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Cement and Concrete Research 107 (2018) 124–135

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Investigation of the calcined kaolinite content on the hydration of Limestone
Calcined Clay Cement (LC3)
François Avet , Karen Scrivener

Laboratory of Construction Materials, IMX, EPFL, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland


This study presents the influence of the calcined kaolinite content of calcined clays on the hydration of
Limestone Calcined Clay Cements containing 50% of clinker (LC3-50). Above a calcined kaolinite content of 65%
in calcined clay, further reaction of clinker is inhibited from 3 days onwards. Detail investigation indicates that
this slowing down of clinker hydration is related to a significant refinement of pore connectivity. A limiting
critical pore entry radius of 3–5 nm is reached, from which the porosity does not get further refined. The higher
the calcined kaolinite content, the faster this refinement limit is reached. The formation of carboaluminate
hydrates is also limited after reaching this refinement limit. As a consequence, the on-going reaction of meta-
kaolin impacts C-A-S-H, mainly affecting gel porosity, which is not well characterized by MIP.

1. Introduction have used fairly pure metakaolin [19–21], but such materials are not
very interesting from an economic point of view as they typically cost
Limestone Calcined Clay Cements (LC3)1 are a promising approach around 3 times the price of Portland cement. There is little information
to producing cement with lower environmental impact [1–3]. The available about calcined clays with lower calcined kaolinite content,
amounts of traditional SCMs such as fly ash or slag are limited com- which have a much higher potential as clinker substitutes. Thus, the
pared to the amount of cement produced and most suitable materials goal of this study is to investigate the influence of the calcined kaolinite
are already used in composite cements or concrete [4]. LC3 combines content of calcined clay on the hydration of LC3 blends in terms of
two widely available materials to substitute clinker: calcined kaolinitic kinetics of hydration and microstructural development.
clays and limestone. Calcined kaolinitic clays show the highest pozzo- The results presented here depend on the ability to quantify the
lanic potential among the different classes of clays [5–8]. Clinker amount of calcined clay reacted. A detailed comparison of different
content can be reduced to 50% in LC3-50, and a linear correlation is methods is presented in a companion paper [22]. Here we use the best
found between strength and calcined kaolinite content for LC3-50 method based on mass balance calculation.
blends in EN standard mortar testing [9]. From 40% of calcined kao-
linite, higher strengths than reference Portland cement (OPC) can be 2. Materials and methods
obtained from 7 days onwards, independent of calcined clay fineness,
specific surface or secondary phases. 2.1. Kaolinitic clays
The reactivity of calcined kaolinitic clays comes from the formation
of metakaolin during the thermal activation of raw clays [6,10–12]. Seven kaolinitic clays with various compositions from different
Metakaolin reacts as pozzolanic material with portlandite, water and sources around the world2 were studied. The clays were first dried for
sulfate to form C-A-S-H, ettringite and AFm phases [13,14]. When 24 h and then ground using a disc mill for 1 min (Siebtechnik TS250).
limestone is added to Portland cement, calcite reacts with C3A from The kaolinite content of the raw clays was determined by Thermo-
clinker to form hemi- and monocarboaluminate phases [15–17]. In LC3, gravimetric Analysis (TGA) using the tangent method [23]. The tangent
aluminate from the metakaolin also reacts with calcite and enhances method permits to minimize the influence of illite or muscovite present
the formation of carboaluminate phases [18]. as secondary phases in the clay on the quantification of kaolinite. The
Most previous studies on the impact of metakaolin on hydration dehydroxylation of kaolinite occurs from 400 °C to 600 °C [6,11,24,25].

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (F. Avet).
LC3: Limestone Calcined Clay Cement:
Only regional details can be given due to confidential agreement with clay suppliers.

