CDT Preparation Group 300+ 1st Grand Test

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CTD Preparation Group 1st Grand Test

Multiple Choice Questions

Counter Terrorist Department Sargent (16) + Corporal (14) (M/F)
English Grammar, General knowledge, Everyday Science, Current Affairs, Pak Affairs
Total Marks: 100 February 07, 2022 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Note: These Questions are prepared by Mansoor Khan
(Admin) according to the past papers of Balochistan
Public Service Commission.

Everyday Science (70 MCQS)

1. Which as the outermost planet and the solar system?
A. Mercury B. Pluto C. Neptune D. Uranus
2. The SA unit of charge as:
A. Ampere B. Coulomb C. Ohm D. Watt
3. Very High Frequency (VHF) have ____ wavelengths.
A. shorter B. shortest C. longer D. longest
4. Deficiency of Vitamin-A results an:
A. night blandness B. rackets C. scurvy D. hair fall
5. The lifespan of Red Blood Cells as ___ days.
A. 60 B. 120 C. 180 D. 240
6. The density of water as:
A. 1 g/cm3 B. 1.5 g/cm3 C. 2 g/cm3 D. none of these
7. Radioactivity was discovered by:
A. Kelvin B. Thomson C. Rutherford D. Becquerel
8. A device which converts chemical energy
A. motor B. generator C. moving-coal meter D. Battery
9. The Sun as a:
A. Star B. Planet C. Asteroid D. Meteor
10. The average adult has a blood volume of about ___ liters.
A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 9
11. the most abundant element in the undersea is:
A. Oxygen B. Hydrogen C. Carbon Dioxide D. Silicon
12. the most abundant element in the Earth's crust:
A. Oxygen B. Hydrogen C. Carbon Dioxide D. Silicon
13. Each day human body breathe a ___ liters of air.
A. 5,000 to 10,000 B. 10,000 to 15,000 C. 15,000 to 20,000 D. 20,000 to 25,000
14. Deficiency of Vitamin-D results an:
A. night blindness B. rackets C. scurvy D. hair fall
15. The SA unit of "pressure" as:
A. Pascal B. joule C. tesla D. henry
16. The densest substance on the Earth as:
A. Platinum B. Copper C. Steel D. Osmium
17. A camera uses a _____ to form an image.
A. convex lens B. concave lens C. condenser lens D. none of these
18. Which from the following as NOT a conductor?
A. Aluminum B. Silicon C. Graphite D. All are conductors
19. CNG stands for?
A. Converted Natural Gas B. Conduced Natural Gas C. Conducted Natural Gas D. Compressed Natural Gas
20. When white light as passed through a prism, at splats into ___ colors.
A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8 21.
21. 1 nanometer =?
A. 10-3 meter B. 10-6 meter C. 10-9 meter D. 10-12 meter
22. Sound waves are ___ waves.
A. Transverse B. Electromagnetic C. Longitudinal D. none of these
23. The fluid part of blood is known as:

Www.Facebook.Com/Thalwaal.Pk Whatsapp: 03151039064 Prepared By: Mansoor Khan

CTD Preparation Group 1st Grand Test
Multiple Choice Questions
Counter Terrorist Department Sargent (16) + Corporal (14) (M/F)
English Grammar, General knowledge, Everyday Science, Current Affairs, Pak Affairs
Total Marks: 100 February 07, 2022 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Note: These Questions are prepared by Mansoor Khan
(Admin) according to the past papers of Balochistan
Public Service Commission.

A. plasma B. platelets C. blood cells

24. X-rays were discovered by:
A. Rontgen B. Thomson C. Rutherford D. Becquerel
25. The speed of light as:
A. 280,000 km/s B. 300,000 km/s C. 320,000 km/s D. none of these
26. During winter a cold countries, the ____ as maxed to melt the ace on the icy roads.
A. Salt B. Chlorine C. Carbon dioxide D. Water
27. An a very low temperature which from the following wall freeze at last?
A. Red water B. Canal water C. Sea water D. Water in a lake
28. The nearest planet to the Earth as:
A. Venus B. Mercury C. Mars
29. The planet that moves round the Sun at the highest speed as?
A. Jupiter B. Venus C. Mars D. Mercury
30. GPS as an abbreviation for?
A. Global Poles System B. Global Poly Salaconaum Store C. Global Positioning System
31. Oxidation as a chemical reaction involving:
A. Gain of Electrons B. Loss of Electrons C. Gain of Protons D. Loss of Protons
32. at night, Plants intake ____ and release:
A. Oxygen – Carbon dioxide B. Carbon dioxide – Oxygen C. Oxygen – Carbon monoxide D. Carbon monoxide –
33. The simplest amino acid as
a. alanine b. glycine c. valine d. phenylalanine
34. Accumulation of lipid molecules in brain cells lead to
a. paralysis b. edema c. mental retardation d. all of these
35. The life and activities of a cell as controlled by
a. cytoplasm b. nucleus c. vacuole d. mitochondria
36. Flagella are composed of
A. macro tubules b. macro filaments c. intermediate filaments
37. Tobacco mosaic virus was crystallized by
a. Pasteur b. Chamber land c. Stanley
38. Non-enveloped naked viruses are known as
a. prions b. bacteriophages c. oncovarises d. variaons
39. Gram +ve bacteria on treatment with crystal violet dye give color
a. red b. green c. purple
40. Malarial parasite as injected ante man as
a. sporozoates b. merozoates c. zygote d. none of these
41. The terms procaraotaque and eucaraotaque were proposed by
a. Whittaker b. Catton c. Haeckel d. Margulies and Schwartz
42. the most common type of asexual reproduction in the fungi as
A. fragmentation b. spore production c. budding d. binary fission
43. Outside the Thallus of Marchantia there are special structures called
a. stem tuber b. rhizoids c. sporangium d. none of these
44. The vascular plants are termed as
a. tracheophytes b. bryophytes c. pteradophytes d. all of these
45. An human beings influenza as caused by
a. bacteria b. protest c. virus d. fungi

Www.Facebook.Com/Thalwaal.Pk Whatsapp: 03151039064 Prepared By: Mansoor Khan

CTD Preparation Group 1st Grand Test
Multiple Choice Questions
Counter Terrorist Department Sargent (16) + Corporal (14) (M/F)
English Grammar, General knowledge, Everyday Science, Current Affairs, Pak Affairs
Total Marks: 100 February 07, 2022 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Note: These Questions are prepared by Mansoor Khan
(Admin) according to the past papers of Balochistan
Public Service Commission.

