Marking Key Bio 10 2023-24 Trials

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Academic Year : 2023 – 2024

Examination : TRIALS
Month :
Class : 10
Maximum Marks : 80

(Two hours)
(Attempt all questions from this Section.)

Question 1

Select the correct answers to the questions from the given options. [15]
(Do not copy the question, write the correct answer only):

(i) Tears have antiseptic property due to the presence of:

(a) Lysosome
(b) Lysozyme
(c) Ribosome
(d) Leucocyte

(ii) A Delhi resident ignorantly kept cobalt 60 pencils in his back pocket and
Suffered serious burns. This was due to:

(a) Thermal pollution

(b) Chemical burn
(c) Air pollution
(d) Nuclear radiation
(iii) Sneha was observing the leaves of certain plants in the morning
There were droplets of water along their margins. Which of the following is/are
involved in the process described above?

1. Guard cells
2. Hydathodes
3. Humid weather


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4. Root pressure

(a) Only 2
(b) Only 1 and 3
(c) Only 2, 3 and 4
(d) Only 1, 2 and 4

(iv) The trend of rise of population in India is as alarming as in the rest of the world
Which of the following are the reason/ reasons for population explosion?

P. High literacy
Q. Traditional beliefs
R. Desire for a male child

(a) Only R
(b) Only P
(c) Both P and Q
(d) Both Q and R

(v) A short length DNA molecule has 110 Thymine and 110 Guanine bases
The total number of nucleotides in the DNA fragment will be:

(a) 110
(b) 220
(c) 440
(d) 880

(vi) Assertion (A): The mineral essential for the functioning of the thyroid gland is iodine:
Reason (R): Use of iodized salt in food is recommended because iodine is the active
ingredient in the production of thyroxine.

(a) Both A and R are true

(b) Both A and R are false
(c) A is true and R is false
(d) A is false and R is true
(vii) Tubectomy is the surgical method as a mode of contraception.
Which of the following is/ are involved in the process mentioned above?

1. Sperm duct
2. Oviduct
3. Nylon thread
4. Lippe’s loop

(a) Only 2
(b) Only 1

(c) Only 2 and 3
(d) Only 3 and 4

(viii) What are the age restrictions for the marriage by law for boys and girls in India?

(a) 18 years and 21 years

(b) 21 years and 19 years
(c) 21 years and 18 years
(d) 18 years and 16 years

(ix) Man is originated from ape like ancestors.

What are the major changes one will observe going from an ape like form
to human form?

P. Bipedal locomotion
Q. Reduced cranial capacity
R. Development of chin

(a) Only P
(b) Only Q
(c) Only P and R
(d) Only Q and R

(x) Sameer is a resident of hilly region where iodine is deficient in soil and hence
In the food grown there. He started developing swelling in the neck. This was due to:

(a) Simple goitre

(b) Cretenism
(c) Myxoedema
(d) Exopthalmic goitre

(xi) The heart chamber which pumps blood into systemic circulation is:

(a) Right auricle

(b) Right ventricle
(c) Left auricle
(d) Left ventricle

(xii) Identify the hormones that play a vital role in ovulatory phase:

(a) Oestrogen, Luteinizing Hormone

(b) Progesterone, FSH
(c) FSH, Luteinizing Hormone
(d) Progesterone, Oestrogen


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(xiii) Assertion(A): Diffusion is the free movement of molecules of a substance from the
region of their lower concentration to their higher concentration when
the two are in direct contact
Reason(R): Potassium permanganate crystals diffuse in a beaker containing water
to give a homogeneous solution

(a) Both A and R are true

(b) Both A and R are false
(c) A is true and R is false
(d) A is false and R is true

(xiv) Water absorption through roots can be increased by keeping the potted plants
Under the fan.

P. Rate of transpiration increases in shade.

Q. Rate of transpiration increases with the speed of the wind.
R. As the water is lost from the leaf surface by transpiration more water
molecules are pulled up.

(a) Only P
(b) Only Q
(c) Only P and R
(d) Only Q and R

(xv) Which of the following blood vessels in mammals would normally carry
largest amount of urea?

