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Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1

WordPerfect tutorials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Quattro Pro tutorials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69

Presentations tutorials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .117

WordPerfect Lightning tutorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .183

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .189

Contents i
ii Contents
Welcome to the Corel® WordPerfect® Office X5 Guidebook!
This guidebook gives you a hands-on learning experience to help you become familiar
with the tools and features of Corel® WordPerfect® Office. The tutorials in this
guidebook provide step-by-step instructions for performing some common tasks. In
addition to providing helpful background information, the tutorials let you step right
into the action, so you learn as you go. As you complete each tutorial, you’ll learn
technical tips for working with the programs, as well as valuable ideas that you can
apply to your own documents, spreadsheets, and slide shows.
In this section, you’ll find these topics:
• Guidebook contents
• Documentation conventions
• Additional resources

Guidebook contents
This guidebook contains tutorials for the following WordPerfect Office programs:
• Corel® WordPerfect®
• Corel® Quattro Pro®
• Corel® Presentations™
• Corel® WordPerfect® Lightning™

WordPerfect is a word-processing program that lets you produce professional-looking
documents, such as newsletters, articles, reports, books, proposals, and brochures. You
can easily add graphics, charts, columns, and tables to any document. By using the
Reveal Codes feature, you can control every element of a document. In addition, the
enhanced publishing features of WordPerfect let you publish your documents to paper,
PDF, and the Web. You can also create, edit, retrieve, validate, and save documents
created with Extensible Markup Language (XML).
For the WordPerfect tutorials, see page 5.

Introduction 1
Quattro Pro
Quattro Pro is a spreadsheet program that lets you manage, analyze, report, and share
data. Quattro Pro provides the tools you need to produce tables, financial forms, lists,
databases, charts, and reports. You can use Quattro Pro to perform simple tasks, such
as creating personal budgets, or more complex tasks, such as preparing year-end
financial statements or creating reports from external databases. In addition,
Quattro Pro lets you create a single file and then publish it to paper, electronic media,
and the Web.
For the Quattro Pro tutorials, see page 69.

Presentations lets you create high-quality slide shows as well as project proposals,
interactive reports, demonstrations, multimedia presentations, flyers, signs, and
banners. You can also publish slide shows and other projects to HTML, XML, or PDF.
For the Presentations tutorials, see page 117.

WordPerfect Lightning
WordPerfect Lightning makes the common tasks of viewing, capturing, and reusing
information and images simpler and easier than ever before. WordPerfect Lightning
gives you the tools you need to work with others and to capture and fine-tune your
ideas. You can use this application to take notes or to view graphics, photos, or
documents saved as PDF, Microsoft® Word, or WordPerfect files. When it’s time to
polish your work, WordPerfect Lightning integrates seamlessly with
Corel WordPerfect Office and Microsoft Word — something no online office tool does.
For the WordPerfect Lightning tutorial, see page 183.

Documentation conventions
Before you start using the documentation, it is important to understand the
conventions used.

When you see this Do this

Click File ` New. Click the File menu, and click New in the

2 Introduction
When you see this Do this

Click Format ` Justification ` Left. Click the Format menu, click Justification,
and click Left in the submenu that displays.

Enable a check box. Click the check box to place a check mark or
an “X” inside the box.

Disable an option. Click the option to remove the indicator.

Select text. Click and drag to highlight text.

Click an object. Click anywhere on an object.

Right-click, and click Paste. Press the right mouse button, and click
Paste in the submenu that displays.

Press Enter. Press the Enter key.

Ctrl + Shift Press the Ctrl key and the Shift key at the
same time.

Additional resources
WordPerfect Office offers additional learning resources: a user guide, Help files, Web-
based resources, and much more!
You can access these resources by using the Reference Center, which installs with
WordPerfect Office. To access the Reference Center, do one of the following:
• Click Start ` Programs ` WordPerfect Office X5 ` Reference Center.
• From within WordPerfect, Quattro Pro, or Presentations, click Help `
Reference Center.

Introduction 3
4 Introduction
to the WordPerfect tutorials
WordPerfect is a powerful word-processing application that helps you produce
newsletters, articles, reports, proposals, books, and other documents. WordPerfect lets
you add graphics, tables, and charts to documents. You can publish to paper, electronic
media, and the Web. WordPerfect allows you to format, structure, and edit documents
at any time and gives you complete control over their design. By creating projects in
the tutorials listed below, you will be introduced to the tools and features of
Please choose a tutorial from the following list:
“Creating footers” on page 7 — teaches you how to create footers in a sample real-
estate document

“Creating styles for text and graphics” on page 17 — teaches you how to create styles
for text and graphics in a sample real-estate document

“Creating bulleted lists” on page 25 — teaches you how to create bulleted lists in a
sample real-estate document

“Creating and formatting tables” on page 31 — teaches you how to create sand format
tables in a sample real-estate document

“Adding images and captions” on page 39 — teaches you how to add images and
captions in a sample real-estate document

“Adding a table of contents” on page 45 — teaches you how to add a table of contents
in a sample real-estate document

“Working with drop caps” on page 49 — teaches you how to work with drop caps

“Changing fonts” on page 57 — teaches you how to change the fonts in a document

“Working with footnotes” on page 61 — teaches you how to create footnotes

“Working with endnotes” on page 65 — teaches you how to create endnotes

For additional tutorials, please visit us on the Internet at, or see the Corel WordPerfect Office X5
training CD (if packaged with your edition of the software).

Welcome to the WordPerfect tutorials 5

6 Welcome to the WordPerfect tutorials
Creating footers
A footer is the text that appears across the bottom of a page repeatedly throughout a
document. The purpose of a footer is to provide information that helps readers
navigate through the document. Adding footers can therefore improve the usability of
a document and add consistency to the page design.
In this tutorial, you’ll add footers that display page numbers and other useful

What you will learn

During this tutorial, you will learn how to
• create footers
• insert a horizontal line above footers
• insert page numbers in footers
• add the document’s title to a footer
• specify the placement of a footer
• add a company name and phone number to a footer
• remove footers from specific pages
• set the first page number
You can also
• edit the text in a footer
• discontinue a footer

Step 1: Opening the sample document

First, you’ll need to access the sample document.

To open the sample document

1 Go to one of the following locations, depending on which operating system you are
using. Note that “X” refers to the drive where the operating system is installed.
• On Windows® 7 and Windows Vista®, go to X:\Users\Public
\Public Documents\WordPerfect Office\X5\Tutorial Samples.

Creating footers 7
• On Windows® XP, go to X:\Documents and Settings\All Users\
Shared Documents\WordPerfect Office\X5\Tutorial Samples.
2 Open the WP_1_Footers.wpd file.

Step 2: Creating a working document

Now that you have opened the sample document, you’ll save it with a new filename to
create a working document. By creating a working document, you’ll keep the sample
document unchanged so that the tutorial can be reused.

To create a working document

1 Click File ` Save as.
2 In the File name box, type the new filename (for example, My_Footers.wpd).
3 Click the Save button.

Step 3: Adding the first footer

Now you’re ready to add the first footer to your document.

To add the first footer

1 Click Insert ` Header/Footer.
2 Enable the Footer A option.

3 Click the Create button.

8 Creating footers
In the next few steps, you’ll be working within Footer A. If at some point you
find yourself outside the working area for Footer A, click Insert ` Header/
Footer, enable the Footer A option, and click the Edit button.

Step 4: Adding a horizontal line to the first footer

Next, you’ll add a horizontal line above the footer to create a visual separation between
the footer text and the document text.

To add a horizontal line to the first footer

• Click Insert ` Line ` Horizontal line.

You can also add a custom horizontal line to a header or footer. Click Insert `
Line ` Custom line. Enable the Horizontal line option, and modify any of
the settings in the line.

Step 5: Adding page numbering to the first footer

Now that you have created the footer and added the horizontal line, you’ll insert the
page number.

To add page numbering to the first footer

1 Press Enter to start a new line.
2 Click Format ` Page ` Insert page number.
3 Choose Page from the Number list.
4 Click the Insert button.

Creating footers 9
5 Choose Total pages from the Number list.
6 Click the Insert button.
7 Click Close button.
Note that the current page number and the total number of pages appear together.
8 To fix the display, position the cursor in between the numbers, press the Spacebar,
type the word of, and then press the Spacebar again.

Step 6: Adding the title of the document to the footer

Now that you have added the page number to the footer, you’ll add the document

To add the title of the document to the footer

1 Position the cursor after the total number of pages, and click Format ` Line `
Flush right.
2 Type Selling and Buying a Home.
3 Select all the text.
4 Apply bold formatting by clicking the Bold icon on the property bar.
An alternate way to create bold text is to click Format ` Font, click the Font tab,
and enable the Bold check box.
5 Clear the text selection by clicking the text.

Step 7: Placing the first footer on odd-numbered pages

The next step is to specify the placement of the footer in the document.

To place the first footer on odd-numbered pages

1 Click the Header/Footer placement button on the Header/Footer toolbar.

The Header/Footer toolbar

2 Enable the Odd pages option.

10 Creating footers
3 Exit the footer by clicking File ` Close.

Step 8: Adding the second footer

At this point in the tutorial, you formatted the first footer for all odd-numbered pages
in the document. You’ll now create a second footer.

To add the second footer

1 Position the cursor at the top of page 2.
2 Click Insert ` Header/Footer.
3 Enable the Footer B option.
4 Click the Create button.

In the next few steps, you’ll be working within Footer B. If at some point you
find yourself outside the working area for Footer B, click Insert ` Header/
Footer, enable the Footer B option, and click the Edit button.

Step 9: Adding a horizontal line to the second footer

Next, you’ll add a horizontal line to the second footer.

To add a horizontal line to the second footer

• Click Insert ` Line ` Horizontal line.

Step 10: Adding a company name and phone number to the second
With the second footer and horizontal line in place, you’ll add a company name and
phone number.

To add a company name and phone number to the second footer

1 Press Enter to start a new line.

Creating footers 11
2 Type Acme Real Estate 555-555-1234.
3 Click after Estate.
Make sure that the cursor appears after Estate.
4 Click Insert ` Symbol.
5 In the Symbols dialog box, choose Typographic symbols from the Set list box.
6 In the Number box, type 4,2 to choose the square bullet.

This symbol matches the one used in the final real-estate document, which you
are re-creating in these tutorials.

7 Click the Insert and Close button.

Step 11: Adding page numbering to the second footer

With the company name and phone number in place, you’ll add page numbers.

To add page numbering to the second footer

1 Position the cursor after the phone number, and click Format ` Line ` Flush
2 Click Format ` Page ` Insert page number.
3 Choose Page from the Number list.
4 Click the Insert button.
5 Choose Total pages from the Number list.
6 Click the Insert button.

12 Creating footers
7 Click the Close button.
You’ll notice that the current page number is displayed together with the total
number of pages.
8 To fix the display, position the cursor in between the numbers, and press the
Spacebar. Then, type the word of, and press the Spacebar again.
9 Highlight all the text.
10 Click the Bold icon on the property bar.
11 Clear the text selection by clicking the text.