Available online 22 February 2018

Received 22 August 2017; Received in revised form 5 January 2018; Accepted 12 February 2018

0008-8846/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

F. Avet, K. Scrivener Cement and Concrete Research 107 (2018) 124–135

From the mass loss during dehydroxylation wt%kaol-OH, the kaolinite Table 2
content wt%kaolinite is calculated according to Eq. (1), where Mkaolinite Cement phase composition measured by XRD-Rietveld method.
and Mwater are the molecular weights of kaolinite and water, respec-
Clinker Content (%) Clinker Content (%)
C3S 64.6 Periclase 0.8
wt%kaolinite = wt%kaol‐OH C2S 5.2 Arcanite 1.7
2Mwater (1) C3A cub. 2.2 Anhydrite 5.9
C3A orth. 5.0 Lime 0.3
The calcination of the raw clays was either done at EPFL for 1 h at C4AF 13.8 Aphthitalite 0.5
800 °C, about 1 kg per batch in alumina crucibles in a high-temperature
furnace (Borel FP 1100) or by external companies using flash or static
calcination. The calcination protocol at 800 °C for 1 h was used to Table 3
prevent incomplete calcination, as well as to get optimal pozzolanic Mix composition of PC and LC3-50 blends.

reactivity of calcined clay [6,26–28].

Composition (%) Cement Calcined clay Limestone Gypsum
In order to assess the calcination efficiency, TGA was also run on the addition
calcined clays. Since some of clays calcined by the external companies Clinker Anhydrite
were not completely dehydroxylated, the term calcined kaolinite is de-
PC 94.1 5.9 – – –
fined in Eq. (2) as the difference of kaolinite between raw and calcined
LC3-50 50.7 3.2 29.4 14.7 2.0
clays to only consider the part of kaolinite which was dehydroxylated
during calcination. Since the total mass of calcined clay is not the same
as the mass of raw clay due to the evaporation of water, the amount of sulfate content for a plain Portland cement hydration. For LC3-50
unreacted kaolinite in the calcined clay has to be normalized based on blends, the addition of 2% extra gypsum (Acros, 98+ grade) was
the remaining water loss in the calcined clay wt%kaol-OH, calcined. needed to avoid undersulfation, as detailed in [18]. The total SO3 re-
mains below 3.5% as defined in EN 197-1 standard [29]. The mix
wt%calcined kaolinite = wt%kaolinite
composition of the LC3-50 blends is shown in Table 3.
Mkaolinite 100−wt %kaol‐ OH ,calcined
− wt%kaol‐OH,calcined Pastes were cast using a water to binder ratio of 0.4. To ensure
2Mwater 100 comparable workability to PC, polycarboxylate superplasticizer was
(2) used in LC3-50 pastes (max 1.4 wt% of total solid mass). The pastes
For all the calcined clays, the calcined kaolinite content is indicated were mixed for 2 min at 1600 rpm, and then sealed cured at 20 °C until
in Table 1, as well as the XRF chemical composition, the Dv,50 measured tested.
by Malvern laser diffraction and the specific surface measured by ni- The heat release during hydration was measured in an isothermal
trogen adsorption using the BET model. Quartz was used as inert ma- calorimeter (TAM Air) for 28 days. 10 g of paste was poured in a glass
terial to simulate a calcined clay with 0% of calcined kaolinite. Char- ampoule, which was then sealed and put in the calorimeter. X-Ray
acteristics of cement and limestone used in this study are also shown in diffraction (XRD) measurements combined with the Rietveld refine-
Table 1. The Portland cement (PC) used was a commercial CEM I 42.5 R ment method were carried out on freshly cut slices at 1, 3, 7, 14, 28 and
from Heidelberg Cement (phase composition in Table 2), the limestone 90 days to quantify the main crystalline phases present and to de-
used was Durcal 5, from Omya Company. termine the degree of hydration of clinker in the different systems. The
slices were analysed in Bragg-Brentano mode with a X'Pert PANalytical
diffractometer with CuKα source operated at 45 kV and 40 mA. Samples
2.2. Microstructure study on pastes were scanned from 5 to 70°2θ with a step size of 0.0167°2θ using a
X'Celerator detector, resulting in an equivalent time per step of 30 s.
Pastes were made of the reference PC alone and LC3-50, where 50 Rutile was used as external standard.
refers to the clinker content. 30 parts of calcined clay and 15 parts of For TGA, Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry (MIP) and Scanning
limestone are used. The cement used in this study contains an optimized

Table 1
XRF compositions and main characteristics of calcined clays, cement and limestone.