(a) Hepatic vein

(b) Renal vein
(c) Dorsal aorta
(d) Hepatic portal vein

Question 2

(i) Name the following: [5]

(a) Part of the brain which controls the body temperature. Hypothalamus

(b) The national campaign for clean India. Swacch Bharat Abhiyan

(c) Tropic movement shown by Drosera. Chemotropism


(d) Visible indication of air pollution, in which high levels of suspended
particles cause the lowered visibility. Smog

(e) The organism studied for the industrial melanism. Biston betularia

(ii) Arrange and rewrite the terms in each group in the correct order so as to be in a [5]

logical sequence beginning with the term that is underlined.

(a) Effector, Stimulus, Motor neuron, Response, Sensory neuron

Stimulus, Sensory neuron, Motor neuron, Effector, Response

(b) Cro-Magnon, Neanderthals, Homo habilis, Homo sapiens, Homo erectus

Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Neanderthals, Cro-Magnon, Homo sapiens

(c) Sperm duct, penis, testes, semen, sperm

Testes, sperm, sperm duct, semen, penis

(d) Tympanum, Pinna, Cochlea, Incus Auditory canal

Pinna, auditory canal, tympanum, incus, cochlea

(e) Cyton, Dendrites, Synapse, Dendron, Axon.

Dendrites, dendron, Cyton, axon, synapse

(iii) Fill in the blanks with suitable words: [5]

The amount of urine output is under the regulation of a hormone called

(a)Vasopressin/ Antidiuretic hormone. Secreted by the (b)Posterior
lobe of the pituitary gland. If secretion of this hormone is reduced, there is an
increased production of urine. This disorder is called
(c)Diabetes insipidus. Sometimes excess glucose is passed with urine due to
hyposecretion another hormone called (d) Insulin leading to the cause of
disease called (e)Diabetes mellitus

(iv) Choose the odd one out from the following terms and name the category to which [5]

the others belong:

(a) Mutation, Dominance, Segregation, Independent assortment


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Others are Mendel’s law of inheritance
(b) Oxytocin, Insulin, Prolactin, Progesterone
Others are female hormones
(c) Hypertonic, Hypotonic, Exosmosis, Plasmolysis
Others are conditions related with exosomsis
(d) Astigmatism, Cataract, Cretinism, Squint
Others are defects of eye
(e) Wisdom tooth, nictitating membrane, vertebral column, vermiform appendix.
Vertebral column
Others are vestigial organs

(v) Match the items given in Column I with the most appropriate ones in Column II and [5]
rewrite the correct matching pairs.

Column I Column II

(a) Sneezing 7. Simple reflex

(b) Stress hormone 3. Abscisic acid
(c) Spinal cord 6. Association neuron
(d) Natality 5. Birth rate
(e) Playing guitar 4. Conditional reflex


(Attempt any four questions from this Section.)

Question 3

(i) Define – Demography. [1]

Demography is the statistical study of human population, with reference to size and density,
distribution and other vital statistics

(ii) Briefly explain the Lamarck’s theory of inheritance giving an appropriate example.

Lamarcks theory of inheritance of acquired characters


1. Use and disuse: The parts of the body that are used extensively, become larger and stronger
while those that are not used, deteriorate. Eg of Giraffe
2. Inheritance of acquired characters: The organism could pass its modifications to its offspring

(iii) During the street fight between two individuals mention the effects on the following [2]
organs by the autonomous nervous system, in the table given below:

Organs Sympathetic nervous system Parasympathetic

nervous system
Pupil of the eye (a) Dilation (b) Constricted

Heart (c) Accelerates heartbeat (d) Retards


(iv) Draw a neat, labelled diagram of human sperm cell. [2]

Correct diagram: 1

4 correct labels (0.25x4=1)

(v) The diagram of an apparatus given below demonstrates a particular process in plants [3]
Study the same and answer the questions that follow:


Turn over
(a) Name the apparatus. (0.5)
Ganong’s potometer

(b) Which phenomenon is demonstrated by this apparatus? (0.5)

(c) State two limitations of using this apparatus. (0.5+0.5=1)
1. Introduction of air bubble is not easy.
2. Twig may not remain fully alive for long time
3. Any change in the external factors like temperature may affect the position of
air bubble in the capillary tube.
(any 2 points)
(d) What is the importance of air bubble in this experiment? (1)
The movement of bubble signifies the amount of water lost by transpiration,
in a cut shoot

Question 4

(i) Define – Micturition. [1]

Urine is expelled from urinary bladder through urethra by relaxation of sphincter muscles
under impulse from the nervous system.

