4 - DPSec A Blockchain-Based Data Plane Authentication Protocol For SDNs - 2020 Ieeexplore

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2020 Second International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications (BCCA)

DPSec: A blockchain-based data plane

authentication protocol for SDNs
Majd Latah*1 , Kübra Kalkan*2
*Department of Computer Science
Özyeğin University
İstanbul, Turkey
majd.latah@ozu.edu.tr1 , kubra.kalkan@ozyegin.edu.tr2

Abstract—Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is a promising since it can be deliberately used to paralyze the network brain
networking architecture that enables central management along (i.e., the SDN controller).
with network programmability. However, SDN brings additional BC can fundamentally eliminate the limitations of SDN in
security threats due to untrusted control and data planes. In
this work, we focus on authenticating SDN’s data plane since terms of security and reliability by its unique characteristics.
it can be exploited to attack SDN’s control plane. As a result, This is due to the fact that BC empowers a decentralized,
the whole SDN network will be paralysed. On the other hand, distributed, immutable ledger that provides trustworthy ser-
Blockchain (BC) can be utilized to provide more secure data vices on peer to peer basis without relying on third-party
plane by introducing a fault-tolerant, decentralized and secure intermediaries [8], which may probably belong to multiple
ledger without relying on any trusted third-party intermediaries.
To this end, in this work we propose, DPSec, a consortium BC- network and service operators [9]. The decentralized ledger
based protocol for authenticating SDN’s data plane including is updated through consensus among all BC peers to ensure
SDN switches and hosts. We also provide a proof-of-concept that its completeness, consistency, and fault-tolerant properties [6].
demonstrates the applicability and feasibility of our protocol in Generally speaking, there are three types of BC, namely
SDNs. Finally, we present a security analysis that shows how public, private and consortium (semi-private) BCs. In public
DPSec can address several attacks against SDNs including CVE-
2018-1000155 vulnerability [1] that targets SDN controllers due BCs, everyone can join the block creation process whereas
to the untrusted data plane. in private and consortium BCs only specific nodes can par-
Index Terms—Software-defined networking (SDN), blockchain ticipate, based on a specific access control mechanism [8].
(BC), network security. Consortium BCs provide a better decentralization than private
ones, since they consist of more than one organization. If we
I. I NTRODUCTION want to utilize BC to secure SDN, each organization can be
SDN is considered as a promising paradigm to attain more seen as an SDN domain managed by an SDN controller. On
dynamic control and more flexible management compared the other hand, BC provides the concept of smart contract,
with traditional networking architecture. Recently, SDN has which contains a set of rules and functionalities under which
gained increasing popularity, thanks to its elastic architecture the parties involved in BC agree to autonomously interact and
that separates the control plane from the data plane. SDN collaborate without any involvement of intermediate parties
has introduced the concept of central management achieved [10]. In this work, we show how BC can be utilized to provide
by the SDN controller, which programmatically defines flow- a fault-tolerant, decentralized and secure authentication of
based forwarding rules. However, the lack of trust among SDN data plane components including SDN switches and hosts
components has introduced several security threats at different requesting to join the SDN network. We choose consortium
layers including -application, -control and -data planes [2], blockchain approach since we aim to authenticate SDN data
[3]. The situation may be even worse when such an unsecure plane in intra- and cross-domain settings.
architecture is integrated into other larger systems [4].
Unfortunately, these threats have negative ramifications on II. R ELATED WORKS
current and future adoption of SDN in many scenarios [5]. For 1) Using BC to secure SDN: There are several works in the
instance, intruders can launch massive DoS attacks against literature that utilized BC to secure SDN. Authors in [8], [11]–
SDN controllers. As a result, the controller may no longer [14] take advantage of BC to secure the information shared
respond to normal networking events [6]. Furthermore, intrud- between SDN controllers and related applications, which re-
ers may even deploy rogue switches/controllers to spoof the moves the need to use a central entity and also reduces the
corresponding control and data planes, respectively, in order complexity of developing new protocols and/or modifying the
to be engaged in unauthorized activities. Moreover, flow tables existing ones. Yazdinejad et al. [15] proposed a BC-enabled
can be easily modified and ultimately this will result in firewall packet parser (BPP) to support detecting attacks as well as
rule conflicts [7]. As a result, there is a need to provide BC structure in SDN’s data plane. Yang et al. [6] proposed
authentication mechanisms for both SDN’s control and data BlockCtrl, a BC-based architecture to secure software-defined
planes. Our work focuses on authenticating SDN’s data plane optical networks (SDON).

