Financial Modeling

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INR CRORES 2020A 2021A 2022E 2023E 2024E

Assumption Driver - Algosaibi

Common size statement - Algosaibi

change analysis-Algosaibi
revenue 23100 22000 24200 26620 29282
cogs 7000 7000 223617680 234266648 283461473
gross profit 14000 15000 101654520 111819972 3.929E+12
selling and admin exp 2000 2000 35002500 37502500 2.541E+11
ebitda 12000 13000 24052020 26957472 5.275E+11
depn 800 800 14521210 17304331 3.521E+10
interest 700 700 20025 20025 363030275
ebt 10500 11500 7560285 8493316 271955083
tax 2600 2600 33975986 41803835 3.08E+10
net profit 7900 8900 19636250 22059601 3.23E+11

Time period 8/15/2022 0 1 2 3 4 5

Monthly Data 8/31/2022 9/30/2022 ### ### ### 1/31/2023
Annual Data ### ### ### ### ### ###

Monthly periodic 0.0444444 0.125 0.2111111 0.2916667 0.3777778 0.4611111

Annula periodic 0.3777778 1.3777778 2.3777778 3.3777778 4.3777778 5.3777778
Stub or fulll year stub fullyear fullyear fullyear fullyear fullyear
costing analysis

COGS 0.1 7000 7000 9680 10648 11712.8 12884.08

S&G expenses 0.2 2000 2000 2500 2500 2500 2500
Depn 0.3 800 800 1210 1331 1464.1 1610.51
Interest 0.4 700 700 25 25 25 25
Taxes 0.5 2600 2600 3235.5 3634.8 4074.03 4557.183
Total 1.5 13100 13100 16650.5 18138.8 19775.93 21576.773

Average 4800 4800 6457.75 7141.4 7893.415 8720.6315

weighted average 60890000 82157800 90068780 98770858 108343144 0
Median 2000 2000 2500 2500 2500 2500

Min 700 700 25 25 25 25

Max 7000 7000 9680 10648 11712.8 12884.08
small 3 2000 2000 2500 2500 2500 2500
large 2 2600 2600 3235.5 3634.8 4074.03 4557.183

Hard code or constant

Total expenses
if<17500 2600 2600 3235.5 3634.8 4074.03 4557.183
if>=17500 0 0 0 0 0 0
using formula logically

Total expenses

if<17500 17500 2600 2600 3235.5 3634.8 4074.03 4557.183

if>=17500 17500 2600 2600 3235.5 3634.8 4074.03 4557.183
Total 35000 5200 5200 6471 7269.6 8148.06 9114.366

Like I want make change in (A 89 ,90) ,whenever I make any changes on b89,b90, the

if< 10000 10000 2600 2600 3235.5 3634.8 4074.03 4557.183

if>= 10000 10000 2600 2600 3235.5 3634.8 4074.03 4557.183


Use if for error checking error error error error error error
Use = function to find true or false 0 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE
Love you or Hate you Love you Love you Love you Love you Love you Love you
2025E 2026E


changes on b89,b90, the impact should be shown in A84,A85 HOW? - so the following approach will follow.
Risk Free Rate 4%
Market Returns 10%
Beta 1.25
Cost of debt 14%
Tax rate 30%
Equity value 125000
Debt Value 125000

Cost of capital 10.65%

cost of capital 10.65%

The above method are absolutely fine ,demerit is it will be time consuming and being a financ

cost of capital ?

Risk Free Rate 4% So we can see the changes in a value when we are using name instead of a,b,c etc.
Market Returns 10%
ERP 6.00% change value is 11.50% from 4.08%
Beta 1%
Cost of equity 11.50%
4.08% Cost of Equity = Risk-Free Rate of Return + Beta × (Market Rate of Return - Risk-Fre

Cost of debt 14%

Tax rate 30%
PCOD 9.80%

Equity value 125000

debt value 125000
equity funding 50.00%
debt funding 50.00%

COC 10.65% we can see in just one short formula we found out COC -so inteade of using above f

what is the use of ALT-M-C THE Answr is so what ever the fo

D/E ratio 25% using vlookup function we founded
Coupon rate #N/A
Coupon rate 9.50% vlo
D/E ratio RisK Rating Coupon Rate
0% Baa2 9.50%
30% Baa3 9.75% True- if you want ap
50% Ba1 12.25%
60% Ba2 13.75%

Goal Seek Function ALT-A-W-G

current sales 14500

sales Growth 10%
Gross margin 60%

Next year sales 15950

cost of sales -6380
Gross profit 9570

1)Now I want to know that, If I want to increase my profit from 9570 to 19570 then how much sales growth do I have to chan

press ALT-A-W-G and then set your things ,like as per question 1, I want to increase my profit .hen
SET select your initial profit cells 9570 cells
To value 19570 your intention ,that to what extent you want to upgrade?
TO CHANGE (here I want to see about that how much sales I will have to change in other to achieve suc
select 10% cells

