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Emergency Radiology


Placental abruption and hemorrhage—review of imaging appearance

Shaimaa A. Fadl 1 & Ken F. Linnau 2 & Manjiri K. Dighe 1

Received: 26 March 2018 / Accepted: 22 August 2018

# American Society of Emergency Radiology 2018

Placental and periplacental bleeding are common etiologies for antepartum bleeding. Placental abruption complicates approximately
1% of pregnancies and is associated with increased maternal, fetal, and neonatal morbidity and mortality. This article reviews the
normal placental appearance on ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and then discusses
the different morphological appearance of placental and periplacental hematomas along with their mimics. Hematomas are classified
based on the location as retroplacental, marginal subchorionic, preplacental (subamniotic), or intraplacental. Placenta-related bleeding is
a common finding during first trimester ultrasound and its detection can help triage the pregnant females into low- and high-risk groups.
This article reviews placenta related bleeding in the setting of trauma. Trauma can complicate pregnancy with potential severe maternal
and fetal outcomes. CT is usually performed as part of the trauma workup and it can be challenging for placental evaluation. MRI can
characterize the age of the hematomas and can differentiate hematomas from tumors.

Keywords Placenta . Placental abruption . Retroplacental hematoma . Subchorionic hematoma-placental hematoma

Background The term placental abruption (PA, abruptio placentae) is

used to refer to partial or complete detachment of the placenta
The placenta plays a crucial role during pregnancy in the ex- from the underlying myometrium before the expected delivery
change of nutrients and oxygen between the mother and fetus. time. Most articles in the literature do not specify as to during
Early placental formation begins when blastocyst adheres to which weeks of gestation should the term be used [2–7]; how-
the myometrium. The outer trophoectoderm layer of the blas- ever, a few papers used the specific term Babruption^ when
tocyst differentiates into trophoblasts, which are responsible this separation is after the 20th week of gestation [8]. In gen-
for formation of the chorionic villi. Initially, the chorionic villi eral, placental abruption is more common after 16 weeks of
cover the entire gestational sac. Successively, the trophoblasts gestation [5] and encompasses placental or periplacental
rapidly proliferate at the site near the decidua basalis and form hemorraghe. The highest reported incidence for abruption is
the chorion frondusum which is the early placenta, while the from 24th to 26th weeks of gestation, after which PA inci-
remaining placenta close to the amnion progressively atro- dence drops with advancing gestational age [7].
phies and called the smooth chorion. The chorionic plate re- Placental abruption complicates 0.4–1% of pregnancies [2,
fers to the fetal side of the placenta, and the basal plate refers 4]. Risk factors for placental abruption include smoking,
to the maternal side of the placenta [1]. multiparity, thrombophilia, chronic and gestational hyperten-
sion, premature rupture of membranes (PROM), prior history
of placental abruption, in vitro fertilization (IVF), alcohol con-
sumption, and drug use (such as cocaine). A prior history of
placental abruption represents a strong risk factor increasing
* Shaimaa A. Fadl
the risk by 10 to 30 times. Most common other risk factors are
smoking and maternal hypertension [2, 4].
Placental abruption is associated with maternal, fetal, and
Department of Radiology, University of Washington Medical Center, neonatal increased morbidity and mortality. Disseminated in-
1959 NE pacific St., Seattle, WA 98195, USA
travascular coagulopathy (DIC), uncontrolled blood loss, or
Department of Radiology, Harborview Medical Center, University of risk of hysterectomy are known maternal complications of
Washington, 325, 9th Avenue, Harborview Medical Center,
Seattle, WA 98104, USA abruption. Fetal complications include intrauterine growth
Emerg Radiol