978-1-7281-8370-1/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 22

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2020 Second International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications (BCCA)

2) Data plane authentication: The following approaches clients, and the signature scheme and Certificate Authority
are mainly focused on providing authentication mechanisms (CA) used for each SDN domain are secure (i.e., not possible
for SDN data plane. Kang et al. [16] introduced a lightweight to forge a signature without knowing the private key). As
data plane authentication scheme to solve the data plane our focus is on authenticating SDN’s data plane, we assume
identifier (DPID) duplication problem using encrypted session that the controller is authenticated through SSL/TLS and
keys. However, this approach requires extending the OpenFlow is not compromised. Spoofing attacks are allowed. There-
protocol. Moreover, the secret keys are generated by the switch fore, internal attacks can be launched from legitimate SDN
itself, therefore malicious switches can easily generate their switches/hosts, which may try to act as another legitimate
own keys to communicate with the SDN controller. SDN switch/host (i.e., perform switch spoofing 1 or MAC/IP
Lam et al. [17] proposed identity-based cryptography (IBC) spoofing 2 ) and also may add unauthorized flows 3 . Ex-
to secure SDN data plane. In this work, public keys are derived ternal adversaries may utilize rogue switches/hosts to launch
from the identity of the user, and then used to deliver symmet- different attacks including switch spoofing 4 and MAC/IP
ric session keys, which requires symmetric key distribution [3]. spoofing 5 as well as DoS/DDoS attacks 6 against the
Liyanage et al. [18] utilized the Host Identity Protocol (HIP) SDN controller (see Fig. 1).
to authenticate SDN switches. This approach includes major
modifications on SDN architecture and switch design since DoS/DDoS
Attack Control Plane
it introduces security gateways (SecGWs) as an intermediate
device between the controller and SDN switches via IPSec Switch
SDN Controller West/East API SDN Controller

tunneling [3]. Ranjbar et al. [19] improved the quality of External
attacks Rogue
secure sessions in SDN data plane by analyzing the handshake MAC/IP
Data controllers
untrusted Plane
messages exchanged between the controller and switches. Flow Table
However, the overall load on the controller is increased since Rogue

it needs to analyze all the handshake messages exchanged MAC/IP Switch Unauthorized
Spoofing Spoofing Flow
between the controller and underlying SDN switches. 2 1 3

Yigit et al. [3] proposed Secure Communication Architec- Internal attacks

ture for Software-Defined Networks (SECAS) to generate cer- Fig. 1: Threat model in DPSec.
tificates that are used for securing the communication among
SDN entities (controller, switch, and application). SECCAS
improves the communication security by using access control IV. P ROPOSED AUTHENTICATION PROTOCOL
lists (ACLs) and hardening Transport Layer Security (TLS) In this section, we propose DPSec, a protocol that lever-
configuration. Since key generation is implemented as an SDN ages BC to authenticate the data plane of SDN. We ensure
application, which also issues and manages corresponding that OpenFlow events are received from trusted devices.
X.509 certificates, it may result in a single point of failure. Consequently, SDN controllers will only consider the events
Gray et al. [20] proposed a fingerprinting-based approach to received from those trusted devices. We employ BC smart
authenticate SDN switches when cryptography-based authen- contracts to provide a fault-tolerant, decentralized and secure
tication mechanisms are unavailable. However, since it relies authentication of SDN’s data plane. Our system consists of
on static features, attackers can easily mimic the behaviour a cross-domain SDN network denoted as D = [D1 , ..., D` ]
of legitimate switches in order to deceive the SDN controller. managed by a group of SDN controllers C = [C1 , ..., C` ].
[21] and [22] focused only on host authentication using BC Each SDN domain Di includes a group of SDN switches
approach. Thus, the SDN controller is still susceptible to Si = [si,1 , ..., si,j ] and SDN hosts Hi = [hi,1 , ..., hi,k ]
attacks launched from malicious SDN switches. managed by Ci . In addition, Bi,j ⊂ Si indicates the set of
None of these approaches discussed how BC can be used border switches that exist in Di and connect between Di and
to provide a secure component − level data-plane. In other Dj . We consider a consortium BC to securely authenticate
words, instead of using BC to only store a flow-level infor- the data plane of domain Di consisting of Si ∪ Hi over
mation, we can use BC to enhance the security of the main Cauth ⊆ C. Each domain Di includes a group of pre-selected
components placed at SDN’s data plane. This can be done if endorsing peers denoted by Ei = [ei,1 , ..., ei,n ] and a group of
BC is efficiently utilized to provide security at both switch and committing peers represented by Vi = [vi,1 , ..., vi,m ]. A peer
host levels rather than considering only flow-level information. can act asSan endorser and committer, therefore m >= n. The
This also implies that the control plane needs to be improved set V = k=1 Vk contains all committing peers in D. Each
in order to interact only with a trusted data plane and also to node v ∈ V writes accepted transactions to its own replica of
refuse to communicate with untrusted data plane components. BC ledger. Assuming that less than one-third of the endorsing
peers in Di are faulty (fi ), then Di should consist of at least n
III. T HREAT MODEL = 3fi + 1 endorsing peer to tolerate faulty peers. DPSec also
Our protocol is mainly designed to react against malicious requires 2fi + 1 peers to agree on BC transactions received
SDN data plane. We assume that the attacker does not possess from Di . Thus, we define E(i)accept ⊆ Ei as the minimum
any cryptographic keys related to all SDN nodes or blockchain cardinality subset of endorsing nodes required to accept a