46. An many which phylum the body of an organisms as usually dated an there regions called head, thorax and abdomen
a. Echinodermata b. Mollusca c. nematode d. Arthropod
47. Snails belong to
A. gastropods B. mollusks C. arthropods
48. Amoeba moves in water with the help of locomotors organs called
a. tube feet b. cilia c. pseudopodia d. flagella
49. An all coelenterates endoderm give rise to
a. nervous system b. digested system c. reproduce system d. circulatory system
50. Higher vascular plants are also called
a. flowering plants b. seed plants c. ferns d. none of these
51. Which bone as called beauty bone in women
a. sternum b. clavicle c. maxilla d. radius
52. Release of the ovum from ovary as called
a. fertilization b. ovulation c. implantation d. none of these
53. The fetus as protected from the mechanical damage by the
a. cervix b. vigina c. uterus d. amniotic fluid
54. Rich source of energy in seamen as
a. glucose b. fructose c. lactose d. sucrose
55. Sickle cell anemia was discovered by
a. Vernon Anagram b. Sanger c. Masher d. none of these
56. Kangaroo has an abdominal pouch known as
a. placenta b. guttural pouch c. marsupial d. all of these
57. Para bronchi are present an
a. cockroach b. frog c. fish d. bards
58. The respiratory problem common in smokers is
a. tuberculosis b. emphysema c. asthma d. cancer
59. Water potential of pure water as
a. zero b. one c. negative d. two
60. The normal pH of human blood as
A. 6.4 B. 7.0 a. 7.4 b. 7.5
61. Atherosclerosis as a major condition leading to
a. heart attack b. hypertension c. stroke d. Tumor
62. Which of the following as a fat soluble vitamin___?
a. A b. B c. C d. None
Which of the following vitamins are obtained from Orange?
a. Vitamin D b. Vitamin A c. Vitamin B d. Vitamin C
63. Which of the following vitamin as produced an human body with the help of Sunlight.
a. Vitamin D b. Vitamin A c. Vitamin B d. Vitamin C
64. Which vitamin deficiency leads to uncontrolled bleeding during an injury?
a. Vitamin D b. Vitamin K c. Vitamin B d. Vitamin C
65. Which vitamin deficiency leads to scurvy, breakdown of skin, blood vessels and teeth?
a. Vitamin D b. Vitamin A c. Vitamin C d. None
66. Which vitamin considered as Harmon
a. Vitamin D b. Vitamin A c. Vitamin B d. Vitamin C
67. Deficiency of Vitamin D results in __________.
a. Rackets b. Scurvy c. Night blindness d. None of these

Www.Facebook.Com/Thalwaal.Pk Whatsapp: 03151039064 Prepared By: Mansoor Khan

CTD Preparation Group 1st Grand Test
Multiple Choice Questions
Counter Terrorist Department Sargent (16) + Corporal (14) (M/F)
English Grammar, General knowledge, Everyday Science, Current Affairs, Pak Affairs
Total Marks: 100 February 07, 2022 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Note: These Questions are prepared by Mansoor Khan
(Admin) according to the past papers of Balochistan
Public Service Commission.

68. “Racket” as a disease due to deficiency of?

a. Vitamin D b. Vitamin A c. Vitamin B d. Vitamin C
69. The rich source of iron is
a. Milk b. eggs c. pulses d. Green vegetables
70. Solid change to liquid state by ___ process.
a. Melting b. freezing c. boiling d. None

General Knowledge MCQS: 70

1. The Top Five most Populous Cities of Pakistan are ------- ?

A. Lahore, Islamabad, Karachi, Hyderabad, Rawalpindi
B. Karachi, Lahore, Faisalabad, Rawalpindi, Gujranwala
C. Faisalabad, Rawalpindi, Peshawar, Lahore, Karachi
D. Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, Gujranwala, Dera Ghazi Khan
2. How many years the 1st Constituent Assembly lasted?
A. 8 B. 9 C. 7 D. 10
3. In Japan, Tuesday is known as---------?
A. Black day B. Fire day C. Day of Jews D. None of these
3. World tallest man is from which country?
A. Turkey B. India C. Pakistan D. Africa
4. World’s tallest man is ---------?
A. Alam Channa B. Nawaz Sharif C. Sultan Kosen D. Che Guera
5. The name of UNO was coined by?
A. George washington B. Frank Rosevelt C. John kennedy D. Wickshell
6. Who has the honor to address thrice the Joint Sitting of the Parliament of Pakistan?
A. Yasser Arafat B. Xi Jingping C. Tayyib Erdoğan D. Joko Widodo
7. Largest District of Pakistan by Area is ------------?
A. Chaghi B. Lahore C. Karachi Central D. Peshawar
8. When was Nobel Prize in economics started?
A. 1951 B. 1969 (Answer) C. 1967 D. 1901

9. Which is the largest Mobile service in Pakistan ?

A. Mobilink B. Ufone C. Warid D. Telenor
10. The Tallest women born in Pakistan is---------?
A.Shaista Bibi B.Zainab Bibi C.Uzma Bibi D.Balqees Bano
11. Kirkuk famous for its oil fields is the city of----------?
A.Saudi Arabia B.Syria C.Iran D.Iraq
12. Eva airline is the name of airline of----------?
A.Korea B.Japan C.Taiwan D.China
13. Which Country led a boycott of the 1980 Olympic Games held in Moscow?
A. Great Britain B. China C. United States D. South Korea
14. How many feathers is shuttle in badminton?
A. 12 feathers B. 15 feathers C. 10 feathers D. 16 feathers
15. Which Country did oriented Basketball?
A. Canada B. Brazil C. USA D. England
16. Founder of Exam is ?

Www.Facebook.Com/Thalwaal.Pk Whatsapp: 03151039064 Prepared By: Mansoor Khan

CTD Preparation Group 1st Grand Test
Multiple Choice Questions
Counter Terrorist Department Sargent (16) + Corporal (14) (M/F)
English Grammar, General knowledge, Everyday Science, Current Affairs, Pak Affairs
Total Marks: 100 February 07, 2022 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Note: These Questions are prepared by Mansoor Khan
(Admin) according to the past papers of Balochistan
Public Service Commission.