NOTE: Similarly we can do change for margin and other just put margin value in place of grow

Difficulty is each time I have to press the shortcut key for checking but I want to knew it in one intake of all l

sales growth Gross Profit

8% 9396
10% 9570
12% 9744
14% 9918
16% 10092
18% 10266
20% 10440
22% 10614
24% 10788
26% 10962
28% 11136
30% 11310

Now I want ot know about what will be the profit if GROSS PROFIT AND GROSS MARGIN WILL BE -


9570 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
8% 6,264 7,830 9,396 10,962 12,528 14,094
10% 6,380 7,975 9,570 11,165 12,760 14,355
12% 6,496 8,120 9,744 11,368 12,992 14,616
SALES GROWTH 14% 6,612 8,265 9,918 11,571 13,224 14,877
16% 6,728 8,410 10,092 11,774 13,456 15,138
18% 6,844 8,555 10,266 11,977 13,688 15,399
20% 6,960 8,700 10,440 12,180 13,920 15,660
22% 7,076 8,845 10,614 12,383 14,152 15,921
24% 7,192 8,990 10,788 12,586 14,384 16,182
26% 7,308 9,135 10,962 12,789 14,616 16,443
28% 7,424 9,280 11,136 12,992 14,848 16,704
30% 7,540 9,425 11,310 13,195 15,080 16,965
consuming and being a financial model time is everything so we will choose NAMAE MANAGER APPROACH

sing name instead of a,b,c etc. but pre using that we have to link some forumla, that earlier we did by pressing ALT -M-C and left one of b

arket Rate of Return - Risk-Free Rate of Return) pcod-post cost of debt

OC -so inteade of using above formula upto cell -14 , better to go for below cell 14 to cell 36 and make sure you use ALT-M-C then ok.

E Answr is so what ever the formula you want to use from above ,NOTE 1st you have to copy all those at a time post you can use ALT-M-C
on we founded

vlookup- means =vlookup(target,find the target from the given data,if you are able to find it then write it so

True- if you want approximate value then use TRUE OR TYPE JUST 1
False- if you want exact value then write FALSE or JUST TYPE 0

ales growth do I have to change?

ant to increase my profit .hence I will write in the following way :-

change in other to achieve such profit? So in TO change we will select SALES VOLUME CELL

margin value in place of growth

to knew it in one intake of all like ,margin,sales growth etc. so for that we will use following method?
ng ALT -M-C and left one of bracket(in cell no 2 to 8) their we have selcted all our data and then pressed shortcut key ALT-M-C and left on

you use ALT-M-C then ok.

time post you can use ALT-M-C hence click ok. Post when you use formula you will find that you are able to get all those word that you hav
able to find it then write it some where in front of 2,3,4,5 etc and then,either go for true or false accordance of your need
ortcut key ALT-M-C and left one

et all those word that you have copied. MAKE SURE YOU COPY ALL THOSE WORD THAT IS REQUIRED IN FORMULA.
nce of your need
Scenario Summary
Current Values: Base Case Worst Case Best Case
Changing Cells:
$B$62 15000 14500 13500 15000
$B$63 15% 10% 70% 15%
$B$64 16% 60% 50% 16%
Result Cells:
Next_year_sales 17250 15950 22950 17250
$B$67 -14490 -6380 -11475 -14490
Gross_profit 2760 9570 11475 2760
Notes: Current Values column represents values of changing cells at
time Scenario Summary Report was created. Changing cells for each
scenario are highlighted in gray.
Historicalsfinancials-TATA MOTORS LTD
Years Mar-14 Mar-15 Mar-16 Mar-17