Authorized licensed use limited to: Harbin Institute of Technology. Downloaded on September 02,2023 at 07:24:06 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2020 Second International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications (BCCA)

transaction Ti in Di where E(i)accept = {(e1 , ..., en ) | e ∈ retrieve these attributes to check whether the caller is allowed
Ei , n = 2fi + 1}. From BC perspective, both Ci and si,j ∈ Si to update the BC state and perform the requested functionality.
are BC clients, which can submit and verify BC transactions.
However, Ci has a higher level of privilege compared with si,j C. Intra-domain switch authentication
on the basis of attribute based access control (ABAC). Each
Di has its own certificate authority CAi managed by Ci and After successful enrollment to CAi , each SDN switch si,j
responsible for providing digital certificates, and delivering ∈ Si can interact with BC using its own P ubK and certificate
cryptography keys for each SDN switch si,j ∈ Si and host Cert(sw)i,j signed by CAi . Next, we describe our switch
hi,j ∈ Hi . authentication mechanism in the following steps (see Fig. 2):
Step 1 Switch si,j sends signed Join Request along with
Definition 1. Each SDN controller Ci ∈ C has a its certificate Cert(sw)i,j , which also includes its P ubK , to
T rusted Switches table, which includes information related at least one endorsing peer(s) e ∈ E(i)accept .
to switches si,j ∈ Si authenticated through BC smart contract. Step 2 Each endorsing peer e ∈ E(i)accept verifies
Definition 2. Each SDN controller Ci ∈ C has a Cert(sw)i,j and it signature Sig(sw)i,j . Then invokes a
T rusted P orts table, which includes port-related information smart contract that includes Switch Join F unction (see
related to hosts connected to an authenticated switch si,j ∈ Si . Algorithm 1) responsible for updating the BC state with a
new transaction that consists of a combination of DP ID,
A. Registration T imestamp and T imeOut.
SDN controller Ci and SDN switches in Si are registered Step 3 Upon acceptance, each committing peer v ∈ V
and enrolled to BC using the existing CAi , which is used updates its own replica.
in order to achieve the access control policy for domain Di Step 4 The smart contract returns a 2 byte nonce (we call
and for the corresponding BC peers as well. The controller it BC N once) to si,j and emits a new event to the notify
Ci has an identity with admin role whereas SDN switches the controller Ci ∈ Cauth .
si,j ∈ Si are registered with client role. Additionally, SDN Step 5 Ci updates its own T rusted Switches table, which
hosts hi,j ∈ Hi are registered with user role. includes the information received from the smart contract.
Step 6 si,j initiates OpenFlow handshake using OF Hello.
B. Attribute-based Access Control Step 7 The controller Ci responds with OF Hello and
DPSec utilizes attribute-based access control (ABAC) [23] OF F eatures Req.
in order to provide a simple, flexible and fine-grained access Step 8 si,j then replies with our modified
control for BC-enabled SDN data plane. CAs issue certificates OF F eatures Reply message, which includes
with attribute values, which are used to achieve access control BC N once received from the smart contract, where
in DPSec. These attributes are issued by CAs according to we replaced 2 padding bytes of OF F eatures Reply with
the role of each entity in DPSec. Therefore, each switch has BC N once since they are not utilized.
a unique identity along with its corresponding attributes such Step 9 Ci matches the information included in
as Role, DP ID, ControllerID and DomainID obtained OF F eatures Reply with T rust Switches table
from CAi . Each host also has a unique identity along with entries, then updates si,j state accordingly.
its corresponding M AC attribute. In DPSec, smart contracts Step 10 Finally, Ci configures si,j using OF Set Conf ig.