Calcined clay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Quartz Cement Limestone

Origin of clay North America South Asia South America South-east Asia North America South America South Asia

Calcination Flash Furnace Flash Furnace Furnace Furnace Furnace

Calcined kaolinite content (%) 95.0 79.4 66.2 50.3 38.9 35.0 17.0 0 – –
Dv,50 (μm) 5.1 5.3 4.0 10.9 8.5 23.5 5.9 11.2 8.4 7.2
BET specific surface (m2/g) 9.6 15.3 12.9 45.7 23.1 18.5 18.7 1.2 0.9 1.8
XRF compositions (%)
SiO2 52.0 51.8 50.3 44.9 54.7 67.6 68.4 99.8 19.3 0.1
Al2O3 43.8 42.4 42.7 32.3 26.8 22.6 17.5 – 5.7 –
Fe2O3 0.3 1.9 0.6 15.4 13.6 6.1 8.9 – 3.6 –
CaO – 0.1 – 1.3 0.3 0.5 0.6 – 63.6 55.0
MgO – 0.1 – 0.8 1.0 – 0.7 – 1.6 0.2
SO3 0.1 – – 0.1 – – – – 3.2 –
Na2O 0.3 0.1 – 0.4 – – 0.1 – 0.2 0.1
K2O 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.3 2.3 0.1 1.2 –
TiO2 1.5 2.4 1.8 2.4 1.1 1.5 0.8 – 0.3 –
P2O5 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.4 – – 0.1 – 0.2 –
MnO – – – 0.1 – – 0.1 – 0.1 –
Others 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 – – 0.2 – 0.3 –
LOI 1.5 1.0 3.6 1.7 1.9 1.4 0.5 0.1 0.8 42.6

F. Avet, K. Scrivener Cement and Concrete Research 107 (2018) 124–135

Electron Microscopy (SEM), isopropanol was used to stop hydration. calcined clay significantly affects the intensity of the aluminate peak.
The solvent was changed after 1 h, 1 day and 3 days. Samples were then The intensity of the peak increases with the calcined kaolinite content.
stored in a desiccator under vacuum for at least 3 days. TGA was used to In addition to the filler effect, this heat increase can be explained by the
quantify the portlandite content using the tangent method [23]. Bound beginning of the metakaolin reaction with portlandite, as further dis-
water was obtained from the mass loss from 30 °C to approx. 550 °C. cussed in the paper.
50 mg of powdered sample was analysed using Mettler Toledo TGA/ The cumulative heat released is shown in Fig. 2 per gram of solid (a)
SDTA 851 balance with a heating rate of 10 °C/min from 30 °C to and per gram of clinker (b). For the LC3-50 blends, the difference of
1000 °C under constant nitrogen flow of 30 mL/min. To compare XRD heat release between LC3-50 (0%) blend and the two other LC3-50
on fresh slices and TGA on dried samples, data are normalized per 100 g blends can be attributed to the reaction of metakaolin. The highest heat
of anhydrous in Eqs. (3) and (4), as reported in [23], using the water to is released by the blend with the highest calcined kaolinite content at
binder ratio w/b and the amount of bound water H2Obound. early ages (< ~150 h). However, after approximately 3 days, the rate
of heat increase significantly slows down for this system, and from
Fresh slice XRD wt%rescaled = wt%Rietveld × ⎛1 + ⎞ 5 days onwards, the cumulative heat is lower than for the blend with
⎝ b⎠ (3)
50.3% of calcined kaolinite in the calcined clay.
Dried powder TGA wt%rescaled =
1–H2 Obound (4) 3.2. Determination of clinker hydration degree

To characterize the porosity, MIP was used. MIP gives reliable in-
The degree of hydration (DoH) of clinker was determined by XRD-
formation concerning the capillary porosity if the samples are prepared
Rietveld according to Eq. (5):
by solvent exchange with isopropanol. A contact angle of 120° was used
between mercury and paste. Müller showed that 120° gives better DoHclinker, t
agreement with pore sizes calculated by 1H NMR than 140° [30]. Paste ∑ (C3 S + C2 S + C3 A + C4 AF )i − ∑ (C3 S + C2 S + C3 A + C4 AF )t ⎞
pieces of about 4 × 4 × 4 mm3 were cut to get 1 g for MIP experiments = ⎛⎜ ⎟