Step 12: Placing the second footer on even-numbered pages

The next step is to specify the placement of the footer on even-numbered pages.

To place the second footer on even-numbered pages

1 On the Header/Footer toolbar, click the Header/Footer placement button.
2 Enable the Even pages option.

3 Click the OK button.

4 Exit the footer by clicking File ` Close.

Step 13: Removing the footer from specific pages

The footers now appear on all pages in the document, including the title page and the
table of contents. In the next step, you’ll remove the footers from both the title page
and the table of contents.

To remove the footer from specific pages

1 With the cursor on page 1, click Format ` Page ` Suppress.

Creating footers 13
2 Enable the Footer A and Footer B check boxes.

3 Click the OK button.

4 Repeat the previous three steps for pages 2 and 3.

You can also use delay codes to keep footers from displaying on a specific page
of a document, such as a title page. For more information about delay codes,
see “Inserting and editing delay codes” in the WordPerfect Help.

Step 14: Setting the first page number

You can now set the first page number for the document.

To set the first page number

1 With the cursor on page 4, click Format ` Page ` Numbering.
2 Click the Set value button.
3 In the Set page number box, type 1.
4 Enable the Always keep number the same option.
5 Click the OK button.
6 To exit the Page Numbering Format dialog box without inserting another page
number, click the Cancel button.

You can also...

WordPerfect lets you edit the text in your footers.

You can also discontinue a footer to remove it from the remainder of the document.

14 Creating footers
To edit the text in a footer
1 Click Insert ` Header/Footer.
2 Enable one of the following options:
• Footer A
• Footer B
3 Click the Edit button.
4 Make changes to the footer text.

To discontinue a footer
1 Click Insert ` Header/Footer.
2 Enable one of the following options:
• Footer A
• Footer B
3 Click the Discontinue button.

From here...
Congratulations! You have successfully inserted footers into your document.
You can explore WordPerfect further on your own, or you can become productive
quickly by completing some of the other WordPerfect tutorials.

By completing the following tutorials in sequence, you’ll re-create the final

real-estate document (WP_Final.wpd), which is installed in the
Tutorial Samples folder:
• “Creating styles for text and graphics” on page 17
• “Creating bulleted lists” on page 25
• “Creating and formatting tables” on page 31
• “Adding images and captions” on page 39
• “Adding a table of contents” on page 45
For more information about the topics and tools presented in this tutorial, you can refer
to the User Guide or the online Help. To access the online Help, click Help ` Help

Creating footers 15
16 Creating footers
Creating styles for text and
A style is a collection of formatting attributes that are applied to text or graphics. By
using styles, you can ensure visual consistency throughout a document and avoid
having to repeat multiple formatting tasks for every instance of a particular text or
graphic element. Whenever you change the formatting in a style, you change the
appearance of all text or graphics that use that style. The text styles that you create are
saved with the active document.

What you will learn

During this tutorial, you will learn how to
• create your own text style
• add additional formatting to the style
• add a table of contents marker
• apply a customized text style
You can also
• create a QuickStyle
• save a text style
• create a graphics style

Step 1: Opening the sample document

First, you’ll need to access the sample document.

To open the sample document

1 Go to one of the following locations, depending on which operating system you are
using. Note that “X” refers to the drive where the operating system is installed.
• On Windows 7 and Windows Vista, go to X:\Users\Public\
Public Documents\WordPerfect Office\X5\Tutorial Samples.
• On Windows XP, go to X:\Documents and Settings\All Users\
Shared Documents\WordPerfect Office\X5\Tutorial Samples.
2 Open the WP_2_Styles.wpd file.

Creating styles for text and graphics 17

Step 2: Creating a working document
Now that you have opened the sample document, you’ll save it with a new filename to
create a working document. By creating a working document, you’ll keep the sample
document unchanged so that the tutorial can be reused.

To create a working document

1 Click File ` Save as.
2 In the File name box, type the new filename (for example, My_Styles.wpd).
3 Click the Save button.

Step 3: Creating a text style for the main heading

You’re now ready to create a new text style. First, you’ll create a text style for the
headings in your document.

To create a text style for the main heading

1 Click Format ` Styles.
2 Click the Create button.
3 In the Styles editor dialog box, type Main Heading in the Style name box.
4 Type the following description for the style in the Description box: Main heading
style for section titles.
5 In the Type list box, check to make sure that the default setting of Paragraph
Do not close the Styles editor dialog box — you’ll need to use it in the next step.

Step 4: Adding formatting to the Main Heading style

You can now add a little extra formatting to the style you just created.

To add formatting to the Main Heading style

1 On the menu bar within the Styles editor dialog box, click Format ` Font.
2 In the Font Properties dialog box, choose AvantGarde from the Face list.

18 Creating styles for text and graphics

3 From the Size list, choose 14.
4 Click Format ` Justification ` Center.
Again, you’ll be using the Styles editor dialog box in the next step, so do not close it.

Step 5: Adding a marker for the table of contents

Next, you’ll mark the main heading element for use in a table of contents. The Styles
editor dialog box makes it convenient to do this at the same time that you format a
style element.

To add a marker for the table of contents

1 Enable the Show ‘off codes’ check box.
2 In the Contents area, select the code that is called Codes to the left are ON -
Codes to the right are OFF.

3 Click Tools ` Reference ` Table of Contents.

4 Click the Mark 1 button.
Mark 1 indicates that this heading is the highest-level heading in the document.
5 Click the Close button.
6 In the Styles editor dialog box, click the OK button.

Creating styles for text and graphics 19

Do not close the Styles dialog box — you’ll need to use it in the next step.

Step 6: Creating a text style for subheadings

Now that you’ve created a custom style for the main headings in your document, you
need to make a text style for the subheading.

To create a text style for subheadings

1 Click the Create button.
2 In the Styles editor dialog box, type Subheading in the Style name box.
3 Type the following description for the style in the Description box: Secondary
heading style for subheadings.
4 In the Type list box, leave the default as Paragraph.

Step 7: Adding formatting to the Subheading style

You can now add formatting to the Subheading style you just created.

To add formatting to the Subheading style

1 On the menu bar within the Styles editor dialog box, click Format ` Font.
2 In the Font Properties dialog box, choose Bold.
3 From the Size list, choose 12.
4 Click the OK button.
5 Click Format ` Justification ` Center.
Again, you’ll be using the Styles editor dialog box in the next step, so do not close it.

Step 8: Adding a second marker for the table of contents

Next, you’ll mark the subheading element for use in a table of contents. The Styles
editor dialog box makes it convenient to do this at the same time that you format a
style element.

20 Creating styles for text and graphics

To add a second marker for the table of contents
1 Enable the Show ‘off codes’ check box.
2 In the Contents area, select the code that is called Codes to the left are ON -
Codes to the right are OFF.
3 Click Tools ` Reference ` Table of Contents.
4 Click the Mark 2 button.
Mark 2 indicates that this heading is the second-level heading in the document.
5 Click the Close button.
6 In the Styles editor dialog box, click the OK button.
7 In the Styles dialog box, click the Close button.

Step 9: Applying the Main Heading style

Next, you’ll apply the custom Main Heading style that you’ve just created to the

To apply the Main Heading style

1 In your document, select the text Selling Your Home.
2 Click Format ` Styles.
3 Choose Main Heading from the Available styles list.
4 Click the Insert button.
5 Repeat the process for the three remaining centered headings in your document.

Step 10: Applying the Subheading style

Next, you’ll apply the custom Subheading style that you’ve just created to the

To apply the Subheading style

1 Select the text Prepare your home for sale.
2 Click Format ` Styles.
3 Choose Subheading from the Available styles list.

Creating styles for text and graphics 21

4 Click the Insert button.
5 Repeat the process for the remaining subheadings in your document.

You can also...

Another convenient way to create a text style while you edit a document is to use the
QuickStyle feature. QuickStyles are styles that are based on the formatting in effect at
the cursor location. You can also create QuickStyles for paragraphs.
When you save a style, you can associate it with a specific template or with the active
document only. Or, if you plan to use the style with a different template or on a different
computer, you can save the style as a separate file.
Just as you can create styles for items such as headings, you can also format how you
want graphics to appear.

To create a QuickStyle
1 Select the text or paragraph.
2 Click Format ` Styles.
3 Click the QuickStyle button.
4 In the QuickStyle dialog box, type a name for the style in the Style name box.
5 Type a description for the style in the Description box.
6 Enable one of the following options:
• Character with automatic update — creates a QuickStyle for text
• Paragraph with automatic update — creates a QuickStyle for paragraphs
7 Click the OK button.

To save a text style

1 Click Format ` Styles.
2 Click Options ` Save as.
3 In the Save styles to dialog box, type a filename in the Filename box.
4 In the Style type area, enable one of the following options:
• Both — includes both the styles you have created and the preset styles provided
with WordPerfect
• User styles — includes only the styles you have created

22 Creating styles for text and graphics

• System styles — includes only the preset styles provided with WordPerfect
5 Click the OK button.
6 Click Options ` Settings.
7 In the Style settings dialog box, enable one of the following options in the Save
new styles to area:
• Current document — associates the style with the active document
• Default template — associates the style with the default template
• Additional objects template — associates the style with an additional objects
• The Additional objects template option is available only if you have specified a
second default template to use for additional objects such as keyboards, menus,
template macros, toolbars, and styles.
8 Click the OK button.

To create a graphics style

1 Click Format ` Graphics styles.
2 Enable one of the following options in the Style type area:
• Box
• Border
• Fill
• Line
3 Click the Create button.
4 Type a name for the style in the Style name box.
5 Change any of the settings to modify the attributes of the graphics style.
6 Click the OK button.
7 In the Graphics styles dialog box, click the Close button.

From here...
Congratulations! You’ve now created styles for the section headings in the document,
and you’ve created a graphics style.
You can explore WordPerfect further on your own, or you can become productive
quickly by completing some of the other WordPerfect tutorials.

Creating styles for text and graphics 23

By completing the following tutorials in sequence, you’ll re-create the final
real-estate document (WP_Final.wpd), which is installed in the
Tutorial Samples folder:
• “Creating bulleted lists” on page 25
• “Creating and formatting tables” on page 31
• “Adding images and captions” on page 39
• “Adding a table of contents” on page 45
For more information about the topics and tools presented in this tutorial, you can refer
to the User Guide or the online Help. To access the online Help, click Help ` Help

24 Creating styles for text and graphics

Creating bulleted lists
Bullets help to differentiate items in a list or add emphasis to selected paragraphs. You
might want to mark list items with bullets, rather than with numbers or outline levels,
when the order of the list items is not important and you do not need to show
hierarchical relationships in the list.
When creating a bulleted list, you can choose a preset bulleted list format, or you can
replace the bullet in the format with a custom symbol, such as a heart, star, or check
mark. You can also create a list that uses check boxes.

What you will learn

During this tutorial, you will learn how to
• create a bulleted list format
• apply the list format
You can also
• create a list format

Step 1: Opening the sample document

First, you’ll need to access the sample document.

