) NUMANHOCA @ LUTERATURE REVIEW TEST 2 19) In the Titanic film before the ship hits the iceberg, a character in the film remarks that “It's so beautiful, | could just die.” This is because the audience in the movie knows that the ship will uimately sink but the character doesnt. Choose the best option. A) Verbal irony B) Structural irony ) Dramatic irony D) Situational irony E) Irony 20) “Having nothing, nothing can he lose.”(Henry VI) “Life is a tale told by an idiot — full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” (Macbeth) Here are two examples of... thatis a statement of ruth or opinion expressed in a concise and witty manner. The term is often applied to philosophical, moral and literary principles. Choose the alternative that completes the given sentence best. ‘A) Aphorism B) Irony C) Hyperbole D) Imagery E) Meiosis UTERATURE 1) Veriten diyalogda kullanilan s6z sanati Anachronism'dir. William Shakespeare'in “Julius Caesar” oyununun gosterildigi dénem MS 44 tarihine uzanmaktadir. Diyalogda bahsedilen mekanik saat Shakespeare'in zamaninda meveuttu ancak oyunun yazildigi tarinte icat edilmemisti. Bu nedenle, bu oyunda hendz icat edilmemis bir saalin aniimast anakronizm Cevap E 2) de litotes séz sanati kullaniimistr,Litotes bir olumiu itade yerine iki olumsuz ifadeyi beraber kullanmaktr. “not unclean’ gibi I de periphrasis (circumlocation) vardir. Bir kavrami birden fazia sézcikle anlatmaya periphrasis denir de hyperbole kullanilmistir, Hyperbole abartli anlatima basvuran s6z sanatidir. Son olarak IV de ise asyndeton s6z sanati vardir ‘Asyndeton daha etkil bir antatim igin cumle iginde yer alan baGlaglann atilmasina denir. Cevap A 3) Verilen tanimda Satire’ dan séz edimektedir. Bir kisi olay ya da durumun igneleyici sézlerle alayl bir gekilde aniatilmasina satire denir. Cevap B 4) Dogru cevap D secenegidir. Onomatopoeia, dogiadaki seslerin taktit edilmesiyle olugan yansima seslere denir. Cevap D @ NUMANHOCA, 24 | REVIEW TEST 2 ANSWER KEY 5) Verilen ciimie bir simile émegidir ve William Shakespeare'in Twelfth Night eserinde ‘geomektedir. "As", "lke" gibi edatlarla dogrudan yapilan benzetmeler “simile” olarak adlandiil, Cevap A 6) Verilen cimielerde chiasmus tekni kullaniimistir, Chiasmus birinci deyimdeki ‘s6zoiik siralamasinin (syntax) ikincisinde tersine

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