SDN Switch Endorser Smart SDN Controller

(BC client) Peer(s) Contract (BC client)
Signed Join Req

{ Verifiy

Invoke Switch Join Function

Update BC State

4 [DPID, BC_Nonce,TimeOut]
BC_Nonce Notification Event 5
6 Update Trusted Switches


8 Check Trusted Switches
Update Switch State
[Trusted Switch = 1, Timeout > 0]

Fig. 2: Switch authentication in DPSec

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2020 Second International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications (BCCA)

Algorithm 1: Switch Join Function a smart contract with an endorsement policy defined by
Input : caller, DPID E(i,j)accept , where |E(i,j)accept | = 2fi + 2fj + 2. Also, SDN
caller BC client; controllers Ci , Cj ∈ Cauth have T rusted Switches tables
if caller.role == client then that include information related to S(i,j)cross = Bi,j ∪ Bj,i .
if caller.dpid == DP ID then
Add a new record (DPID, Joined BC,timestamp);
Emit a new event to notify Ci that si,j has joined D1 D2
BC with generated BC N once; SW11 SW12 SW21 SW22
Return BC N once to the caller;
Reject the request;
Update caller state to U ntrusted; SW13 SW14 SW23 SW24
Emit a notification event for caller.dpid new status;
end SW31 SW32
Smart contract
Reject the request; Cross-domain switch
Intra-domain switch
SW33 SW34
Cross-domain link
Intra-domain link D3
Fig. 3 shows the state diagram for SDN switches in DPSec,
where Joined BC state indicates that Join Request is suc- Fig. 4: Cross-domain SDN in DPSec
cessfully committed. T rusted state indicates that the Switch
is authenticated within the allowed time limit. U ntrusted E. Intra-domain host authentication
state represents the failure of Join Request or issuing a new Next, we build our host authentication mechanism on
event without updating BC. Disconnected state indicates that top of our switch authentication approach, where host
the switch is currently disconnected from the SDN network. hi,j ∈ Hi , which is connected to switch si,j ∈ Si ,
Upon failure to join or exceeding a given time period, the can interact with SDN using its own P ubK and certifi-
switch moves to the U ntrusted state. The switch remains cate Cert(h)i,j signed by CAi as follows (see Fig. 5):
in T rusted state providing that BC is updated with each Step 1 Host hi,k sends its first packet to switch si,j ∈ Si .
new event received from that particular switch, otherwise it Step 2 Once si,j receives the packet from hi,k , it will
will be in U ntrusted state. Finally, when the switch is in send a new signed P ort Req to the corresponding endorsing
Disconnected state, it has to send a new Join Request in peer(s) e ∈ E(i)accept .
order to return to the Joined BC state. Step 3 Each endorsing node e ∈ E(i)accept verifies
Cert(sw)i,j and its signature Sig(sw)i,j and invokes the
corresponding smart contract, which includes Add P ort
Joined BC Fa
F unction (see Algorithm 2).
|| T
Step 4 Upon acceptance, each committing peer v ∈ V
Successful join eO
updates its replica and controller Ci ∈ Cauth will be notified.
& TimeOut Valid pir
ed Step 5 Ci will check T imeout and adds a new entry to
New Join Req New Event &
BC not Updated its T rusted P orts table, which includes the MAC address
Trusted Untrusted
and the corresponding InPort.
Step 6 Ci adds a temporary flow to switch si,j .
New Event &
BC Updated Connection Step 7 hi,j sends a new signed Auth Req along with its
End certificate Cert(h)i,j to si,j .
Step 8 si,j submits a new P acket In message to Ci .
Step 9 Ci checks the T rusted P orts table to determine
whether the message is received from a trusted Port/MAC
pair within a specific time period. If there is no match for the
Fig. 3: State diagram for SDN switches in DPSec. packet received from the same port, then it will be removed
from T rusted P orts and also Ci will update the port record
on BC to be invalid. Additionally, the MAC address needs
D. Cross-domain switch authentication to be matched with MAC attribute in Cert(h)i,j which also
As shown in Fig. 4, border switches mainly connect two needs to be verified. Ci also checks Certificate Revocation
separate domains (Di , Dj ). Therefore, they must be endorsed List (CRL) to determine whether the certificate is revoked.
by peers e ∈ Ei ∪ Ej . Since we already defined E(i)accept and Then, Ci needs to verify the message received from hi,j .
E(j)accept , we define E(i,j)accept = E(i)accept ∪ E(j)accept as Step 10 Ci sends a new F low M od message to si,j in
the minimum cardinality subset of endorsing nodes required order to add a new flow entry that includes Port:MAC:IP
to accept a transaction Ti over Di and Dj . Thus, we deploy information to match with the incoming traffic.