To open the sample document

1 Go to one of the following locations, depending on which operating system you are
using. Note that “X” refers to the drive where the operating system is installed.
• On Windows 7 and Windows Vista, go to X:\Users\Public\
Public Documents\WordPerfect Office\X5\Tutorial Samples.
• On Windows XP, go to X:\Documents and Settings\All Users\
Shared Documents\WordPerfect Office\X5\Tutorial Samples.
2 Open the WP_3_Lists.wpd file.

Creating bulleted lists 25

Step 2: Creating a working document
Now that you have opened the sample document, you’ll save it with a new filename to
create a working document. By creating a working document, you’ll keep the sample
document unchanged so that the tutorial can be reused.

To create a working document

1 Click File ` Save as.
2 In the File name box, type the new filename (for example, My_Bullets.wpd).
3 Click the Save button.

Step 3: Customizing a bulleted list format

You’re now ready to customize a bulleted list format and apply it to your document.

To customize a bulleted list format

1 Locate a bulleted list in the working document, and click anywhere in the list.
Make sure that your cursor appears within the list.
2 Click Insert ` Outline/Bullets & numbering.
3 In the Bullets & numbering dialog box, click the Bullets tab.
4 Click the Create button.
5 In the Create format dialog box, type Arrow in the List name box.
6 From the Based on list box, choose the fourth item down, which includes standard
bullet symbols.
7 Click in the Text before box, and press the Backspace key.
8 On the keyboard, press Ctrl + W.
This shortcut key opens the Symbols dialog box.
9 From the Set list in the Symbols dialog box, choose Iconic symbols.
10 In the Number box, type 5,152 to insert a right-pointing arrow.
The number 5 represents the Iconic Symbols set, and the number 152 represents
the specific symbol. This symbol matches the arrow that is used in the final real-
estate document, which you are re-creating in these tutorials.

26 Creating bulleted lists

11 Click the Insert and Close button.
12 Click the OK button.

Step 4: Applying the Arrow list format to the other lists

The new bulleted list format is now applied to the active list. Next, you’ll apply this
same format to the other lists in the document.

To apply the Arrow list format to the other lists

1 Locate the next bulleted list in your working document, and click anywhere in the
2 Click Insert ` Outline/Bullets & numbering.
3 In the Bullets & numbering dialog box, choose the Arrow list format.
The Arrow list format should appear last because it is the most recently added
4 Click the OK button.
5 Repeat this procedure for all the remaining lists.

You can also...

WordPerfect gives you many ways to add a professional look and feel to your
documents. By customizing your lists, you can make them more effective and easily
reflect your own personal style.

Creating bulleted lists 27

Here is an additional method for choosing a custom bullet, plus a method for creating
your own bulleted or numbered list formats.

To create a list format

1 Click Insert ` Outline/Bullets & numbering.
2 Click one of the following tabs:
• Numbers — lets you create formats for numbered lists
• Bullets — lets you create formats for bulleted lists
3 Click the Create button.
4 In the Create format dialog box, type a name for the list format in the List name
5 Type a description for the list format in the Description box.
6 In the List type area, enable one of the following options:
• Single level list — lets you create a list with only one level
• Multilevel list (outline) — lets you create a list with multiple levels
7 Choose a style from the Based on list box.
If you want to add text before the list number, type the text in the Text before
8 Click the OK button.

From here...
Congratulations! You have successfully created and customized your bulleted lists.
You can explore WordPerfect further on your own, or you can become productive
quickly by completing some of the other WordPerfect tutorials.

By completing the following tutorials in sequence, you’ll re-create the final

real-estate document (WP_Final.wpd), which is installed in the
Tutorial Samples folder:
• “Creating and formatting tables” on page 31
• “Adding images and captions” on page 39
• “Adding a table of contents” on page 45

28 Creating bulleted lists

For more information about the topics and tools presented in this tutorial, you can refer
to the User Guide or the online Help. To access the online Help, click Help ` Help

Creating bulleted lists 29

30 Creating bulleted lists
Creating and formatting tables
With WordPerfect, you can easily create tables that are visually appealing and user-
friendly. Tables let you organize cells of data in rows and columns and are perfect for
presenting lists, schedules, financial data, comparisons, and summaries.
In this tutorial, you’ll create a simple, two-column table that lists all the tasks someone
would complete before moving to a new house. The table will include headings that
define the time frame for each task.

What you will learn

During this tutorial, you will learn how to
• convert a list to a table
• create subheadings in a table
• repeat table formatting
• split columns
You can also
• create a table
• specify a width for table columns

Step 1: Opening the sample document

First, you’ll need to access the sample document.

To open the sample document

1 Go to one of the following locations, depending on which operating system you are
using. Note that “X” refers to the drive where the operating system is installed.
• On Windows 7 and Windows Vista, go to X:\Users\Public\
Public Documents\WordPerfect Office\X5\Tutorial Samples.
• On Windows XP, go to X:\Documents and Settings\All Users\
Shared Documents\WordPerfect Office\X5\Tutorial Samples.
2 Open the WP_4_Table.wpd file.

Creating and formatting tables 31

Step 2: Creating a working document
After you open the sample document, you’ll save it with a new filename to create a
working document. By creating a working document, you’ll keep the sample
document unchanged so that the tutorial can be reused.

To create a working document

1 Click File ` Save as.
2 In the File name box, type the new filename (for example, My_Tables.wpd).
3 Click the Save button.

Step 3: Converting a list to a table

Now you’re ready to create a table from a list in your working document.

To convert a list to a table

1 Select the text that makes up the Appendix.
2 Click Table ` Convert.
3 In the Convert: Text to Table dialog box, enable the Paragraphs option in the
Text Delimiters area.

4 Click the OK button.

The selected text has now been converted to a table format.

32 Creating and formatting tables

Step 4: Creating table subheadings
Instead of having column headings, the table in this tutorial has highlighted rows that
organize the table content according to time periods. These rows act as subheadings
within the table.

To create table subheadings

1 Position the cursor in the first row of the table.
2 Click Table ` Borders/Fill.
3 In the Properties for Table Borders/Fill dialog box, click the Cell tab, click the
Fill button, and enable the 100% Fill option.

4 Click the Foreground button, and choose Light Gray from the Foreground
5 Click the OK button.
The gray fill identifies the content in the first row as a subheading within the table.
6 Select the text in the first row of the table.
7 Click Format ` Font.
8 Enable the Bold check box.
9 Click the OK button.

In addition to changing the font and font attributes of text in a cell, row,
column, or table, you can also apply other formatting, such as highlighting,
indents, drop caps, and so forth. For more information, see “Formatting text”
in the section “Editing and formatting documents” of the WordPerfect Help.

Creating and formatting tables 33

Step 5: Repeating the formatting
The QuickFormat™ feature of WordPerfect allows you to copy the formatting from a
selection and apply it many times. You can copy and apply formatting from any text,
not only from tables.

To repeat the formatting

1 Select the text in the first row of the table.
2 Click Format ` QuickFormat.
3 In the QuickFormat dialog box, enable the Selected table cells option.

Notice that the appearance of the pointer has changed to a brush, which indicates
that you can apply the formatting to other cells.
4 Click in each of the remaining subheading rows to apply the same formatting.
5 When you have finished formatting the subheadings, click Format `
QuickFormat to turn off the QuickFormat tool.

Step 6: Splitting the columns

Now that the “Planning a Move” list is within a table, you can add details as needed.
For example, you can add a column to track task-related information, such as whether
the task is complete or which family member is in charge of the task.

To split the columns

1 Click Table ` Split ` QuickSplit Column.

34 Creating and formatting tables

2 Move the pointer across the row. You’ll see two numbers that indicate the size of
the columns if you split the existing column at that location. Click when the
numbers indicate a size of 4 inches for the first column.
Repeat the previous step for every row that you want to split. You can split
multiple rows at one time.
Notice that in the final real-estate document, all the rows that list tasks have been
3 When you are finished splitting rows, click Table ` Split ` QuickSplit Column to
turn off the QuickSplit tool.

You can also...

You can create a table anywhere in a document window.
When you create a table, the column widths are automatically equalized. Sometimes,
however, you may want to resize one or more columns — for instance, you may want
to increase the width to accommodate the widest line of text in the column, fix unequal
column widths, or specify an exact width for columns.

To create a new table

1 Click Table ` Create.
2 Type the following values in the following boxes:
• Columns: 2
• Rows: 31

3 Click the Create button.

Creating and formatting tables 35

To accommodate the widest line of text in a table column
1 Position the cursor in a table.
2 Click Table ` Size column to fit.

To equalize the width of table columns

1 Select two or more cells from adjacent columns.
2 Click Table ` Equal column widths.

To specify a width for table columns

1 Select a table column.
2 Click Table ` Format.
3 Click the Column tab.
4 In the Column width area, type 5 in the Width box.
5 Click the OK button.

You can enable the Always keep width the same check box to maintain the
current column width regardless of changes to the width of other columns, or
changes to the left and right margin settings within columns.

From here...
Congratulations! You have successfully added and formatted tables in your document.
You can explore WordPerfect further on your own, or you can become productive
quickly by completing some of the other WordPerfect tutorials.

By completing the following tutorials in sequence, you’ll re-create the final

real-estate document (WP_Final.wpd), which is installed in the
Tutorial Samples folder:
• “Adding images and captions” on page 39
• “Adding a table of contents” on page 45

36 Creating and formatting tables

For more information about the topics and tools presented in this tutorial, you can refer
to the User Guide or the online Help. To access the online Help, click Help ` Help

Creating and formatting tables 37

38 Creating and formatting tables
Adding images and captions
Adding images to your document can be an effective way to convey information and to
make your document more visually appealing. With WordPerfect, you can easily insert
graphics or photos, as well as add accompanying captions.

What you will learn

During this tutorial, you will learn how to
• insert a graphic file
• wrap text around a graphic
• add a caption
You can also
• load photos from a digital camera

Step 1: Opening the sample document

First, you’ll need to access the sample document.

To open the sample document

1 Go to one of the following locations, depending on which operating system you are
using. Note that “X” refers to the drive where the operating system is installed.
• On Windows 7 and Windows Vista, go to X:\Users\Public\
Public Documents\WordPerfect Office\X5\Tutorial Samples.
• On Windows XP, go to X:\Documents and Settings\All Users\
Shared Documents\WordPerfect Office\X5\Tutorial Samples.
2 Click the WP_5_Images.wpd file.

Step 2: Creating a working document

Now that you have opened the sample document, you’ll save it with a new filename to
create a working document. By creating a working document, you’ll keep the sample
document unchanged so that the tutorial can be reused.

Adding images and captions 39

To create a working document
1 Click File ` Save as.
2 In the File name box, type the new filename (for example, My_Images.wpd).
3 Click the Save button.

Step 3: Inserting a graphic file

Now you’re ready to add a graphic to the title page. WordPerfect lets you insert
graphics in many industry-standard file formats, including GIF, JPEG, TIF, and BMP.