restriction (IUGR), non-reassuring fetal heart rate (NFHR),

and fetal demise. Neonatal complications include premature
delivery and neonatal death [3].
The diagnosis of placental abruption is usually clinically
established based on the presence of abdominal pain, vaginal
bleeding, uterine tenderness, or tetanic contractions along with
NFHR [3].
Antepartum bleeding is hemorrhage during late pregnancy
before delivery of the baby. The most common etiologies of
antepartum bleeding include placental abruption and placenta
previa. Less common etiologies include vasa previa (frequent-
ly after amniotomy) and other sources of bleeding from the
vulva, vagina, or cervix [9]. Antepartum bleeding is not spe-
cific for PA and occurs in 13–25% of abruption cases. The
association of bleeding and abnormal fetal heart rate is present
in one third of the cases of placental abruption [4].
We did a PubMed search for articles in English containing
the keywords Bplacental abruption^ and Babruptio placentae^
for the years 1955 to 2018. The reference lists of included
manuscripts were searched for additional articles to be included
in this review. In this structured review article, we review the
normal placental morphology on imaging followed by
discussing the imaging appearance of placental abruption on
different imaging modalities. We address placental abruption
in specific situations such as trauma. We will discuss the clinical
importance of subchorionic hematomas in the first trimester.

Normal placental morphology

Ultrasound Fig. 1 Normal placenta on ultrasound. a Transverse gray-scale ultra-

sound image through the uterus shows gestational sac (GS) with thick
Initially around 6 weeks of gestational age, the placenta ap- hyperechoic rind (arrow) representing normal placenta at 6 weeks gesta-
tion. b Longitudinal color Doppler ultrasound image through the uterus
pears as an echogenic rind-like structure surrounding the an- shows normal placenta (P) at 18 weeks gestation. The retroplacental
echoic gestational sac best seen on transvaginal ultrasound hypoechoic zone (arrows) is located between the homogenous placenta
(TVUS) (Fig. 1a). By the 10th week of gestation, a focal and the myometrium containing the uterine vessels (arrowheads)
echogenic thickening of the echogenic rind is seen. By the
end of the first trimester, the intervillous flow can be detected
on color Doppler. At the beginning of the second trimester small amount of hemorrhage seen during early placentation.
around 14th to 15th weeks of gestation, a well-formed normal On progression to the second trimester, there is increased pla-
placenta is seen and appears hyperechoic relative to the un- cental heterogeneity and placental cotyledon formation.
derlying myometrium with a hypoechoic subplacental or Placental cotyledons are discoid units separated from the de-
retroplacental zone, also referred to as subplacental space or cidua basalis by placental septa that form towards the end of
retroplacental complex (Fig. 1b) [10, 11]. the second trimester. These units appear as lobules with fetal
placental surface indentations. Placental maturation continues
Computed tomography through the third trimester with increased visualization of the
chorionic plate indentations on the fetal side and venous lakes
On contrast enhanced computed tomography (CT) (Fig. 2), on the maternal side of the placenta [12].
during the first trimester, the normal placenta appears as a
homogenous enhancing rind around the gestation sac that is Magnetic resonance imaging
not clearly distinguished from the underlying myometrium
[12]. Sometimes, small subchorionic hemorrhage may be seen Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with a magnetic field
as a hypodense area adjacent to the placenta and is due to a strength of 3 Tesla or less is considered safe during the second
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Fig. 2 Normal placenta on CT.

Axial contrast-enhanced CT of
the pelvis a at 6 weeks gestation
shows eccentric gestational sac
(arrows) without definite visible
placental tissue. b CT at 9 weeks
gestation shows an enhancing
rind around the gestational sac
corresponding to the placental
tissue (arrows). c CT at 16 weeks
gestation shows placenta with
slightly heterogeneous
enhancement (arrows). d CT at
24 weeks gestation shows
placenta (P) with more
heterogeneous appearance and
placental surface indentation

and third trimester. MRI is usually not performed during the first
trimester due to fetal safety concerns. From second trimester
onwards, the normal placenta is slightly hyperintense relative to
the underlying myometrium on T2-weighted images (T2WI) and
slightly hypointense on T1-weigted images (T1WI). During ear-
ly gestational age, the normal placenta is relatively homogenous.
On gestational progression and particularly after 24 weeks, mul-
tiple septae between the lobules start to become conspicuous,
leading to increased heterogeneity [13]. Normal myometrium is
typically tri-layered on T2WI with a heterogeneous hyperintense
middle layer of vascular channels with inner and outer thinner
hypointense layers. The uterine blood vessels may appear as
areas of flow void within the myometrium on T2WI. Normal
myometrium may have variable thickness on MR, since it be-
comes thinner with increasing gestational age and may appear
thinner if there are specific sites of compression, such as adjacent
to the osseous structures [13].