⎝ ∑ (C3 S + C2 S + C3 A + C4 AF )i ⎠
carried out with Porotec Pascal 140 and 440 devices.
To observe the microstructure, FEI Quanta 200 SEM was used with
an accelerating voltage of 15 kV on polished cross-sections, with a The DoH is higher for LC -50 (0%) and (50.3%) than the PC re-
working distance of 12.5 mm, and a spot size adjusted to get a current ference, as shown in Fig. 3(a), due to the filler effect of calcined clay
of approx. 0.8 nA. The determination of C-A-S-H composition was ob- and limestone. For LC3-50 (95.0%), the hydration degree of clinker is
tained by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS) on 200 points also higher than PC at early age. However, it becomes almost constant
per sample per age according to the method of Rossen [31]. Inner from 3 days onwards, whereas the hydration degree of PC, LC3-50 (0%)
products were sampled to minimize intermixing with other phases and (50.3%) blends keeps increasing with time. This indicates a sig-
present in the microstructure. Similar composition could be obtained nificant slowing down of clinker hydration.
pointing outer products but the higher intermixing makes the de- The DoH is plotted as a function of the calcined kaolinite content for
termination of the C-A-S-H composition less accurate. all the clays at 1, 3 and 28 days of hydration in Fig. 3(b). At 28 days, the
In order to track the changes of pH and pore solution composition, clinker DoH decreases with the calcined kaolinite content of calcined
the pore solution was obtained by mechanical squeezing at 800 kN for clays. Above a calcined kaolinite content of about 65% there is almost
samples cured for 28 days of hydration. The solution was then filtered no increase in the clinker DoH between 3 days and 28 days. For blends
using 0.45 μm filter. To limit precipitation, the extracted liquid was with ≤65% of calcined kaolinite, hydration continues and the clinker
then diluted and acidified in a HNO3 solution with a 1:9 ratio. The ionic DoH keeps increasing with time. The trends observed for the different
concentrations were obtained using inductively coupled plasma optical systems are mainly due to differences in the degree of reaction of C3S,
emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES, Shimadzu ICPE 9000). Al, Ca, Na, K, whereas the amount of unreacted C2S is globally similar for all LC3-50
Si, Fe, Mg and OH– were quantified. blends.
Relative humidity measurements were carried out using Rotronic
chambers equipped with high-precision relative humidity sensors. 3.3. Characterization of metakaolin reaction
Sensors were calibrated before and after testing with salt solutions of
known relative humidity from 97.6% to 75.5% (using K2SO4, KNO3, KCl Fig. 4(a) shows the portlandite content normalized per gram of
and NaCl). Circulating water around the sample holder ensured con- clinker obtained by TGA. The results for LC3-50 (0%) demonstrate the
stant temperature of 20 °C. Samples pieces of 4–8 mm were cut at filler effect whereby the clinker reaction is enhanced. By comparison, it
0.6 day of hydration and sealed in the RH chambers. The RH was is evident that a significant amount of portlandite has already been
continuously monitored for 28 days. consumed at 24 h of hydration for LC3-50 (50.3%) and (95.0%). At
90 days of hydration, there is still some portlandite remaining even for
3. Results LC3-50 (95.0%).
Fig. 4(b) shows this portlandite consumption per gram of clinker at
3.1. Kinetics of hydration 1, 3 and 28 days for the different LC3-50 blends. For all ages, the por-
tlandite content decreases with the calcined kaolinite content. How-
The heat release during the first days of hydration is shown in Fig. 1 ever, above a calcined kaolinite content of about 65% the differences
per gram of solid (a) and per gram of clinker (b) for PC and LC3-50 are not significant.
(0%), (50.3%) and (95.0%). Not all the clay systems are shown for Table 4 shows the incorporation of silicon and aluminium in C-A-S-
better clarity but the range of calcined kaolinite contents is covered. H due to metakaolin reaction at 3 and 28 days for LC3-50 (17.0%),
The dormant period is slightly delayed for LC3-50 blends due to the (50.3%) and (95.0%) compared with PC. The aluminium incorporation
addition of superplasticizer. The delay tends to increase with the cal- in C-A-S-H increases with the calcined kaolinite content whereas silicon
cined kaolinite content, due to the higher content of superplasticizer incorporation is similar, but higher than PC. The increase of the alu-
needed. The hydration of C3S is enhanced for LC3-50 blends due to the minium incorporation is quite small for the LC3-50 (50.3%) compared
filler effect of calcined clay (quartz for LC3-50 (0%)) and limestone, as with the LC3-50 (17.0%) and PC but a larger increase is observed for the
shown by the higher slope and intensity of the silicate peak. Moreover, LC3-50 (95.0%) system. Moreover, the increase of the Al/Ca ratio from

F. Avet, K. Scrivener Cement and Concrete Research 107 (2018) 124–135

Fig. 1. Heat release per gram of solid (a) and normalized per gram of clinker (b) for PC, LC3-50 (0%), (50.3%) and (95.0%).