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2020 Second International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications (BCCA)

SDN Switch Endorser Smart SDN Controller

(BC client) Peer(s) Contract (BC client)
First_Packet 2
Signed Port Req

{ Verifiy

Invoke Add Port Function

4 Update BC State

Notification Event
Check the Timeout
6 Update Trusted Ports
[Trusted Switch = 1, Timeout > 0]
7 Add Temp Flow
Signed Auth Req &
Client Certificate 8
Trusted Check Trusted Ports,
Switch Client Certificate, CRL,
Listener Timeout and Verify
10 the Host Signature
[Trusted Switch = 1, Trusted Port = 1,
Host Verified =1, Timeout = valid]
Update Flow

Fig. 5: Host authentication in DPSec

Algorithm 2: Add Port Function in T rusted P orts entries. U ntrusted state indicates that
Input : caller, DPID, MAC, InPortID the host has sent an Auth Req that does not match with
caller BC client; T rusted P orts table entries or its signature and/or certifi-
if caller.role == client then cate are not valid. Disconnected state indicates the host is
if caller.state == T rusted then disconnected from SDN network.
if caller.dpid == DP ID then
if (M AC, caller.DomainID) does not exist as
a valid record then
Sig Au
Add a new record Connected na th R
e | eq &
(InP ortID,M AC,DP ID,caller.DomainID); | In
va (Unv
lid e
Emit a new event to notify Ci ⊆ CAuth Auth Req & Ce rifie
rtifi d
Verified Signautre & ca
that caller.dpid added a new port record Valid Certificate te)
(InP ortID,M AC,caller.DomainID);
else Verified Untrusted

Reject the request; q & tch

Re isma
Update hi,j state to U ntrusted; New Connection
Au rts M
Trusted Ports Ne d P
Emit a new event to notify Ci about hi,j Match ste
status change; Connection End
end Trusted
Reject the request; New Auth Req &
Trusted Ports Match Connection End
Update caller state to U ntrusted;
Emit a new event to notify Ci about caller.dpid
status change; Disconnected
Reject the request; Fig. 6: State diagram for hosts in DPSec.
else When Auth Req is committed and host signature and
Reject the request;
certificate are verified, the host will be in V erif ied state.
Upon failure to commit or verify the signature, the host will
move to the U ntrusted state. The verified host will move to
the T rusted state when its Port/MAC pair is matched with
Fig. 6 shows the state diagram for hosts in DPSec. T rusted P orts table entries. The host remains in T rusted
Connected state indicates that the host is connected to state as long as its Pair/MAC is found in T rusted P orts
SDN through a trusted switch. V erif ied state indicates that table, otherwise it will move to the U ntrusted state. Finally,
the host is successfully verified. T rusted state indicates when the switch is in Disconnected state, it has to send a
that the Port/MAC pair of the verified host is not found new Auth Req in order to return to the Connected state.

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2020 Second International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications (BCCA)