A. Pythagoras B. Sergy brin C. Henry A Fischel D. Wilhelm Wundt

17. World snake-less country is --?
A. Australia B. Germany C. New Zealand D. Japan
18. Currency of New Zealand is
A. Pound B. Euro C. Dollar D. Yen
19. Which city of Pakistan once known as “City of Maple Trees”?
A. Lahore B. Abbottabad C. Hyderabad D. Multan
20. Which waves are discovered in 2017 in the LIGO conference?
A. Chromium waves B. Heat waves C. Gravitational waves D. sedentary waves
21. Which Country became 25th country to recognize same sex/gay and lesbian couples to legally wed?
A. Australia B. South Africa C. New Zealand D. India
22. Angola Parliament name is
A. National Assembly B. Parliament C. Shrua D. None of these
23. Pakistan officially joined the United Nations (UN) on.
A. 30 October 1947 B. 30 September 1947 C. 30 August 1947 D. 30 March 1948
24. Angela Merkel was the chancellor of -----------?
A. Belgium B. Germany C. France D. America
25. Which City of Pakistan is famous for sports goods?
A. Peshawar B. Lahore C. Sialkot D. Islamabad
26. The river Indus flows from which city?
A. Gilgit B. Tibet C. Peshawar D. Kabul
27. Radio was invented by?
A. Philo taylor B. Motorola martia C. Robert D. Guglielmo marconi
28. Lebanon Currency is?
A. Lebanese Pound B. Lebanese Dollar C. Lebanese Rupee D. None of these
29. How many Countries are there Landlocked in the world?
A. 37 Countries B. 41 Countries C. 44 Countries D. 42 Countries
30. Nanga parbat the second highest peak of Pakistan is located in which district of gilgit baltistan?
A. Astore B. Diamer C. Gizar D. Nagir
31. Which one of these is the longest cave in the world?
A. Jewel Cave B. Wind Cave C. Sistema Ox Bel Ha D. Mammoth Cave
32. The book Emile or “On Education” on the nature of education and man is written by-?
A. Aristotle B. Plato C. John Dewey D. Rousseau
33. First gulf nations to introduce VAT (Value added Tax) ?
A. Oman and Qatar B. UAE and Saudi Arabia C. Kuwait and Iraq D. None of These
34. Which country first introduced the world’s first photovoltaic road fitted with solar panels?
A. China B. Japan C. US D. France
35. Who Conquered The Constantinople In 1453?
A. Sultan Mehmood Ghaznavi B. Sultan Salahudin Ayubi C. Sultan Muhammad Fateh D. Sultan Sulaiman Khan
36. World Highest Polo Ground Shandur (3,734 meters) is in Pakistan, It is in District?
A. Lahore B. Swat C. Chitral D. Gilgit
37. MOSAD is the secret agency of ?
a. Isreal b.USA c.China d. Russia
38. CIA stands for:
a.The Central Intelligent Agency b. The Centr Intelligence Agency c. The Central Intelligence Agency d. None
39. Mossad is the intelligence agency of ___

Www.Facebook.Com/Thalwaal.Pk Whatsapp: 03151039064 Prepared By: Mansoor Khan

CTD Preparation Group 1st Grand Test
Multiple Choice Questions
Counter Terrorist Department Sargent (16) + Corporal (14) (M/F)
English Grammar, General knowledge, Everyday Science, Current Affairs, Pak Affairs
Total Marks: 100 February 07, 2022 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Note: These Questions are prepared by Mansoor Khan
(Admin) according to the past papers of Balochistan
Public Service Commission.

a. Israel b. Jordan c. UAE d.UK

40. The Israeli Intelligence Community is made up of __?
a. Shin b. Bet c. Aman d. Mossad e. All of these
41. "BIN" is the intelligence agency of which country?
a. Britain b. Germany c. Russia d. Indonesia
42. Indian Intelligence Agency name is?
a. ISI b. RAW c. MOSAD d. NDS
43. Name of Afghanistan Intelligence Agency is?
a. NDS b. GID c. GIP d. None
44. What is the Name of Russian currency ?
a. Rand b. Ruble c. Rupee d. Dollar
45. What is the independence day of Russia____?
a. June 11 b. June 12 c. June14 d. June 177
46. Which of the following is Currency of China?
a. Yuan b. Yen c. Both d. None
47. What is currency of Iran?
a. Iranian rial b. Lira c. Taka d. Rupee
48. The currency of Japan is:
a. Dollar b. Lira c. Yen d. Dinar
49. Dollar is the currency of :
a. France b. Georgia d. Greece d. None
50. What is the currency of Afghanistan?
a. Afghani b. Rupee c. Taka d. Lira
51. The name of Turkish currency is :
a. Takka b. Riyal c. Lira d. None
52. What is the currency of North Korea?
a. Won b. Franc c. Leu d.Shilling
53. Euro is the currency of?
a. Austria b. Cyprus c. Both d. None
54. Bhat is the currency of:
a. Thailand b. Bangladesh c. India d. None
55. Vietnam currency:
a. Dong b. Lira c. Taka d. None
57. Currency of Denmark is:
a. Krone b. Franc c. Yuan d.None
58. The currency of chad :
a. Dollar b. Yuan c. Krone d. CFA franc
59. Key currency is :
a. Currency which is hard to got b. Internationally accepted currency c. Currency locally circulated d. None
60. The currency of UAE is:
a. Lira b. Rayal c. Dollar d. Dirham
61. What is the currency of Sri Lanka called?
a. Dollar b. Rayal c. Rupee d.Pond
62. "Tenge" is the currency of which country?
a. Malaysia b. New Zealand c. USA d.Kazakhstan
63. Which country uses" yen" as their currency?