# Income Statement
Sales ₹ 232,833.66 ₹ 263,158.98 ₹ 273,045.60 ₹ 269,692.51
Sales Growth - 13% 4% -1%

COGS ₹ 180,131.06 ₹ 202,856.88 ₹ 205,509.07 ₹ 205,454.24

cogs% sales 77.36% 77.09% 75.27% 76.18%

Gross profit ₹ 52,702.60 ₹ 60,302.10 ₹ 67,536.53 ₹ 64,238.27

Gross margin % sales 22.64% 22.91% 24.73% 23.82%

Selling and general expenses ₹ 17,849.24 ₹ 21,063.45 ₹ 29,141.28 ₹ 34,649.58

s& g exp % sales 7.67% 8.00% 10.67% 12.85%

EBITDA ₹ 34,853 ₹ 39,239 ₹ 38,395 ₹ 29,589

Ebitda% sales 14.97% 14.91% 14.06% 10.97%

Interest ₹ 4,749.44 ₹ 4,861.49 ₹ 4,889.08 ₹ 4,238.01

interest% sales 2.04% 1.85% 1.79% 1.57%

Depreciation ₹ 11,078.16 ₹ 13,388.63 ₹ 16,710.78 ₹ 17,904.99

Depreciation% sales 4.76% 5.09% 6.12% 6.64%

EBT ₹ 19,025.76 ₹ 20,988.53 ₹ 16,795.39 ₹ 7,445.69

ebt% sales 8.17% 7.98% 6.15% 2.76%

Tax ₹ 4,764.79 ₹ 7,642.91 ₹ 3,025.05 ₹ 3,251.23

Effectiv tax rate 25.04% 36.41% 18.01% 43.67%

Net profit ₹ 14,260.97 ₹ 13,345.62 ₹ 13,770.34 ₹ 4,194.46

Net margin 6.12% 5.07% 5.04% 1.56%

No of equity shares 288.74 288.74 288.72 288.73

E.p.s ₹ 49.39 ₹ 46.22 ₹ 47.69 ₹ 14.53
E.P.S grow% - -6.42% 3.19% -69.54%

Dividend Pershare ₹ 2.23 ₹ 0.00 ₹ 0.24 ₹ 0.00

Dividend payout ratio 4.51% 0.00% 0.49% 0.00%

Retained earning 95.49% 100.00% 99.51% 100.00%

# Blanceshett
Equity Share Capital ₹ 643.78 ₹ 643.78 ₹ 679.18 ₹ 679.22
Reserves ₹ 64,959.67 ₹ 55,618.14 ₹ 78,273.23 ₹ 57,382.67
Borrowings ₹ 60,642.28 ₹ 73,610.39 ₹ 69,359.96 ₹ 78,603.98
Other Liabilities ₹ 92,180.26 ₹ 107,442.48 ₹ 114,871.75 ₹ 135,914.49
Total Liabilities ₹ 218,425.99 ₹ 237,314.79 ₹ 263,184.12 ₹ 272,580.36

Fixed Assets Net blocked ₹ 69,091.67 ₹ 88,479.49 ₹ 107,231.76 ₹ 95,944.08

Capital Work in Progress ₹ 33,262.56 ₹ 28,640.09 ₹ 25,918.94 ₹ 33,698.84
Investments ₹ 10,686.67 ₹ 15,336.74 ₹ 23,767.02 ₹ 20,337.92
Other Assets ₹ 37,828.18 ₹ 30,891.17 ₹ 29,579.36 ₹ 37,360.78
Total NoN current Assets ₹ 150,869.08 ₹ 163,347.49 ₹ 186,497.08 ₹ 187,341.62

Receivables ₹ 10,574.23 ₹ 12,579.20 ₹ 13,570.91 ₹ 14,075.55

Inventory ₹ 27,270.89 ₹ 29,272.34 ₹ 32,655.73 ₹ 35,085.31
Cash & Bank ₹ 29,711.79 ₹ 32,115.76 ₹ 30,460.40 ₹ 36,077.88
Total Current Assets ₹ 67,556.91 ₹ 73,967.30 ₹ 76,687.04 ₹ 85,238.74

Total Assets ₹ 218,425.99 ₹ 237,314.79 ₹ 263,184.12 ₹ 272,580.36


# Cash Flow statement

Year Mar-13 Mar-14 Mar-15 Mar-16
Operating activities
Profit from operations ₹ 24,406.00 ₹ 36,303.00 ₹ 43,397.00 ₹ 38,626.00
Receivables ₹ -5,177.00 ₹ 445.00 ₹ -3,179.00 ₹ -2,223.00
Inventory ₹ -2,656.00 ₹ -2,853.00 ₹ -3,692.00 ₹ -5,743.00
Payables ₹ 8,132.00 ₹ 4,694.00 ₹ 3,598.00 ₹ 3,947.00
Loans Advances ₹ - ₹ - ₹ - ₹ -520.00
Other WC items ₹ -303.00 ₹ 1,870.00 ₹ -398.00 ₹ 5,852.00
Working capital changes ₹ -3.00 ₹ 4,157.00 ₹ -3,672.00 ₹ 1,313.00
Direct taxes ₹ -2,240.00 ₹ -4,308.00 ₹ -4,194.00 ₹ -2,040.00
Cash from operating activities ₹ 22,159.00 ₹ 40,308.00 ₹ 31,860.00 ₹ 39,212.00

Investing Activities
Fixed assets purchased ₹ -18,863.00 ₹ -26,975.00 ₹ -31,962.00 ₹ -31,503.00
Fixed assets sold ₹ 37.00 ₹ 50.00 ₹ 74.00 ₹ 59.00
Investments purchased ₹ 73.00 ₹ -429.00 ₹ -5,461.00 ₹ -4,728.00
Investments sold ₹ 34.00 ₹ 4.00 ₹ 42.00 ₹ 89.00
Interest received ₹ 713.00 ₹ 653.00 ₹ 698.00 ₹ 731.00
Dividends received ₹ 95.00 ₹ 40.00 ₹ 80.00 ₹ 58.00
Invest in subsidiaries ₹ - ₹ - ₹ - ₹ -
Investment in group cos ₹ - ₹ - ₹ -160.00 ₹ -
Redemp n Canc of Shares ₹ - ₹ - ₹ - ₹ -
Acquisition of companies ₹ - ₹ -185.00 ₹ - ₹ -111.00
Inter corporate deposits ₹ 45.00 ₹ - ₹ - ₹ -
Other investing items ₹ -5,103.00 ₹ -1,149.00 ₹ 456.00 ₹ -1,289.00
Cash from Investing activities ₹ -22,969.00 ₹ -27,991.00 ₹ -36,233.00 ₹ -36,694.00

