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M.T Villanueva, Naga City


General Mathematics
1st Quarter, A/Y 2023-2024



1. Research and Study the latest Income Tax Law of the Philippines. (TRAIN LAW)

2. Make your own Tax Law, make an own title of the law.

(e.g TRAIN LAW – Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion Law)

3. In your own created law, make some annual tax range. (at least 5 tax ranges)

4. From your tax ranges, make a piecewise functional model.

(Example: From the above table of TRAIN LAW given the annual income and its
corresponding tax rate, we can come up with a piecewise function that models this situation.

Let x be the annual income and f(x) be the income tax as a function of annual income.

f(x)={0; 𝑖𝑓 0 < 𝑥 ≤ 250000 0.20(𝑥 −

250000); 𝑖𝑓 250000 < 𝑥 ≤ 400000 30000 + 0.25(𝑥 −
400000); 𝑖𝑓 400000 < 𝑥 ≤ 800000 130000 + 0.30(𝑥 −
800000); 𝑖𝑓 800000 < 𝑥 ≤ 2000000 490000 + 0.32(𝑥 −
2000000); 𝑖𝑓 2000000 < 𝑥 ≤ 8000000 2410000 + 0.35(𝑥 −
8000000); 𝑖𝑓 𝑥 > 8000000

5. After making a piecewise functional model, research about the estimated income in a year of the
given profession or working class and compute the income tax annually of different persons in
different professions using your own created piecewise function a

6. Use the template attached here.

7. Deadline is on October 14, 2023

M.T Villanueva, Naga City

General Mathematics
1st Quarter, A/Y 2022-2023

Name of the Law: lowering the income taxes of Filipino workers & increasing their job salary
Short Description about your Law: (2 – 5 sentences)
Explanation: we create this law to ensure that Filipino workers will have their appropriate
income without greatly reducing their money on taxes. So that they can have enough
income that will provide their needs and wants.

Tax Range: (You can add additional column.)

Annual Income Tax Rate
300,000 and below none

Above 300,000-800,000 20,000 + 15% excess over 300,000

Above 800,000-1,000,000 50,000 + 20% excess over 800,000

Above 1,000,000-5,000,000 100,000 + 25% excess from 1,000,000

Above 5,000,000-10,000,000 250,000 + 30% excess over 5,000,000

10,000,000 Above 500,000 + 35% excess over 10,000,000

Piecewise Function Model:

Write your representations here. Use variable x and F(x):
x is the annual income
F(x) is the annual tax
Piecewise Function:

0 if x ≤ 300,000)
(20,000 + 15% (x-300,000). if 300,000 <x ≤800,000)
(50,000+20% (X-800,000). if 800,000 < x ≤1,000,000)
F(x)= (100,000. +25% (x-1,000,000) if. 1,000,000 < x <5,000,000
(250,000+30% (x-5,000,000) if. 5,000,000. <X≤10,000,000
(500,000 + 35% (x-10,000,000). if x> 10,000,000

Evaluating Piecewise Function: Research about their estimated income in a year of the given profession
or working class and compute for the income tax of the following annual income of different persons in
different professions using your own created piecewise function above.
1. Public School Teacher I – Php 324, 000.00

20,000 + 15% ( x < 300,000 )

F(x) = 20,000 + 15% ( x – 300,000 )
F( 324,000 ) = 20,000 + 15% ( 324,000 – 300,000 )
= 20,000 + 15% ( 24,000 )
= 20,000 + 3,600

F ( 324,000 ) = 23, 600

2. Police Director General – Php 1, 797, 240.00

100,000 + 25% ( x – 1,000,000 )

F(x) = 100,000 + 25% ( 1, 797, 240 – 1, 000,000 )
F(1,797,240 ) = 100,000 + 25% ( 797, 240 )
= 100,000 + 199,310

F (1,797,240 ) = 299, 310

3. Aircraft Pilot – Php 2, 490, 000.00

100,000 + 25% ( x- 1,000,000 )

F(x) = 100,000 + 25% ( 2,490,000 – 1,000,000 )
F( 2,490,000 ) = 100,000 + 25% (1,490,000 )
= 100,000 + 372,500

F (2,490,00 ) = 472, 500

4. Surgeons/Doctors – Php 2, 508,300.00

100,00 + 25% ( x – 1,000,000 )

F(x) = 100,000 + 25% ( 2,508,300 – 1,000,000 )
F(2, 508,300) = 100,000 + 25% ( 1,508,300 )
= 100,000 + 377,075

F ( 2, 508,300 ) = 477,075

5. Philippine President – Php 4, 936,584.00

100,000 + 25% ( x – 1,000,000)

F(x) = 100,000 + 25% ( 4,936,584 – 1,000,000 )
F( 4,936,583 ) = 100,000 + 25% ( 3,936,584 )
= 100,000 + 984,156

F ( 4, 936,584 ) = 1,084,146
Reflection: For your self-reflection, answer the following questions in one to three sentences for each
question only.
a. What have you learned/realized from the given performance tasks?
b. How was the performance task? Was it easy or not? Why?
c. How did you able to finish your performance task?
d. Over-all, how is your performance and learning experience in our subject General

What have you learned/realized from the given performance tasks?

- This performance task made me realize that lowering their income taxes and increasing
their job salary can help the economy of our country. In addition, here in the Philippines, we
have some families who can't live together because some of their family members decided to go
abroad to support the needs of their family. This law aims to decrease overseas Filipino workers
(OFW) and improve the economy of our country.

How was the performance task? Was it easy or not? Why?

- It is quite difficult since we need to know what our country needs to improve
and we also have a short period of time to complete this task.

How did you able to finish your performance task?

- We did some research about taxes and income and made some observations about
our society. Based on our research and observation, some of the workers pay high
taxes and get low salaries.

Over-all, how is your performance and learning experience in our subject General Mathematics?

-My experience in general mathematics has been enlightening. I've developed a deeper
understanding of mathematical concepts and their real-world applications, gained problem-
solving skills, and recognized the interconnectedness of math. I've also realized its significance in
various fields. This journey has inspired me to continue exploring and applying mathematics in
both academic and practical settings.

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