Geometrical Nonlinearity and Length of External Tendons: Marco A. Pisani, M.ASCE

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Geometrical Nonlinearity and Length of External Tendons

Marco A. Pisani, M.ASCE1

Abstract: External prestressing is achieving widespread success. However, some practical rules are not yet well established. An impor-
tant question deals with the maximum distance between anchorages and deviators. Due to the absence of contact between the tendons and
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the concrete beam 共other than at the anchorages and deviators兲, the change in the deformed shape of the concrete beam involves changes
in the position of the tendons with respect to the center of gravity of the concrete beam 共second-order effects兲, so that their influence on
the equilibrium conditions of the beam near collapse can be significant. This paper suggests a simple equation that determines the
maximum clear length of the tendons small enough not to take into account the second-order effects in common practice. A parametric
analysis 共made by means of a numerical method previously verified by comparisons with experimental test results兲 verifies the reliability
of the simple equation suggested.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲1084-0702共2005兲10:3共302兲
CE Database subject headings: Prestressing; Tendons; Nonlinear analysis; Geometric nonlinearity.

Introduction In this case, the external tendons can be replaced by external

constant forces that give rise to an internal axial force and a
Although the first posttensioned bridge ever built 共designed by bending moment opposite to that due to dead load. The position
Dischinger and constructed in 1936-37 at Aue, Saxony兲 adopted of anchorages and deviators determines the shape of this opposing
external prestressing, this prestressing technique has achieved bending moment 共and shear too兲.
widespread success both in rehabilitation 共or strengthening兲 and The previous statements apply only when stability consider-
in the design of new structures only in recent years. The main ations 共second-order effects兲 are irrelevant. The changes in the
reason for this delay lies in the decrease of the load carrying shape of the concrete beam during loading phases involve
capacity of a structure with unbonded tendons compared to a changes in the relative position of the tendons 共see Fig. 1兲, which
similar structure whose tendons are bonded to concrete. When can be significant in the equilibrium condition of the deformed
dealing with bonded tendons, a local increase of the applied bend- beam. The American codes suggest adopting at ultimate a stress
ing moment implies a local increase of the tensile stress in the increase in the external tendons based on empirical rules deduced
tendons 共especially when the beam is cracked兲, whereas when from experimental tests. The European code 共CEN 1992a兲 states
adopting external tendons their tensile stress increase depends on that “measures shall be taken to maintain a constant relative po-
the overall length increase of the tendons which is a function of sition of the tendon within the concrete section in a sufficient
the bent shape of the concrete beam and of the position of an- number of sections in order to avoid harmful second-order ef-
chorages and deviators. If no deviator is placed between the ends fects.” However, the code does not suggest how to achieve this
of a simply supported beam, the concrete beam will probably requirement. Therefore, a design rule that establishes a maximum
bend to collapse without an appreciable increase of the tensile clear length of the tendons, small enough not to take into account
stress in the external tendons. Even when dealing with unbonded the second-order effects in common practice, is needed.
internal prestressing, the tensile stress of the tendons at ultimate is The objective of this work is to propose a design rule of this
often lower than yield 共see, for instance, Mattock et al. 1971; kind and to verify its reliability by means of a parametric analy-
sis. The parametric analysis will be performed by means of a
Cooke et al. 1981; Harajjli 1993兲. Therefore, the European code
numerical algorithm previously tested 共Pisani 1996兲. The numeri-
共CEN 1992a兲 allows both a refined nonlinear structural analysis
cal model is essential when dealing with an analysis that has to
共that takes into account the stress increase in the tendons due to
take into account safety factors.
the displacement of anchorages and deviators兲 and a linear analy-
It is important to note that the adoption of the design rule
sis that keeps the stress in the external tendons constant.
suggested in this study does not mean that second-order effects
The adoption of the approximate method disregarding any
are always negligible in a beam prestressed with external tendons.
stress increase in the tendons markedly simplifies the analysis
A nonlinear structural analysis must be performed when these
in practice, and it is also conservative 共Pisani and Nicoli 1996兲.
effects cannot be ignored.
Associate Professor, Politecnico di Milano, Dept. of Structural
Engineering, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milan, Italy.
Determination of the Maximum Clear Length
Note. Discussion open until October 1, 2005. Separate discussions
must be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by
of the External Tendons
one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing
Editor. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and pos- With an externally posttensioned beam, the concrete beam is sub-
sible publication on February 11, 2003; approved on June 7, 2004. This jected to second-order effects, due to of the loss of eccentricity of
paper is part of the Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 3, May the axial force 共introduced by the external tendons兲 with an
1, 2005. ©ASCE, ISSN 1084-0702/2005/3-302–311/$25.00. increase of the load. The first problem to solve is determining a