To insert a graphic file

1 Go to the first page of your working document, and position the cursor to the left
of “Acme Real Estate.”
2 Click Insert ` Graphics/Pictures ` From File.
3 Browse to one of the following locations, depending on which operating system you
are using. Note that “X” refers to the drive where the operating system is installed.
• On Windows 7 and Windows Vista, go to X:\Users\Public\
Public Documents\WordPerfect Office\X5\Tutorial Samples.
• On Windows XP, go to X:\Documents and Settings\All Users\
Shared Documents\WordPerfect Office\X5\Tutorial Samples.
4 Select the logo.wpg file.
5 Click the Insert button.

Step 4: Wrapping text around the graphic

Now that you’ve inserted the graphic file into your document, you’ll wrap the text
around it.

To wrap text around the graphic

1 Right-click the graphic you just inserted, and click Wrap.
2 In the Wrapping type area, enable the Square option.
3 In the Wrap text around area, enable the Right side option.
4 Click the OK button.

40 Adding images and captions

Step 5: Adding a caption
Next, you’ll add a caption for the graphic.

To add a caption
1 Right-click the graphic, and click Caption.
2 In the Box caption dialog box, choose Right from the Position list box.

3 Click the Edit button.

4 Replace the default text Figure 1 with Since 1987.
Note that WordPerfect automatically adds counters for captions and other
elements in a document. Each box style has a different caption numbering style.
For example, all figure boxes are numbered in sequence, and the number appears
after the word “Figure.” You can change the numbering style of a box caption, or
you can delete the caption number by selecting it and clicking Delete.
5 Select the text, and click Format ` Font.
6 In the Font Properties dialog box, choose 8 from the Size list box.
7 Click the OK button.

Step 6: Completing the title page

Now that you have added a graphic and a caption, you’ll fine-tune the alignment of

Adding images and captions 41

elements on the title page.

To complete the title page

1 Highlight the text “Selling and Buying a Home.”
2 Click Format ` Justification ` Center.
3 Select the logo, and drag it to the right so that the left side of the graphic aligns
with the left side of the document title.
Notice that the company name and address also move to the right because of the
Wrap text property.

You can also...

If you take photos with a digital camera, you can load the photos from your camera
right into a WordPerfect document.

To load photos from a digital camera

1 Connect a digital camera to your computer.
2 Click Insert ` Graphics/Pictures ` Select source.
3 Choose a digital camera from the Sources box.
4 Click Insert ` Graphics/Pictures ` Acquire image.
5 Choose the images that you want to load from the dialog box that appears.
If your digital camera does not support WIA, you’ll be presented with the digital
camera’s interface for loading photos. Available options vary, depending on the
digital camera.
6 Click the Get pictures button.
The button on your digital camera may have a different name, such as “Send.”
If you want to load additional photos during the same session, just click Insert `
Graphics/Pictures ` Acquire image.

From here...
Congratulations! You’ve successfully added images and captions to your document.

42 Adding images and captions

You can explore WordPerfect further on your own, or you can become productive
quickly by completing some of the other WordPerfect tutorials.

By completing “Adding a table of contents” on page 45, you’ll re-create the

final real-estate document (WP_Final.wpd), which is installed in the
Tutorial Samples folder.
For more information about the topics and tools presented in this tutorial, you can refer
to the User Guide or the online Help. To access the online Help, click Help ` Help

Adding images and captions 43

44 Adding images and captions
Adding a table of contents
In a few simple steps, you can add a table of contents to your document. A table of
contents is a handy outline that lists main topics in the order of their appearance in a
document, along with the page number of each topic. By quickly glancing at the
topics in the table of contents, readers can gain a sense of the document’s content and
scope. They can also easily access particular sections of the document.

What you will learn

During this tutorial, you will learn how to
• define a table of contents
• generate a table of contents
You can also
• mark entries for a table of contents

If you followed the tutorial “Creating styles for text and graphics” on page 17,
you marked a document with heading styles and added markers for the table
of contents. Using the styles created in that tutorial, you can easily generate a
table of contents that is based on the heading text.
If you have not followed the tutorial “Creating styles for text and graphics” on
page 17, you can still generate a basic table of contents by using preset heading
styles and marking the headings manually, as described in “You can also...” on
page 48.

Step 1: Opening the sample document

First, you’ll need to access the sample document.

To open the sample document

1 Go to one of the following locations, depending on which operating system you are
using. Note that “X” refers to the drive where the operating system is installed.
• On Windows 7 and Windows Vista, go to X:\Users\Public\
Public Documents\WordPerfect Office\X5\Tutorial Samples.

Adding a table of contents 45

• On Windows XP, go to X:\Documents and Settings\All Users\
Shared Documents\WordPerfect Office\X5\Tutorial Samples.
2 Open the WP_6_TOC.wpd file.

Step 2: Creating a working document

Now that you have opened the sample document, you’ll save it with a new filename to
create a working document. By creating a working document, you’ll keep the sample
document unchanged so that the tutorial can be reused.

To create a working document

1 Click File ` Save as.
2 In the File name box, type the new filename (for example, My_Contents.wpd).
3 Click the Save button.

Step 3: Defining a table of contents for the document

Next, you need to define a table of contents for your document. By defining a table of
contents, you establish how it will display in the document by specifying things such as
the number of levels, the position and the look of the page numbers, and the style of
each level.

To define a table of contents for the document

1 Position the cursor under the Contents title on page 3.
2 Click Tools ` Reference ` Table of contents.
3 Click the Define button.
4 In the Number of levels box, type 2.
This number specifies how many levels of headings your document has.
5 For the TableofCont1 style, choose Text ..... # from the Position list box.
6 For the TableofCont2 style, choose Text ..... # from the Position list box.
The indentation of levels in the table of contents is adjusted according to the
number of heading levels you specify.

46 Adding a table of contents

7 Click the OK button to close the Define table of contents dialog box.
8 In the Reference tools dialog box, click the Close button.
Notice that the text << Table of Contents will generate here >> now appears
on the page where you positioned your cursor.

Step 4: Generating the table of contents

Now that you’ve defined how and where the table of contents will appear in your
document, you are ready to generate the table of contents. When you generate a table
of contents, WordPerfect searches the document for the table of contents entry
markers. This information is inserted on the table of contents page in the document.
You need to regenerate the table of contents whenever you update information in the

To generate the table of contents

1 Click Tools ` Reference ` Table of contents.
To ensure that the table of contents is generated before you save or print the
document, enable the Auto generate check box. If you do not generate a table of
contents after editing the document, a warning appears when you attempt to save
or print.

Adding a table of contents 47

2 Click the Generate button.
3 In the Generate dialog box, click the OK button.

You can also...

If the headings in a document were not created by using styles with Table of Contents
markers, you can still create a table of contents by first scrolling through the document
and marking each heading manually.

To mark entries for a table of contents

1 Click Tools ` Reference ` Table of contents.
2 Position the cursor at the beginning of a title that you want to display in the table
of contents.
3 Choose a level from Mark 1 through Mark 5. The level you choose depends on the
levels you defined for the table of contents. Each mark corresponds to a level of
4 Repeat the previous two steps for each title that you want to display in the table of
You can press Alt + F3 to view the mark codes for the table of contents. Then, you
can go ahead and generate a table of contents as described earlier in this tutorial.

From here...
Congratulations! You have successfully inserted a table of contents.

Your document should now resemble the final real-estate document

(WP_Final.wpd), which is installed in the Tutorial Samples folder.
You can explore WordPerfect further on your own, or you can become productive
quickly by completing some of the other WordPerfect tutorials.
For more information about the topics and tools presented in this tutorial, you can refer
to the User Guide or the online Help. To access the online Help, click Help ` Help

48 Adding a table of contents

Working with drop caps
WordPerfect allows you to use drop caps at the beginning of a line or paragraph to
decorate the text. In this tutorial, you will add and edit a drop cap.
This is what the final document should look like.

What you will learn

During this tutorial, you will learn how to
• add a drop cap
• change the size of a drop cap using Corel RealTime Preview
• apply font attributes to a drop cap
• apply a border style to a drop cap
• add a drop shadow to a drop cap border frame
• apply a gradient fill to a drop cap border frame
• adjust the space between a drop cap and a border frame
• save your work

Working with drop caps 49

Step 1: Adding a drop cap
You will add a drop cap to the first paragraph in the sample file of your choice.

To add a drop cap

1 Click at the beginning of the first paragraph.
2 On the property bar, click the Drop cap style button.
3 In the Drop caps dialog box, click Drop cap in text from the Format page.
4 In the Height section, type 2 in the Lines box.
5 Click OK.
This is what the drop cap should look like.

Step 2: Changing the size of a drop cap

You will select and change the number of text lines you want indented at the right side
of the drop cap.

To change the size of the drop cap

1 Place the cursor before the drop cap that you added.
2 On the property bar, click the Drop cap size picker to display the Drop cap
size list.
3 Position the cursor on a drop cap size to view a preview of the drop cap in that size.
4 In the Drop cap size list, click 3 lines height to apply it.

50 Working with drop caps

This is what the drop cap should look like.

Step 3: Applying font attributes

You will apply a new font face, style, color, and shading to the drop cap.

To apply font attributes

1 Click in front of the drop cap you added.
2 Click the Drop cap font button on the property bar.
3 In the Face section, choose Roman from the Face list box.
4 In the Appearance section, enable the Bold check box.
5 In the Color section, click the Color picker, and click Blue.
6 In the Shading section, type 95 in the Shading box.
7 Click OK.
This is what the drop cap should look like.

Working with drop caps 51

Step 4: Applying a border style
You will apply a border style to a drop cap.

To apply a border style

1 Click in front of the drop cap you added.
2 On the property bar, click the Drop cap border/fill button.
3 Click the Border tab.
4 From the Available border styles list box, click the third style in the first row.
5 Click OK.
This is what the drop cap should look like.

52 Working with drop caps

Step 5: Adding a drop shadow
You will add a drop shadow to the border frame of the drop cap.

To add a drop shadow

1 Click in front of the drop cap you added.
2 On the property bar, click the Drop cap border/fill button.
3 In the Drop cap border/fill dialog box, click the Shadow tab.
4 In the Direction of shadow section, click the last shadow button.
5 In the Drop shadow section, type 0.030 in the Shadow height box.
6 In the Drop shadow section, type 0.030 in the Shadow width box.
7 Click the Color picker, and click Dark gray (RGB = 128, 128, 128).
8 Click OK.
This is what the drop cap should look like.

Step 6: Applying a fill

You will apply a gradient fill to the frame of the drop cap.

To apply a fill
1 Click in front of the drop cap you added.
2 On the property bar, click the Drop cap border/fill button.

Working with drop caps 53

3 In the Drop cap border/fill dialog box, click the Fill tab.
4 From the Available fill styles list box, click the fourth fill in the last row.
5 Click the Start color picker, and click White.
6 Click the End color picker, and click Light grey.
7 Click OK.
This is what the drop cap should look like.

Step 7: Adjusting the position of a drop cap in a border frame

You will adjust the space between the drop cap and the border frame to position the
drop cap nicely in the frame.