Www.Facebook.Com/Thalwaal.Pk Whatsapp: 03151039064 Prepared By: Mansoor Khan

CTD Preparation Group 1st Grand Test
Multiple Choice Questions
Counter Terrorist Department Sargent (16) + Corporal (14) (M/F)
English Grammar, General knowledge, Everyday Science, Current Affairs, Pak Affairs
Total Marks: 100 February 07, 2022 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Note: These Questions are prepared by Mansoor Khan
(Admin) according to the past papers of Balochistan
Public Service Commission.

a. Germany b. Japan c. USA d. England

64. Which country has the strongest currency in the world?
a. Pakistan b. Afghanistan c. Australia d. Kuwait
65. Ringgit is a currency of ___?
a. Malaysia b. Indonesia c. China d. India
66. Dong is the currency of which country ____?
a. China b. Spain c. Argentina d. Vietnam
67. Currency of South Korea?
a. Rupee b. won c. Krone d.Dollar
68. Diet is a parliment of
a. Uk b. Usa c. Norway d. Japan
69. Mount Everest is in which country?
a. Japan b. Nepal c. Pakistan d. Bhutan
70. In Roman C stands for ?
a. 1 b. 122 c. 100 d. 1000

Pak Affairs 70 MCQS

1. Bolan, Nari, Pishin, Lora Mu bvlla, Hingol, Rakhshan, Dusht and Zhob are the rivers of
A. Sindh B. Balochistan C. Punjab D. None
2. Mangla Dam was constructed on the river:
A. Indus B. Sutlej C. Jhelum D. None of the above
3. Kabul, Swat, Kunhar, Panjkora, Bara, Kurram and Gomal are the rivers of
A. Punjab B. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa C. Sindh D. Gilgit Baltistan
4. In which province Manchar lake is situated
A. Punjab B. Sindh C. Kpk D. Gilgit E. None
5. Indus River originates from?
A. Ladakh B. Tibet C. Jammu D. Kashmir
6. Which of the following is the oldest Barrage:
A. Kotri B. Guddu C. Taunsa D. Sukkur
7. How many rivers are there in Balochistan____?
A. 7 B. 14 C. 15 D. 16
8. Which is the largest lake in Pakistan?
A. Karambar Lake B. Attabad Lake C. Manchar Lake D. Rama Lake
9. Which is the most widely used irrigation method in Pakistan
A. Karez B. Tube wells C. Perennial Canals D. None
10 Which is the smallest river of Pakistan?
A. Indus B. Ravi C. Neelm D. None
11. Which of these is not of the five rivers of Punjab ?
A. Kunhar B. Ravi C. Chenab D. Indus
12. India is constructing “Kishanganga Dam” on the __________ River.
A. Indus B. Sutlej C. Jhelum D. Ravi E. None of these
13. Warsak dam is built by on river
A. Kabul B. Jhlem C. Chenab D. Indus
14. Rawalakot Doaaba Chaj is located between River Chenab and River ____.
A. Jhelum B. Ravi C. Indus D. none
15. What is the total length of Indus River?

Www.Facebook.Com/Thalwaal.Pk Whatsapp: 03151039064 Prepared By: Mansoor Khan

CTD Preparation Group 1st Grand Test
Multiple Choice Questions
Counter Terrorist Department Sargent (16) + Corporal (14) (M/F)
English Grammar, General knowledge, Everyday Science, Current Affairs, Pak Affairs
Total Marks: 100 February 07, 2022 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Note: These Questions are prepared by Mansoor Khan
(Admin) according to the past papers of Balochistan
Public Service Commission.

A. 2514 km B. 3180 km C. 2900 km D. None of these

16. Haleji lake is situated in
A. Kpk B. Punjab C. Sindh D. Balochistan
17. The area between rivers Jhelum and Chenab is called?
A. Chaj B. Gandhara C. Harrapa D. Taxila E. None of these
18. The longest river in Pakistan?
A. Ravi B. Sindh C. Chenab D. Jhelum
19. Which one is the Largest Canal in Pakistan?
A. Kirthar Canal B. Nara Canal C. Rohri Canal D. None
20. Satpara lake is located in which region of Pakistan?
A. Chitral B. Skardu C. Hunza D. Sawat
21. Who has been appointed as Pakistan’s first female Hindu Civil Judge?
A. iran Bedi B. Krishna Kumari C. Suman Bodani D. None of these
22. Who invented the atom bomb in Pakistan?
A. Abdul Qadeer Khan B. Samar Mubarakmand C. Both a & b D. None of these
23. Which Radio Station already existed at the time of creation of Pakistan?
A. Karachi B. Peshawar C. None of these D. Quetta E. None of these
24. Who many teachers of the University of Baltistan Skardu have been included in the list of `World Scientist and University
Rankings 2021`?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 5
25. Who suggested Pakistan Standard Time?
A. Prof Muhammad Anwar B. Liaqat Ali Khan C. Dr. Abdus Salalm D. Dr. Samar Mubarik
26. Who was the 1st CM of punjab
A. Liaqiat Ali khan B. Muhammad ali C. Skindar mirza D. Iftikhar Hussain mamdot
27. Who was Prime Minister of Pakistan for the shortest time period?
A. I.I.Chundrigar B. Nurul Amin C. M.Feroz Khan Noon D. M.Ali Bogra
28. Who was the first female commercial pilot of Pakistan_____?
A. Shukria Khanum B. Maryam Mukhtiar C. Sana Mir D. None of the above
29. Who was the first Inspector General of Punjab after the creation of Pakistan?
A. Mr. Jehan Zaib Burki B. Mian Anwar Ali C. Khan Qurban Ali Khan D. Mr. Shaukat Javed
30. Who was the first governor general of Pakistan?
A. Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah B. Iskander Mirza C. Khawaja Nazimuddin D. Ghulam Muhammad
31. Who was the first finance minister of Pakistan?
A. I.I Chandigarh B. Malik Ghulam Muhammad C. Liaqat Ali Khan D. Muhammad Ali
32. Who was the first Pakistan television host, anchor and artist?
A. Zeb Bangash B. Kanwal Naseer C. Haseena Moin D. Zoe Viccaji
33. Who was the first Prime Minister of Azad Kashmir?
A. Sardar Muhammad Ibrahim Khan B. Khan Abdul Hameed Khan C. Sardar Sikandar Hayat Khan D. Moulana
Muhammad Yousaf
34. Who Won the first-ever Gold Medal for Pakistan In Paralympics 2020?
A. Asif Ijaz B. Arshad Ali C. Imran Ali D. Haider Ali
35. ________ was the first honorable Chief Justice of Pakistan?
A. Justice Abdul Rashid B. Justice Muhammad Munir C. Justice Muhammad Shahabuddin D. Justice A.R. Cornelius
36. Who was the first president of 1st constituent Assembly?
A. Liaquat Ali Khan B. Quaid e Azam C. Moulvi Tamiz ud Din D. None of these
37. Pakistan has presidential system ?