J. Bridge Eng. 2005.10:302-311.

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Fig. 1. Second-order effects in the bent beam 共a box girder兲.

limit for these effects below which they can be ignored. When M R = M I + M II 共2兲
dealing with reinforced concrete columns, it is generally agreed
that second-order effects may be ignored if they increase the where M R = design strength of the cross section of the concrete
corresponding first-order bending moment by less than 10% beam at midspan, computed under an axial force equal to the
共CEB/FIP 1991; CEN 1992b兲, that is: resultant tendon force at ultimate N pu.
Obviously N pu is unknown because it depends on the bent
M II ⬍ 0.1M I 共1兲 shape of the concrete beam. It is well established that the varia-
where M I = factored moment for strength limit states 共referred to tion of the resultant tendon force throughout loading might be
as first-order design bending moment by Eurocode 2兲; and M II large, as in the case of beams with a small span-to-depth ratio
= increase of bending moment due to second-order effects. 共measured between the deviators兲, or small, as in the case of
In practice, the codes usually suggest ignoring second-order beams having large span-to-depth ratio 共Alkhairi and Naaman
effects if slenderness is below a certain value. However, this 1993; Aparicio and Ramos 1996; Tan and Ng 1997兲. Usually N pu
value refers to structural elements that have a symmetric, compact does not exceed 30% of the strength of the cross section of the
cross section 共square, circular, rectangular兲 and symmetric rein- concrete beam under pure axial force. Since the presence of an
forcement. This is not the case for the beams in this study. axial compression of this level in general increases the design
The piece-wise polygonal shape of the external tendons is usu- strength of the concrete cross section, the computation of M R can
ally approximately similar to the shape of the diagram of the be simplified by adopting the resultant tendon force under dead
bending moment due to dead and live loads. A direct consequence load N p instead of N pu 共which is unknown兲. As already stated, this
is that the external tendons are usually parallel to the beam lon- simplification is conservative. Substituting Eq. 共2兲 into Eq. 共1兲
gitudinal axis in the area around the maximum bending moment gives
near midspan. This is the case shown in Fig. 1, but this is also the
most unfavorable condition 共with respect to second-order effects兲
M R ⬎ 11 · M II 共3兲
when dealing with beams that have a small number of deviators
共that is to say that no deviator is placed near the section where the When dealing with second-order effects in concrete structures,
maximum bending moment is encountered兲. the problem is nonlinear both because of geometrical nonlinearity
From a general point of view, a beam prestressed with external and the nonlinear behavior of the materials, at least when collapse
tendons may be considered as composed of two subsystems: The is approached. To overcome this problem, the so-called “model
concrete beam and the external tendons. The interaction between column method” is adopted 共CEB/FIP 1978兲. The assumptions of
the two subsystems is restricted to the points where anchorages this approximate method are:
and deviators are placed. Therefore, the isolated portion of the 1. The compression member is pinned at the ends;
concrete beam between the deviators around midspan is a struc- 2. The cross section is constant along the member 共that is shape
tural member loaded by the dead and live loads, plus the eccentric and bonded reinforcement do not vary兲;
axial force caused by the external tendons 共see Fig. 1兲. At the 3. The axial force is constant along the member;
ultimate limit state, if collapse does not occur because of buck- 4. The maximum bending moment occurs at midspan; and
ling, then 5. The deformed shape of the member can be approximated by