Types of placental abruption

Imaging appearance of placental abruption can be classified Fig. 3 Illustrative drawing of placental hematomas. a Retroplacental
based on the location of the hematoma (Fig. 3) as hematoma (A) is located behind the basal plate and elevates the placenta
retroplacental (Fig. 4), marginal subchorionic (Fig. 5), (P) from the underlying myometrium (M). b Marginal subchorionic he-
preplacental (Fig. 6), and intraplacental [8]. matoma (B) is located peripherally behind the placental margin and ex-
tends behind the chorion. c Preplacental hematoma (C) is located anterior
Retroplacental hematoma is located behind the basal plate to the placenta above the chorionic plate behind the amnion (blue line)
and usually results from disruption of small arterioles. and usually limited by the umbilical cord (UC). d Intraplacental hemato-
Retroplacental hematoma size correlates with fetal prognosis, ma (D) is bleeding inside the placenta (P)
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Fig. 6 Preplacental hematoma at 19 weeks gestation. Longitudinal gray-

scale ultrasound image demonstrates large crescentic hemorrhage
(arrows) between the placenta (P) and the membranes (arrowhead)

hematoma is bleeding in the intervillous space of the placenta.

This uncommon condition can occur either primary or second-
ary to large retroplacental hematoma dispersing through the
intervillous spaces [15]. Intraplacental hematoma carries a
higher risk of adverse maternal and fetal outcomes than
retroplacental hematoma. Rounded intraplacental and
retroplacental hematomas can also result as a consequence
Fig. 4 Retroplacental hematoma. Longitudinal color Doppler ultrasound of disruption of the vasculopathic decidual arterioles [16].
image shows large slightly hypoechoic hematoma (arrows) behind the Annath et al. [3] in their retrospective study classified pla-
placenta (P) cental abruption as mild or severe placental abruption based
on associated morbidity and mortality. They considered
where hematoma size larger than 50 ml or more than 50% abruption as Bsevere^ when at least one maternal, fetal, or
placental detachment predicts poor fetal outcome [14]. neonatal complication occurred. Two thirds of placental
Marginal subchorionic hematoma is located peripherally be- abruption cases are associated with fetal or maternal conse-
hind the basal plate elevating the placental edge and extends quences. Maternal complications include need for cesarean
behind the chorion. Preplacental hematoma is less common sections, need for blood transfusion, disseminated intravascu-
and located behind the amnion above the chorionic plate and lar coagulation (DIC), hypovolemic shock, hysterectomy, re-
usually limited by the umbilical cord [10]. Intraplacental nal failure, and death. Fetal complications include NFHR,
intrauterine fetal growth restriction (IUGR), or intrauterine
fetal death (IUFD). Neonatal complications include neonatal
death, preterm delivery related complications, and small-for-
gestational age (SGA) births [3].
Placental abruption can also be classified based on the pres-
ence or absence of vaginal bleeding as revealed versus concealed
[14]. The Brevealed abruption^ term is used when the bleeding
tracks between the membranes and escapes to the vagina, while
the Bconcealed abruption^ term is used when the blood accumu-
lates behind the placenta without vaginal bleeding.

Imaging findings of placental-related


Fig. 5 Subchorionic hematoma. Longitudinal gray-scale ultrasound im-
age shows large hypoechoic collection (arrows) which is elevating the
chorionic membranes (arrowheads) and extends behind the placenta Ultrasound remains the initial modality of choice for placental
which is beyond the image borders. The placenta (P) is located anteriorly assessment despite its low sensitivity in the detection of
Emerg Radiol

