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Historic sites and modern architecture: gazelle museum

Coastal sites have their magnificent charm, and our site overlooks the Mediterranean Sea
surrounded by old precious architectural treasures. This historical site (Tripoli’s downtown) was
selected to design a building that complements the Red Castle Museum and function as an
extension to cultural facilities here in the district, Because historical locations require such building
types that enhance knowledge and culture for inhabitants, in addition it plays a supreme role in
touting tourism in Tripoli, although it could be a humongous challenge to integrate modern or
contemporary buildings especially cultural ones within the city’s heritage urban fabrics (Piombo,
P. V 2022). Our essay will primarily address universal debate on this topic, what considerations
should be taken, and what approach had been used to help have a cohesive design.
The possible relationship between classic and modern architecture is a topic of much discussion
where schools see that integrating new into old buildings can show the difference in time periods
and building technologies whereas other think that blending seamlessly in the surrounding can be
the most suitable design solution for such matter. “Any modern architectural object introduced into
the historical environment must be transformed into a part of the existing structure. Showing
individuality even on the basis of contrast, a new architectural object should not violate the
integrity of the overall composition” (Pronina, T. V. 2021) .In our case, several outstanding
buildings borders the martyrs square were analyzed carefully in terms of proportions, fenestrations
forms, ornaments and design principles followed, to help us put the bold lines of our design in a
way that complement the whole scene.
One of the main design principles of architecture generally is the use of focal point; and the red
castle of Tripoli which was built in the 16th century appears as the dominant edifice among them
all, therefore, modern additions were considered carefully in terms of style, features, and overall
image to create a balanced architectural scenery where the new buildings respects old monuments.
Balance is what design is all about, and to ensure we preserve and enhance this principle; a
minimalism approach that is simple, clean, and functional (Dragana, V. 2013), was chosen to
achieve this goal and help us design a contemporary building that contrasts in terms of materials,
and the abstracted shapes and forms used, yet harmonized using the same proportions, lines, and
compositions (Fahmi,O 2020).
In architecture, context is usually crucial because, as designers our primary goal is to create
buildings that are both distinctive and seamlessly integrate with their surroundings, and historical
sites are the real battlefield to prove your success and phenomenal approach as an architect Baher
(I. Farahat & Khaled A. Osman 2018). Although in architecture there is no place for right or
wrong, different visions, points of view and approaches are being explored and followed, and to
succeed in this field is to find your way through these schools and styles, adapt a way of thinking
and evolve through it.
Piombo, P. V. (2022). The integration of contemporary architecture in heritage sites. ITESO.

Fahmi,O. (2020). Gazelle natural history museum.

Pronina, T. V. (2021). The method of contrast of modern architecture in the historical environment

of the city. IOP Conference Series, 1079(5), 052008.

Baher I. Farahat & Khaled A. Osman (2018) Toward a new vision to design a museum in

historical places, HBRC Journal.

Dragana, V. (2013) ‘Minimalism in architecture: Materials as an instrument of

perception’, Arhitektura i urbanizam, 2013(37).

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