J. Bridge Eng. 2005.10:302-311.

means of a sine curve that depends on the curvature at mid- strain in the bonded reinforcement is about 0.002兲, before the
span. crushing of the concrete 共that is with maximum compression
The last assumption is the distinguishing point of this well- strains not greater than 0.003兲. In the case discussed herein, col-
established approximate method, which has been verified since lapse has to occur without significant second-order effects 关ac-
the 70’s and has been adopted in Eurocode 2. cording to Eq. 共1兲兴, and therefore the foregoing value underesti-
Let wm be the relative girder displacement at midspan with mates ␹u. The maximum value allowed by Eurocode 2 is ␹u
respect to that of the deviators and let L be the distance between = 0.0135/ d. This value refers to the case where collapse occurs
the deviators 共see Fig. 1兲. If the deflection curve of the isolated with simultaneous concrete crushing and reinforcing bars ruptur-
portion of the concrete beam between the deviators 共around mid- ing. Therefore, Eq. 共8兲 can be written as

span兲 is sinusoidal, then
d · MR
␲x L⬍ 共10兲
␤ · Np
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w = wm · sin 共4兲
and the curvature at midspan is
1.1 · 0.005 · 1.079 = 0.0059 艋 ␤ 艋 0.0216 = 1.1 · 0.0135 · 1.456
d2w ␲2wm 10wm 共11兲
␹m = 兩␹兩x=L/2 = − 2 = ⯝ 共5兲
dx L2 L2
The value herein suggested is ␤ = 0.01. This value is a conserva-
This gives tive compromise between the limits of Eq. 共11兲 and, when re-
placed in Eq. 共10兲, finally gives:
wm = 0.1 · L2 · ␹m 共6兲
According to Eqs. 共4兲 and 共6兲, the deflected shape of the isolated
portion of the concrete beam between the deviators is propor-
L ⬍ Lmax = 10 冑 d · MR

tional to the curvature at midspan. In other words “to simplify the In precast segmental beams, cast with dry joints and prestressed
solution, the equilibrium condition and the moment-curvature re- with external tendons, a conservative rule is needed to guarantee
lation are matched at only the midlength of the beam, in the spirit transfer of shear stresses through the joints, due to the lack of
of the collocation method” 共Bazant and Cedolin 1991兲. Assump- longitudinal bonded reinforcement in these sections. According
tion 共5兲 could look crude, but it is not if assumptions 共1兲–共4兲 are to the European code, the ultimate limit state is reached when
satisfied, because “from a different point of view, Eq. 共4兲 can in the compression area covers less than two-thirds of the depth h
any case be considered as the first term of a Fourier’s series of the cross section. In this case, curvature ␹u = ␧cu / 共2h / 3兲 共␧cu
expansion for the actual deflection shape. This means that in sev- = concrete strain at ultimate兲 is close to the minimum value ␹u
eral practical cases it represents the deflection with a good ap- = 0.005/ d and, therefore, once more the suggested value of ␤ is a
proximation” 共CEB-FIP 1978兲. conservative approximation for the derivation of Eq. 共12兲. How-
The model column method links the curvature at ultimate of ever, structures without bonded reinforcement in a discrete num-
the beam drawn in Fig. 1 with the second-order bending moment: ber of cross sections can collapse because of the opening of one
single joint 共depending on the length of each precast segment
M II = 0.1L2␹mN pu 共7兲
with respect to L兲, and as a consequence, the hypothesis that the
Substituting Eq. 共7兲 into Eq. 共3兲, one obtains deformed shape of the concrete substructure between the devia-

