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B 1. Diagram 1 shows the relationship between respiration and photosynthesis.

R Photosynthesis S Respiration

Diagram 1 a. Name the gases R and S R: S: (2 marks).

b. Name a living thing that uses gas R. (1 mark). c. Name 2 living organisms that release gas S. i. ii. (2 mark)

d. Name two processes that release gas S. (2 mark) e. State two characteristics of gas R and gas S Gas R : i. ii. Gas S : i. ii. ( 4 marks)


Diagram2 shows the apparatus used to study a physical property of some elements. Each of the element is connected across the circuit in turn and the switch is turned on. The results of the experiment are shown in Table 1.

Diagram 2 Elements P Q R S T Observations Bulb lights up. Bulb lights up. Bulb does not light up. Bulb lights up. Bulb does not light up. Table 1 a) Based on your observation in Table 1, classify the elements P,Q,R,S and T into two groups.

P, Q, R,S,T

Types of element

Letters of elements
(4 marks)


Diagram 3 below shows three sources of energy.

Diagram 3 (a) Based on Diagram 1, label the names for types of sources of energy using the following words: Wind energy A : (b) B: Hydroelectric energy C: [3 marks] Complete the chart below using the following words. Fossil fuel Biomass Nuclear Hydro Solar Fossil fuels

Sources of energy

Non-renewable Energy Sources

Renewable energy sources

[5 marks] (c ) State two advantages of using renewable energy sources.

[2 marks]

Diagram 4.1 shows the energy changes in the movement of a swing.

Diagram 4.1 a) At which positions labelled P, Q and R does the boy have (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) b) maximum kinetic energy? : maximum potential energy? : minimum kinetic energy? : minimum potential energy? : [4 marks] State the energy conversion for movement of a swing. [1 mark] c) Based on Diagram 4.2 above, mark ( ) in the box below the figure with the same energy conversion from R to Q.



State the energy changes involved in the following energy converter. (i) Green plant (ii) Dynamo : : [2 mark]

Diagram 5 shows an experiment to study the effect of heat on water.

Water vapour Disc


Process X

Process Y

Diagram 5
(a) Name process X and Y. (i) Process X


Process Y [2 marks]

(b ) Which process is faster ?.

[ 1 marks ]


Diagram 6 below shows the relationship between the changes in the states of matter in physical processes.

Diagram 6 (a) Name the process marked: (i) W : (ii) X : (iii) Y : (iv) Z : [4 marks] (b) Name the processes that: Absorb heat (i) (ii) (i) (ii) [2 marks] (c) State a similarity for the processes of boiling and evaporation. Release heat

[1 mark]


Diagram 7 below shows an experiment set-up to study the transfer of heat.

Diagram 7 The table below shows the results of the experiment. Rods P Q R Time taken for thumbtacks to fall/seconds 20 12 120

(a) Tick ( ) the correct answer for the transfer of heat through rod P, Q and R.

Transfer of heat Conduction Convection Radiation [1 mark] (b) Based on the table above, arrange the rods P, Q AND R according to their conductivity of heat in ascending order. Rod (c) , rod , rod [1 mark] (i) Rod P, Q and R are made of different materials. What is the suitable material to make as a handle for pot and pan? [1 mark]


Diagram 8 A student carried out an experiment to study the conductivity of heat on different materials. (a) State the variables involved in this experiment. Manipulated variable Responding variable Controlled variable

Initial temperature of hot water, Volume of the water [2 marks]

Table 1

Thermometer X Y

Initial temperature ( C) 100 100 Table 2

Final temperature ( C)

Drop in temperature ( C)

(b) Based on the experiment above, record the reading of thermometer X and Y in Table 1 above. [2 marks] (c) Calculate the drop in temperature in each thermometer X and Y. Record your finding in table 1 above. [2 marks] (d) Which sheet shows that heat flows faster from the conical flask? [1 mark]


Diagram 9 shows the apparatus of an experiment to study the length of a pendulum and how it affects the number of swings in a given time.

string retort stand pendulum

Diagram 9 The result of this experiment is shown in Table 3. Length of pendulum (cm) 50 30 20 Number of swings in 1 minute 42 54 67 Table 3

(a) State the following variables: (i) (ii) (iii) Fixed variable Manipulated variable Responding variable (1 mark) (b) State a hypothesis for this experiment. (1 mark)


Diagram 10.1 shows the arrangement of apparatus used to measure the volume of 50 drops of water .

Diagram 10.1 (a) Name the apparatus X and Y in the spaces provided in Diagram 10.1 (2 marks) (b) Mark using arrow, apparatus Y. , to show the correct eye level when taking a reading from

(1 mark) (c) Diagram 10.2 shows the changes in the level of water in apparatus Y when 50 drops of water flow out of it.