F. Cross-domain host authentication

SDN hosts that request to connect to d different domains

Latency (Sec)
Dauth = {Di , ..., Dj }, DAuth ⊆ D must be endorsed by
E(i) ∪ ... ∪ E(j) . Thus, we can define the endorsement policy
with minimum number of peers as E(i,...,j)accept = E(i)accept
∪ ... ∪ E(j)acceptPwhere |E(i,...,j)accept | = |E(i)accept | + ... +
|E(j)accept | = 2( y∈Dauth fy ) + d.
Number of switches
Fig. 8: Comparing latency of basic OpenFlow handshake in
In this section, we provide a proof-of-concept (PoC) that traditional SDN and switch authentication in DPSec
demonstrates the applicability and feasibility of our protocol.
We extended the LINC-Switch [24] to interact with BC. We
chose LINC in our PoC due to its modular and flexible the smart contract, the overall load on the SDN controller
architecture. As an SDN controller, we used Ryu [25] with is reduced compared with other approaches [19] that require
OpenFlow1.3 on Ubuntu 14.04 system, installed on VirtualBox analyzing of handshake messages exchanged between the
with a system equipped with 8GB RAM and intel i7-8550u SDN controller and underlying SDN switches. The overall
processor, where we allocated one virtual CPU for our virtual average delay is 1.186 second per switch. Additionally, switch
machine. We used Hyperledger Fabric 1.4 [26] for our BC part. authentication in DPSec is 1.75x slower than basic OpenFlow
Our consortium BC part includes 2 organization and consists handshake. DPSec, however, has lower latency when compared
of 4 peers in total, 2 peers for each. For simplicity, we focus with securing southbound interface with Host Identity Protocol
on intra-domain authentication and assume that the number of (HIP) [18], which has more than 2.5x latency on average.
faulty nodes f 1 =f 2 = 0. DPSec provides also more flexible and secure cross-domain
We used Mininet to emulate our SDN network. We com- authentication compared with [3], which utilizes ACLs to
pared the latency of DPSec with that of traditional SDN. In restrict access in cross-domain networks.
traditional SDN P acket In messages are directly submitted
to the SDN controller whereas in DPSec those messages are
B. Host-Auth Latency
firstly submitted to and verified by the BC, then temporary
flows are added to the corresponding switch by our controller To measure the Host-Auth latency, first we measured the
according to the Host-Auth step in our protocol. We measured time required to receive the first packet and update the
the latency for each step separately, then we reported the T rusted P orts table using P ort Req, which also requires
obtained results for latency metric. Fig. 7 depicts the topology updating the BC and notifying the controller. Then, we mea-
used in our PoC where we gradually increased the number of sured the time required to send and verify the Auth Req.
SDN switches (k = 1, 5, 10, 20, 30) and also hosts connected
to the SDN network (i = 1, 5, 10, 20, 30).
Latency (Sec)

Org 2 Org 1

SDN Controller
Peer 2 Peer 0
(Anchor) (Anchor)
Number of hosts
Switch 1 ... Switch k
Peer 3 Peer 1 Fig. 9: Latency of host authentication in DPSec
CA-traffic ...
BC-traffic As shown in Fig. 9, the time required to complete
Openflow traffic Host 1 Host i
P ort Req is higher than the time required for Auth Req
Fig. 7: Topology used in our PoC since P ort Req takes 0.94 seconds per transaction on average,
whereas Auth Req takes 0.5 seconds per host on average.
The overall latency is 1.44 second per host on average.
A. Switch-Auth Latency The major latency in host-auth is due to the fact each new
Fig. 8 shows that DPSec has higher latency than traditional P ort Req must be verified and accepted by at least 2fi + 1
OpenFlow handshake. The latency in DPSec is due to the fact peer within the corresponding SDN domain Di and committed
that each new Join Request must be verified and accepted by |V | peers in our BC. However, this enables fault-tolerant,
by 2fi + 1 peer within the corresponding SDN domain Di decentralized and secure cross-domain authentication based
and committed by |V | peers in our BC, which allows fault- on unique blockchain characteristics. Unlike [21], [22] which
tolerant, decentralized and secure authentication. Moreover, focused only on host authentication, DPSec ensures that each
since handling of Join Request messages is offloaded to host is connected to a trusted switch beforehand.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Harbin Institute of Technology. Downloaded on September 02,2023 at 07:24:06 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2020 Second International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications (BCCA)