tors is approximately sinusoidal does not apply. Therefore, the
MR design rule suggested in Eq. 共12兲 applies only when dealing with
L⬍ 共8兲
1.1 · ␹mN pu beams that have at least the minimum amount of longitudinal
tension reinforcement 共embedded in concrete兲 imposed by the
As already stated, the external tendons often do not yield when codes.
the beam collapses. Dealing with the most common case of a
seven-wire strand 共nominal diameter—15.2 mm, that is 0.6 in.兲
Grade 270 according to ASTM 共1999兲, the yielding stress is equal
Refined Numerical Method
to 1860· 0.9/ 1.15= 1456 N / mm2, where the factor 1 / 1.15 repre-
sents the material resistance factor according to Eurocode 2. The
The evaluation of the design load carrying capacity of a beam is
stress in these tendons under dead load is usually between
an operation which is quite different from the simulation of an
1,000 N / mm2 and 1,350 N / mm2 and, therefore
experimental test. It is a prediction of the reliability of the struc-
1,456 1,456 ture, and therefore the possibility of local defects or imperfections
· N p = 1.079 · N p 艋 N pu 艋 1.456 · N p = · Np 共9兲 has to be taken into account. Section forces can be determined
1,350 1,000
based on overage material properties, because local strength de-
Curvature ␹m increases as loading progresses toward the ulti- ficiencies of the materials will not affect their distribution signifi-
mate limit state. Since Eq. 共1兲 has to be satisfied at any loading cantly. However, for design of individual cross sections reduced
stage, the value of ␹m that has to be considered in Eq. 共6兲 is the material properties must be taken into account.
curvature at ultimate ␹u. When dealing with buckling, CEB These remarks led to the suggestion of a general method that,
共CEB-FIP 1978兲 suggests adopting ␹u = 0.005/ d, where d is the in Eurocode 2, consists of two stages at each step of loading. The
distance measured from the extreme compression fiber to the cen- first stage is the evaluation of the deflected shape of the beam and
troid of the tension 共bonded兲 reinforcement, that is the effective the computation of the internal actions for the concrete beam and
depth of the section. This recommendation follows from the ob- for the tendons 共nonlinear analysis兲. The second stage checks if
servation that buckling of reinforced concrete columns usually these internal actions exceed the design strength of the cross sec-
occurs at yielding of the tension reinforcement 共that is when tion of the two subsystems 共the concrete beam and the external


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Fig. 2. Constitutive laws adopted

tendons兲. Eurocode 2 adopts two distinct constitutive laws and The verification of Eq. 共12兲 has then to be performed by
two distinct compressive strengths for concrete: The first one adopting a refined numerical method that takes into account the
共shown as a continuous line in Fig. 2兲 must be used for structural safety criteria already described. Among the methods suggested in
analysis, and the second one 共thick dashed line in Fig. 2兲 refers to the scientific literature 共see for instance Rao and Mathew 1996;
the evaluation of the cross section design strength and is affected Harajli et al. 1999兲, the method here adopted 共Pisani 1996兲 evalu-
by the partial safety factors for material properties. At the same ates the displacements of every point of the concrete substruc-
time, Eurocode 2 does not make a distinction between these two ture and then the response of the tendons. To avoid approxi-
stages when dealing with the constitutive laws of both mild steel mations related to the changes of the relative position of the ex-
reinforcing bars and prestressed steel, that is, tensile strength will ternal tendons with respect to the concrete section, the algorithm
always be computed by taking into account the safety factor for includes second-order effects, large displacements, and the
material properties 共dashed thick lines in Fig. 2兲. change in beam length due to compression. When simulating the

Fig. 3. Load at ultimate. Difference between the experimental tests and the numerical simulations.


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Fig. 4. Applied load versus midspan deflection diagrams 关tests by Jerret et al. 共1996兲兴

behavior of the beam up to ultimate, a step-by-step approach is capacity of the beam, since the contribution of concrete in
adopted. the tensile zone becomes negligible at high loading levels.
The analysis of the concrete beam requires knowledge of the 3. Shear deformation is neglected both before and after crack-
external forces acting on it, including the forces transferred by the ing. This assumption implies that collapse occurs due to
deviators and the anchorages, which depend on the bent shape of bending, that is, the beam has sufficient shear reinforcement
the beam itself. This requirement, together with the assumption of and longitudinal reinforcement necessary to resist shear at all
geometrically nonlinear behavior of the structure, large displace- loading stages.
ments, and mechanically nonlinear response of the materials, im- The effects related to time-dependent behavior of concrete due
plies an iterative process at each step of loading. The method is to creep and shrinkage are not computed by the numerical algo-
based on three assumptions. rithm. These effects are usually simulated separately and then
1. Cracking is spread over a segment of finite length in the included in the analysis by means of the stress in the tendons
concrete structure. Consequently, precast segmental beams under dead load.
cast with dry joints, or other joints that do not have an The most convincing way to verify the reliability of this nu-
amount of continuous longitudinal reinforcement sufficient merical method is to compare analytical predictions with experi-
to satisfy this assumption, are excluded from this analysis. mental test results. Obviously, in this case, only the constitutive
2. Tensile strength of concrete is neglected. This assumption is laws drawn with continuous thick lines in Fig. 2 are adopted. 70
expected to have no significant effect on the load carrying experimental tests, carried out by 13 different research teams

