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The light-bearing empath (AKA YOU) is waking up to your GREAT power on this
planet at this time.

There is a dictionary definition of an empath (usually related to science fiction): “A

person with the paranormal ability to apprehend the mental or emotional state of
another individual.”

Yet this is now becoming science fact, there is credible scientific evidence of
empaths. The brain has created a neural physiology that is an evolved from
intuition. This has created a range of biological and psychological differences
between empaths and other individuals who are not as “sensitive.”

Empaths are highly attuned to other people's moods, good and bad. They feel
everything, sometimes to an extreme. They take on negativity such as anger or
anxiety, which can be exhausting for them. They are often called “too sensitive” and
“overly emotional.”

Yet, we are moving into a time where the need to explain; “I’m overly sensitive,” is
now over. Instead you get to stand in your sensitivity as a superpower, you get to
claim your abilities as something that can change the world.

To support those sensitives around the globe, Anita Moorjani has channeled through
from the other side, different archetypes of empaths. And calling these empaths
“light bearers” of the world.

Anita has identified different archetypes of empaths; there are empaths who like the
limelight and those who don't mind being in the limelight. There are empaths who
shy away, who renounce the world and they're more hermit-like. There are empaths
who have more masculine traits, and empaths who have more feminine traits.

As Anita started studying the empaths, she channeled through four different empath
archetypes. Understanding which archetype of empath you are helps to clarify your
role at this important time in human evolution. That clarity also helps you to know
that you are not alone and together there is a global community of empaths that are
making the difference.

Through this material Anita and Jennifer are helping the empath bring heaven to
earth, and discover a new place of being.

If you would like to watch a 90-minute webinar that offers much of what is in this
eBook PLUS two powerful healings for the empath... then go register for a time a
date that works for you RIGHT HERE. It has the information that is here in this
eBook and even more.

Empath Wellbeing eBook 2

©McLean MasterWorks Jennifer McLean & Anita Moorjani
You can also copy and paste or go to the following URL: Here are
some highlights of the video webinar presentation:

• At 6:36 you will learn about the 4 Empath Archetypes

• At 24:05 Anita and Jennifer Share about the non-empath type
• At 29:20 you will learn about the anti-empath predator types that have been
in control (until now)
• At 45:49 receive Jennifer's remarkable Spontaneous Transformation for the
empath session... your first of two healings
• 1:02:54 receive a healing journey for the empath with Anita
• At 1:17:58 learn more about the powerful new course; Empath Wellbeing

And now dive into this life changing eBook...

Empath Wellbeing eBook 3

©McLean MasterWorks Jennifer McLean & Anita Moorjani
Chapter 1 - Overview
We are in a great time of awakening on this planet, and part of that process of
waking up is to ignite the empaths into their new roles as leaders.

There have been a new set of empath archetypes that have come through that are
helping the empaths hone in on their unique skills. These are skills that are designed
to assist the planet and allow the empaths to contribute to their own lives and to all
of humanity.

It is important to note that identifying the empath archetypes is not about labeling
or separating. It’s not about “better than” or “power over.” What this material is
activating is the recognition of the light bearing empath, and calling your special
traits out, in order to awaken your GREAT power at this time.

This is here to encourage you to contribute in new ways that you may not have
thought previously possible. And to share that you are not just anyone, but you are
truly important, now more than ever. Anita and Jennifer are here to help you claim,
with confidence, your power and light.

You the empath is needed right now, to take your deeper intuitive understandings,
knowings, and compassion out into the world in a way that has never been accepted

By the way... if you are reading these words you ARE an empath. Only empaths are
drawn to this material

Because of the compression and contrast that has been needed to awaken the
empaths, they can sometimes feel lost, confused and downhearted. Yet, what is
rising up is a new paradigm of “empath-as-leader.” These newly ignited empaths
can take over from the predator and narcissistic leadership whose time is ending.

And “take over,” means being more powerful than ever before in your own life, in
your family, at work and maybe even on the national or international stage. This
also means serving with out sacrificing. Knowing with a new sense of assuredness
that you are here to contribute powerfully at this important tipping point in human
evolution. And that service is part of your nature, you can now feel good, uplifted
(not obligated), as you contribute.

You have an opportunity to use the healing encoded words in this book to highlight
and support you in claiming your light bearing empath nature. This time and
intention is here to now support you in standing in your power and not shrinking in
the face of propaganda and derision. But instead moving into your clear knowing. A
knowing and deep insight that may have been previously diminished or poo pooed,
and yet the time is now to move forward no matter what.