To adjust the position of a drop cap

1 Click in front of the drop cap you added.
2 On the property bar, click the Drop cap border/fill button.
3 In the Drop cap border/fill dialog box, click the Advanced tab.
4 In the Spacing section, click the Inside picker, and choose the second spacing
option in the first column.
5 In the Spacing section, click the Outside picker, and choose the third spacing
option in the first column.
6 Click OK.
This is what the drop cap should look like.

54 Working with drop caps

Step 8: Saving your work
Now that you have finished creating and editing the drop cap, you can save the file for
future reference.

To save your work

1 Click File ` Save.
2 From the Save in list box, choose the drive and folder where you want to save the
3 In the Filename box, type a filename.
4 Click Save.

From here...
Congratulations! You used WordPerfect to add a drop cap and edit it. You can explore
WordPerfect further on your own, or you can become productive quickly by completing
some of the other WordPerfect tutorials.
For more information about the topics and tools presented in this tutorial, you can refer
to the Help. To access the online Help, click Help ` Help topics.

For more information on In the Help index, see

removing drop caps drop caps, removing

adding borders to graphics boxes, borders, adding

paragraphs, columns or pages

changing fills for images fills, adding

Working with drop caps 55

changing drop shadows drop shadows, changing

applying fonts to text fonts, changing

56 Working with drop caps

Changing fonts
WordPerfect lets you customize a document by changing the font appearance. You can
change the face, size, and color of text to create headings which draw attention to
specific words or phrases.
In this tutorial, you will use Corel® RealTime Preview™ to change a font face and
increase the font size.

What you will learn

During this tutorial, you will learn how to
• change the font face of a document heading
• change the font size of a document heading
• apply a color to text in a document heading
• save your work

Step 1: Changing the font face of a document heading

A document will often begin with a title or heading. In order to make the heading in
the document stand out from the rest of the text, you will apply a different font face to

To change the font face

1 Create heading text.
2 Click at the beginning of the heading and drag across the heading to select it.
3 Click the Font face list box on the property bar, and point to Bookman.
The font is displayed in the font face preview window, and the heading in the
document is changed.

Changing fonts 57
4 Click on Bookman in the Font face list box.

The Bookman Old Style™ font is included in the extra content that is
packaged with WordPerfect Office, on Disc 2.

Step 2: Changing the font size of a document heading

You will now change the font size of the heading.

To change the font size

1 Click at the beginning of the heading and drag across the heading to select it.
2 Click the Font size list box on the property bar, and point to 24.
The font size is displayed in the font face preview window, and the heading in the
document is changed.

58 Changing fonts
3 Click on 24 in the Font size list box.

Step 3: Changing the color of text in a document heading

You will now apply a different color to the heading.

To change the color of text

1 Click at the beginning of the heading and drag across the heading to select it.
2 Click Format ` Font.
3 In the Font properties dialog box, click the Font tab.
4 Click the Color button, and click the brown tile on the Color picker.
The brown tile is the last tile in the first row.
5 Click OK.

Step 4: Saving your work

Now that you have finished changing font styles, size, and color, you can save the file
for future reference.

Changing fonts 59
To save your work
1 Click File ` Save.
2 From the Save in list box, choose the drive and folder where you want to save the
3 In the Filename box, type a filename.
4 Click Save.

From here...
Congratulations! You used WordPerfect to change the font face, size, and color of text.
You can explore WordPerfect further on your own, or you can become productive
quickly by completing some of the other WordPerfect tutorials.
For more information about the topics and tools presented in this tutorial, you can refer
to the Help. To access the online Help, click Help ` Help topics.

For more information on In the Help index, see

Changing the default font and font size fonts, default

QuickFonts™ fonts, reusing recent

Changing fonts fonts, changing

60 Changing fonts
Working with footnotes
WordPerfect allows you to annotate documents by using footnotes. A footnote is a
numbered reference that provides more information about a topic and is located below
text or at the bottom of a document. In this tutorial, you will create, edit, and format
footnotes for a document.

What you will learn

During this tutorial, you will learn how to
• create footnotes
• edit footnotes
• format footnotes
• save your work

Step 1: Creating footnotes

You create a footnote by first inserting a reference number in the text of a document.
That number is linked to the footnote's corresponding text. Footnotes allow readers to
read the document from beginning to end without searching for references in the back
While working with footnotes, not all WordPerfect functions are available until you
return to the body of the text.
First, you must create the footnotes that you will later edit and format.

To create a footnote
1 In the document, type a paragraph.
2 Click at the end of a sentence.
3 Click Insert ` Footnote/endnote.
4 Enable the Footnote number option, and type 1 in the box beside it.
5 Click Create.
When you click Create, the dialog box automatically closes.

Working with footnotes 61

6 Type footnote text.
7 Repeat steps 1 through 5 to create consecutive footnotes in the document.
This is an example of a document with footnotes.

Step 2: Editing footnotes

Once you have created footnotes, you can edit their content.

To edit a footnote
1 Click in the body text of the document.
2 Click Insert ` Footnote/endnote.
3 Enable the Footnote number option, and type 1 in the box beside it.
4 Click Edit.
The first footnote you created appears.
5 In footnote number 1, modify the footnote text.
6 Click in the body text of the document to return to the word associated with
footnote 1.

62 Working with footnotes

Step 3: Formatting footnotes
Once you have defined your footnote entries, you can change the format of the
footnotes. Here, you will change the amount of space between footnotes and start new
numbers for footnotes on the second page of the document

To change the amount of space between footnotes

1 Click Insert ` Footnote/endnote.
2 Enable the Footnote number option, and type 1 in the box beside it.
3 Click Options, and click Advanced.
4 In the Edit numbering style area, type 0.197 in the Space between notes box.
The space between the footnotes increases.

To change the numbering method of footnotes

1 Click Insert ` Footnote/endnote.
2 Enable the Footnote number option, and type 1 in the box beside it.
3 Click Options, and click Advanced.
4 In the Numbering method area, choose Lowercase roman from the Method list
5 Enable the Restart numbering on each page check box.
6 Click OK.
This is an example of a document with footnotes.

Working with footnotes 63

Step 4: Saving your work
Now that you have finished creating, editing, and formatting your footnotes, you can
save the document for future reference.

To save your work

1 Click File ` Save.
2 From the Save in list box, choose the drive and folder where you want to save the
3 In the Filename box, type a filename.
4 Click Save.

From here...
Congratulations! You used WordPerfect to create, edit, format, and save footnotes in a
document. You can explore WordPerfect further on your own, or you can become
productive quickly by completing some of the other WordPerfect tutorials.
For more information about the topics and tools presented in this tutorial, you can refer
to the User Guide or the online Help. To access the online Help, click Help ` Help

For more information on In the Help index, see

adding footnotes footnotes, inserting

editing footnotes footnotes, editing

changing number formats footnotes, numbering

changing spaces between footnotes, spacing

changing numbering methods footnotes, numbering

64 Working with footnotes

Working with endnotes
WordPerfect allows you to annotate documents by using endnotes. An endnote is a
numbered reference, located at the end of a document, that provides more information
about a topic. Endnotes are often used in term papers, for example. In this tutorial,
you will create, edit, and format endnotes.
This is what the document with endnotes should look like.

What you will learn

During this tutorial, you will learn how to
• create endnotes
• edit endnotes
• format endnotes
• save your work

Step 1: Creating endnotes

You create an endnote by first inserting a reference number in the text of a document.
That number is linked to the endnote's corresponding text, which you supply. Endnotes
are common in term papers. Endnotes allow readers to read the document from
beginning to end without interrupting the flow of the text with numerous references.
While working with an endnote, not all WordPerfect functions are available until you
return to the body of the text.
First, you must create the endnotes that you will later edit and format.

Working with endnotes 65

To create an endnote
1 Type a paragraph in the document.
2 In the document, click at the end of a sentence.
3 Click Insert ` Footnote/endnote.
4 Enable the Endnote number option, and type 1 in the box beside it.
5 Click Create.
When you click Create, the dialog box automatically closes.
6 Type endnote text.
7 Repeat steps 1 through 6 to create consecutive endnotes in the document.
This is an example of a document with endnotes.

Step 2: Editing endnotes

Once you have created endnotes, you can edit their content.

To edit an endnote
1 Click in the body text of the document.
2 Click Insert ` Footnote/endnote.
3 Enable the Endnote number option, and type 1 in the box beside it.
4 Click Edit.
The first endnote you created appears.
5 In endnote number one, edit the endnote text.
6 Click in the body text of the document to return to the word associated with
endnote 1.

66 Working with endnotes

Step 3: Formatting endnotes
Once you have defined your endnote entries, you can change the format of the endnotes.
Here, you will change the amount of space between endnotes and start new numbers
for endnotes on the second page the document.

To change the amount of space between endnotes

1 Click Insert ` Footnote/endnote.
2 Enable the Endnote number option, and type 1 in the box beside it.
3 Click Options, and click Advanced.
4 In the Numbering method area, type 0.197 in the Space between notes box.
The space between the endnotes increases.

To change the numbering method of endnotes

1 Click Insert ` Footnote/endnote.
2 Enable the Endnote number option, and type 1 in the box beside it.
3 Click Options, and click Advanced.
4 In the Numbering method area, choose Lowercase Roman from the Method list
5 Enable the Restart numbering on each page check box.
6 Click OK.
This is an example of a document with endnotes.

Step 4: Saving your work

Now that you have finished creating, editing, and formatting your endnotes, you can
save the document for future reference.

Working with endnotes 67

To save your work
1 Click File ` Save.
2 From the Save in list box, choose the drive and folder where you want to save the
3 In the Filename box, type a filename.
4 Click Save.

From here...
Congratulations! You used WordPerfect to create, edit, format, and save endnotes in a
document! You can explore WordPerfect further on your own, or you can become
productive quickly by completing some of the other WordPerfect tutorials.
For more information about the topics and tools presented in this tutorial, you can refer
to the User Guide or the online Help. To access the online Help, click Help ` Help

For more information on In the Help index, see

adding endnotes endnotes, inserting

editing endnotes endnotes, editing

changing number formats endnotes, numbering

changing spaces between endnotes, spacing

changing numbering methods endnotes, numbering

68 Working with endnotes

to the Quattro Pro tutorials
Quattro Pro is a spreadsheet application that lets you manage, analyze, report, and
share data. By creating projects in the tutorials listed below, you will be introduced to
the tools and features of Quattro Pro.
Please choose a tutorial from the following list:
“Quattro Pro workspace tour” on page 71 — takes you on a tour of the Quattro
Pro workspace, introducing you to the basic tools and features of the application

“Adding formulas to spreadsheets” on page 77 — teaches you how to create a basic


“Creating a pie chart of household expenses” on page 83 — teaches you how to

create a table of typical household expenses, and then shows you how to use that
data to create a pie chart

“Creating a currency conversion table” on page 87 — teaches you how to create a

table that converts US dollars into foreign currencies using the specific exchange
rates that you enter

“Creating a customized Quattro Pro toolbar” on page 91 — teaches you how to

create and customize a Quattro Pro toolbar so you can complete tasks quickly

“Creating a map of Australian cities” on page 95 — teaches you how to create a

map of Australia that displays the country's major cities

“Creating a sortable demographics table” on page 99 — teaches you how to create

a table of demographic data, and then sort that data in different ways based on
criteria you choose

“Creating a team roster database” on page 103 — teaches you how to use a
database form to create a notebook database containing roster information for a
softball team

“Creating a statistics tracking table” on page 107 — Teaches you how to create a
table of sports statistics data, copy that table, and quickly create a second table

Welcome to the Quattro Pro tutorials 69

“Creating a vacation tracking table” on page 113 — Teaches you how to create a
table that tracks the amount of vacation time you have taken, and the amount you
will have remaining at the end of subsequent months

For additional tutorials, please visit us on the Internet at, or see the Corel WordPerfect Office X5
training CD (if packaged with your edition of the software).