Www.Facebook.Com/Thalwaal.Pk Whatsapp: 03151039064 Prepared By: Mansoor Khan

CTD Preparation Group 1st Grand Test
Multiple Choice Questions
Counter Terrorist Department Sargent (16) + Corporal (14) (M/F)
English Grammar, General knowledge, Everyday Science, Current Affairs, Pak Affairs
Total Marks: 100 February 07, 2022 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Note: These Questions are prepared by Mansoor Khan
(Admin) according to the past papers of Balochistan
Public Service Commission.

A. no B. yes C. Partial Presidential D. None

38. The largest source of electricity generation in Pakistan is __________?
A. Thermal B. Hydal C. Wind D. Solar
39. The biggest natural gas field of Pakistan was discovered in which city ____?
A. Jacobabab B. Sibi C. Sui D. Kharan
40. Urdu was declared the national language of Pakistan in which year?
A. August 1947 B. April 1954 C. April 1956 D. April 1958
41. The hottest place in Pakistan is ____?
A. Multan B. Bahawalpur C. None of them D. Turbat E. None of these
42. Leader of Muslim league delegation in first Round Table Conference :
A. Sir Agha Khan B. Allama Iqbal C. Quaid e Azam D. None
43. Last viceroy of India after independence:
A. Warren Hasting B. Lord Canning C. Mountbatten D. None
44. Lahore resolution is also known as :
A. India resolution B. Pakistan resolution C. Both D. None
45. Khalafat movement was abolished in which year?
A. 1923 B. 1934 C. 1924 D. None
46. Khalafat was abolished by
A. Mustifa Kamal Ataturk B. 1924 C. both D. None
47. Jinnah Gandhi talks were held in?
A. Bombay B. Delhi C. Lahore D. Lucknow
48. In which year the Kashmiris started their freedom movement against Dogra rule before the partition of the sub-continent?
A. 1930 B. 1940 C. 1928 D. 1920 E. None of these
49. In which year third round table conference held?
A. 1930 B. 1933 C. 1932 D. 1931
50. In which year Urdu Hindi controversy?
A. 1867 B. 1868 C. 1866 D. 1860
51. What was the name of last Mughal ruler in India?
A. Shah Alam B. Akbar C. Bahadur Shah Zafar D. Aurangzeb
52. Indian Civil Services was introduced during the rule of:
A. Lord Curzon B. Lord Clive C. Lord Canning D. Lord wavell
53. Which Muslim leader left politics, after the annulment of the partition of Bengal?
A. Nawab waqar ul mulk B. Nawab Saleem ullah Khan C. Sir syed D. Muhammadan ali Johar
54. Which community strongly opposed the partition of Bengal?
A. Christian B. Sikh C. Muslim D. Hindu
55. Who was the first leader who said that Muslims and Hindus are two separate nations and cannot live together?
A. Quaid-e-Azam B. Allama Iqbal C. Bahadur Shah Zafar D. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
56. War of independence end in
A. 1858 B. 1857 C. 1888 D. 1856
57. Who was the first viceroy of India____?
A. Lord Canning B. Lord Hardinge C. Lord Elgin D. Warren Hastings
58. Mohammed Bin Qasim conquered Sindh in the year:
A. 812 AD B. 712 AD C. 912 AD D. 1012 AD
59. Cease fire in Kashmir was took place :
A. 1947 B. 1948 C. 1949 D. 1950
60. How many seats was won by Muslim League in 1945-46 provincial election?

Www.Facebook.Com/Thalwaal.Pk Whatsapp: 03151039064 Prepared By: Mansoor Khan

CTD Preparation Group 1st Grand Test
Multiple Choice Questions
Counter Terrorist Department Sargent (16) + Corporal (14) (M/F)
English Grammar, General knowledge, Everyday Science, Current Affairs, Pak Affairs
Total Marks: 100 February 07, 2022 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Note: These Questions are prepared by Mansoor Khan
(Admin) according to the past papers of Balochistan
Public Service Commission.

A. 300 B. 425 C. 930 D. 923

61. How many paragraphs are there in the Lahore Resolution?
A. 2 B. 5 C. 3 D. 7
62. Which Pakistani Band released the famous patriotic song "Dil Dil Pakistan"?
A. Jal B. Vital songs C. Strings D. Junoon63.
63. Which Muslim majority area added to India by Redcliff?
A. Gurdaspur B. Kashmir C. Bahalwalpur D. None
64. Third battle of Panipat was fought between :
A. Marathas and Britidhers B. Marathas and Rajpoots C. Marahatas and Afghans D. None
65. Which party won the provincial election in 1937?
A. Muslim league B. Congress C. Muslim Students Federation D. None
66. Which party starts quit India movement?
A. All India Muslim ban league B. Congress C. Both D. None
67. Who allowed East India Company to reside and build factories in Surat
A. Jahangir B. Humayun C. Shah Jahan D. Akbar
68. Who is the National poet of Pakistan?
A. Ghalib B. Amjad Islam C. Allama Iqbal D. Meer
69. Which of these colors is not in the Pakistan's flag?
A. Green B. Red C. White D. All
70. Which of these symbols is not on Pakistani's flage ?
A. crescent B. Sun C. Star D. All

English 40 MCQS

1. I know about__________.
A. He B. Him C. His D. All of the above E. None of the above
2. I brought my camera ______________.
A. Along B. Of C. Off D. In E. All Of The Above
3. I am looking forward __________ spending time with my friends.
A. Too B. To C. Towards D. Upon E. With
4. I am doing sums.
A. Sums are done by me B. Sums were being done by me C. Sums are being done by me D. Sums should
be done by me E. All Of The Above
5. He said, "Honesty is the best policy.“
A. He said that Honesty is the best policy B. He said that Honesty was the best policy C. He said
that Honesty would be the best policy D. He said that Honesty will be the best policy
E. None of the above
6. Who knows you?
A. To whom you are known? B. To whom are you known? C. To whom were you known
D. To whom are you being known? E. All Of The Above
7. Who will write an essay?
A. By whom will an essay be written? B. By whom should an essay be written?
C. By whom was an essay be written? D. By whom can an essay be written? E. All of the above
8. Why did you not agree to my proposal?
A. Why was my proposal not agreed to by you? B. Why is my proposal not agreed to by you?
C. Why will my proposal not agreed to by you? D. Why can my proposal not agreed to by you? E. All of the above

Www.Facebook.Com/Thalwaal.Pk Whatsapp: 03151039064 Prepared By: Mansoor Khan

CTD Preparation Group 1st Grand Test
Multiple Choice Questions
Counter Terrorist Department Sargent (16) + Corporal (14) (M/F)
English Grammar, General knowledge, Everyday Science, Current Affairs, Pak Affairs
Total Marks: 100 February 07, 2022 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Note: These Questions are prepared by Mansoor Khan
(Admin) according to the past papers of Balochistan
Public Service Commission.