Financing Activities
Proceeds from shares ₹ 1.00 ₹ - ₹ - ₹ 7,433.00
Redemption of debentures ₹ -97.00 ₹ -658.00 ₹ -744.00 ₹ -
Proceeds from borrowings ₹ 27,863.00 ₹ 33,258.00 ₹ 36,363.00 ₹ 19,519.00
Repayment of borrowings ₹ -20,395.00 ₹ -29,141.00 ₹ -23,332.00 ₹ -24,924.00
Interest paid fin ₹ -4,666.00 ₹ -6,171.00 ₹ -6,307.00 ₹ -5,716.00
Dividends paid ₹ -1,551.00 ₹ -722.00 ₹ -720.00 ₹ -108.00
Financial liabilities ₹ - ₹ - ₹ - ₹ -
Other financing items ₹ -2,849.00 ₹ -450.00 ₹ -57.00 ₹ -
Cash from Financing Activities ₹ -1,694.00 ₹ -3,884.00 ₹ 5,203.00 ₹ -3,796.00

Net Cash flow ₹ -2,504.00 ₹ 8,433.00 ₹ 830.00 ₹ -1,278.00

Mar-18 Mar-19 Mar-20 Mar-21 Mar-22 Mar-23 LTM

₹ 291,550.48 ₹ 301,938.40 ₹ 261,067.97 ₹ 249,794.75 ₹ 278,453.62 ₹ 345,966.97 ₹ 481,396.63

8% 4% -14% -4% 11% 24% 39%

₹ 228,429.83 ₹ 242,845.53 ₹ 210,376.07 ₹ 195,326.04 ₹ 223,300.01 ₹ 274,403.64 ₹ 424,905.02

78.35% 80.43% 80.58% 78.19% 80.19% 79.31% 88.27%

₹ 63,120.65 ₹ 59,092.87 ₹ 50,691.90 ₹ 54,468.71 ₹ 55,153.61 ₹ 71,563.33 ₹ 56,491.61

21.65% 19.57% 19.42% 21.81% 19.81% 20.69% 11.73%

₹ 31,662.97 ₹ 34,428.54 ₹ 32,704.83 ₹ 22,181.28 ₹ 30,433.52 ₹ 39,747.53 ₹ 0.00

10.86% 11.40% 12.53% 8.88% 10.93% 11.49% 0.00%

₹ 31,458 ₹ 24,664 ₹ 17,987 ₹ 32,287 ₹ 24,720 ₹ 31,816 ₹ 56,492

10.79% 8.17% 6.89% 12.93% 8.88% 9.20% 11.73%

₹ 4,681.79 ₹ 5,758.60 ₹ 7,243.33 ₹ 8,097.17 ₹ 9,311.86 ₹ 10,225.48 ₹ 10,584.58

1.61% 1.91% 2.77% 3.24% 3.34% 2.96% 2.20%

₹ 21,553.59 ₹ 23,590.63 ₹ 21,425.43 ₹ 23,546.71 ₹ 24,835.69 ₹ 24,860.36 ₹ 26,391.58

7.39% 7.81% 8.21% 9.43% 8.92% 7.19% 5.48%

₹ 5,222.30 -₹ 4,684.90 -₹ 10,681.69 ₹ 643.55 -₹ 9,427.46 -₹ 3,270.04 ₹ 19,515.45

1.79% -1.55% -4.09% 0.26% -3.39% -0.95% 4.05%

₹ 4,341.93 -₹ 2,437.45 ₹ 395.25 ₹ 2,541.86 ₹ 4,231.29 ₹ 704.06 ₹ 3,408.03

83.14% 52.03% -3.70% 394.97% -44.88% -21.53% 17.46%

₹ 880.37 -₹ 2,247.45 -₹ 11,076.94 -₹ 1,898.31 -₹ 13,658.75 -₹ 3,974.10 ₹ 16,107.42

0.30% -0.74% -4.24% -0.76% -4.91% -1.15% 3.35%

288.73 288.73 308.9 332.03 332.07 332.13 -

₹ 3.05 -₹ 7.78 -₹ 35.86 -₹ 5.72 -₹ 41.13 -₹ 11.97 #DIV/0!
-79.01% -355.28% 360.68% -84.06% 619.43% -70.91% #DIV/0!

₹ 0.00 ₹ 0.00 ₹ 0.00 ₹ 0.00 ₹ 0.00 ₹ 2.31 ₹ 0.00

0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -19.28% #DIV/0!