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©McLean MasterWorks Jennifer McLean & Anita Moorjani
This is your chance to know who you are and what you are here for, in your own life,
and on the bigger stage of human evolution. That knowing ensures a new level of
self-care. Moving from confusion, to knowing, from “it doesn’t matter” and giving up,
to I AM POWERFUL and here to contribute.

AND, you will receive a clearer understanding that it is time now to join together to
find communities in harmony. Not to separate from others but to build each other
up for the task at hand.

The empath is a way-shower that is here to bring new energies to this planet
through their extraordinary gifts. They are here to create a new heaven on earth for
themselves and for all.

The time is here to move forward with intelligence and grace and take each step
with the full understanding that the anti-empath predators will be manipulating and
lying to keep the status quo. And yet the empath speaks the truth of compassion and
authenticity, and the truth starts to catch on… it becomes the louder voice especially
by comparison.

We get to see the predatory leadership with clarity and simply be ourselves in the
midst of that. Not defending our point of view just living it each day each moment as
our powerful selves, becoming the loudest yet gentlest, kindest voice of true reason.
THAT is our sweet spot.

Read on for more and prepare to be inspired into be YOU.

AND... If you would like to experience TWO profound healings FREE, and here to
help you to move into your power as an empath, then go register for a time a date
that works for you RIGHT HERE. It has the information that is here in this eBook and
even more.

You can also copy and paste or go to the following URL:

Empath Wellbeing eBook 5

©McLean MasterWorks Jennifer McLean & Anita Moorjani
Chapter 2 - The Empath Archetypes
The light bearers are empaths and highly sensitive people. They are divided into 4
archetypes. The Dragons and Unicorns are more other worldly while the Sorcerers
and the Dolphins are the bridges between the other world and this one.

All four light bearer archetypes have a strong sense of being here for a higher
purpose – and that purpose is to help, serve, and uplift the planet. This seems to be
inbuilt into their DNA. In other words, it’s as important to them to be of service as it
is to breathe air.

The Dragons and Sorcerers have a more masculine energy, while the Unicorns and
Dolphins have a more feminine energy.

Unicorns and Dolphins have a tendency to forget to take care of themselves while
being of service to others, and may suffer from health complaints as a result. They
need to understand that service comes so naturally to them, they don’t have to
“work at being of service”. That’s a given, just because of their nature, however they
do need to work at taking care of themselves. So this needs to be their focus and a
constant reminder for them. The flip side is that they also may become overly
sensitive to their body and fret and stress about it.

Anyone who is a light bearer is someone who is not living a three dimensional life.
They're living a four or more dimensional life. They are not five sensory beings.
They are six or more sensory beings. Each of these empath archetypes has a deeper
knowing when someone is in pain.

Below are the full descriptions of each archetype of light bearing empath.

Please note it's possible to be a mix archetype, and to relate to the traits of say two
of them, or to oscillate between two of them. So as you are reading these you might
notice that. Often times there is one that dominates, and one that comes in as a
secondary set of traits. See if you notice which one you would claim as dominant and

For some you can have more of a tendency towards one growing up, and then find
yourself leaning more towards another as an adult, but you likely don’t completely
lose the one you were as a child. Those traits are still in there, and you’ll still relate
to those traits. However if you are an empath, you can't change that. You will always
be an empath. You will always be one of those 4, or a combination of those four

For others they have been one and one only for their whole lives.

It’s important to note that these four archetypes have a very strong sense of being of
service here on the planet at this time. Many of these souls came to this planet with
Empath Wellbeing eBook 6
©McLean MasterWorks Jennifer McLean & Anita Moorjani
the intention of bringing this archetype in, to make the difference, not just “a”
difference, but capital T-H-E, THE difference. It's built into their DNA to be of

In fact it’s actually important for them to be of service. For some of the archetypes,
they've gotten confused and think that they are somehow losing themselves as they
serve, which is almost impossible for these light bearing empaths. When yu as an
empath gain some perspective on that, you can simply claim that being of service is
actually second nature to you, and you then lose that feeling of sacrifice. When you
can be of service and KNOW it’s your true nature, you can now do it from this
empowered healthier perspective.

Here’s a more detailed overview of each archetype...