Fig. 2. Cumulative heat released per gram of solid (a) and normalized per gram of clinker (b) for PC, LC3-50 (50.3%) and (95.0%).

3 to 28 days is also the highest for the LC3-50 (95.0%) system. Fig. 5 3.4. Determination of the amount of reacted metakaolin
shows the change in C-A-S-H composition at 28 days. The small co-
loured symbols represent all the points analysed for each system, and The amount of reacted metakaolin is estimated by mass balance,
the large symbols show the composition of the “pure” C-A-S-H (least adapted from Durdzinski [32] and detailed in the complementary ar-
intermixed). More intermixing with metakaolin and Ca bearing hy- ticle on the quantification methods [22]. The consumption of clinker
dration products (ettringite and carboaluminates) is observed for LC3- phases, limestone and gypsum is used as input to predict the phase
50 (95.0%). assemblage. The amount of reacted metakaolin is determined by

Fig. 3. Degree of Hydration (DoH) of clinker determined by Rietveld analysis as a function of time (a) and of the calcined kaolinite content (b).

F. Avet, K. Scrivener Cement and Concrete Research 107 (2018) 124–135

Fig. 4. Portlandite quantification by TGA as a function of time (a) and of the calcined kaolinite content (b).

Table 4 3.5. Porosity characterization

Al/Ca and Si/Ca atomic ratios of C-A-S-H at 3 and 28 days.
Fig. 7(a) and (b) shows MIP results at 3 days and 28 days of hy-
3 days 28 days
dration, respectively. At 3 days of hydration, the connectivity of por-
± 0.015 Al/Ca Si/Ca Al/Ca Si/Ca osity for LC3-50 blends containing calcined clay with > 65% of calcined
kaolinite is significantly refined compared with PC. SEM pictures of the
PC 0.06 0.52 0.06 0.51
microstructure at 3 days in Fig. 8 also show a much denser micro-
LC3-50 (17.0%) 0.06 0.56 0.07 0.63
LC3-50 (50.3%) 0.08 0.56 0.13 0.67 structure for LC3-50 (95.0%), whereas more porosity can be seen for PC
LC3-50 (95.0%) 0.16 0.57 0.26 0.67 and LC3-50 (50.3%). At 28 days, MIP results show that all LC3-50 blends
except quartz blend have a finer pore connectivity than PC as indicated
by the smaller breakthrough pore entry radius where the intrusion of
mercury starts to increase significantly. SEM pictures in Fig. 9 show a
much denser microstructure for LC3-50 (50.3%) and (95.0%) than PC.
There is a difference in the kinetics of pore refinement depending on
the calcined kaolinite content: the porosity is already well-refined for
blends containing > 65% of calcined kaolinite in calcined clay at
3 days, and no major further refinement occurs later on, whereas LC3-
50 blends with ≤50% of calcined kaolinite show significant refinement
between 3 and 28 days.