placental abruption [14]. The low sensitivity of ultrasound is thickened or progressive rapidly thickening of the placenta
due to the fact that acute and subacute hematomas can be on ultrasound as these findings may indicate an occult placen-
isoechoic to placental tissue. Additionally, small marginal he- tal abruption requiring alerting the obstetrician about the pos-
matomas are often inconspicuous. Moreover, blood may have sibility of placental abruption.
escaped to the vagina rather than collecting around the placen-
ta at the time of ultrasound. Despite low sensitivity (as low as
Imaging pitfalls
24%), imaging findings when present are highly specific for
abruption (92–96%) [4]. Ultrasound has high positive predic-
Mimics of placental hematomas include myometrial contrac-
tive value 88 to 100% and a low negative predictive value
tions, which have similar appearance as retroplacental hemato-
from 14 to 53% [17, 18]. Ultrasound findings of placental
ma. Color Doppler flow allows differentiation since hematomas
abruption include detection of hematomas. Periplacental he-
lack internal vascularity [14]. Placental chorioangioma may
matomas have variable sonographic appearance depending on
mimic hematoma or focal placental infarction on gray-scale so-
hematoma age, ranging from hyperechoic, isoechoic to
nography; but the focal bulging of the chorioangioma along the
echolucent [19]. Acute or subacute hematomas usually have
fetal placental surface and the presence of internal vascularity on
subtle appearance since they may have echogenicity similar to
color Doppler images help in differentiation [20] (Fig. 8). It may
or slightly higher than the adjacent placenta, while chronic
be challenging to distinguish infarcted chorioangioma from he-
hematomas usually are hypoechoic or echolucent. An ultra-
matoma, in which case comparison with older ultrasounds may
sound maneuver has been described to identify acute and sub-
show the internal vascularity of the chorioangioma [21].
acute preplacental hematomas. Gently pushing the transducer
on the hematoma shows some mobility or softness in the he-
matoma, which is not present in the normal adjacent placental Computed tomography
tissue. This phenomenon has been termed Bjello effect^ of
hematoma. Preplacental or subamniotic hematoma may be Placental assessment with CT is usually performed in the set-
associated with mass effect on the placental cord insertion ting of trauma, when CT is performed for assessment of ma-
and consequently result in ischemia and abnormal umbilical ternal injuries. When systemic evaluation of the placenta is
cord Doppler signal with increased risk of fetal demise [14]. done on CT, the reported sensitivity in detection of placental
Additionally, a thickened placenta with rounded bulging and abruption is as high as 100%. The reported contrast-enhanced
heterogeneous echotexture along with loss of the placental- CT (CECT) specificity is ranging from 56 to 86% [12, 22].
myometrial interface can also be present (Fig. 7). The radiol- On contrast enhanced CT, placental abruption may present
ogist should be attuned to the presence of an abnormally as partial or full thickness area of low attenuation, which usu-
ally forms acute angles with the myometrium (Figs. 9 and 10).
Detection of the placental hematoma is challenging on non-
contrast CT, because hematoma may have the same attenua-
tion as the placenta. Abnormal elevation of the placental edge
should raise concern of the presence of undermining hemato-
ma. Placental hemorrhage can cause intra-amniotic hemor-
rhage. Any hematoma affecting the intrauterine membranes
can disperse into the amniotic cavity and appear as

Fig. 7 Placental abruption on ultrasound at 28 weeks gestation. Fig. 8 Placental chorioangioma. Longitudinal color Doppler ultrasound
Longitudinal gray-scale ultrasound demonstrates thick heterogeneous image shows an exophytic, slightly hypoechoic mass (arrows) along the
placenta (arrows) with anechoic areas (arrowhead). Three hours after chorionic surface of the placenta (P) with internal vascularity
ultrasound the patient started to have vaginal bleeding (arrowheads)
Emerg Radiol

Fig. 9 Placental abruption TAPS 2a. Contrast-enhanced CT a axial and b Fig. 10 Placental abruption TAPS 3. Contrast-enhanced CT a axial and b
coronal reformat images show non-geographic areas of low attenuation sagittal reformat images show non-enhancement of most of the placental
(arrows) forming acute angles (arrowheads) with the myometrium. The tissue (white arrows) denoting devascularization with few remaining en-
overall remaining normally enhancing placental tissue (*) is > 50% hancing islands of placental tissue (black arrowheads)