9. _______ the constitution of new housing units at the rate of one every month, there is still a shortage of accomodation.
A. Through B. Despite C. By D. For
10. ______________ having finished my work, I went home.
A. After B. To C. With D. From E. No
11. Preposition Required We should not laugh _________ poor.
A. At B. On C. Upon D. With E. Over
12. The operation was ____ the patient survived despite slim chances.
A. Calculated B. Effective C. Successful D. None of the above
13. It was afternoon by now and Mr. Hassan gave the boys a delicious lunch prepared mainly form the farm`s own produce. Later, the
students visited the mango orchard and were delighted to see green fruits, hanging from the branches in large numbers. The trunks of
the trees had been white washed with lime and the ground below was neat and clean. They did not see any weeds pr wild grasses
around. Mr. Hassan told them that it was very necessary to protect them from pests and diseases which destroy the plants as well the
fruits. The trunk of the trees were white washed with lime:
A. To attract pests and diseases B. To protect them from pests and diseases C. To make them visible D. To
increase the growth of pests E. None of the above
14. Fatima Jinnah is ___________ Madr-I-Millat.
A. Calling B. Was Called C. Will be called D. Called E. Has been calling
15. Vitamins ___ our body fit.
A. Keep B. Will kept C. shall keeping D. None of these
16. Ahmad suggests that we should follow the code of conducts.
A. is not it B. are not it C. Should we D. None
17. It is not possible to avoid such ACRIMONY when you are tried from your job all of a situation
A. Bitterness B. Deceive C. Carelessness D. None
18. They will share all you want to know.They are going to give you enough____.
A. Time B. Information C. Food D. Books
19. Can we send this big parcel by air?
A. Can this big parcel be sent by air? B. Can this big parcel sent by air? C. Could this big parcel be sent by
air? D. Could this big parcel sent by us by air? E. Can this big parcel be send by air?
20. Let us play together.
A. It is suggested that we should play together B. It was suggested that we should play together
C. It will be suggested that we should play together D. It should be suggested that we should play together E. All of the
21. The main skills we seek to develop include analysing, interpreting and evaluating ideas.
A. The main skills sought to be developed by us include analysing, interpreting and evaluating ideas
B. The main skills sought to developed by us include analysing, interpreting and evaluating ideas
C. The main skills should be developed by us include analysing, interpreting and evaluating ideas
D. he main skills sought to be developed include analysing, interpreting and evaluating ideas,
E. All of the above
22. Does she write an essay?
A. Is an essay written by her? B. Was an essay written by her? C. Will an essay written by her?
D. Can an essay written by her? E. All of the above
23. I was addicted ___________ smoking.
A. To B. Too C. With D. Off E. All of the above
24. Grapes taste sour.
A. Grapes are sour when they are tasted B. Grapes were sour when they are tasted
C. Grapes will be sour when they are tasted D. Grapes should be sour when they are tasted

Www.Facebook.Com/Thalwaal.Pk Whatsapp: 03151039064 Prepared By: Mansoor Khan

CTD Preparation Group 1st Grand Test
Multiple Choice Questions
Counter Terrorist Department Sargent (16) + Corporal (14) (M/F)
English Grammar, General knowledge, Everyday Science, Current Affairs, Pak Affairs
Total Marks: 100 February 07, 2022 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Note: These Questions are prepared by Mansoor Khan
(Admin) according to the past papers of Balochistan
Public Service Commission.

E. All of the above

25. She was averse ________ fighting.
A. Towards B. To C. With D. Over E. All of the above
26. Roses smell sweat.
A. Roses are sweat when they are smelt B. Roses were sweat when they are smelt
C. Roses will be sweat when they are smelt D. Roses should be sweat when they are smelt
E. All of the above
27. Let me do this work.
A. Let this work be done by me B. Let this work be do by me C. Let this work should be done by me
D. Let this work be done by I E. All of the above
28. The surface feels smooth.
A. The surface is smooth when it is felt B. The surface was smooth when it is felt
C. The surface will smooth when it is felt D. The surface should be smooth when it is felt
E. All of the above
29. He is accustomed _________ drinking so much.
A. Towards B. Too C. Together D. With E. To
30. Do not laugh at me.
A. Let me be not laughed at B. Let I be not laughed at C. Let we be not laughed at
D. Let my be not laughed at E. All of the above
Select the word that is most similar to the word provided.
31. Corpulent
A. Lean B. Gaunt C. Emaciated D. Obese
32. Haggle
A. Tired B. Climb C. Decrease D. Bargain
33. Throng
A. Garment B. Hell C. Mass D. Weight
34. Impugn
A. Imply B. Fret C. Assail D. recalcitrant
Select the word that is most opposite to the word provided.
35. Tacit
A. Grand B. Dictated C. Illicit D. Messy
36. Repudiate
A. Argue B. Soften C. Slander D. Admit
37. Pristine
A. recent B. Sullied C. Wide D. Through
38. An infant depends------- its mother for food.
A. about B. upon C. for D. with
38. He said to her, “May you succeed!”(Change into indirect narration)
A. He prayed to God that she may succeed. B. He said to her that she might succeed.
C. He told her that she might succeed. D. He wished her success.
39. He said, “What a beautiful scene! “(change into indirect narration).
A. He exclaimed that it was a very beautiful scene. B. He exclaimed what a beautiful scene it was
C. He wondered that it was a beautiful scene D. He said that what a beautiful scene it was.
40. My grandfather is always complaining _ the pain in his back.
A. About B. for C. from D. of

Www.Facebook.Com/Thalwaal.Pk Whatsapp: 03151039064 Prepared By: Mansoor Khan

CTD Preparation Group 1st Grand Test
Multiple Choice Questions
Counter Terrorist Department Sargent (16) + Corporal (14) (M/F)
English Grammar, General knowledge, Everyday Science, Current Affairs, Pak Affairs
Total Marks: 100 February 07, 2022 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Note: These Questions are prepared by Mansoor Khan
(Admin) according to the past papers of Balochistan
Public Service Commission.