3.5.1. Hydration products

XRD patterns at 1, 28 and 90 days of hydration for PC and LC3-50
blends are shown in Fig. 10(a), (b) and (c), respectively. At 1 day of
hydration, a similar amount of ettringite is observed for the reference
PC and for the blends. At 28 and 90 days, a slightly higher AFt content
is observed for LC3-50 blends compared with the PC, because limestone
reacts with the additional alumina and avoids dissolution of ettringite
to give the amorphous monosulfate phase [15,33]. Thus, despite the
slightly higher initial sulfate content for PC than LC3-50 blends, the
ettringite content is slightly higher for LC3-50 blends than for PC at late
Fig. 5. SEM-EDX of Al/Ca as a function of Si/Ca at 28 days of hydration for PC, LC3-50 The quantitative analyses of ettringite are shown in Fig. 11 at 1, 3
(17.0%), (50.3%) and (95.0%).
and 28 days of hydration. The ettringite content does not significantly
vary with the calcined kaolinite content as it is related to the initial
iteration, by comparing for each metakaolin increment the predicted sulfate content which is constant.
portlandite content with experimental XRD/TGA results. The presence of limestone contributes to the formation of hemi-
The amount of reacted metakaolin is shown as a function of time in carboaluminate and monocarboaluminate phases, as shown at 28 and
Fig. 6(a) for the LC3-50 (17.0%), (50.3%) and (95.0%). The amount of 90 days in Fig. 10. In contrast to the study of Antoni et al. [18], none or
reacted metakaolin increases with time. There is no slowing down of small traces of carboaluminate phases are observed at 1 day of hydra-
reaction from 3 days onwards for the LC3-50 (95.0%) blend, as observed tion, because of the gypsum optimization in this study. The formation of
for the hydration of clinker. The amount of reacted metakaolin as a carboaluminate hydrates starts after sulfate depletion, as shown in
function of the calcined kaolinite content in Fig. 6(b) increases with the [16,34]. At 28 and 90 days, hemicarboaluminate and mono-
calcined kaolinite content of calcined clays until 65% of calcined kao- carboaluminate coexist for LC3-50 containing ≤50% of calcined kao-
linite. Above this content, the amount of reacted metakaolin is very linite in the calcined clay. Monocarboaluminate is slightly more stable
similar for LC3-50 blends at 1 and 3 days, with a slightly higher amount thermodynamically, which explains the progressive transformation
for the LC3-50 (95.0%) at 28 days. from 28 to 90 days, but the kinetics of formation are faster for

F. Avet, K. Scrivener Cement and Concrete Research 107 (2018) 124–135

Fig. 6. Amount of reacted metakaolin as a function of time (a) and of the calcined kaolinite content (b).

hemicarboaluminate [34]. However, with the increase of calcined

kaolinite content, the amount of available aluminate increases, which
seems to favour the formation of hemicarboaluminate rather than
monocarboaluminate [35].
The quantitative analysis of the sum of these phases is shown by
volume in Fig. 12. The content of these phases increases until 50% of
calcined kaolinite. The enhancement of carboaluminate formation is
made possible by the extra aluminate provided by the metakaolin in
calcined clay. For LC3-50 blends containing > 50% of calcined kaolinite
in calcined clay, the amount of carboaluminate hydrates is similar from
3 days onwards. The explanation for this limitation of the formation of
carboaluminate hydrates is detailed in the discussion part.
Finally, XRD patterns at 90 days of hydration were carried out from
5° to investigate the possibility of observing strätlingite at late ages in
LC3-50 blends. Fig. 10(c) shows that there is no evidence of strätlingite,
even for LC3-50 blends with a limited formation of carboaluminate

3.5.2. Pore solution extraction

The concentrations of calcium, silicon and aluminium and the pH of
the pore solution at 28 days are shown in Fig. 13. Calcium concentra-
tion globally decreases with the calcined kaolinite content due to the
pozzolanic reaction involving the consumption of portlandite and
change in composition of the C-A-S-H. The silicon concentration re-
mains constant for all the blends. The aluminium concentration in-
creases with the calcined kaolinite content until reaching a value of
about 3 mM for blends containing clays with > 65% of calcined kaoli-
nite. The values of pH slightly decrease with the calcined kaolinite
content, due to the alkali incorporation in hydration products of me-
takaolin reaction. All pH values are higher than 13.0.