100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

₹ 679.22 ₹ 679.22 ₹ 719.54 ₹ 765.81 ₹ 765.88 ₹ 766.02 ₹ 0.00
₹ 94,748.69 ₹ 59,500.34 ₹ 61,491.49 ₹ 54,480.91 ₹ 43,795.36 ₹ 44,555.77
₹ 88,950.47 ₹ 106,175.34 ₹ 124,787.64 ₹ 142,130.57 ₹ 146,449.03 ₹ 134,113.44
₹ 142,813.43 ₹ 139,348.59 ₹ 133,180.72 ₹ 144,192.62 ₹ 138,051.22 ₹ 155,239.20
₹ 327,191.81 ₹ 305,703.49 ₹ 320,179.39 ₹ 341,569.91 ₹ 329,061.49 ₹ 334,674.43

₹ 121,413.86 ₹ 111,234.47 ₹ 127,107.14 ₹ 138,707.61 ₹ 138,855.45 ₹ 132,079.76

₹ 40,033.50 ₹ 31,883.84 ₹ 35,622.29 ₹ 20,963.93 ₹ 10,251.09 ₹ 14,274.50
₹ 20,812.75 ₹ 15,770.72 ₹ 16,308.48 ₹ 24,620.28 ₹ 29,379.53 ₹ 26,379.16
₹ 48,286.86 ₹ 56,155.74 ₹ 58,784.94 ₹ 61,717.96 ₹ 62,223.77 ₹ 68,432.09
₹ 230,546.97 ₹ 215,044.77 ₹ 237,822.85 ₹ 246,009.78 ₹ 240,709.84 ₹ 241,165.51

₹ 19,893.30 ₹ 18,996.17 ₹ 11,172.69 ₹ 12,679.08 ₹ 12,442.12 ₹ 15,737.97

₹ 42,137.63 ₹ 39,013.73 ₹ 37,456.88 ₹ 36,088.59 ₹ 35,240.34 ₹ 40,755.39
₹ 34,613.91 ₹ 32,648.82 ₹ 33,726.97 ₹ 46,792.46 ₹ 40,669.19 ₹ 37,015.56
₹ 96,644.84 ₹ 90,658.72 ₹ 82,356.54 ₹ 95,560.13 ₹ 88,351.65 ₹ 93,508.92 0

₹ 327,191.81 ₹ 305,703.49 ₹ 320,179.39 ₹ 341,569.91 ₹ 329,061.49 ₹ 334,674.43


Mar-17 Mar-18 Mar-19 Mar-20 Mar-21 Mar-22 Mar-23

₹ 28,840.00 ₹ 33,312.00 ₹ 28,771.00 ₹ 23,352.00 ₹ 31,198.00 ₹ 26,943.00 ₹ 41,694.00

₹ -4,152.00 ₹ -10,688.00 ₹ -9,109.00 ₹ 9,950.00 ₹ -5,505.00 ₹ 185.00 ₹ -2,213.00
₹ -6,621.00 ₹ -3,560.00 ₹ 2,069.00 ₹ 2,326.00 ₹ 3,814.00 ₹ 472.00 ₹ -5,665.00
₹ 9,301.00 ₹ 7,320.00 ₹ -4,692.00 ₹ -8,085.00 ₹ 5,748.00 ₹ -7,012.00 ₹ 6,945.00
₹ - ₹ - ₹ - ₹ - ₹ - ₹ - ₹ -
₹ 4,727.00 ₹ 494.00 ₹ 4,512.00 ₹ 875.00 ₹ -4,150.00 ₹ -4,396.00 ₹ -2,194.00
₹ 3,254.00 ₹ -6,434.00 ₹ -7,221.00 ₹ 5,065.00 ₹ -93.00 ₹ -10,750.00 ₹ -3,127.00
₹ -1,895.00 ₹ -3,021.00 ₹ -2,659.00 ₹ -1,785.00 ₹ -2,105.00 ₹ -1,910.00 ₹ -3,179.00
₹ 33,454.00 ₹ 17,423.00 ₹ 11,671.00 ₹ 31,698.00 ₹ 28,907.00 ₹ 3,532.00 ₹ 32,261.00

₹ -16,072.00 ₹ -35,079.00 ₹ -35,304.00 ₹ -29,702.00 ₹ -20,205.00 ₹ -15,168.00 ₹ -19,230.00