Current Affairs 70 MCQS

1. Imran Khan launched the Naya Pakistan Qaumi Sehat Card scheme on:
A. 23-01-2022 B. 24-01-2022 C. 25-01-2022 D. 26-01-2022 E. 27-01-2022
2. Who becomes the first female Judge of the Supreme Court of Pakistan?
A. Justice Ayesha Malik B. Justice Syeda Tahira Safdar C. Justice Ashraf Jahan D. None of these
3. In Which Province was Abdul Sattar Edhi’s statue installed?
A. Balochistan B. Punjab C. Sindh D. Karachi
4. In which country squash legend Azam Khan died of COVID-19 at the age of 95?
A. England B. America C. New Zealand D. Japan
5. In which city Pakistan’s First Commercial Court inaugurated?
A. Islamabad B. Lahore C. Karachi D. Peshawar
6. In which city PM Imran Khan to launch the tourist project 'Al-Beruni Radius'?
A. Jhelum B. Rawalpindi C. Murree D. None of these
7. In which City Prime minister Imran Khan inaugurated Pakistan’s new private airline AirSial on 9th December 2020?
A. Lahore B. Islamabad C. Sailkot D. None of these
8. In the PSL histry _________ only team not PSL champion?
A. Peshawar zalmi B. Multan Sultan C. Lahore Qalandars D. Islamabad United
9. Inter provincial coordination minister
A. Fahmida mirza B. Hina Rubani C. Shafqat Mehmood D. None
10. In Pakistan, most trades occur by which means?
A. Cargo ships B. By road C. By aero plane D. By Railway
11. In October 2017, which county declared that the trade agreement with Pakistan has been expired____?
A. India B. Japan C. USA D. Afghanistan
12. In July-2021, Pakistan received 2.5 million doses of Modern Vaccine from which country?
A. USA B. China C. India D. Russia
13. Which of the following current Chief Minister of Sindh?
A. Qaim Ali Shah B. Jam Mir Kamal Khan C. Syed Murad Ali Shah D. Abdul Quddus Bizenjo
14. Imran Khan delivered his historical speech at the 74th UN general assembly on ______?
A. 27th September B. 28th September C. 29th September D. None of the above
15. Imran Khan is _____ in the history of Pakistan who has sought for a 'voluntary' vote of confidence.
A. First B. Second C. Third D. Forth
16. Imran Khan visited Bahrain first time after assuming Prime minister office on_________?
A. 12 December 2019 B. 16 December 2019 C. 10 January 2020 D. None of these
17. Who is the current captain of Pakistan women's cricket team ?
A. Bisma Maroof B. Sana Mir C. Javeria Khan D. None of the above
18. State Bank of Pakistan responsibility :
A. Implement taxes B. Lending businesses C. implement monetary policy D. None of these
19. Who is the Current Governor Sindh is
A. Iqbal Zafar Jhagra B. Shah Farman C. Justice (retd) Amanullah Khan Yasinzai D. Imran Ismail
20. Who is the Current Governor of Punjab is
A. Justice (retd) Amanullah Khan Yasinzai B. Chaudhry Sarwar C. Shah Farman D. Malik Rafiq Rajwana
21. Who is the Current Governor of Balochistan?
A. Muhammad Achakzai B. Owais Ahmed Ghani C. Amanullah Yasinzai D. Syed Zahoor Ahmad Agha
22. Who is the Present Governor of khyber pakhtunkhwa (KPK)?
A. Justice (retd) Amanullah Khan Yasinzai B. Shah Farman C. Shaukatullah Khan D. Iqbal Zafar Jhagra

Www.Facebook.Com/Thalwaal.Pk Whatsapp: 03151039064 Prepared By: Mansoor Khan

CTD Preparation Group 1st Grand Test
Multiple Choice Questions
Counter Terrorist Department Sargent (16) + Corporal (14) (M/F)
English Grammar, General knowledge, Everyday Science, Current Affairs, Pak Affairs
Total Marks: 100 February 07, 2022 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Note: These Questions are prepared by Mansoor Khan
(Admin) according to the past papers of Balochistan
Public Service Commission.

23. Current Governor of Punjab is __________?

A. Chaudhry Sarwar B. Salman Taseer C. Shehbaz Sharif D. Malik Rafiq Rajwana

24. Pakistan’s passport has been ranked as the ____ worst passport for international travel in 2022 by Henley Passport Index.
A. Second B. Third C. Fourth D. Fifth E. Sixth
25. What is the rank of Pakistan on the list of TB high-burden nations 2021?
A. Third B. Fourth C. Fifth D. Sixth E. Ninth
26. What is the rank of Pakistan in Global Firepower Index 2022?
A. 8th B. 9th C. 10th D. 11th E. 12th
27. What is the rank of Pakistan in Transparency International's latest Corruption Perceptions Index 2021?
A. 110 B. 120 C. 130 D. 140 E. 150
28. Global Economic Prospects report 2022, by the World Bank forecasts _______% growth rate for Pakistan in the current fiscal year
A. 3.4% B. 4.1% C. 3.8% D. 3.9% E. 3.7%
29. Which Central Bank Won the IFN global award 2021 for promoting Islamic Finance across the world?
A. State Bank of Pakistan B. Bank Negara Malaysia C. Saudi Central Bank D. RBI India E. None of these
30. ___________ citizens killed in Pakistan over blasphemy allegations from 1947 to 2021.
A. 89 B. 189 C. 289 D. 389 E. 489
31. How much money did NAB recover from corrupt elements from 1999 to 2021?
A. Rs 700 billion B. Rs 714 billion C. Rs 754 billion D. None of these
32. How much money did NAB recover from corrupt elements in the previous three years?
A. Rs617 billion. B. Rs327 billion. C. Rs487 billion. D. Rs327 billion. E. None of these
33. How many votes needs by Pakistan to exist from FATF gray list ?
A. 15 B. 12 C. 20 D. 14
34. How many Pakistanis among "world’s top 100 Outstanding Women Nurses and Midwives" for year 2020?
A. Four B. Five C. Seven D. Eight
35. How many Pakistanis made a name in Sci-tech in 2020?
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6
36. What is the rank of Pakistan in Henley Passport Index 2022?
A. 108 B. 109 C. 110 D. 111 E. 112
37. Which International Organization has recognized Ehsaas Emergency Cash among the top 4 social protection interventions?
A. IMF B. World Bank C. ADB D. All of these
38. Which of the following has been declared 'Person of the Decade' in 2021?
A. Abdul Sattar Edhi B. Bilquis Edhi C. Faisal Edhi D. All of these
39. Which Pakistani student secures the ‘Young Scientist Award 2021’ in Biotechnology from 121 countries students around the
A. Hassan Saleem B. Umair Masood C. Umair Khalid D. Umair Yaseen
40. What is annually per capita sugar consumption in Pakistan
A. 20 kg B. 25 kg C. 15 kg D. None
41. Which university is ranked first in Pakistan, according to QS University Rankings Of Asia?
A. Quaid e Azam University B. Iqra University Karachi C. Institute Of Business Administration Karachi D. NUST
42. Who became the first Pakistani selected for Anti Nuclear Weapon Academy?
A. Mehwish Durrani B. Mazhar Iqbal C. Komal Ali Shah D. Mehreen Aftab
43. What is the rank of Pakistan in the Global Health Security Index 2021?
A. 122 B. 133 C. 130 D. 150