4. Discussion

4.1. Slowing down of clinker hydration

4.1.1. Relative humidity measurements

The measurements of relative humidity were carried out in order to
investigate if the slowing down of clinker hydration for LC3-50 con-
taining > 65% of calcined kaolinite could be due a stronger decrease in
relative humidity due to reaction of metakaolin. Relative humidity re-
sults are shown in Fig. 14 for PC, and LC3-50 (50.3%) and LC3-50
(95.0%). LC3-50 (95.0%) shows that the decrease of relative humidity is
in fact LESS in the systems containing metakaolin and does not decrease
much after 5 days. The relative humidity value at 28 days is 96.6%. For
LC3-50 (50.3%), the relative humidity keeps decreasing until 28 days of
Fig. 7. Porosity observed by MIP for PC and LC3-50 blends at 3 days (a) and 28 days (b).
hydration, reaching a value of 91.8% at 28 days. These results indicate
that the lack of available water is not the reason for the slowing down of

F. Avet, K. Scrivener Cement and Concrete Research 107 (2018) 124–135

Fig. 8. SEM pictures of PC, LC3-50 (50.3%) and (95.0%) at 3 days of hydration for 1500× and 5000× magnifications.

clinker hydration for LC3-50 systems with > 65% of calcined kaolinite. 65% of calcined kaolinite from the calcined clay. Moreover, at 28 days
of hydration, all the LC3-50 blends containing at least 40% of calcined
4.1.2. Sulfate adjustment for LC3-50 (95.0%) kaolinite show a similar critical pore entry radius of approximately 3 to
An inadequate sulfate adjustment, i.e. undersulfation, could also 5 nm. There is no further refinement of the porosity. This limit of re-
lead to a slowing down of clinker hydration. As mentioned in the mix finement is slightly lower than the results of Berodier [36], due to the
design composition, an extra 2% sulfate was added for all LC3-50 different contact angles used between mercury and cement paste (140°
blends. The system with the highest aluminate content is the LC3-50 versus 120° in this study).
(95.0%) with the highest-grade calcined clay. In order to make sure that The reason for such a limiting critical pore entry radius could be the
the sulfate adjustment of 2% is sufficient and that lack of sulfate is not increase of supersaturation level needed for further hydrate growth to
responsible for the slowing down of clinker hydration, two more sys- occur with the decrease of pore size, as already observed in our pre-
tems were cast with 3% and 4% of gypsum addition. The DoH of clinker vious studies of cementitious materials [36,37]. Eq. (6) shows that as
is shown in Fig. 15 for the three LC3-50 (95.0%) and very similar values the pore size, r, goes down, the curvature at the solid/liquid interface
are obtained, i.e. the hydration of clinker is significantly slowed down increases, and the saturation index SI must increase as well for further
from 3 days onwards. Thus, undersulfation is not the reason for the hydrate growth [38,39]. K refers to the ion activity product, Ksp is the
slowing down of clinker hydration. solubility product of the hydrate growing in the pore. R refers to the gas
constant, T is the temperature, Vm is the molar volume of the hydration
product growing in the pore. γ is the interfacial energy between the
4.1.3. Porosity refinement
hydration product and the solution.
From results in Fig. 7, the critical pore entry radius of the connected
pore network is shown in Fig. 16. The critical pore entry radius is de- RT RT ⎛ K ⎞ 2γ
fined as the inflexion point of the cumulative curve (or the maximum of ln(10SI) = ln⎜ ⎟ =
Vm Vm ⎝ K sp ⎠ r (6)
the capillary peak of the derivative curve). It confirms the different
kinetics of refinement between LC3-50 blends containing ≤ and > than As a consequence, the driving force for the further growth of

F. Avet, K. Scrivener Cement and Concrete Research 107 (2018) 124–135

Fig. 9. SEM pictures of PC, LC3-50 (50.3%) and (95.0%) at 28 days of hydration for 1500× and 5000× magnifications.

