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English Teaching Research Council


I. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the following sentences
1. If your heart is healthy, it usually ..................... around 70 times per minute.
A. beats B. rings C. shouts D. takes
2. According to doctors, you should exercise for an hour a day to keep ....................
A. body B. fit C. health D. weak
3. If you break your arm, you should call an ............ to take you to hospital immediately.
A. rescue worker B. ambulance C. medicine D.nurse
4. If you feel sick after eating something, you should go to a pharmacy to get some..........
A. injury B. ill C. medicine D.problems
5. If an/a ................ is painful, you should always rest the part of your body that’s hurt.
A. part B. injury C. sickness D. illness
6. This is a building where people are sent if they have committed a crime.
A. hospital B. accomodation C. green house D. prison
7. This is a small attractive house in the country.
A. villa B. semi-detached house C. green house D. cottage
8. I think that .................. change is a really serious problem and everyone needs to do
more to prevent it.
A. job B. habbit C. climate D. life
9.I’ve got to share a tent with two other girls, but I really don’t ..............with one of them.
A. take on B. get on C. make on D. have on
10. When you arrive at the airport, you go to the check-in desk, where they weigh your
luggage and give you a ................ so that you can get on the plane.
A. passport B. ticket C. boarding pass D. document

II. Questions 11-15

• Look at the sign in each question.
English Teaching Research Council

• Someone asks you what it means.

• Choose the best answer
(Circle the letter next to the correct explanation A, B or C)
11. A. The fitness class will only last for
This week’s fitness class will be half half an hour this week.
an hour earlier, at 6.30 p.m., and in B. There won’t be a fitness class next
the sports hall, not the gym! Next week.
week’s class will be back in the gym C. The fitness class will be somewhere
at the usual time. different this week.

12 Tara, we’ve run out of coffee! Can What should Tara do?
you get some at the supermarket A. buy coffee tomorrow.
when you’re coming back from B. go shopping on her way home
college this afternoon? I’ll pay you C. give Daisy some money to go to the
back tomorrow. supermarket


13 A. You can’t go into the bank on
Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday afternoons.
Saturday – 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
B. The cash machine can only be used
The cash machine outside is in use
when the bank is open.
24 hours
C. The bank closes at the same time
every day.

14. A. Someone is mending the shower at

the moment.
There’s a problem with the shower.
B. It isn’t possible to have a hot shower
You can’t use it unless you want a
this morning.
cold one! Someone’s coming to fix it
this afternoon, so it’ll be OK
English Teaching Research Council

C. Max will have to take a cold shower


15. Why has Henry written the text?

A. to warn Mia that he may not be on
B. to remind Mia about delays on the
C. to ask which bus he should get to
band practice

III. Read the text and questions below. For each question, choose the letter of the
correct answer (A, B, C or D)
Jamaica has produced some of the world’s The Championships have turned many
best athletes, including stars such as Usain young students into stars, but those who are
Bolt and Veronica Campbell-Brown. Is most talented as adults don’t always win as
this success partly due to one event – the young teenagers. Olympic gold medallist
Jamaica Schools’ Championships? Usain Bolt, for example, failed to win a
The four-day Championships have taken single race at the Championships as an
place every year since 1910. Nearly 200 under-15 runner. Olympic champion
school students take part in front of an Veronica Campbell-Brown was always
audience of over 30,000 people. The easily beaten in the lower-age groups
event is also shown on live TV, and the before finally winning as an older student.
whole country watches what is sometimes Nathaniel Day, a young runner from
called Jamaica’s mini-Olympics. The Britain, has studied and trained in Jamaica
competitors take it very seriously, and for the last two years. ‘Young athletes here
they all want to win. Classmates and get experience of being on TV from the age
English Teaching Research Council

former students also come to support and of 12,’ he says, ‘so when they’re older, they
encourage their schools. aren’t scared of big occasions and they
School coach Dwayne Simpson has perform well. In the UK, athletes don’t
trained many young stars. He believes the perform in front of the cameras until
Championships have an important role in they’re adults, and sometimes they find it
the development of young athletes. They hard to deal with.’ According to Nathaniel,
are the biggest schools’ competition in the the Championships also give young athletes
world, he says, and other countries are a goal. ‘Because it’s such a big event, it
now looking to copy them. He also gives them an idea of how exciting it is to
believes that the Championships give perform in an Olympic stadium. It helps
young athletes a reason to practise. They them develop the ambition to become
want to do well for their school, so they champions.’
work and train together as a team, so they
produce better results.

16. What does the text say about the Championships? (các câu còn lại c thêm dấu
chấm tương tự nhé)
A. Thirty thousand people watch them on TV.
B. Young athletes take part just to have fun.
C. They started over 100 years ago.
D. Some former students take part.
17. What does Dwayne Simpson say about the Championships?
A Other countries should try to hold a similar competition.
B They have grown too big in recent years.
C They encourage young athletes to do their best.
D Schools are always keen to do well.
18. In paragraph 4, what does the writer say about Jamaica’s Olympic champions?
A They could beat even the oldest students in some races.