The Dragons and the Unicorns are a little bit more on the other side. It's almost like
they would prefer to completely live in the other realms, and they have trouble
fitting in into this one. While they have both feet in that realm, they are forced to live

[Masculine] Have strong personalities. They are protectors, powerful, often called
to leadership positions, even though they don’t like the public eye. Extremely
intuitive. So much so that it feels totally normal for them. They don’t talk about it –
because it’s so normal for them, it’s not a talking point. They can see through the
motives of others easily, and are good at selecting who they will associate with. They
are fierce protectors of the underdogs. They are very connected to the other world
with an ability to draw information from other realms at any time, and are aware of
their own strength and their own abilities to see into other worlds. They don’t doubt
themselves or the existence of other worlds. They do not have people pleasing
qualities. They just know things, and are aware they know more than most. Those
who have ulterior motives are intimidated by them.

Energy quality: Masculine. Protective (they protect those around them and will even
risk their own life if necessary, to rescue another because they are so confident in
their knowledge of fate, destiny and afterlife. They know that they won’t go before
their time).

Downside: They can appear to be aloof and lack social skills, because they are more
in tune with the other worlds than this one. They sometimes forget that others don’t
have the same intuitive skills as they do, and can become impatient when others
don’t intuit things the way they do. They can be intimidating.


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©McLean MasterWorks Jennifer McLean & Anita Moorjani
[Feminine] Magical, mythical personalities. Very powerful energy, but unaware of
their own power. Very magnetic, endearing and attract people easily, because they
are open and light. Trusting. Otherworldly. Imaginative. Highly intuitive and
empathic. Endearing because they are unaware of how magnetic and powerful they
are. Inspirational. Maternal. Caring. Attract those who need a shoulder to cry on.
Popular, despite not wanting to be. They may try to hide from the limelight, but are
sought after despite that.

Energy quality: Feminine. Healing (Their very presence is healing to those around
them. Their gentle and light hearted nature is attractive and infectious.)

Downside: Attracts predators and narcs because of their openness and trusting
personality. Can have a people pleasing tendency as they don’t like to hurt others or
see others hurt. Inability to say no. They assume everyone is like them, so they get
burned easily. They have difficulty grounding themselves into this world, and find it
easier to travel through the other worlds.

The Dragons and the Unicorns, very often about forget this physical world, and so
they sometimes struggle with the physical. They can struggle with taking care of
their physical bodies. It's almost like they think of themselves as a soul and not a
physical body. They can have challenges and not take care of their body and may
have ailments that comes from ignoring their body. They are so focused on their
soul development and what their soul is going through or their energy. This may
also have a flip side of hyper care of the body and being be super focused on their
physical needs.

Both the Dragons and Unicorns are very tuned in, they're extremely intuitive. They
are psychic, they're clairvoyant, and they're very, very powerful.

The difference between the dragon and the unicorn is that the Dragons are the more
masculine energy, and the unicorn is a more feminine energy.

The dragon is more sure of themselves. The dragon knows their power. They know
that they are psychic and intuitive, and they get impatient sometimes with other
people. They can come across as being a little bit short with other people, because
they know what they know. They can be so sure in themselves, that when somebody
tries to argue with them, and the dragon knows the other person doesn't know what
they're talking about, they can actually be short with them, and cut them off. They
don't worry about what other people think of them.

Whereas the unicorn has a more feminine energy, and the unicorn often doubts
themselves and doubts their abilities. So the unicorn is equally strong and powerful,
as the dragon but doesn't always acknowledge it, or know it, or forgets it easily. The
unicorn has more of a non-confrontational, people pleaser trait.

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©McLean MasterWorks Jennifer McLean & Anita Moorjani
The Dolphin And The Sorcerer, The Bridgers Between The
2 Worlds:

[Masculine] Sorcerers are alchemists who can transmute negative energy and heal
others; they are the magicians of this world and use their magic for good, and to
help others. They are the clairvoyants, psychic healers, Reiki masters, energy
healers, and so on. They have no problem being out among people, conducting
classes, teaching people and helping people heal, because their intention is to offer
their help and services to as many people as possible. They are great at “spreading
the word” of this kind of work, and leading those who are neophytes in this field of
energy work. Good at leadership roles.

Energy Quality: Their energy quality is masculine. They are strong and self assured
and don’t need others to assure them of their magical traits. They know who they

Downside: Can be too sure of themselves and their own strengths. Don’t always take
criticism or feedback well. Believe that they know better than others.