hydration products, i.e. the supersaturation, needs to be higher to op- obtained for monocarboaluminate and strätlingite, respectively, in-
pose the increase of the curvature at the liquid solid interface. Thus, the dicating that the pore solution is oversaturated with respect to these
classical growth of hydration products can be limited due to the lack of two phases. Thus, excluding the influence of pore size, mono-
large pores in the microstructure. carboaluminate and strätlingite growth could occur in this system. The
The time at which the limiting pore entry radius is reached seems to lack of pores large enough for the growth of these AFm phases is likely
correspond well with the slowing down of hydration observed in Figs. 2 to explain such limitation. This means that the reaction of metakaolin
and 3, especially for the LC3-50 (95.0%) blend. not longer forms AFm phases once the limiting critical pore entry radius
is reached.
Fig. 17 compares the evolution of the amount of carboaluminate
4.2. Hydration product formation hydrates formed, the aluminium concentration of the pore solution and
the aluminium incorporation in the C-A-S-H. For LC3-50 blends con-
Even if clinker hydration is significantly slowed down from 3 days taining > 65% of calcined kaolinite, the aluminium concentration in
onwards for the LC3-50 blends containing calcined clay with > 65% of the pore solution as well as the aluminium incorporation in the C-A-S-H
calcined kaolinite (Fig. 3), the reaction of metakaolin continues after significantly increases compared with blends with lower calcined kao-
3 days as observed in Fig. 6. The formation of carboaluminate hydrates linite content. The on-going reaction of metakaolin provides more
is limited from 3 days onwards for these blends, as shown in Fig. 12. aluminium to the system, which is not used for the formation of the
This limitation is not compensated by any formation of strätlingite, as carboaluminate hydrates or any AFm phases due to the lack of large
shown in Fig. 10(c). Based on the pore solution concentration shown in pores. As a consequence, the on-going metakaolin reaction leads to the
Fig. 13, the saturation index of monocarboaluminate phase (more increase of the aluminium concentration of the pore solution. Since
thermodynamically stable than hemicarboaluminate) and strätlingite there is more aluminium in the pore solution, the incorporation of
was calculated using the Gibbs Free Energy Minimization Software aluminium in the C-A-S-H also significantly increases, as detailed in
(GEMS) [40], with the Cemdata 14 database [41]. For the LC3-50 [42,43].
(95.0%) at 28 days of hydration, a saturation index of 1.13 and 0.74 is

F. Avet, K. Scrivener Cement and Concrete Research 107 (2018) 124–135

Fig. 10. XRD patterns at 1 day (a), 28 days (b) and 90 days (c) of hydration for reference PC and LC3-50 blends.

Fig. 12. Hemicarboaluminate and monocarboaluminate vol% Rietveld quantification at

Fig. 11. Ettringite Rietveld quantification at 1, 3 and 28 days as a function of calcined
1, 3 and 28 days of hydration as a function of calcined kaolinite content.
kaolinite content.

F. Avet, K. Scrivener Cement and Concrete Research 107 (2018) 124–135

Fig. 13. Influence of the calcined kaolinite content on the Ca, Si, Al concentration in the
pore solution and the pH at 28 days of hydration.

Fig. 16. Critical pore entry radius for LC3-50 blends at 3, 7 and 28 days.

Fig. 17. Amount of carboaluminate hydrates, aluminium concentration of the pore so-
Fig. 14. Relative humidity measurements for PC, LC3-50 (50.3%) and (95.0%). lution and Al/Ca of the C-A-S-H for the different LC3-50 systems at 28 days of hydration.

Since the reaction of metakaolin mainly impacts the C-A-S-H phase

for the blends containing calcined clay with > 65% of calcined kaoli-
nite, it is likely that the gel pores would mainly be affected by this
reaction. This could explain why the pore size distribution by MIP is
very similar for these blends at 3 and 28 days of hydration, since gel
pores are not significantly penetrated by MIP [44].

4.3. Correlation with compressive strength results

As reported previously, compressive strength tests were carried out

on mortars according to EN 196-1 [45] to demonstrate the feasibility of
using LC3-50 and to assess the influence of the calcined kaolinite con-
tent of the strength development. These results shown in Fig. 18 are
updated from [9] with now 46 clays tested in this benchmark test. PC
strength is indicated by dashed lines. Similar strength to PC is obtained
for blends containing fairly pure metakaolin at 3 days already. From
7 days onwards, using calcined clays with about 40% of calcined kao-
linite permits to get similar strength to PC.
For LC3-50 blends with a calcined kaolinite higher than 65%,
strength keeps increasing after 3 days of hydration despite the slowing
Fig. 15. Degree of hydration (DoH) of clinker determined by Rietveld analysis for PC and
LC3-50 (95.0%) with different gypsum addition.
down of clinker hydration. This increase is explained by to the con-
tinuous reaction of metakaolin in calcined clay, leading to the higher

F. Avet, K. Scrivener Cement and Concrete Research 107 (2018) 124–135


Financial support from Swiss Agency for Development and

Cooperation (SDC) grant number 81026665 is acknowledged by the
authors. Hadi Kazemi is thanked for the pore solution measurements.


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