Fig. 5. Applied load versus midspan deflection diagrams 关tests by De Cillia 共1997兲兴


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Fig. 6. Beams adopted in the parametric analysis

were reproduced to verify the reliability of the numerical algo- to the mild steel reinforcement. The mean value is −1.3% with a
rithm 共Billet and Appleton 1954; Mattok et al. 1971; Cooke et al. standard deviation equal to 5.2%. The simulation of the 70 tests
1981; Du and Tao 1985; Taerwe et al. 1992; Harajli 1993; proves to be in accordance with the experimental results at every
Chakrabarti et al. 1994; Sen et al. 1994; Jerrett et al. 1996; De stage of loading and gives confidence in the computational pro-
Cillia 1997; Niitani et al. 1997; Taerwe and Mattys 1997; cedure. Fig. 4 shows the comparisons of the simulations with the
Yonekura et al. 1997兲. These tests include fully prestressed con- load-displacement curves obtained by Jerret et al. 共1996兲, who
crete, partially prestressed concrete 共bonded prestressing, un- used prestressed beams strengthened by means of external carbon
bonded prestressing, external prestressing兲, and reinforced con- tendons. Fig. 5 shows comparisons for test results obtained by De
crete beams, cast with normal or high strength concrete and Cillia 共1997兲. These tests were performed to verify the shear
reinforced or prestressed with steel, carbon fiber reinforced plastic strength of reinforced concrete beams made with high strength
and glass fiber reinforced plastic. Fig. 3 shows the percent of concrete 共equal to 136 MPa兲 without stirrups. Beam T12-1.5
deviation of the numerical prediction of the load carrying capacity collapsed due to shear failure. The comparisons shown in Fig. 5
of the specimens from the experimental test results. The differ- suggest that if collapse occurs due to flexure at a load much lower
ence is plotted against the parameter ␭ = A p f pu / 共A p f pu + As f su兲, than the shear strength of the beam, the aggregate interlock acting
where index p stands for the prestressing cables and index s refers in the inclined cracks markedly reduces shear deformation.


J. Bridge Eng. 2005.10:302-311.

Table 1. Data Describing the Tests Conducted.
Test A sa A p,Ext.b ␴ញ pc A pd MR Lmax L
number Concrete 共mm2兲 共mm2兲 共MPa兲 共mm2兲 ␧ញ pe 共kN m兲 共mm兲 共mm兲
1 C20 1,808 556 −1,300 — — 954.9 11,229 11,000
2 C20 1,808 556 −1,100 — — 921.9 11,999 12,000
3 C50 1,808 556 −1,300 — — 978.9 11,369 11,000
4 C50 1,808 556 −1,100 — — 942.9 12,135 12,000
5 C20 1,808 2,224 −1,300 — — 1,503.5 7,045 7,000
6 C20 1,808 2,224 −1,100 — — 1,415.6 7,434 7,000
7 C50 1,808 2,224 −1,300 — — 1,643.5 7,366 7,000
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8 C50 1,808 2,224 −1,100 — — 1,490.6 7,629 7,500