Diagram 10.2 Based on Diagram 10.2, complete the table below: Initial reading (cm3) Final reading (cm3) Volume of 50 drops of water (cm3) (3 marks)

11 . Diagram 11 shows several micro-organisms.

Diagram 11 a) Label Diagram 11 with the information provided in the box below.




[3 marks] b) R can make its own food. Explain why.

[1mark] c) State the function of X. [1 mark]

12. Diagram 12 shows two samples of human cells.


Diagram 12 Name X and Y. X: Y: [2 marks] Cell P Q System Organism


Give an example for each P and Q? P : Q: [2 marks]

c) State the function of the human cells given. i) X ii) Y [2 marks]

13. Diagram 13.1 shows pictures of several micro-organisms.


a. Which organisms consist of only one cell? (1 mark) b. Which organisms can make their own food? (1 mark) c. Which organism can change its shape? (1 mark)

d. Classify organisms J, K , L ,M ,N and O in Diagram 13.2 into two groups based on their common characteristic. Name the organisms belonging to each group.

J, K, L, M, N and O

Common characteristic

Group 1

Group 2

Name of the organism

Diagram13.2 (4 marks)

14. Diagram 14 shows five object U,V,W.X and Y hydrogen Fizzy drink

X Diagram 14

Observe the object in diagram 14. (a ) Based on your observation. State the form of matter of any four of objects. U V W X Y : : : : : [ 4marks]


Classify the object U, V, W.X and Y into three groups based on form of matter. Name the objects belonging to each group. U, V, X, W and Y

Form of matter


2008 PMR SCIENCE QUESTIONS FOR POUR AND MEDIUM STUDENTS SET 1 : CONSISTS OF FORM ONE QUESTION SECTION B 1. Diagram 1 shows the relationship between respiration and photosynthesis.

R Photosynthesis Respiration

Diagram 1 a. Name the gases R and S R: Oxygen S: Carbon dioxide (2 marks).

b. Name a living thing that uses gas R. Human/ animal/plant c. Name 2 living organisms that release gas S. Any two species d. Name two processes that release gas S. Respiration and combustion e. State two characteristics of gas R and gas S Gas R : Neutral/slightly dissolve in water/ support combustion/make a burning splinter burn brighter. Gas S : Acidic/turn lime water to chalcky/does not support combustion/more soluble in water and sodium hydroxide. ( 4 marks) (2 mark) (2 mark) (1 mark).


Diagram2 shows the apparatus used to study a physical property of some elements. Each of the element is connected across the circuit in turn and the switch is turned on. The results of the experiment are shown in Table 1.

Diagram 2 Elements P Q R S T Observations Bulb lights up. Bulb lights up. Bulb does not light up. Bulb lights up. Bulb does not light up. Table 1 a) Based on your observation in Table 1, classify the elements P,Q,R,S and T into two groups.

P, Q, R,S,T


Types of element

Non conductor


Letters of elements


(4 marks)


Diagram 3 below shows three sources of energy.

Diagram 3 (a) Based on Diagram 1, label the names for types of sources of energy using the following words: Wind energy A : Fossil fuel (b) Hydroelectric energy B: Wind energy Fossil fuels C : Hydroelectric energy [3 marks] Complete the chart below using the following words. Fossil fuel Biomass Nuclear Hydro Solar

Sources of energy

Non-renewable Energy Sources

Renewable energy sources

Fossil fuel


Biomass Solar


[5 marks] (c ) State two advantages of using renewable energy sources. -Does not cause pollution -economical/ save budjet -plenty supply -it is free/ always present/occur daily/ [2 marks]

Diagram 4 shows the energy changes in the movement of a swing.

Diagram 4 a) At which positions labelled P, Q and R does the boy have (i) (ii) (v) (vi) maximum kinetic energy? : Q maximum potential energy? : P,R minimum kinetic energy? : P,R. minimum potential energy? : Q [4 marks] b) State the energy conversion for movement of a swing. Potential energy Kinetic energy. [1 mark] c) Based on Diagram 4.2 above, mark ( ) in the box below the figure with the same energy conversion from R to Q.



State the energy changes involved in the following energy converter. a. Green plant : Light energy Chemical energy b. Dynamo : Kinetic energy Electric energy. [2 mark

Diagram 5 shows an experiment to study the effect of heat on water.

Water vapour Disc


Process X

Process Y

Diagram 5
(a) Name process X and Y. (i) Process X Boiling process. (ii) Process Y Evaporation process. [2 marks] (b ) Which process is faster ?. Process X/Boiling process [ 1 marks ]


Diagram 6 below shows the relationship between the changes in the states of matter in physical processes.