[Feminine] They don’t like to be in the limelight, and don’t like to be in crowds, but
have a beautiful light energy. Very intuitive, telepathic, connected with the universe.
Helps to hold the energy of the planet at a higher vibration. But do not mix well with
people. They prefer animals and nature. Monks; hermits; people who just go about
their business but have a very high frequency (perhaps live in remote areas to be
away from people). Those who love nature and love the water. They hold the energy
for the planet, even though they do not want to mix with people. For example,
Buddhist Monks, people who live in Ashrams, hermits, etc. (Where they differ from
the Sorcerer is that although they are highly intuitive, they are not practicing
clairvoyants, psychic healers or energy masters the way that Sorcerers are.)

Energy Quality: Their energy quality is feminine. They are nurturing, soft, caring,
empathic and sensitive. They don’t look for reward or recognition.

Downside: They can be aloof, and can have a tendency to shut others out of their
emotions and inner life. They can be lonely, and loners.

The Sorcerer and the Dolphins are here to serve planet Earth. Tthe Sorcerer is the
masculine and the Dolphin is the feminine. The Sorcerers and the Dolphins are light
bearers who have one foot on each side.

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©McLean MasterWorks Jennifer McLean & Anita Moorjani
Sorcerers and Dolphins, are the ones who will actually take more care of their
physical body. They are the ones who know that this physical body is a temple to
serve here in this world. They're very careful about what they eat, they watch their
food, and like all empaths are quite intuitive.

Part of the reason why they watch what they eat, and they're careful with what they
do with their bodies is because they are out there on the front lines. They are
bringing healing to people. They are doing the Reiki, doing the psychic readings,
teaching, leading, guiding and working with people one on one.

The difference between the Dolphins and the Sorcerers though is the Sorcerer is the
masculine energy, and the Dolphin is the feminine energy. The Sorcerer doesn't
mind the limelight. They don't mind getting out there and getting known for the
work they do, and that's a good thing. It’s important for people to know and learn
from what they do, and learn what's possible. And the Sorcerer is able to transform
energy and heal people, and they have magical energy with which to do that. They
are the definition of light bearers.

The Dolphin on the other hand, tends to shy away from people. The Dolphin tends to
be more like a hermit, like a monk or someone who sits in a temple, or an ashram.
They would like to spend their time chanting and wanting to uplift the planet but
from behind the scenes. They don't want the recognition.

If you would like to learn more about these Empath Archetypes, and activate them
even more within you, as well as finally claiming your powers with confidence, there
is a special webinar that explains it even more go register for a time a date that
works for you RIGHT HERE. It has the information that is here in this eBook and
even more.

You can also copy and paste or go to the following URL:

Empath Wellbeing eBook 10

©McLean MasterWorks Jennifer McLean & Anita Moorjani
Chapter 3 - Non-Empaths & Anti-Empaths

There are other archetypes who are NOT light bearers (not empaths). These are
individuals who have a different path than that of the empath.

It’s important to note again that there's no hierarchy, there’s no worse than... it's just
that everybody's different and each has their own paths. So even the four empath
types, there's no better than. They're just four types. They're just different. Empaths,
non-empaths even predators alike are all needed in this world. And we trust the
process of the amazing wonderful and important mix of humanity.

We’ll start this chapter here with the non-empaths that is the Porcupines, Bees and
Sheeples. These individuals are the younger souls, and are still closer to their
survival instincts. They are here on this planet at this time for their own soul
"evolution," so they can be positively influenced by empath leaders (and negatively
by non-empath predators).

If you look at a chakra system, the non-empaths are operating from their lower
chakras (survival, sex, money), while the empaths are operating from their higher
chakras and in service.

So let's say for the sake of argument, and let's be really generous, and say about 15%
of the people on this planet are empaths or light bearers. So what about the rest?

When you are out in the world, you are dealing with many many people who are not
empaths. They're not psychic. They're not intuitive. They don't understand our
needs. They're not going to feel pain the way empaths do. A lot of empaths are non
confrontational. These non-empaths are not bad people. They're just people. A lot of

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©McLean MasterWorks Jennifer McLean & Anita Moorjani
it is conditioning, its upbringing. It's also because of being bombarded with

All have lived in a world where the collective has learned to live from a place of
scarcity. We've learned to live with the belief that there isn't enough to go around.
The thought that “I have to get ahead of everyone else,” is prevalent. It becomes a
dog-eat-dog world. These non-empath archetypes are especially living under these

Worker Bees Non-Empaths:

Worker Bees are the people who just get on with getting on. They're like the cogs in
the wheel and they are fine with that. They don't want any drama and at the same
time they have no big aspirations of saving the world or serving the world like
empaths do. They just want to go to work and have a function, and take home
paychecks and pay their bills.