dependently layering increased density and heterogeneity of Venous lakes can be easily distinguished on ultrasound as
the amniotic fluid [8, 23]. hypoechoic areas with internal echoes on gray-scale im-
ages and low velocity flow on color Doppler images
(Fig. 12) [1]. Additionally, myometrial contraction can
Imaging pitfalls be misinterpreted as an area of large placental perfusion
defect. However, myometrial contraction is usually bulg-
Challenges in the diagnosis of placental abruption on CT ing and has obtuse angles with the myometrium without
include physiological age-related changes of the placental an undermining hematoma [12]. Circumvallate placenta
parenchyma resulting in heterogeneous CT enhancement (Fig. 13) may mimic subchorionic hematoma. Evaluating
with areas of decreased enhancement and increased pla- CT images in axial, sagittal, and coronal planes and cor-
cental surface indentation, which may mimic abruption relating with ultrasound often allows differentiation:
(Fig. 11). Identification of the free edge of the placental shelf is
Maternal venous lakes can be misread as areas of per- characteristic for circumvallate placenta, a finding which
fusion defects; correlation with ultrasound can be useful. is not seen with subchorionic hematoma [1].
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Fig. 11 Placental surface indentation. Sagittal CT reformation image

shows indentations (arrows) along the placental (P) fetal surface

Magnetic resonance imaging

MR images have intrinsic high soft tissue contrast in-

creasing the sensitivity for detection of the hematoma
(Fig. 14), particularly in a retroplacental location. MRI
can accurately depict placental-related hemorrhage with
a reported high sensitivity 95–100% and high specificity
of 100% [24].
MRI allows to distinguish hematomas from other
causes of antepartum bleeding, such as vasa previa,
degenerated uterine fibroid, cervical pathology, and pla-
cental tumors [25]. Moreover, MRI helps to determine the
age of the blood products based on MR signal character- Fig. 12 Placental venous lakes. a Coronal CT reformat image shows
istics of h emoglobin on T1WI and T 2WI [24 ]. hypodense non-enhancing areas (arrows) within the placenta (P) which
Consequently, placental bleeding can be categorized into are concerning for preplacental hematoma. b Color Doppler image show
slow flow in the corresponding areas (arrows) within the placenta (P)
hyperacute, acute, early subacute, late subacute, and indicative of normal placental venous lakes
chronic hematomas. Acute or early subacute placental he-
matomas are considered unstable hematomas with higher
risk of rapid progression or rebleeding, which may require highly sensitive in detecting acute ischemia and can easily
change in management. Typically, acute hematomas are identify hematomas [24, 25].
hypointense on T2WI and hyperintense on T1WI.
Diffusion-weighted images (DWI) showing restricted dif-
fusion and susceptibility artifact on T1-gradient echo im- Imaging pitfalls
ages are helpful for hematoma detection [24, 25].
Placental abruption is usually a combination of ischemia Focal thickening of the myometrium caused by uterine con-
and hemorrhage; therefore, T2-weighted half-Fourier tractions can be identified and may deform the placental shape
RARE and true FISP are useful sequences, which are if it occurs subplacental (Fig. 15). Uterine contractions are
Emerg Radiol

Fig. 14 Subchorionic hematoma within the cervix at 24 weeks gestation

in a patient with worsening abdominal pain. MRI a sagittal T2W image
Fig. 13 Partial circumvallate placenta mimicking placental abruption. a and b axial T1WI show heterogeneous high T1 and high T2 signal
Axial contrast-enhanced CT image shows an elevated placental edge hematoma (arrows) within the lower uterine segment and extending to
(arrow) along the left lateral aspect of the placenta (P). b Sagittal CECT the cervix which is located outside the membranes (arrowheads). The
reformation image shows the placental ridge (arrows) running longitudi- placenta (P) is located anteriorly
nally and correspond to the elevated placental edge

transient and have the characteristic low T2WI signal of the during first trimester ultrasound with an incidence up to
uterine smooth muscle [13]. 22% [26]. Spontaneous resolution of subchorionic hemor-
rhage by the end of the second trimester occurs in approx-
imately 70% of the cases. Some hematomas persist
Placental and periplacental hemorrhage throughout the pregnancy and are associated with poor
in specific clinical settings pregnancy outcomes [27].
The depiction of subchorionic hematoma on imaging dur-
Subchorionic hemorrhage during early pregnancy ing early pregnancy is associated with increased risk of spon-
(first trimester) taneous abortion, placental abruption, and preterm delivery
[26, 28–30]. The overall rate of spontaneous miscarriage with
Subchorionic hematomas separate the chorion from the subchorionic hematoma in the first trimester is 9.3% [31]. In a
decidua during early pregnancy. The detection of recent systematic review [29], the risk of early and late preg-
subchorionic hematoma is a frequent incidental finding nancy loss was found to double when subchorionic hematoma
Emerg Radiol