(ii) We cannot distinguish colours in dim light. Give the biological reason. [1+1=2]
The cones are responsible for the coloured vision only in bright light, in dim light
rhodopsin in rod cells are regenerated but they do not respond to colour

(iii) Write two differences between corpus callosum and corpus luteum. [2]
Corpus callosum is present in brain and corpus luteum is present in ovary
Corpus callosum is a sheet of fibres connection the two cerebral hemisphere and corpus
luteum are the empty follicles in ovary produce progesterone

(iv) A pea plant which is homozygous for green pods which are inflated (GGII) [2]
is crossed with a homozygous plant for yellow pod which are constricted (ggii).
Answer the following questions:

(a) Write the phenotype and genotype of the F1 generation.(0.5+0.5)

Phenotype: All Inflated Green pods
Genotype: GgIi ( Heterozygous dominant for Inflated green pods)

(b) State the Mendel’s law of ‘Segregation of Gametes’. (1)

The two members of a pair of factors separate during the formation of gametes
The gametes combine together by random fusion at the time of zygote formation


(v) Draw a neat, labelled diagram of membranous labyrinth. [3]

Correct diagram: 1
Any four labels (0.5x4=2)

Question 5

(i) Define – Geotropism. [1]

Growth movement of plant part, towards the Earth or force of gravitation.

(ii) Mention any two measures to minimize noise pollution. [1+1=2]

Prohibiting blowing horns

Restrictions on loud speakers, during night
Planting trees roadside
Not to burn high decibel crackers
(Any two points)

(iii) Explain the photochemical phase of photosynthesis in plants. [0.5x4==2]

Photochemical phase occurs in two steps:

1. Activation of chlorophyl: Chlorophyll becomes activated by absorbing photons


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2. Splitting of water( Photolysis): Absorbed energy is used in splitting water molecule into
Hydrogen and hydroxyl ions (oxygen)
3. Photophosphorylation- formation of ATP and reduction of NADP into NADPH
4. Release of oxygen and formation of water molecule.

(iv) What are islets of Langerhans? State the main function of Glucagon. [1+1=2]

Islets of Langerhans are hormone secreting cells of pancreas.

Glucagon stimulates liver to convert glycogen into glucose.

(v) The diagram given below is the defect in human eye. [3]

Answer the questions that follow:

(a) Give the scientific term for defect. (0.5)

(b) Mention two reasons for the above defect. (0.5+0.5)
1. Elongation of eyeball from front to back
2. Lens becomes too curved
(c) Name the type of lens which used to correct this eye defect. (0.5)
Biconcave/ Concave
Draw the diagram how the above-mentioned defect is rectified. (1)


No arrows = give zero

Question 6

(i) Explain – Ascent of sap. [1]

It is the upward movement of water from roots to the upper parts of the plants (leaves and
growing points) by the stem through tracheary elements of xylem.

(ii) Give the exact location and function of Leydig cells. [1+1=2]

Present as the packing tissues in between the seminiferous tubules in the testes
It produces male hormone testosterone

(iii) Explain the process of ultrafiltration? Write the composition of glomerular filtrate. [1+1=2]

The blood flows through glomerulus under great pressure as the afferent arteriole is
wider than efferent arteriole this high hydrostatic pressure causes
The liquid part of the blood to filter out from glomerulus into Bowman’s capsule/ renal tubule.
This filtration under high force is called ultrafiltration

Liquid part of blood with substances like urea, glucose, amino acids etc. (any two names)

(iv) Differentiate between monozygotic and dizygotic twins. [2]

Two eggs are released from ovaries at a time, and both may get fertilized
to produce two individuals. Such twins produced from two eggs are called fraternal
or dizygotic twins
A single fertilized egg/ zygote may get split and separated into two parts during early stages of
cell division each of these two split parts behave like an independent egg and produce one
complete individual each.