70 Welcome to the Quattro Pro tutorials

Quattro Pro workspace tour
Quattro Pro lets you create professional spreadsheet-based documents to help you
manage data. It provides all the tools you need to produce tables, financial forms, lists,
databases, charts, reports, or any other type of document that stores and presents data.
In this tutorial, you will learn about the basic workspace tools of Quattro Pro, and you
will then use those tools to create a temperature conversion table.

What you will learn

During this tutorial, you will learn to use
• the property bar
• QuickFill™ to enter values
• QuickFit to resize rows and columns
• custom keyboard shortcuts
• formulas to perform calculations
• the sort feature
• QuickCell™ and Undo
• functions
• the Quattro Pro online Help

Step 1: Using the property bar

You can edit the properties of labels, values, and objects with the property bar. The
property bar is context-sensitive; it displays the properties associated with an item you
have selected.
You will now use the tools on the property bar to edit text labels on your spreadsheet,
and add borders to the cells.

To add text and borders to cells

1 In cell A1, type the label Month.
2 In cell B1, type the label Average Temperature in Celsius.
3 In cell C1, type the label Average Temperature in Fahrenheit.

Quattro Pro workspace tour 71

4 Select cells A1 to C1, and click the Bold button on the property bar.
5 With cells A1 to C1 still selected, click the Border button flyout on the
property bar, and click one of the border styles.

Step 2: Using the QuickFill feature

You can use QuickFill to enter values in multiple cells without having to type each
value. QuickFill has a variety of series to choose from, including months, days of the
week, and custom series.
You will now use QuickFill to enter labels for the months.

To create labels by using QuickFill

1 Select cells A2 to A13.
2 On the Notebook toolbar, click the QuickFill button.
3 From the Series name list box, choose Months.
4 Click OK.
5 In cells B2 to B13, type the average temperature for the corresponding month.
Here is a list of values you can use in the table.

Step 3: Using the QuickFit feature

Using the QuickFit buttons on the Notebook toolbar, you can change row and column
widths to fit their largest entries.

72 Quattro Pro workspace tour

You will now use the QuickFit buttons to expand the width of each column to fit its
largest entry.

To resize rows and columns by using QuickFit

1 Select columns A, B, and C.
2 On the Notebook toolbar, click the Column QuickFit button.

Step 4: Using customization features

You can add keyboard shortcuts to Quattro Pro. Adding shortcuts for commands you
use frequently can save time.
You will now use the customization feature to add a keyboard shortcut for the Paste

To create a custom keyboard shortcut

1 Click Tools ` Customize.
2 In the list of categories, double-click Customization, and click Commands.
3 From the list box, choose Edit.
4 From the list, choose the Paste command.
5 Click the Shortcut keys tab.
6 In the New shortcut key box, press ALT + P, as if you were using a keyboard
7 Click Assign.
8 Click OK.

Step 5: Using formulas

In a cell, you can enter a formula that will perform a calculation using values in other
You will now use a formula to convert the temperatures from Celsius to Fahrenheit.

Quattro Pro workspace tour 73

To enter a formula
1 In cell C2, type the formula (B2*9)/5+32.
2 Select cell C2.
3 Click Edit ` Copy.
4 Select cells C3 to C13.
5 Press ALT+ P to paste the formula.

Step 6: Using the sort feature

You can use the sort function to sort information based on one or more criteria in your
table. You can sort information in ascending or descending order.
You will now use the sort function to sort the temperatures from coldest to hottest

To sort data
1 Select cells A1 to C13.
2 Click Tools ` Sort.
3 From the 1st list box, choose Average Temperature in Celsius.
4 Click Sort.

Step 7: Using the QuickCell and Undo buttons

The QuickCell button on the application bar lets you see how changing the value in one
cell will affect the value in another cell. After changing a value, you can undo the
change, or multiple changes.
You will now learn how to use QuickCell and undo changes you make.

To preview and edit entries by using QuickCell and Undo

1 Select cell C4.
2 On the application bar, click QuickCell.
3 Select cell B4, and change the value to 12.
The value in QuickCell has changed to reflect the new result.

74 Quattro Pro workspace tour

4 Select cell C5, and change the value to 15.
5 On the Notebook toolbar, click the Undo button flyout.
The actions are listed from most to least recent.
6 Click the second entry to undo the last two actions.
7 To reset QuickCell, select any empty cell and click the value in QuickCell.

Step 8: Using functions

Quattro Pro has a number of preset functions that you can use to calculate a variety of
You will now use the @AVG function to calculate the average temperature for the year.

To use preset functions

1 In cell A14, type the label Average Temperature.
2 Select column A.
3 On the Notebook toolbar, click the Column QuickFit button.
4 Click cell B14.
5 Click the Insert function button.
6 From the Function category list, choose ALL.
7 From the Function list, choose AVG.
8 Click OK.
9 Type B2..B13.
10 Press ENTER to calculate the average temperature for the year.

Step 9: Using online Help

Quattro Pro has detailed online Help for answering any questions you may have about
the application. Online Help can assist you in performing simple or more complex
You will now use the online Help to print your notebook.

Quattro Pro workspace tour 75

To use the online Help
1 Click Help ` Help topics.
2 Click the Index tab.
3 In the input box, type notebooks, and then double-click its printing sub-entry.
4 Follow the instructions to print your notebook.

From here...
Congratulations! You have completed the Quattro Pro workspace tour. You can explore
Quattro Pro further on your own, or you can become productive quickly by completing
some of the other Quattro Pro tutorials.
For more Quattro Pro tutorials, see “Welcome to the Quattro Pro tutorials” on page 69.
For more information about the topics and tools presented in this tutorial, you can refer
to the User Guide or the online Help. To access the online Help, click Help ` Help

76 Quattro Pro workspace tour

Adding formulas to spreadsheets
Formulas are mathematical equations that calculate a final value, such as the sum of
two cells or the total of a column. By using formulas, you can make your Quattro Pro
spreadsheets more effective. In addition, you can use cell references in the formulas so
that results are automatically updated if the cell values change, or if you copy a
formula to a new cell.
Introducing formulas in Quattro Pro spreadsheets is a great way to help you track your
personal financial investments. For example, you can create a spreadsheet with stock
purchases, stock ticker symbols, purchase dates, purchase volume, and purchase price.
You can also track the broker’s commission paid, as well as the average cost per unit of
In this tutorial, you’ll create a basic formula that determines the average cost per unit
of stock. The formula will total the cost of the purchase, including the commission, and
then divide the total by the number of stocks purchased. You’ll use basic operators and
cell references to create this formula.

What you will learn

During this tutorial, you will learn how to
• create a basic formula
• copy a formula to a new cell
• apply a currency format
• apply a date format

Step 1: Opening the sample notebook

First, you’ll need to access the sample notebook.

To access the sample notebook

1 Go to one of the following locations, depending on which operating system you are
using. Note that “X” refers to the drive where the operating system is installed.
• On Windows 7 and Windows Vista, go to X:\Users\Public\
Public Documents\WordPerfect Office\X5\Tutorial Samples.

Adding formulas to spreadsheets 77

• On Windows XP, go to X:\Documents and Settings\All Users\
Shared Documents\WordPerfect Office\X5\Tutorial Samples.
2 Open the QP_1_Formulas.qpw file.

Step 2: Creating a working notebook

After you open the sample notebook, you’ll save it with a new filename to create a
working notebook. By creating a working notebook, you’ll keep the sample notebook
unchanged so that the tutorial can be reused.

To create a working notebook

1 Click File ` Save as.
2 In the File name box, type the new filename (for example,
3 Click the Save button.

Step 3: Creating a basic formula

Now you’re ready to create a basic formula.

To create a basic formula

1 Click the first cell of the Average Cost/Unit column (Cell G3).
2 Type an equal sign (=) in the cell.
The equal sign establishes the values that follow as part of a formula.
3 Type an opening parenthesis [ ( ] in the cell.
The opening parenthesis establishes the order of operations. The total cost needs to
be divided so that the average cost can be determined.
4 Click the first cell of the Number of stocks column (Cell D3).
Notice that the D3 cell reference is added to the formula in cell G3.

78 Adding formulas to spreadsheets

5 In cell G3, type the multiplication sign (*).
6 Click the first cell of the Stock price column (Cell E3).
The E3 cell reference is also added to the formula in cell G3.

7 In cell G3, type the plus sign (+).

8 Click the first cell of the Commission column (Cell F3).
9 In cell G3, type a closing parenthesis [ ) ], and then type a division sign ( / ).

10 Click the first cell of the Number of stocks column (Cell D3), and press Enter to
perform the calculation.
The calculation is performed, and the average cost per unit for the first stock is

Step 4: Copying a formula to a new cell

Now you’re ready to copy the formula to a new cell. When you copy a formula to a
new cell, the cell references are automatically updated to reflect the new cell location,
and the new result is displayed.

To copy a formula to a new cell

1 Click the first cell of the Average Cost/Unit column (Cell G3).
2 Click Edit ` Copy.
3 Select cells G4 to G6.

Adding formulas to spreadsheets 79

The cells G4 to G6 are selected.

4 Click Edit ` Paste.

The results are automatically displayed in the selected cells.

Step 5: Applying a currency format to the data

Next, you’ll apply a currency format to the data. Currency is a numeric format that
lets you choose the symbol for a particular currency — for example, the euro.

To appy a currency formula to the data

1 Click in the first cell in the Stock price column (E3), press Shift, and click in the
last cell in the Average Cost/Unit column (G6).
2 Click Format ` Selection Properties, click the Numeric Format tab, and choose
Currency from the Numeric Formats list.
3 In the Currency area, ensure that the value in the Decimal Places box is 2.
4 Click the OK button.

Step 6: Applying a date format

Now you’re ready to apply a date format.
Quattro Pro reads dates and times as values. Specific formatting and calculation criteria
are applied, depending on the date and time criteria that you have set as defaults. When
you type a date, the cell formatting automatically switches to the date format that you
previously specified.

80 Adding formulas to spreadsheets

To apply a date formula
1 Click in the first cell of the Date of purchase column (C3), press Shift, and click in
the last cell (C6).
2 Click Format ` Selection Properties, click the Numeric Format tab, and choose
Date from the Numeric Formats list.
3 In the Date area, enable the DD-MMM-YYYY option.
4 Click the OK button.