English Teaching Research Council

B They occasionally lost races, but only to much older students.

C They tried much harder after losing all their races as teenagers.
D They took time to develop into world-class athletes.
19. According to Nathaniel Day, the event
A helps young athletes get used to being filmed.
B is more exciting than the Olympics.
C makes some young athletes feel nervous of big occasions.
D is hard for some young competitors to deal with.
20. Which best describes the Jamaica Schools’ Championships?
A. It’s an international competition which B. It’s an important event which
prepares young athletes for the Olympics. helps young athletes to improve.

C. It’s a huge social event which brings D. It’s a local event which gives
people together to have fun. young athletes the chance to
perform in a relaxed atmosphere.

IV. Read the text below and fill each of the blanks with ONE suitable word from the
box.(nên để các từ vào 1 table và ẩn cột chia như fomat gửi)
between enjoys forces with known
as if common catching without Any

English Teaching Research Council

An Unusual Place(các khoảng trống vẫn dài ngắn khác nhau)

Located in North-Atlantic ocean (0) close by the Arctic Circle, Iceland is a bridge (21)
Iceland (22) ................. a cool climate, with refreshing summers and mild temperatures
in winter. Icelandic culture has been shaped by distance and the extreme (23) ..............
nature, conditions which have created close family ties, a strong sense of tradition and
a tight bond (24)………………..nature.
Now, it may be freezing and stormy but Icelanders are (25) .............. to have BBQs in
any weather, behaving (26) .............. they live in the bright Australian sunshine.
It's also a (27) ...................... sight to see mothers or fathers meeting up with their
friends in cafes and (28)………………. up on the latest gossip, sometimes leaving
their baby outside the cafe, whilst watching it through the window. That way, the baby
can sleep in the fresh air, and the parents can get on with what they want to (29)……..
……waking them. It's perfectly safe. There is hardly (30) ................... crime in Iceland.

I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the
sentence printed before it.
Example : John is taller than Frank.
Answer: Frank is shorter than John.
1. She prefers pizza to hospital food.
She’d rather eat pizza ………………………… food.
2. Her leg hurt during her stay in the hospital.
Her leg hurt while ........................................ in the hospital.
3. These animals at he zoo are fed twice a day.
They ........................................ these animals at the zoo twice a day.
4. The doctor operated on her broken leg.

English Teaching Research Council

Her broken leg ............................... on.

5. It took her five hours to climb up the mountain.
She …………………..five hours climbing up the mountain.
II . Write your answer in about 100 words about “your future house”


English Teaching Research Council

• There are five questions in this part.
• For each question there are three pictures and a short recording.
• Choose the correct picture and put a tick (√) in the box below it.
• You will hear the piece twice.
1.What time will the flight to Brussels leave?

A. B. C.

2. What does the man enjoy most about flying?

A. B. C.
3. Where will Maggie’s family stay on holiday this year?

A. B. C.
4. What has the woman left behind?

A. B. C.
English Teaching Research Council

5. What will the weather be like when the plane arrives?

A. B. C.

PART II: QUESTION 6 - 15: ou will hear a talk about an exercise class called
extreme Bootcamp
Hi, everyone. I’d like to tell you about a new (6)............................ trip class I’ve just tried.
It’s called ‘Extreme Bootcamp’ and it’s hard but great fun! What does ‘bootcamp’ mean?
It’s actually a word used by the (7)....................... when they’re training new soldiers. It’s
nothing to do with what’s on your feet. And believe me, it’s nothing like a(8) ....................
either! It’s a short course of challenging physical training.
Most of us are used to exercising in the gym, with nothing but TV screens or other people
to look at while we’re on the (9)........................... or whatever. But Extreme Bootcamp is
different ’cos you do the class on a bridge. It goes over a river, so it’s nice to look at while
you exercise. You won’t like the sound of this, but the class meets at(10).......................
every weekday for a month. It’s only for an hour, but class members do lots in that time,
beginning with jogging to(11)......................... After that there’s some weightlifting and
jumping, and then you do some more relaxing exercises at the end.
The clothes you should wear are pretty much the same as you’d wear for any other
exercise class – so a T-shirt and shorts or a tracksuit is fine. Oh, and
wearing(12)........................... is a must, so do bring a good pair with you. Bootcamp is
good fun, I promise!If you’re interested in joining the next one, there’s a day on
17th(13).................................,though the first class won’t be until the(14)……………. The
bootcamp’s run by Ellie Shawes and she can give you more information, if you need it.

English Teaching Research Council

Her surname’s spelt(15)………………………., and you can contact her via the website.
I’ve got her phone number too, if you want it. Ok, so has anyone got any questions?


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