VI. S ECURITY A NALYSIS 2) Distributed DoS attacks: these attacks may affect the
SDN network due to large number of temporary flows. The
This section presents a security analysis of DPSec. To this
controller can monitor the switch under attack and adds flows
end, we divide the possible attacks that can be realized into
only for verified hosts. Thus, it avoids adding temporary
internal and external attacks:
flows. Additionally, DPSec can eliminate malicious traffic
A. Internal attacks generated using spoofed MAC/IP addresses, which will reduce
the overall impact of most or all of the reflection attacks.
These attacks, are launched from legitimate SDN data plane, 3) Switch spoofing: it is also not possible to spoof SDN
where the attacker may try to gain unauthorized access on switches since we enforce attribute based access control
other existing components within the SDN network. through the certificate authority and also we utilize random
1) Unauthorized flows: since each flow is added only by BC N once value to secure the handshake stage, therefore
a trusted switch and our smart contract also inspects the fake switches will be detected at the handshake stage.
DP ID and DomainID for each switch, it is not possible to 4) MAC/IP spoofing: it is not possible to spoof the MAC
add unauthorized flows. Therefore, a new flow is only added addresses in DPSec since each packet must be received from
when the caller DP ID is matched with submitted DP ID. a trusted port. Also, the MAC address must be matched
Moreover, such an attack will be detected by the smart contract with incoming port, otherwise it will be removed from the
and consequently the switch will be in U ntrusted state. T rusted P orts table. Furthermore, each Auth Req needs
2) Switch spoofing: it is not possible to spoof SDN switches to be verified through the P ubK of the corresponding host.
in DPSec since each switch receives random BC N once MAC spoofing will be detected by the SDN controller when
from our smart contract for each time it needs to join the P acket In message is received. IP spoofing is implicitly
the SDN network. Additionally, the caller DP ID must be detected since the MAC address is spoofed.
matched with submitted DP ID at the smart contract side It is also not possible to add unauthorized flows by ex-
and also DP ID/BC N once pairs must be matched with ternal adversaries since the controller does not accept any
T rusted Switches entries at the controller side. Such an event received from U ntrusted switches. In addition, DPSec
attack will be early detected by the smart contract. addresses CVE-2018-1000155 vulnerability [1], which is due
3) MAC spoofing: Since our smart contract refuses to add to untrusted data plane, by providing an authentication mech-
existing valid MAC addresses, internal adversaries will be anism at the handshake stage and also verifying the DPID of
detected since spoofed MAC addresses will not be matched every switch in the SDN network.
with T rusted P orts entries. Additionally, its not possible to
spoof any MAC address even if is not added to the BC, since VII. C OMPUTATIONAL C OST
Auth Req needs to be verified through host’s P ubK along The computational cost in DPSec can be analyzed as
with its certificate obtained from CAi , which also includes follows. For switch authentication, each switch needs to
host’s original MAC address. Therefore, MAC spoofing will sign Join Request two times, since Hyperledger Fabric
also be detected by the SDN controller since the submitted splits each transaction into 2 steps: 1) Join Request pro-
MAC address does not match with the MAC attribute in its posal and 2) endorsed Join Request. This also applies for
certificate, and consequently the host will be in U ntrusted P ort Request. Additionally, for intra-domain authentication
state. 2fi + 1 endorsing peers need to verify received switch
4) IP spoofing: Since the MAC addresses are verified in certificate and signature to authenticate their communicating
DPSec, and the SDN controller also installs flow rules that in- party and then sign the received proposal. Whereas for cross-
clude Port:MAC:IP information, all unmatched packets will be domain authentication 2fi + 2fj + 2 endorsing peers need
dropped. Moreover, the controller can keep the corresponding to verify received switch identity and then sign the proposal.
IP address in its own T rusted P orts table. Finally, each committing peer v ∈ V needs to verify the
endorsement policy of each accepted transaction. Thus, the
B. External attacks computational cost for intra-domain switch authentication is
These attacks can be launched from malicious SDN data O((2fi + 3)s + (2fi + |V | + 1)v) where s and v denote
plane to exploit or gain unauthorized access to an existing signature generation and verification, respectively. Whereas
SDN network. for cross-domain switch authentication the computational cost
1) DoS attacks: our protocol significantly reduces the DoS is O((2fi + 2fj + 4)s + (2fi + 2fj + |V | + 2)v). The
launched from malicious SDN data plane since it authenticates computational cost for intra-domain host authentication is
SDN switches at the handshake stage. Therefore, the SDN O((2fi + 3)s + (2fi + |V | + 3)v) since the SDN controller has
controller will not receive events from untrusted switches. to verify the received host certificate and its signature.Also,
Whereas connection attempts from malicious external hosts the computational cost for cross-domain
P host authentication
are detected since those malicious Auth Req messages in- on Pd different domains is O((2( y∈Dauth fy ) + d + 2)s +
clude forged certificate and signature. These attacks will be (2( y∈Dauth fy ) + |V | + d + 2)v). In addition to the over-
detected by the SDN controller at the handshake stage and head produced by encryption-decryption operations due to the
the corresponding switch/host will be in U ntrusted state. utilization of the SSL/TLS protocol.

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