(v) Study the diagram given below and answer the questions that follow: [3]


Turn over
(a) Name the parts labelled 1 and 2. (0.5+0.5)

(b) Name and state the main function of part numbered 3. (0.5+0.5)
Medulla oblongata
It controls the activities of internal organs like heart beats, breathing, peristalsis.

(c) Write the major functions of part labelled 1. State the significance of gyri

and sulci. (0.5+0.5)

Cerebrum is the seat of intelligence, consciousness and will power/ It control all
voluntary actions

Gyri and sulci increase surface area to accommodate more nerve cells

Question 7

(i) Explain- Accommodation of eye. [1]

The process of focusing the eye to see objects at different distances is called accommodation.
By altering the shape of eye lens using the ciliary muscles.

(ii) Write the differences between biodegradable and non-biodegradable substances. [2]

Biodegradable wastes are those substances which can be broken down by the microorganisms
into harmless and non-toxic substances. Eg. leaves, vegetables etc.

Non-biodegradable wastes are those substances that cannot be broken down by

microorganisms. These includes Styrofoam, metals, glass etc.

(iii) In horticulture periodic pruning of plants are done to make them bushy. Explain the [2]
phenomenon giving biological reasons.
Auxin promotes the growth of apical buds and inhibits the growth of lateral buds.
This suppression of growth of lateral buds by apical buds is called apical dominance. On
pruning. The apical buds are removed which causes the lateral buds to grow making the plants

(iv) Write the significance of eustachian tube and ear ossicles. [1+1=2]

Eustachian tube equalizes the air pressure on either side of the ear drum


allowing it to vibrate freely
Ear ossicles helps in the amplification of vibrations due to lever like action of ossicles

(v) The diagram given below is that of developing human foetus. [3]

Answer the questions that follow:

(a) Label the part numbered 1 in the diagram. (0.5)

Umbilical cord

(b) Mention any two functions of part numbered 2. (0.5+0.5)

Placenta allows diffusion of oxygen, glucose etc. from mother to foetus and diffusion of
Carbon dioxide, urea etc. from foetus to mother

Placenta also acts like an endocrine glands producing hormones oestrogen and

(c) Give any two major functions of the part numbered 3 in the diagram. (0.5+0.5)

Function of amniotic fluid

1. Protects the embryo from physical damage by mechanical shock, jerks
2. Keeps an even pressure all around the embryo
3. Prevent sticking of foetus to the amnion
4. Allows foetus some restricted movement.
(any two points)

(d) Define the term Gestation. (0.5)

The full term of the development of the embryo in the uterus is called gestation.

Question 8

(i) Define- Ovulation. [1]

The process of release of ovum from the rupturing of follicles in ovary on
about 13th and 14th day of menstrual cycle.


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(ii) What is the exact location of adrenal glands? Explain the condition of adrenal virilism [2]
in women.(1+1)
Adrenal glands are located on top of each kidney like a cap.
It is an overgrowth of adrenal cortex in a mature woman, she develops male characteristics
Like beard, moustache and deep male voice.

(iii) Mention one function each for – Prostate gland and seminal vesicles. [2]
Seminal vesciles: produce secretion which serves as a medium for the transportation of sperms/
The mixture of this fluid and the sperms produces a milky fluid, the semen
Prostate glands: It pours alkaline secretion into the semen to neutralize the acid in females

(iv) In case of marriage between a haemophilic man and normal homozygous women, [2]
What will be the probability of their children to be haemophilic?
All female children will be the carrier for the disease
All male children normal
So no children will show the defect

(v) Study the diagram given below and answer the questions that follow: [3]

(a) Which part of the heart are in systolic phase? (0.5)

The Ventricles


Give a reason to support your answer. (0.5)
The Cuspid valves are closed and semilunar valve are open pusing blood
into respective arteries

(b) Labelled the parts numbered 1 and 2. (0.5)

1. Pulmonary artery
2. Aorta

What type of blood flows through them? (0.5)

1. Deoxygenate
2. Oxygenated

(c) Why the wall of left ventricle is thicker than right ventricle?
The left ventricle have to pump blood
to the farthest points in the body, such as to the toes in the feet or up to the brain against
gravity and so its walls are thicker.


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