From here...
You have successfully created a basic formula to calculate the average cost per unit of
stock purchased. You can explore Quattro Pro further on your own, or you can become
productive quickly by completing some of the other Quattro Pro tutorials.
For more Quattro Pro tutorials, see “Welcome to the Quattro Pro tutorials” on page 69.
For more information about the topics and tools presented in this tutorial, you can refer
to the User Guide or the online Help. To access the online Help, click Help ` Help

Adding formulas to spreadsheets 81

82 Adding formulas to spreadsheets
Creating a pie chart of household
Quattro Pro lets you present data graphically by plotting it on a chart. In this tutorial,
you will create a table of typical household expenses, and then you will use that data to
create a pie chart. This is what the final chart will look like.

What you will learn

During this tutorial, you will learn how to
• set up a data table
• create a pie chart
• customize a pie chart

Step 1: Setting up the data table

Before creating a chart, you must enter data on your spreadsheet that can be
represented graphically. For this tutorial, you will first create a table representing typical
monthly expenses in the categories House, Car, Utilities, Groceries, and Other.

To set up the data table

1 In cells A1 to A5, type the labels House, Car, Utilities, Groceries, and Other.
2 In cells B1 to B5, type the values 1000, 400, 250, 250, and 500.
3 Select cells B1 to B5.
4 Click Format ` Selection properties.

Creating a pie chart of household expenses 83

5 Click the Numeric format tab.
6 Click Currency.
7 Click OK.

Step 2: Creating the pie chart

Once you've entered data onto your spreadsheet, you can use it as the basis of a chart.
To create the chart you will be using the Quattro Pro charting tool, which allows you
to present spreadsheet data graphically using a variety of chart types and styles,
customized titles and legends, and advanced rendering and lighting options.

To create the pie chart

1 Select cells A1 to B5.
2 Click Insert ` Chart ` Use Chart Expert.
3 Click Next.
4 Choose Pie (if necessary), and then click Next.
5 In the Title box, type Household Expenses.
6 In the Subtitle box, type Monthly Percentages.
7 Click Next.
8 Click Finish.
9 Click the point on the spreadsheet where you want to place the upper-left corner of
the chart.

Step 3: Customizing the pie chart

After you've created the pie chart, you can customize its appearance.

To customize the pie chart

1 Click a slice of the pie.
2 Right-click the slice, and click Series properties.
3 Enable the Values outside slices option.
4 Enable the Display values as percentage check box.

84 Creating a pie chart of household expenses

5 Click OK.
6 Click Chart ` Legend properties.
7 Enable the Display legend check box.
8 Click OK.

From here...
Congratulations! You used Quattro Pro to create a pie chart of household expenses. You
can explore Quattro Pro further on your own, or you can become productive quickly by
completing some of the other Quattro Pro tutorials.
For more Quattro Pro tutorials, see “Welcome to the Quattro Pro tutorials” on page 69.
For more information about the topics and tools presented in this tutorial, you can refer
to the User Guide or the online Help. To access the online Help, click Help ` Help

Creating a pie chart of household expenses 85

86 Creating a pie chart of household expenses
Creating a currency conversion
Quattro Pro allows you to use different numeric formats and currency symbols to
display international data. In this tutorial, you will create a table that converts US
dollars to foreign currencies using the specific exchange rates that you enter.

This is what the final table will look like.

What you will learn

During this tutorial, you will learn how to
• create a currency table
• enter currency data
• use exchange formulas
• enter currency symbols

Step 1: Setting up the currency tables

For this tutorial, you will convert $100 US into its equivalent value in Swiss francs,
Canadian dollars, Japanese yen, Mexican pesos, and European euros. First, you must set
up the tables into which you will enter the currency data.

To set up the currency tables

1 In cell A1, type the label Value in US Dollars.
2 In cell B1, type the value 100.
3 Select cells A1, B1, and C1.
4 Click Format ` Selection properties.
5 Click the Row/column tab.

Creating a currency conversion table 87

6 In the Column options area, type 30 in the Set width box.
7 Click OK.
8 Select cells A1 to B1, and click the Bold button on the property bar.
9 Select cell B1.
10 Click Format ` Selection properties.
11 Click the Numeric format tab.
12 Click Currency.
13 Click OK.

Step 2: Entering the currency data

Once you have set up your tables, you can enter the currency data.

To enter the currency data

1 In cell A3, type the label Foreign Currency.
2 In cell B3, type the label ^Exchange Rate.
The ^ will align the label in the center of the cell.
3 In cell C3, type the label "Value in Foreign Currency.
The " will align the label at the right of the cell.
4 Select cells A3 to C3, and click the Bold button on the property bar.
5 In cells A4 to A8, type the labels Swiss Franc, Canadian Dollar, Japanese Yen,
Mexican Peso, and European Euro.
These are the exchange rate values that you can use in the table.

88 Creating a currency conversion table

Step 3: Entering the exchange formulas
Once the data has been entered in the table, you can compose your formulas.

To enter the exchange formulas

1 In cell C4, type the formula =$B$1*B4.
The dollar signs indicate an absolute cell reference; each formula in column C must
use the value in cell B1.
2 Select cell C4.
3 Click Edit ` Copy.
4 Select cells C5 to C8.
5 Click Edit ` Paste.

Step 4: Entering the currency symbols

Finally, you can format each of the converted currencies using their corresponding
monetary symbols.

To enter the currency symbols

1 Select cell C4.
2 Click Format ` Selection properties.
3 Click the Numeric format tab.
4 Click Currency.
5 From the list box, select Switzerland.
6 Click OK.
7 Repeat steps 1 to 6 for cells C5 to C8, selecting the appropriate currencies.

From here...
Congratulations! You used Quattro Pro to create a currency conversion table. You can
explore Quattro Pro further on your own, or you can become productive quickly by
completing some of the other Quattro Pro tutorials.
For more Quattro Pro tutorials, see “Welcome to the Quattro Pro tutorials” on page 69.

Creating a currency conversion table 89

For more information about the topics and tools presented in this tutorial, you can refer
to the User Guide or the online Help. To access the online Help, click Help ` Help

90 Creating a currency conversion table

Creating a customized Quattro Pro
Quattro Pro toolbars give you quick access to the features you frequently use. In this
tutorial, you will create and customize a toolbar that links to a calculator application
and includes buttons for the Close all and Save all commands. This is what the final
toolbar could look like.

What you will learn

During this tutorial, you will learn how to
• create a Quattro Pro toolbar
• attach an application to the toolbar button
• customize the appearance of a toolbar button
• add commands to the toolbar

Step 1: Creating the toolbar

In this lesson, you will be using the toolbar customization features to create a new, blank

To create the toolbar

1 Click Tools ` Customize.
2 In the list of categories, double-click Customization, and click Toolbar.
3 Click New.
4 Type a name for the toolbar, and press ENTER.
The new toolbar displays as a floating toolbar.

Step 2: Adding an application to the toolbar

Once you have created the toolbar, you can begin to add buttons. The first button you
add will start a calculator application.

Creating a customized Quattro Pro toolbar 91

To add an application to the toolbar
1 In the list of categories, click Commands.
2 From the list box, choose Programs.
3 Click Add.
4 In the Target box, click the Browse button.
5 Browse to the drive and folder containing the application file calc.exe.
6 Double-click the file calc.exe.
7 Click Apply.

Step 3: Customizing the toolbar button

Once you have added a toolbar button, you can customize its appearance and the
associated QuickTips™.

To customize the toolbar button

1 Click the Appearance tab.
2 In the Caption box, type Calculator.
3 Click Import.
4 Click an icon to use for the button.
5 Click the General tab.
6 In the QuickTips Help box, type Calculator.
7 From the Commands list, choose the button you have just created.
8 Drag the button onto the floating toolbar.

Step 4: Adding commands to the toolbar

Finally, you can add predefined buttons to your toolbar that access Quattro Pro

To add commands to the toolbar

1 From the list box, click File.
2 Drag the Close all button to the floating toolbar.

92 Creating a customized Quattro Pro toolbar

3 Drag the Save all button to the floating toolbar.
4 Click OK.
5 Drag the new toolbar you have created onto the area above the input line.

From here...
Congratulations! You used Quattro Pro to create a customized Quattro Pro toolbar. You
can explore Quattro Pro further on your own, or you can become productive quickly by
completing some of the other Quattro Pro tutorials.
For more Quattro Pro tutorials, see “Welcome to the Quattro Pro tutorials” on page 69.
For more information about the topics and tools presented in this tutorial, you can refer
to the User Guide or the online Help. To access the online Help, click Help ` Help

Creating a customized Quattro Pro toolbar 93

94 Creating a customized Quattro Pro toolbar
Creating a map of Australian cities
Maps can be created from sample data provided with Quattro Pro, and then placed
directly on your spreadsheet. In this tutorial, you will create a map of Australia that
displays the country's major cities. Note that you must have the mapping component
of Quattro Pro installed to complete this tutorial.

This is what the final map will look like.

What you will learn

During this tutorial, you will learn how to
• use a datamap file
• copy datamap information
• create and insert a map
• add map data
• view the map

Step 1: Accessing the datamap file

Sample map data is stored in the datamap files provided with Quattro Pro. These files
are installed with the Quattro Pro mapping component and contain statistical and
geographic data related to various world regions. In this tutorial, you will use a datamap
file containing information on Australia.

Creating a map of Australian cities 95

To access the datamap file
1 Click File ` Open.
2 Select the drive and folder where you installed WordPerfect Office.
3 Double-click the WordPerfect Office folder.
4 Double-click the Programs folder.
5 Double-click the Datamaps folder.
6 Double-click the datamap file australi.wb3.
7 Click Australian Major Cities.

Step 2: Copying the datamap information

Once you have accessed the datamap file, you can copy the data you need to a new

To copy the datamap information

1 Select cells A1 to C12.
2 Click Edit ` Copy.
3 Click File ` New.
4 Click Edit ` Paste.

Step 3: Creating and inserting the map

Now that you have the necessary data, you can create your map using the Quattro Pro
mapping tool, and then insert the map onto your spreadsheet.

To create and insert the map

1 Click Insert ` Graphics/Pictures ` Map.
2 Select Australia by State, and click Next.
3 Click Next.
4 Click Next.
5 In the Title box, type Australia.
6 In the Subtitle box, type Major Cities.

96 Creating a map of Australian cities

7 Click Finish.
8 Click the point on the spreadsheet where you want to place the upper-left corner of
the map.

Step 4: Adding the map data

Once the map has been created, you can add your map data. The sample information
you copied from the datamap file will allow you to plot major cities onto your map of

To add the map data

1 Right-click the map, and select Map data.
2 Click Add overlay.
3 Click the Pin tab.
4 Enable the Use Lat./Long. option.
5 In the Name box, type Major Australian Cities.
6 Click OK.
7 In the Latitude cells box, click the Range picker and select cells B2 to B12.
8 In the Longitude box, click the Range picker and select cells C2 to C12.
9 In the Pin label box, click the Range picker and select cells A2 to A12.