9 C20 8,136 556 −1.300 — — 3,135.9 19,810 18,000
10 C20 8,136 556 −1,100 — — 3,112.9 21,464 18,000
11 C50 8,136 556 −1,300 — — 3,300.9 2,0324 18,000
12 C50 8,136 556 −1,100 — — 3,267.9 21,992 18,000
13 C20 8,136 3,336 −1,300 — — 2,356.5 7,011 7,000
14 C20 8,136 3,336 −1,100 — — 2,664.3 8,107 8,000
15 C50 8,136 3,336 −1,300 — — 4,262.5 9,429 9,000
16 C50 8,136 3,336 −1,100 — — 4,095.3 10,051 10,000
17 C20 1,808 1,112 −1,300 1,112 −0.00667 2,430.1 12,669 12,500
18 C20 1,808 1,112 −1,100 1,112 −0.00564 2,391.8 13,666 13,500
19 C50 1,808 1,112 −1,300 1,112 −0.00667 2,527.1 12,919 12,500
20 C50 1,808 1,112 −1,100 1,112 −0.00564 2,488.8 13,941 13,500
21 C20 8,136 1,668 −1,300 1,668 −0.00667 3,584.1 12,229 12,000
22 C20 8,136 1,668 −1,100 1,668 −0.00564 3,720.0 13,549 13,500
23 C50 8,136 1,668 −1,300 1,668 −0.00667 5,575.1 15,252 15,000
24 C50 8,136 1,668 −1,100 1,668 −0.00564 5,525.0 16,512 16,500
25 C30 5,310 834 −1,300 — — 378.4 4,259 4,250
26 C30 5,310 834 −1,100 — — 406.5 4,801 4,750
27 C30 5,310 1,668 −1,300 — — 181.9 2,088 2,000
28 C30 5,310 1,668 −1,100 — — 243.8 2,629 2,500
29 C50 5,310 1,668 −1,300 — — 539.3 3,596 3,500
30 C50 5,310 1,668 −1,100 — — 590.8 4,093 4,000
Total area of the longitudinal reinforcement.
Total area of the external tendons.
Tensile stress in the external tendons under dead load.
Total area of the bonded tendons.
Noncompatible strain 共prestrain兲 in the bonded tendons.

Therefore, assumption 共3兲 of the numerical algorithm is satisfied. • Area of mild reinforcement in tension,
This effect should be further enhanced when dealing with pre- • Area of the external tendons,
stressed beams. Moreover, the piece-wise polygonal shape of the • Material of the tendons, and
external tendons gives rise to a shear diagram that decreases the • Value of the prestressing force.
one caused by the external loads, and in any case shear collapse is The beam should be ductile in order to sustain large enough
brittle. In this case, second-order effects and hence Eq. 共12兲 deformations, so that second-order effects become significant.
become meaningless. This means that the bonded tension reinforcement in the cross
section should yield markedly before ultimate. The cross section
adopted is a double-tee with a wide compression flange, similar to
Parametric Analysis that of a bridge beam suggested by the Florida Department of
Transportation 共Florida DOT 1998兲. The span of the beam is
As already stated, the only way to verify the reliability of Eq. 共12兲 18 m. The beam is shown in Fig. 6. The same figure shows the
consists of adopting its extreme value Lmax to design some ex- longitudinal reinforcement, comprising 24 mm diameter 共area
ample beams, and then to compute the value of M II / M I at ulti- = 452 mm2兲 steel reinforcement 关type Fe500 according to CEN
mate by means of a refined nonlinear numerical analysis that 共1995兲, f su = 550 N / mm2, f y = 500 N / mm2, Es = 200,000 N / mm2兴.
takes into account the safety concepts of the European code. Two cases are considered. In the first one, two longitudinal
The planning of these tests requires selection of the following reinforcing bars per stem are provided. This reinforcement is ap-
parameters: proximately the minimum typically allowed by codes. In the sec-
• Shape of the beam, ond case, nine reinforcing bars are placed in each stem. The rea-
• Type of load, son for the consideration of the latter case with a large amount of
• Strength of the concrete, mild reinforcement is that external prestressing is increasingly


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Fig. 7. Evaluation of Eq. 共1兲 at ultimate according to Eurocode 2