₹ 53.00 ₹ 30.00 ₹ 67.00 ₹ 171.00 ₹ 351.00 ₹ 230.00 ₹ 285.00
₹ -6.00 ₹ -329.00 ₹ -130.00 ₹ -1,439.00 ₹ -7,530.00 ₹ -3,008.00 ₹ -50.00
₹ 1,965.00 ₹ 2,381.00 ₹ 5,644.00 ₹ 21.00 ₹ 226.00 ₹ 104.00 ₹ 6,895.00
₹ 638.00 ₹ 690.00 ₹ 761.00 ₹ 1,104.00 ₹ 428.00 ₹ 653.00 ₹ 973.00
₹ 620.00 ₹ 1,797.00 ₹ 232.00 ₹ 21.00 ₹ 18.00 ₹ 32.00 ₹ 46.00
₹ - ₹ - ₹ - ₹ - ₹ - ₹ - ₹ -
₹ -107.00 ₹ -4.00 ₹ -9.00 ₹ -606.00 ₹ -10.00 ₹ - ₹ -
₹ - ₹ 14.00 ₹ 533.00 ₹ - ₹ - ₹ - ₹ 19.00
₹ - ₹ - ₹ -8.00 ₹ -27.00 ₹ - ₹ -98.00 ₹ -
₹ - ₹ - ₹ - ₹ - ₹ - ₹ - ₹ -
₹ -26,663.00 ₹ 5,360.00 ₹ 7,335.00 ₹ -2,659.00 ₹ 1,051.00 ₹ 12,813.00 ₹ -4,357.00
₹ -39,572.00 ₹ -25,140.00 ₹ -20,879.00 ₹ -33,116.00 ₹ -25,671.00 ₹ -4,442.00 ₹ -15,419.00

₹ 5.00 ₹ - ₹ - ₹ 3,889.00 ₹ 2,603.00 ₹ 19.00 ₹ 20.00

₹ - ₹ - ₹ - ₹ - ₹ - ₹ - ₹ -
₹ 33,390.00 ₹ 37,482.00 ₹ 51,128.00 ₹ 38,297.00 ₹ 46,641.00 ₹ 46,578.00 ₹ 43,934.00
₹ -21,732.00 ₹ -29,964.00 ₹ -35,198.00 ₹ -29,847.00 ₹ -29,709.00 ₹ -42,816.00 ₹ -62,557.00
₹ -5,336.00 ₹ -5,411.00 ₹ -7,005.00 ₹ -7,518.00 ₹ -8,123.00 ₹ -9,251.00 ₹ -9,336.00
₹ -121.00 ₹ -96.00 ₹ -95.00 ₹ -57.00 ₹ -30.00 ₹ -100.00 ₹ -141.00
₹ - ₹ - ₹ - ₹ -1,346.00 ₹ -1,477.00 ₹ -1,559.00 ₹ -1,517.00
₹ - ₹ - ₹ - ₹ -29.00 ₹ - ₹ 3,750.00 ₹ 3,355.00
₹ 6,206.00 ₹ 2,011.00 ₹ 8,830.00 ₹ 3,389.00 ₹ 9,905.00 ₹ -3,379.00 ₹ -26,242.00

₹ 88.00 ₹ -5,706.00 ₹ -378.00 ₹ 1,971.00 ₹ 13,141.00 ₹ -4,289.00 ₹ -9,400.00


Number of shares 366.88
Face Value 2.00
Current Price 653.25
Market Capitalization 239,667.34

PROFIT & LOSS 45,661.57

Report Date Mar-14 Mar-15 Mar-16 Mar-17
Sales 232,833.66 263,158.98 273,045.60 269,692.51
Raw Material Cost 146,426.99 163,250.36 166,134.01 173,294.08
Change in Inventory 2,840.58 3,330.35 2,750.99 7,399.92
Power and Fuel 1,128.69 1,121.75 1,143.63 1,159.82
Other Mfr. Exp 13,806.04 16,173.17 12,101.53 10,067.37
Employee Cost 21,609.92 25,641.95 28,880.89 28,332.89
Selling and admin 22,357.79 23,603.01 21,991.90 30,039.38
Other Expenses -4,508.55 -2,539.56 7,149.38 4,610.20
Other Income -156.79 714.03 -2,669.62 1,869.10
Depreciation 11,078.16 13,388.63 16,710.78 17,904.99
Interest 4,749.44 4,861.49 4,889.08 4,238.01
Profit before tax 18,868.97 21,702.56 14,125.77 9,314.79
Tax 4,764.79 7,642.91 3,025.05 3,251.23
Net profit 13,991.02 13,986.29 11,579.31 7,454.36
Dividend Amount 643.78 67.92
EBITDA 34,583.41 39,879.32 36,204.22 32,848.59

Report Date Jun-21 Sep-21 Dec-21 Mar-22
Sales 66,406.45 61,378.82 72,229.29 78,439.06
Expenses 61,163.78 57,262.21 65,151.27 70,156.27
Other Income 584.12 862.46 788.73 188.74
Depreciation 6,202.13 6,123.32 6,078.13 6,432.11
Interest 2,203.30 2,327.30 2,400.74 2,380.52
Profit before tax -2,578.64 -3,471.55 -612.12 -341.10
Tax 1,741.96 1,005.06 726.05 758.22
Net profit -4,450.92 -4,441.57 -1,516.14 -1,032.84
Operating Profit 5,242.67 4,116.61 7,078.02 8,282.79