Www.Facebook.Com/Thalwaal.Pk Whatsapp: 03151039064 Prepared By: Mansoor Khan

CTD Preparation Group 1st Grand Test
Multiple Choice Questions
Counter Terrorist Department Sargent (16) + Corporal (14) (M/F)
English Grammar, General knowledge, Everyday Science, Current Affairs, Pak Affairs
Total Marks: 100 February 07, 2022 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Note: These Questions are prepared by Mansoor Khan
(Admin) according to the past papers of Balochistan
Public Service Commission.

44. Recently Karachi Fell to which position on crime index out of 300 Global cities :
A. 105th B. 110th C. 115th D. 120th
45. Pakistan is among _________ nations committed to reversing deforestation?
A. 100 B. 120 C. 130 D. 133
46. What is the rank of Pakistan in "TRACE Global Bribery Risk ranking 2021"?
A. 140 out of 194 countries B. 150 out of 194 countries C. 156 out of 194 countries
D. 180 out of 194 countries
47. According to Health officials and medical scientists ____ % of people in the country suffer from obesity in Pakistan?
A. 50 B. 65 C. 75 D. 80
48. Which City of Pakistan is ranked for Poor Air Quality in the World?
A. Karachi B. Faisalabad C. Lahore D. None of these
49. Pakistan ranked on CPJ’s 2021 Global Impunity Index?
A. Fifth B. Sixth C. Ninth D. Eleventh
50. What is the number of Pakistan in the world according to Population?
A. 4th B. 5th C. 6th D. 7th
51. Pakistan Ranked as The ______ Worst Passport for International Travel by the Henley Passport Index 2021?
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6
52. According to Henley Passport Index 2021, The Pakistani passport has been ranked as the _______ world’s powerful passport for
international travellers?
A. 90 out of 110 B. 100 out of 110 C. 113 out of 116 D. 107 out of 110
53. What is the rank of Pakistan in the Global Food Security (GFS) Index 2021?
A. 60 out of 113 B. 65 out of 113 C. 75 out of 113 D. 80 out of 113
54. Which is the biggest district of Pakistan by population?
[A] Lahore [B] Karachi [C] Quetta [D] Peshawar
55. Who is the Taliban supreme leader?
[A] Wakil Ahmed Muttawakil [B] Haibatullah Akhundzada [C] Qari Ahmadullah [D] Abdul Ghani Baradar
56. Which country is set to start ‘Knock Every Door’ campaign to boost vaccination?
[A] China [B] India [C] Indonesia [D] USA
57. As per a recent NASA study on Climate change, which crop is set to see a growth of 17% due to climate change?
[A] Rice [B] Wheat [C] Maize [D] Cotton
58. ‘Matalafi’, a traditional plant which is found to rival ibuprofen, is seen in which country?
[A] Thailand [B] Samoa [C] Singapore [D] China
59. Inti tanager (Heliothraupis oneilli), a recently discovered species is a?
[A] Bird [B] Fish [C] Snake [D] Spider
60. Wang Yaping is the first Astronaut of which country to walk in space?
[A] Israel [B] China [C] UAE [D] Japan
61. Which country has launched a ship named after a gay rights activist Harvey Milk?
[A] Russia [B] USA [C] Germany [D] Norway
62. Pakistan-origin Sadiq Khan re-elected mayor of _______ for a second term
a. London b. Birmingham c. Bristol d. Manchester
63. Saudi Arabia agreed to finance the construction of 80-kanal Jamia Masjid King Salman bin Abdul Aziz in _______?
a. Quetta b. Karachi c. Islamabad d. Lahore
64. Pakistan`s first-ever doctorate in nursing has been awarded to ______
a. Ms.Fouzia Mushtaq b. Dr Rozina Karmaliani c. Samina Vertejee d. Khairulnissa Ajani
65. On May 1, 2021 Punjab raises workers` minimum wage to Rs ______
a. 18500 b. 19000 c. 20000 d. 20500

Www.Facebook.Com/Thalwaal.Pk Whatsapp: 03151039064 Prepared By: Mansoor Khan

CTD Preparation Group 1st Grand Test
Multiple Choice Questions
Counter Terrorist Department Sargent (16) + Corporal (14) (M/F)
English Grammar, General knowledge, Everyday Science, Current Affairs, Pak Affairs
Total Marks: 100 February 07, 2022 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Note: These Questions are prepared by Mansoor Khan
(Admin) according to the past papers of Balochistan
Public Service Commission.

66. Recently PTA helps which country with mobile number portability?
a. Afghanistan b. Iran c. Nepal d. Sri Lanka
67. Israel accepts which Arab country’s proposal for Gaza `ceasefire`?
a. Saudi Arabia b. Jordan c. Iran d. Egypt
68. Google’s first-ever physical retail store set to be open in ________?
a. London b. New York c. Los Angeles d. Washington D.C
69. Pakistan Air Force hands over three JF-17 Thunder jets to ______
a. Nigeria b. Libya c. Niger d. Algeria
70. The capital of Canada is ______.
a. Montreal b. Vancouver c. Toronto d. Ottawa

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