They can be highly focused on their work. So these are very important members of
society. Corporations hire them, big companies hire them, you need worker Bees in
the world. They are what make the world work and what make things function in
the world. You’ll recognize the worker Bees as the person who quietly just gets on
with their work. They could be someone in the next desk, next to you in the office.
They could be the accountant, the IT person. They could be the person who cleans
the streets. So there are worker Bees everywhere, and there are a lot of worker

Porcupine Non-Empaths:

Then there are the Porcupines. These are the people who have really, strong
boundaries, they are very protective of what they've created. Porcupines are really
cute as an animal and they're not aggressive. They don't go out and attack you. They
sit quietly doing their thing, but if you attack them, then they're prickles come out
and you get hurt. And in turn they're not going to go out and help the world and risk
everything they've created. They're just going to protect it for their own

And it's not that they're not compassionate. They're just focused on, “this is mine.
I'm taking care of it," somewhat myopically focused on that. And if you mess with it,
you're going to get a quill in your face.

Sheeple Non-Empaths:

The Sheeple are the people who are just trying to get on with life. They are the
people who watch TV, they follow the news, they buy the newspapers, they listen to
what the advertisers are telling them. The Sheeple are the target of all the
advertising companies, the news media, and social media.

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©McLean MasterWorks Jennifer McLean & Anita Moorjani
They follow everything. The Sheeple include the young people whose minds are
open and ready to be shaped. And “Sheeple” not meant to be a derogatory term at
all. It's just your general population who are very open and vulnerable, and very
easily influenced.

The Sheeple are also like “muggles” from the Harry Potter book series, good honest
folks going about their day and very much influenced by the loudest voice which
until now has mostly been the predators (more about them in a moment).

So here is a summary of these three non-empath archetypes:

Porcupines – people who have strong boundaries. Sensible, strong, able to take care
of their own people. Protective.

Bees – worker Bees. Hard working, nose to the grindstone, able to just get on with
routine. Cog in a large corporate wheel; factory workers.

Sheeple – easily influenced by the loudest voices; attracted to every shiny new thing.
They are the main target for advertisers, and don’t look deeply into things, and
accept things at face value. They believe everything that mass marketers and mass
media tell them. So if there is a lot of negative publicity, they believe it; if there is a
lot of positive propaganda, they believe it.

Then there are the Anti-Empath Predators:

There are two archetypes of predators they represent about 10% or less of the

Crocodiles (also known as reptiles) – exploits every opportunity to benefit

themselves (particularly financially), even to the detriment of others or the
environment. Unaware of the needs of others. These are heads of corporations that
utilize sweatshops and hire underpaid workers, as an example.

Sharks - they are cleverer than crocodiles and use their mind to manipulate people
for their own ends. They say what they need to, whenever they need to, for their
own gain, at any cost. They lie easily, cheat and are duplicitous. No conscience.
Disingenuous politicians and lawyers fall into this category.

These anti-empath predators believe that it's every man for themselves. They are
the ones who will use other people for their own means. Some of them will hoard as
much money as they can.

These are found in the top 1% of 1% where deep seeded greed lives. And while
these are the minority they are most often represented as corporate leaders and
include some politicians.
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©McLean MasterWorks Jennifer McLean & Anita Moorjani
They are, at the moment, controlling the message, the news and are the loudest
voice. They promote and promulgate fear-mongering, propaganda and have been in
control for a very long time.

To review, the crocodile exploits every opportunity for their own benefit. And the
sharks are a little more clever than the crocodiles, and are more likely to not say
what they mean. They say one thing but do another. They're more duplicitous, but
because they are taking leadership positions, taking control, taking.

The Role of The Empath in a World of Predators:

Now on the other end of the scale you have the empaths, if the empaths are not out
there with a loud voice, if they stay quiet, if they are not spreading the good message
of hope, compassion, possibility etc., the Sheeples are going to follow the louder

With all of these archetypes and particularly these non light bearing archetypes
everyone has their place and their role. With all of this there's a divine unfolding
afoot that you can't possibly understand from your position in three dimensions.