Fig. 16 Subchorionic hematoma at 7 weeks gestation. Transverse color

Doppler ultrasound image through the uterus shows an avascular
hypoechoic subchorionic hematoma. GS = gestational sac. UT = uterus

Fig. 15 Myometrial contraction on MRI. Sagittal MRI T2WI image Vanishing twin or blighted ovum in a twin pregnancy is a
shows focal myometrial thickening which has low T2 signal (arrows) at
the subplacental region mimicking a placental hematoma. It was transient
sonographic mimic of subchorionic hemorrhage.
and disappeared later during the exam which is compatible with focal Chorioamniotic separation may also be mistaken for
myometrial contraction. P = placenta, F = fetus subchorionic hematoma. The placental (chorion) and fetal
(amniotic) membranes usually fuse and become indistinguish-
is present. Subchorionic hematoma during early pregnancy is able between 12 and 16 weeks of gestation. The unfused
also associated with increased risk of placental abruption [19, membranes of choriamniotic separation can be shown
29]. Bennet et al. [19] retrospectively collected 516 patients
with first trimester bleeding in whom a subchorionic hemato-
Table 2 Traumatic Abruption Placenta Scale (TAPS): CT-based placen-
ma and a viable fetus had been identified. They classified the tal enhancement grading system [37]
patients based on hematoma size and gestational and maternal
ages. They graded the hematoma size (Table 1) into small, Grade Placental Imaging findings Management
medium, and large. They found that there is increased rate of
pregnancy loss with increasing size of the hematoma. They 0 100 Homogenous high Normal clinical
concluded that the fetal outcome is dependent on the hemato- attenuation evaluation
ma size, advancing maternal age, and earlier gestational age in 1 > 50% Geographic areas of
first trimester patients with vaginal bleeding [19]. low attenuation
representing normal
On ultrasound, subchorionic hematoma is usually a cres-
variants such as
centic, hypoechoic or sonolucent area behind the chorion [32] venous lakes,
(Fig. 16). Detachment of the placental margin can be seen in cotyledons,
some cases and represents a weak risk factor for pregnancy age-related insignifi-
cant small placental
loss [31]. The size of the hematoma in relation to the gesta-
tional sac circumference should be documented in the radiol- 2a > 50% Full thickness areas of Extended clinical
ogy report as it correlates with the rate of pregnancy loss [19]. low attenuation. observation with
Cesarean section if
clinical symptoms
Table 1 First trimester subchorionic hematoma ultrasound and signs of
classification based on the hematoma size [19] abruption
Subchorionic hematoma size Based on the circumferential 2b 25–50% Contiguous or full
separation from the chorion thickness areas of
low attenuation.
3 < 25% Large areas of
Small < 1/3
contiguous or full
Moderate 1/3–2/3 thickness areas of
Large > 2/3 low attenuation.
Emerg Radiol

sonographically during early pregnancy as free-floating thin in complex cases. Radiologists need to be familiar with the
membranes surrounding the fetus. In distinction to normal appearance of the placenta as it evolves during the
chorioamniotic separation, subacute subchorionic hematoma pregnancy in order to establish the diagnosis of placental
will elevate the chorion. abruption. Although management may be expectant, the pres-
The detection of subchorionic hematoma allows risk strat- ence of placental hematoma is generally associated with in-
ification of pregnant patients. Management of subchorionic creased risk for mother and child.
hematoma is always expectant [28].
Compliance with ethical standards
Traumatic placental abruption
Conflicts of interests The authors declare that they have no conflicts of
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