adopted in the rehabilitation or strengthening of old reinforced case, the concrete of inferior quality 共C20兲 is replaced by the
concrete structures. Such structures usually contain a significant concrete whose strength is the minimum allowed by Eurocode 2
amount of mild reinforcement. The same consideration led to the for new prestressed structures 共C30, f c⬘ = 30 N / mm2, ␧cu = 0.0032兲.
adoption of a higher strength concrete 共referred to as C50, f ⬘c Table 1 describes the tests carried out. Tests 17 to 24 refer to
= 50 N / mm2, ␧cu = 0.0028兲 and a concrete of inferior quality 共C20, the case of a double-tee concrete beam prestressed by internally
f ⬘c = 20 N / mm2, ␧cu = 0.0034兲, although the codes prohibit the bonded strands in addition to the external posttensioning. The
lower concrete strength for new prestressed structures. maximum clear length Lmax 共listed in Table 1兲 is computed as per
The external steel tendons are composed of seven wire strands Eq. 共12兲. The results of the numerical analysis are summarized in
共nominal diameter 15.2 mm兲 Grade 270 共strength= 1,860 MPa兲 Fig. 7. This figure shows that if L 艋 Lmax, the second-order bend-
according to ASTM 1999 共Y1860S7 according to CEN 1998兲. ing moment is never more than 5.50% of the corresponding first-
Four external tendons, one on each side of each stem, are used. order bending moment at ultimate at midspan, that is to say that it
Each tendon can be composed of a single strand 共area of each is negligible in common practice.
tendon= 139 mm2兲, four strands 共area= 556 mm2兲, or six strands
共area of each tendon= 834 mm2兲. The shape of the external ten-
dons is shown in Fig. 6, where distance L betwen deviators is less Fiber Reinforced Composite Strands
than the span of the beam. For Lmax ⬎ 18 m, the external tendons
are straight, and the axis of the anchorages is located 90 mm from The possibility of adopting fiber reinforced composite strands is
the lower edge of the concrete beam. Two levels of tensile stress interesting because of the good durability of some of these mate-
in the tendons under dead load are considered: The lower rials under severe environmental conditions 共i.e., marine environ-
共1,100 N / mm2兲 takes into account the stress decrease due to ment, very low temperatures兲. Therefore, the adoption of these
creep and shrinkage of concrete. The higher stress level materials would markedly simplify the prestressing phases be-
共1,300 N / mm2兲 represents the approximate tensile stress immedi- cause these tendons do not need to be protected against the envi-
ately after stressing. It should be noted that friction in external ronment 共they should however be protected against impact and
tendons is usually very small, and also that the stress decrease due fire兲. A consequence is that each tendon can be easily controlled
to creep of concrete is much smaller than the one occurring in 共to verify its condition兲, repeatedly stressed, or replaced at any
bonded posttensioning. time during the life of the structure. A lot of work has yet to be
The live load adopted is a constant distributed load. The dead done before these tendons can be adopted on a large scale. Nev-
load needs to be sufficiently high not to cause concrete crushing ertheless, it is interesting to verify if Eq. 共12兲 still applies when
at the bottom fiber of the beam at stressing. Therefore, the dead adopting these tendons whose elastic modulus is lower than that
load was selected to be equal to the self-weight of the beam when of steel tendons.
dealing with the lowest prestressing force. It was doubled when Analyses from 1 to 16 were repeated after replacing the steel
analyzing the four-strand arrangement with tendons and qua- tendons with carbon fiber reinforced plastic tendons 共CFRP兲 or
drupled when analyzing the beams using six-strand tendons. The glass fiber reinforced plastic tendons 共GFRP兲, although at present
aim of these tests is to verify the reliability of Eq. 共12兲 in the most GFRP is no longer considered reliable for prestressing. This
unfavorable conditions, although these conditions are unusual in choice follows from the observation that these two products hold
common practice. the extreme values of the elastic modulus among all the products
A brittle section is also needed to verify if the limit set by Eq. of this kind available on the market. Note that in every test, col-
共12兲 becomes too restrictive for beams of this kind. Some tests lapse occurs when the stress in the composite external tendons is
共Tests 25 to 30兲 that deal with the 9 m long beam with rectangular far from ultimate and therefore the only data really useful in the
cross section described in Fig. 6 were therefore considered. In this analysis are the elastic moduli of these materials 共that is


J. Bridge Eng. 2005.10:302-311.

147,000 N / mm2 for CFRP and 50,000 N / mm2 for GFRP兲. The N pu ⫽ tensile stress resultant in the tendons at ultimate;
output of these analyses is summarized in Fig. 7. The figure wm ⫽ increase of displacement at midspan with respect to
shows that Eq. 共12兲 applies to composite tendons, too. that of the deviators;
␧cu ⫽ maximum usable strain at extreme concrete compression
Conclusions ␹m ⫽ curvature at midspan; and
␹u ⫽ curvature at midspan at ultimate.
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