If you were to travel to the other side as Anita did, you could understand this more.
It’s why Anita is bringing this amazing information forward at this time. The world
is full of non empaths. And part of our role as an empath is to serve and to shift, and
one of the non-empaths that can be influence the most are the Sheeples.

There is a powerful opportunity to influence some of the Bees, not so many of the
Porcupines. We can influence the Sheeples and the Bees to develop more
compassion and empathic abilities. They're going to follow the loudest voice. If the
empaths become a louder voice, they will follow that.

And so there's an opportunity for you the empath to, when you understand your
archetype, and start living fully from that archetype more and more, and more, then
you start to become way, way more powerful.

Something to consider is that from an energy perspective, the empaths are actually
10 time more times more powerful than the predators. They just haven't stood up

Vibrationally, energetically, you as an empath are that much more powerful than the
crocodiles or the sharks. Until now you just didn't know how to stand up. Right now
the empath that you are, it is YOUR TIME to stand up... and there are ways to shift
this dynamic, to change the bell curve and really have this voice of reason and love,
be the loudest to influence the Sheeples and even the Bees.

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©McLean MasterWorks Jennifer McLean & Anita Moorjani
Some of you may be thinking; "I could never go up against a shark or crocodile. No, I
don't want to." And that's not the point, it isn’t to “go against.” Your role as an
empath now is not to play the predators game. It's actually to play your game, to
increase your capacity, your vibration, your confidence, your abilities, and to stand
in the center of your power in a whole new way.

And it's actually a new paradigm for the planet. For the empaths, it's the time of the
empath... Yet not to dominate over, not to have power over, it's your time to be
yourself. It's your time to claim as yourself, as the, “I Am that I Am, that I Am.” And
by doing that, you and the community of empaths become way more powerful than
any crocodile or shark.

There is a way to activate your empathic powers and create a new paradigm in your
life and on the planet, AND to finally claim your powers with confidence it is a
powerful FREE webinar for the empath with TWO powerful healings... go register
for a time a date that works for you RIGHT HERE. It has the information that is here
in this eBook and even more.

You can also copy and paste or go to the following URL:

Empath Wellbeing eBook 15

©McLean MasterWorks Jennifer McLean & Anita Moorjani
What’s Next For The Empath?
Anita and Jennifer have been guided to create a program that will support the
flourishing and empowerment of the empath at this time. And is here to help them
to genuinely bring heaven to earth for the empaths, and for the planet as a whole.

If you choose to join in, what you're going to experience in this course is a very clear,
succinct, powerful quantum level, step-by-step protocol; a true formula for
wellbeing. This is a protocol to support the new paradigm of wellbeing for the
empath at this time.

Part of it is the archetypes that you learned about in this eBook. This course is going
to take it to a whole new level. Each of you are going to be attuned to all the
archetypes so that you have a holistic, complete, perfect, quantum vibrational
frequency and conscious understanding of each of the archetypes.

You're also going to learn for each archetype, how to deal with the predator
crocodiles and these sharks. You're going to learn how to manage them and be in
good shape with these predators from your specific empath archetype perspective.

And then you're going to expand your empathic archetype preference to the
maximum. You're going to be standing in your "I am" presence. You're going to be
able to ignore the predators as you stand in your power. They're going to do their
thing over there, and you as renewed confident empath are going to do yours over
here. Prepare to completely shift your life. AND possibly shift your friends and
families lives as you also contribute to assisting in a whole planetary shift.

By understanding who you are as an archetype, and then getting the wellbeing
protocols that you will now actively apply to your life, you’ll simply be different.
Your capacity to understand who you are and what your life is, is about to change.
Your ability to actually create and manifest from this place is already shifting and
will do so even more dramatically with these new protocols in place.

Your life and your circumstances are about to shift around your huge vibrational
awakening that's going to be happening, as Anita and Jennifer work with you for
eight powerful sessions. And not only will you experience healing through these
eight sessions and the wellbeing protocols and attunements, your also going to
experience sound vibration healing to up the frequencies of your confidence as an
empath even more.

Yep, you’ll experience very profound and deep sacred healings including healing
journeys, spontaneous transformation technique sessions and sound vibration
healing, among other things.