Report Date Mar-14 Mar-15 Mar-16 Mar-17
Equity Share Capital 643.78 643.78 679.18 679.22
Reserves 64,959.67 55,618.14 78,273.23 57,382.67
Borrowings 60,642.28 73,610.39 69,359.96 78,603.98
Other Liabilities 92,180.26 107,442.48 114,871.75 135,914.49
Total 218,425.99 237,314.79 263,184.12 272,580.36
Net Block 69,091.67 88,479.49 107,231.76 95,944.08
Capital Work in Progress 33,262.56 28,640.09 25,918.94 33,698.84
Investments 10,686.67 15,336.74 23,767.02 20,337.92
Other Assets 105,385.09 104,858.47 106,266.40 122,599.52
Total 218,425.99 237,314.79 263,184.12 272,580.36
Receivables 10,574.23 12,579.20 13,570.91 14,075.55
Inventory 27,270.89 29,272.34 32,655.73 35,085.31
Cash & Bank 29,711.79 32,115.76 30,460.40 36,077.88
No. of Equity Shares ### ### ### ###
New Bonus Shares
Face value 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

Report Date Mar-14 Mar-15 Mar-16 Mar-17
Cash from Operating Activity 36,151.16 35,531.26 37,899.54 30,199.25
Cash from Investing Activity -27,990.91 -36,232.35 -36,693.90 -39,571.40
Cash from Financing Activity -3,883.24 5,201.44 -3,795.12 6,205.30
Net Cash Flow 4,277.01 4,500.35 -2,589.48 -3,166.85

PRICE: 394.42 544.37 386.60 465.85

Adjusted Equity Shares in Cr 288.74 288.74 288.72 288.73

Mar-18 Mar-19 Mar-20 Mar-21 Mar-22 Mar-23
291,550.48 301,938.40 261,067.97 249,794.75 278,453.62 345,966.97
187,896.58 194,267.91 164,899.82 153,607.36 179,295.33 231,251.26
2,046.58 -2,053.28 -2,231.19 -4,684.16 -1,590.49 4,781.62
1,308.08 1,585.93 1,264.95 1,112.87 2,178.29 2,513.33
10,971.66 11,694.54 11,541.51 8,273.17 9,427.38 11,765.97
30,300.09 33,243.87 30,438.60 27,648.48 30,808.52 33,654.70
31,004.58 32,719.80 29,248.32 23,015.79 29,205.40 34,839.19
658.39 1,708.74 3,456.51 -834.51 1,228.12 4,908.34
5,932.73 -26,686.25 101.71 -11,117.83 2,424.05 6,327.59
21,553.59 23,590.63 21,425.43 23,546.71 24,835.69 24,860.36
4,681.79 5,758.60 7,243.33 8,097.17 9,311.86 10,225.48
11,155.03 -31,371.15 -10,579.98 -10,474.28 -7,003.41 3,057.55
4,341.93 -2,437.45 395.25 2,541.86 4,231.29 704.06
8,988.91 -28,826.23 -12,070.85 -13,451.39 -11,441.47 2,414.29
39,566.22 -1,914.45 16,993.16 20,734.35 26,937.37 38,204.19

Jun-22 Sep-22 Dec-22 Mar-23 Jun-23 Sep-23

71,934.66 79,611.37 88,488.59 105,932.35 102,236.08 105,128.24
69,521.93 74,039.06 77,668.35 92,817.95 89,018.36 91,361.30
2,380.98 1,351.14 1,129.98 1,361.61 683.56 1,507.05
5,841.04 5,897.34 6,071.78 7,050.20 6,633.18 6,636.42
2,420.72 2,487.26 2,675.83 2,641.67 2,615.39 2,651.69
-3,468.05 -1,461.15 3,202.61 4,784.14 4,652.71 5,985.88
1,518.96 -457.08 262.83 -620.65 1,563.01 2,202.84
-5,006.60 -944.61 2,957.71 5,407.79 3,202.80 3,764.00
2,412.73 5,572.31 10,820.24 13,114.40 13,217.72 13,766.94

Mar-18 Mar-19 Mar-20 Mar-21 Mar-22 Mar-23

679.22 679.22 719.54 765.81 765.88 766.02
94,748.69 59,500.34 61,491.49 54,480.91 43,795.36 44,555.77
88,950.47 106,175.34 124,787.64 142,130.57 146,449.03 134,113.44
142,813.43 139,348.59 133,180.72 144,192.62 138,051.22 155,239.20
327,191.81 305,703.49 320,179.39 341,569.91 329,061.49 334,674.43
121,413.86 111,234.47 127,107.14 138,707.61 138,855.45 132,079.76
40,033.50 31,883.84 35,622.29 20,963.93 10,251.09 14,274.50
20,812.75 15,770.72 16,308.48 24,620.28 29,379.53 26,379.16
144,931.70 146,814.46 141,141.48 157,278.09 150,575.42 161,941.01
327,191.81 305,703.49 320,179.39 341,569.91 329,061.49 334,674.43
19,893.30 18,996.17 11,172.69 12,679.08 12,442.12 15,737.97
42,137.63 39,013.73 37,456.88 36,088.59 35,240.34 40,755.39
34,613.91 32,648.82 33,726.97 46,792.46 40,669.19 37,015.56
### ### ### ### ### ###