Diagram 6 a) Name the process marked: (i) W : Sublimation. (ii) X : Condensation. (iii) Y : Melting (iv) Z : Boiling/evaporation b) Name the processes that: Absorb heat (iii) (iv) Z. W. (iii) (iv) Release heat X Y [2 marks] c) State a similarity for the processes of boiling and evaporation. Both change from liquid state to gasses state. [1 mark]

[4 marks]


Diagram 7 below shows an experiment set-up to study the transfer of heat.

Diagram 7 The table below shows the results of the experiment. Rods P Q R Time taken for thumbtacks to fall/seconds 20 12 120

(a) Tick ( ) the correct answer for the transfer of heat through rod P, Q and R.

Transfer of heat Conduction Convection Radiation [1 mark] (b) Based on the table above, arrange the rods P, Q and R according to their conductivity of heat in ascending order. Rod Q., rod P., rod R. [1 mark] (c) (i) Rod P, Q and R are made of different materials. What is the suitable material to make as a handle for pot and pan? .Wood/ glass/rubber/plastic (any insulator). [1 mark]


Diagram 8 A student carried out an experiment to study the conductivity of heat on different materials. (a) State the variables involved in this experiment. Manipulated variable Responding variable Controlled variable Type of sheet Reading of termometer Initial temperature of hot water, Volume of the water [2 marks] Final temperature ( C) 76 84 Drop in temperature ( C) 24 16

Table 1 Thermometer X Y Initial temperature ( C) 100 100

Table 2 (b) Based on the experiment above, record the reading of thermometer X and Y in Table 1 above. [2 marks] Calculate the drop in temperature in each thermometer X and Y. Record your finding in table 1 above. [2 marks] Which sheet shows that heat flows faster from the conical flask? Iron sheet. [1 mark]

(c) (d)


Diagram 9 shows the apparatus of an experiment to study the length of a pendulum and how it affects the number of swings in a given time.

string retort stand pendulum

Diagram 9 The result of this experiment is shown in Table 3 Length of pendulum (cm) 50 30 20 Number of swings in 1 minute 42 54 67 Table 3

a) State the following variables: (i) (ii) (iii) Fixed variable: Weight of the pendulum/Time Manipulated variable:Length of pendulum Responding variable: Number of swings (1 mark) b) State a hypothesis for this experiment. If the length of the pendulum increases, the number of swings decreases. (1 mark)

10. Diagram 10 shows the arrangement of apparatus used to measure the volume of 50 drops of water .

Filter- funnel b Burette

Diagram 2 (a) Name the apparatus X and Y in the spaces provided in Diagram 10.1 (2 marks) (b) Mark using arrow, apparatus Y. , to show the correct eye level when taking a reading from

(1 mark) (c) Diagram 10,2 shows the changes in the level of water in apparatus Y when 50 drops of water flow out of it.

Diagram 10.2 Based on Diagram 10.2, complete the table below: Initial reading (cm3) Final reading (cm3) Volume of 50 drops of water (cm3) 2.1 3.2 1.1 (3 marks)


Diagram 11 shows several micro-organisms.

P: Paramecium

Q: Amoeba

R: Spirogyra

Diagram 11 a) Label Diagram 1 with the information provided in the box below.




[3 marks] b) R can make its own food. Explain why. Because R contains Chlorophyll. [1mark] c) State the function of X. Nucleus control all cells activities [1 mark]

12. Diagram 12 shows two samples of human cells.

Diagram 12 a) Name X and Y. X : Nerve cell Y : Cheek cell. [2 marks] Cell P Q System Organism

b) Give an example for each P and Q? P : Muscle tissue/Epithelial tissue Q : nose/mouth/lung/liver. [2 marks] c) State the function of the human cells given. i) X: Send impulses . ii)Y : To form a layer on the skin or an organ. [2 marks]

13. Diagram 13 shows pictures of several micro-organisms.

Diagram 13


Which organisms consist of only one cell? J,L,N. (1 mark)

b. c.

Which organisms can make their own food? J,M,Q, (1 mark) Which organism can change its shape? N. (1 mark)


Classify organisms J, K , L ,M ,N and O in Diagram 3.1 into two groups based on their common characteristic. Name the organisms belonging to each group.

J, K, L, M, N and O

Common characteristic

Group 1 Has one cell

Group 2 Has many cells

Name of the organism



Diagram 13 (4 marks)

14. Diagram 14 shows five object U,V,W.X and Y hydrogen Fizzy drink

X Diagram 14

Observe the object in diagram 7.1 . (a ) Based on your observation. State the form of matter of any four of objects. U: Liquid V: Solid W: Gas X:: Liquid Y : Liquid [ 4marks]


Classify the object U, V, W.X and Y into three groups based on form of matter. Name the objects belonging to each group. U, V, X, W and Y

Form of matter






[ 4 marks ]

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