This course is here because both Anita and Jennifer believe, that you tapped them on
our shoulder and had them create this course for you. In fact perhaps you got
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©McLean MasterWorks Jennifer McLean & Anita Moorjani
together with them before all came down to this planet and you, Anita and Jennifer,
agreed to create this course for all of us and for the planet as a whole.

And, the more of you that are in this program, the more that you get to really create
a new vibrational reality on this planet, where the predator is no longer dominant
And that the empaths, the light bears, are dominant. And not in a power over way
but in a gentle compassionate, loving, opening-the-possibilities way.

Here’s the most important reason for this course; You are needed. You are SO
needed. And that means, everyone needs you to thrive as the empath you’re meant
to be, standing in your power now more than ever. By now you are likely seeing how
important the empaths and light bearers are at this time in particular. It's time to
wake up, claim your power, and in claiming your power, create a new paradigm, a
new dynamic of what power is on this planet from the empathic perspective.

Remember the whole point of this program is to empower the empath. It's to
empower you in such a way, that your energy expands and you realize how
important you are.

Here’s the best part, in that realization is when physical healing and miracles of
transformation takes place. If that's what you're looking then this is a powerful
opportunity for you. This program is for those with physical ailments, those who
think they are in financial lack, those having relationship problems as well as those
who don't have those issues. And you will feel so empowered as an empath too.

It is also here to support those who are moving into leadership roles. When empaths
shy away from leadership, when empaths hide, what they're doing is opening
everything up for the predators to take over. When they give up and stop taking care
of the world or sharing thier values with the world, or saying how important it is to
be compassionate and empathic, they are allowing other values to be dominant.

If you don't define yourself, someone else is going to define you, and it's the same
with this world. If as an empath and a compassionate person you don't start creating
values and define the kind of world you want to live in, someone else is going to
define it for you. That's why Anita and Jennifer are so passionate about empowering
empaths, because they want to see a world where there are more empaths who are

Many of you reading this eBook have felt helpless in the face of a world dominated
be division separation, judgment, greed and pain. You may feel that you want to help
the world and save the world in some way, but don’t know how. And that's really the
impetus behind this course.

Right in this moment, you might be thinking how, how, how, and yet, what this
course is offering is not only answering the how, but also revealing why you've been

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where you've been, and how to shift it. And by the time you're done this course, the
why and the how actually won't even matter.

What will be highlighted is a whole new paradigm being creating. This is not a
strategy for how to be an activist or overcome a predator. No, it's actually shifting
the vibration so that it happens organically naturally. That's what’s going to be
expanded on, activated and ignited in this course.

You will be igniting the; I am that I am, with a conscious awakening. Understanding
that creates change within your own circumstances of life, and changes the planet.

You as an empath are special to this planet at this time. It’s not however that you are
better than, it's just different. You have a different intention that your soul came to
this planet with, and that was to actually create a change in service.

There's likely a yearning in your heart. And some of you may have given up on that,
because the predators are in charge. But again, it's a whole different way of thinking.
It's a different way of looking at things. It's a different way of being, that’s going to
be initiated through this powerful course.

Something that you will also uncover is how to be in service without sacrifice, how
to be in service without being a martyr, claiming a new way of service that's natural.

Anita and Jennifer know that as empaths, you're non confrontational and you don't
like conflict and all. So none of information or healings in this course are going to
make you do things that make you uncomfortable. It really is more an inner
transformation where people that don't fit into your frequency will either change or
fall away.

It's not three dimensional, five sensory. We're going above and beyond that. It really
is from the inside out, not the outside in. For example traditional typical books on
empaths, on sensitivity are about setting boundaries moving into “doing” something
to protect yourself. That's not how Jennifer and Anita operate. This is not your linear
approach at all.

So the protocols and the formulas are nonlinear in nature. They are vibrational,
intuitive and frequency in nature. That’s in part why this program is so powerful,
because it's not going to tell you what to do. It's going to allow you to know who you
are, and know what's next, and what actions you're ready to express in the world as
an empath. It is going to reveal how to BE the powerful empath that is authentically

If you are interested in enrolling in this special and unique one-of-a-kind, Empath
Wellbeing Protocol program go to the following link:

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©McLean MasterWorks Jennifer McLean & Anita Moorjani

Now, there's an extra special bonus that you're going to receive. Jennifer has this
capacity to provide remote healing transmissions. She’s been doing prayer work and
prayer circles for 10 years, and recently discovered this capacity to provide this gift
remotely. So you are going to receive daily remote healing transmissions and it
starts the moment you register, and runs through the entirety of the course.