2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

Mar-18 Mar-19 Mar-20 Mar-21 Mar-22 Mar-23

23,857.42 18,890.75 26,632.94 29,000.51 14,282.83 35,388.01
-25,139.14 -20,878.07 -33,114.55 -25,672.50 -4,443.66 -15,417.17
2,011.71 8,830.37 3,389.61 9,904.20 -3,380.17 -26,242.90
729.99 6,843.05 -3,092.00 13,232.21 6,459.00 -6,272.06

326.85 174.25 71.05 301.80 433.75 420.80

288.73 288.73 308.90 332.03 332.07 332.13
Mar-12 Mar-13 Mar-14 Mar-15 Mar-16
Cash from Operating Activity - 18,384 22,163 36,151 35,531 37,900
Profit from operations 22,432 24,406 36,303 43,397 38,626
Receivables -6,659 -5,177 445 -3,179 -2,223
Inventory -2,719 -2,656 -2,853 -3,692 -5,743
Payables 5,867 8,132 4,694 3,598 3,947
Loans Advances 0 0 0 0 -520
Other WC items 1,231 -303 1,870 -398 5,852
Working capital changes -2,280 -3 4,157 -3,672 1,313
Direct taxes -1,768 -2,240 -4,308 -4,194 -2,040
Cash from Investing Activity - -19,464 -22,969 -27,991 -36,232 -36,694
Fixed assets purchased -13,876 -18,863 -26,975 -31,962 -31,503
Fixed assets sold 93 37 50 74 59
Investments purchased -5,857 73 -429 -5,461 -4,728
Investments sold 84 34 4 42 89
Interest received 467 713 653 698 731
Dividends received 70 95 40 80 58
Invest in subsidiaries -304 0 0 0 0
Investment in group cos -9 0 0 -160 0
Redemp n Canc of Shares 0 0 0 0 0
Acquisition of companies 0 0 -185 0 -111
Inter corporate deposits -3 45 0 0 0
Other investing items -129 -5,103 -1,149 456 -1,289
Cash from Financing Activity - 6,567 -1,692 -3,883 5,201 -3,795
Proceeds from shares 139 1 0 0 7,433
Redemption of debentures 0 -97 -658 -744 0
Proceeds from borrowings 27,462 27,863 33,258 36,363 19,519
Repayment of borrowings -15,010 -20,395 -29,141 -23,332 -24,924
Interest paid fin -3,374 -4,666 -6,171 -6,307 -5,716
Dividends paid -1,503 -1,551 -722 -720 -108
Financial liabilities 0 0 0 0 0
Other financing items -1,147 -2,849 -450 -57 0
Net Cash Flow 5,488 -2,499 4,277 4,500 -2,589
Mar-17 Mar-18 Mar-19 Mar-20 Mar-21 Mar-22 Mar-23
30,199 23,857 18,891 26,633 29,001 14,283 35,388
28,840 33,312 28,771 23,352 31,198 26,943 41,694
-4,152 -10,688 -9,109 9,950 -5,505 185 -2,213
-6,621 -3,560 2,069 2,326 3,814 472 -5,665
9,301 7,320 -4,692 -8,085 5,748 -7,012 6,945
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4,727 494 4,512 875 -4,150 -4,396 -2,194
3,254 -6,434 -7,221 5,065 -93 -10,750 -3,127
-1,895 -3,021 -2,659 -1,785 -2,105 -1,910 -3,179
-39,571 -25,139 -20,878 -33,115 -25,672 -4,444 -15,417
-16,072 -35,079 -35,304 -29,702 -20,205 -15,168 -19,230
53 30 67 171 351 230 285
-6 -329 -130 -1,439 -7,530 -3,008 -50
1,965 2,381 5,644 21 226 104 6,895
638 690 761 1,104 428 653 973
620 1,797 232 21 18 32 46
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-107 -4 -9 -606 -10 0 0
0 14 533 0 0 0 19
0 0 -8 -27 0 -98 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-26,663 5,360 7,335 -2,659 1,051 12,813 -4,357
6,205 2,012 8,830 3,390 9,904 -3,380 -26,243
5 0 0 3,889 2,603 19 20
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
33,390 37,482 51,128 38,297 46,641 46,578 43,934
-21,732 -29,964 -35,198 -29,847 -29,709 -42,816 -62,557
-5,336 -5,411 -7,005 -7,518 -8,123 -9,251 -9,336
-121 -96 -95 -57 -30 -100 -141
0 0 0 -1,346 -1,477 -1,559 -1,517
0 0 0 -29 0 3,750 3,355
-3,167 730 6,843 -3,092 13,232 6,459 -6,272

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