The earlier you register the better, because the minute you register you’ll be
initiated into these healings. In fact you might even feel the initiation as the healing
energies get turned.

Not only that but Anita will also be delivering her version of healing
transmissions. She will also be supporting you and working with you each day.

Every single day, Anita and Jennifer will work with you directly and deliver
powerful transformations and remote healings. Now the intention will be to not only
support you with anything that you are needing support with, but to also turn on
your empathic powers. That's going to be part of the intention behind it.

Know that this energetic support that Anita and Jenifer are delivering in the
background, as you go about your day, will also provide exactly what you need, no
more, no less. So it will NOT be overwhelming. It will deliver precisely what you
require right now to start and move through the course, and to support your
burgeoning empathic abilities, as well as what you need and require that you've
been praying for.

Remember, the course itself is already and recorded and waiting for you.
Anita and Jennifer will be taking questions live during the Empath-a-thon and will
be actually spending time with you in real time.

If you are interested in enrolling in this special and unique one-of-a-kind, Empath
Wellbeing Protocol program go to the following link:

If you want to take the; Which Empath Archetype Are You? Quiz go to this link:

If you want to participate in the special FREE webinar that covers much of the
material in this book and more PLUS has TWO powerful healings for the empath, go
to this link: ... go register for a time a date that works for you RIGHT HERE. You can
also copy and paste or go to the following URL:

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©McLean MasterWorks Jennifer McLean & Anita Moorjani
About Anita...
Anita Moorjani, an international speaker and the author of the
New York Times bestseller, Dying to Be Me, and her latest book,
What If This Is Heaven?, has a remarkable story.

After a 4-year battle with cancer, Anita fell into a coma and was
given days to live. As her doctors gathered, attempting to revive
her, she journeyed into a near-death experience (NDE) in which
she was surrounded by unconditional love and deep wisdom. In
this place, she was given a powerful truth: heaven is not a
destination, it is a state of consciousness.

During her NDE, Anita was given the choice to return to her physical form or to
continue on into this expansive new realm. She chose to come back. When she
regained consciousness, the cancer that had caused her organs to shut down, began
to heal. To the amazement of her doctors, she was free of countless tumors and
cancer indicators within weeks.

Anita’s NDE has captured the hearts and attention of millions across the globe. She
has been a featured guest on The Dr. Oz Show, Fox News, The Today Show, CNN’s
Anderson Cooper 360, the National Geographic Channel, The Pearl Report in Hong
Kong, Headstart with Karen Davila in the Philippines, and many others.

Today, Anita, who lives in the United States with her husband Danny, continues to
share her incredible story and lessons internationally. Dying to Be Me has sold
millions of copies worldwide, has been translated into 45 languages, and has
received numerous offers from Hollywood to be made into a full-length feature film.

Prior to her cancer diagnosis, Anita lived in Hong Kong and worked in the corporate
world for several years. She was born in Singapore of Indian parents and grew up
speaking English, Cantonese, and an Indian dialect simultaneously.

About Jennifer...
Jennifer McLean is an internationally acclaimed Healer, Author,
Speaker, Edge Pusher, and Transformational Change Agent. She is
the creator of the renowned healing accelerant: “The Spontaneous
Transformation Technique (STT),” that delivers instant
transformation and healing.

For more than two decades, this innovative healing modality has
helped tens of thousands of individuals shift held energy in the body.
Individuals have been able to liberate themselves from old hurts,
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and patterns of obstacles that lead to disease and upset, and create new neural
pathways and patterns of Quantum Wholeness. With almost 1000 STT Practitioners
in this unique system, it is quickly becoming a “go to” for creating real change in
extreme times.

Recognized for her unique abilities to channel Sound vibration and create deep
acoustical anchoring, Jennifer also brings three decades experience as a sound
vibration healer, delivering sacred "Soul Song" healing chants and tones that
transform the core of any physical, emotional or mental challenge.

Jennifer also has an uncanny knack for assisting healers in discovering their
personal unique healing modality. Activating this, and helping them develop their
proprietary system of healing, just like she did for herself developing The
Spontaneous Transformation Technique.

Jennifer has appeared on FOX, ABC, CBS, and online summits and is covered in
renowned media publications. STT and other healing philosophies are covered in
her 5 best selling books and dozens of online healing programs.

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©McLean MasterWorks Jennifer McLean & Anita Moorjani

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