Step 5: Viewing the map

Finally, you can enlarge your map for easier viewing.

To view the map

1 Right-click the map, and click View.
2 Press ESC to return to the spreadsheet.

From here...
Congratulations! You used Quattro Pro to create a map of Australian cities. You can
explore Quattro Pro further on your own, or you can become productive quickly by

Creating a map of Australian cities 97

completing some of the other Quattro Pro tutorials. to select another Quattro Pro
For more Quattro Pro tutorials, see “Welcome to the Quattro Pro tutorials” on page 69.
For more information about the topics and tools presented in this tutorial, you can refer
to the User Guide or the online Help. To access the online Help, click Help ` Help

98 Creating a map of Australian cities

Creating a sortable demographics table
Using Quattro Pro you can set up sortable tables in your spreadsheets. In this tutorial,
you will create a table of demographic data, and then sort and filter that data in
different ways based on criteria you choose. This is what the final table will look like.

What you will learn

During this tutorial, you will learn how to
• create a sortable table
• enter table data
• sort data in ascending order
• sort data in descending order
• display a subset of the data by using the QuickFilter tool

Step 1: Setting up the table

For this tutorial, you will create and sort a table of demographic data. First, you must
set up the table into which you will enter the demographic data.

To set up the table

1 In cells A1 to D1, type the labels Country, Population, Growth Rate, and Birth
2 Select cells A1 to D1, and click the Bold button on the property bar.
3 Select columns A, B, C, and D.
4 Click Format ` Selection properties.
5 Click the Row/Column tab.
6 In the Column options area, type 20 in the Set width box.

Creating a sortable demographics table 99

7 Click OK.

Step 2: Entering the table data

Once you have set up your table, you can enter the demographic data.

To enter the table data

1 In cells A2, type the label Argentina.
2 In cells A3, type the label Brazil.
3 In cells A4, type the label Canada.
4 In cells A5, type the label Mexico.
5 In cells A6, type the label United States.
6 In cells B2 to D6, type the sample values for each of the categories.
These are the sample values that you can use in the table.

Step 3: Sorting the data in ascending order

Once the data has been entered in the table, you can use criteria to sort the table. First,
you will sort the data in the population column in ascending order.

To sort the data in ascending order

1 Select cells A1 to D6.
2 Click Tools ` Sort.
3 Enable the Selection contains a heading check box.
4 From the 1st list box, choose Population.
5 Click Sort.
The lines will be sorted in order from lowest to highest population.

100 Creating a sortable demographics table

Step 4: Sorting the data in descending order
Next, you will sort the data in the growth rate column in descending order.

To sort the data in descending order

1 Click Tools ` Sort.
2 Enable the Selection contains a heading check box.
3 From the 1st list box, choose Growth Rate.
4 Disable the Ascending check box.
5 Click Sort.
The lines will be sorted in order from highest to lowest growth rate.

Step 5: Sorting the data into subsets by using the QuickFilter tool
The QuickFilter tool provides a quick way of sorting data into subsets, allowing you
to display only the values you specify. In this last step, you will use the QuickFilter tool
to filter the data using the birth rates.

To sort the data into subsets using the QuickFilter tool

1 Select cells A1 to D6.
2 Click Tools ` QuickFilter.
3 Click the QuickFilter button on the Birth Rate column, and select Custom.
4 From the top-left filter option box, select Less than.
5 From the top-middle filter option box, select 18.84.
6 Click OK.
Only those lines containing birth rates less than 18.84 will remain displayed.
7 Click the QuickFilter button on the Birth Rate column, and select Show all.
All lines will be displayed again.

Creating a sortable demographics table 101

From here...
Congratulations! You used Quattro Pro to create a sortable demographics table. You can
explore Quattro Pro further on your own, or you can become productive quickly by
completing some of the other Quattro Pro tutorials.
For more Quattro Pro tutorials, see “Welcome to the Quattro Pro tutorials” on page 69.
For more information about the topics and tools presented in this tutorial, you can refer
to the User Guide or the online Help. To access the online Help, click Help ` Help

102 Creating a sortable demographics table

Creating a team roster database
Database forms let you add data to a Quattro Pro spreadsheet using a form instead of
typing the information directly into the notebook cells. This allows you to enter large
amounts of data more accurately and efficiently. In this tutorial, you will use a database
form to create a notebook database containing roster information for a softball team.

This is what the final roster table will look like.

What you will learn

During this tutorial, you will learn how to
• format a table
• access data tools
• enter data into a spreadsheet using a database form

Step 1: Formatting the table

Before you can input data using a form, you must set up the table into which the data
will be entered. Since the table will contain data for a softball roster, you will use the
headings Name, Position, and Phone Number.

To set up the table

1 In cells A1 to C1, type the labels Name, Position, and Phone Number.
2 Select cells A1 to C1, and click the Bold button on the property bar.

Creating a team roster database 103

3 Select columns A, B, and C.
4 Click Format ` Selection properties.
5 Click the Row/Column tab.
6 In the Column options area, type 20 in the Set width box.
7 Click OK.

Step 2: Accessing the data tools

Once your table has been set up, you must access the Quattro Pro data tools before you
can start entering your data.

To access the data tools

1 Select cells A1 to C2.
2 Click Tools ` Data tools ` Form.
3 Click OK.

Step 3: Entering the data using a form

Finally, you can use the form you have created to quickly enter your roster data into the
This is the sample data you can use.

To enter the data using a form

1 In the Name box, type the name of the first player.

104 Creating a team roster database

2 In the Position box, type the position of the first player.
3 In the Phone number box, type the phone number of the first player.
4 Click New.
5 Repeat for the rest of the records.
6 Click Close.

From here...
Congratulations! You used Quattro Pro to create a team roster database. You can
explore Quattro Pro further on your own, or you can become productive quickly by
completing some of the other Quattro Pro tutorials.
For more Quattro Pro tutorials, see “Welcome to the Quattro Pro tutorials” on page 69.
For more information about the topics and tools presented in this tutorial, you can refer
to the User Guide or the online Help. To access the online Help, click Help ` Help

Creating a team roster database 105

106 Creating a team roster database
Creating a statistics tracking table
Copying and pasting both data and formulas can speed up the creation of a
spreadsheet in Quattro Pro. In this tutorial, you will create a table of sports statistics
data, copy that table, and quickly create a second table.

This is what the final table will look like.

What you will learn

During this tutorial, you will learn how to
• create a table
• enter row formulas
• enter column formulas
• copy and paste data to a second table

Creating a statistics tracking table 107

Step 1: Creating the first table
In this tutorial you will create and format one table of statistics, and then use it as the
basis for your second table.

To create the first table

1 In cell A1, type the label Team 1.
2 In cells A2 to D2, type the labels Player, Goals, Assists, and Points.
3 In cells A3 to A7, type the labels representing the player names for Team 1.
These are player names that you can use in the table.

4 Select column A.
5 Click Format ` Selection properties.
6 Click the Row/Column tab.
7 In the Column options area, type 20 in the Set width box.
8 Click OK.

Step 2: Entering the row formulas

Now that the first table has been created, you will enter your formulas. The formulas
for the rows will total the points for each player in the table.

To enter the row formulas

1 In cells B3 to C7, type the value 0.
2 In cell D3, type the formula =B3+C3.
3 Select cell D3.
4 Click Edit ` Copy.

108 Creating a statistics tracking table

5 Select cells D4 to D7.
6 Click Edit ` Paste.

Step 3: Entering the column formulas

The formulas for the columns will total each category in the table.

To enter the column formulas

1 In cell B8, type the formula =Sum(B3..B7) to total the goals for the team.
2 In cell C8, type the formula =Sum(C3..C7) to total the assists for the team.
3 In cell D8, type the formula =B8+C8 to total the points for the team.
4 Select cells A1 to D2, and click the Bold button on the property bar.
5 Select cells B8 to D8, and click the Bold button on the property bar.

Step 4: Creating the second table

You will now copy and paste cells from the first table to create your second table, then
edit the table as required.

To create the second table

1 Select cells A1 to D8.
2 Click Edit ` Copy.
3 Select cell A10.
4 Click Edit ` Paste.
5 In cell A10, type the label Team 2.
6 In cells A12 to A16, type the labels representing the player names for Team 2.
These are the player names that you can use in the table.

Creating a statistics tracking table 109


7 In cells B3 to C7 and B12 to C16, type the corresponding goal and assist totals.
These are the totals that you can use in the table.

From here...
Congratulations! You used Quattro Pro to create a statistics tracking table. You can
explore Quattro Pro further on your own, or you can become productive quickly by
completing some of the other Quattro Pro tutorials.
For more Quattro Pro tutorials, see “Welcome to the Quattro Pro tutorials” on page 69.

110 Creating a statistics tracking table

For more information about the topics and tools presented in this tutorial, you can refer
to the User Guide or the online Help. To access the online Help, click Help ` Help

Creating a statistics tracking table 111

112 Creating a statistics tracking table
Creating a vacation tracking table
Formulas can be used within Quattro Pro to create dynamic tables. In this tutorial, you
will create a table that tracks the amount of vacation time you have taken, and the
amount you will have remaining at the end of subsequent months.

This is what the final table will look like.

What you will learn

During this tutorial, you will learn how to
• enter table labels quickly by using QuickFill
• format the table
• enter table data
• use formulas
• add a row to the table

Step 1: Entering the table labels

Your vacation table will track the amount of vacation time you have taken, and the
amount you will have remaining at the end of subsequent months. First, you must enter
the labels for the rows in the table, which can be done using the Quattro Pro QuickFill

To enter the table labels

1 In cells A1 to E1, type the labels Month, Start, Earned, Used, and Remain.

Creating a vacation tracking table 113

2 Select cells A1 to E1, and click the Bold button on the property bar.
3 Select cells A2 to A13.
4 Click Edit ` Fill ` QuickFill.
5 From the Series name list box, choose Months.
6 Click OK.

Step 2: Customizing the table

Now that the labels have been entered, you can customize the table to best suit the data
to be entered.

To format the table

1 Select columns A, B, C, D, and E.
2 Click Format ` Selection properties.
3 Click the Row/Column tab.
4 In the Column options area, type 15 in the Set width box.
5 Click OK.
6 Select cells B2 to E14.
7 Click Format ` Selection properties.
8 Click the Numeric format tab.
9 Click Number.
10 Click OK.

Step 3: Entering data in the table

Now that the table is formatted, you can begin to enter your table data. For the purpose
of this tutorial, you will acquire 1.25 days of vacation for each month worked (for a total
of 15 vacation days a year).

To enter the table data

1 In cell B2, type the value 0.
2 In each of cells C2 to C13, type the value 1.25.

114 Creating a vacation tracking table

3 In each of cells D2 to D13, type the value 0.
4 Select cells D2 to D13.
5 Click Format ` Selection properties.
6 Click the Fill/Pattern tab.
7 Open the Pattern color picker, and click a light color.
8 Click OK.
The cells requiring input after the table is complete are highlighted.

Step 4: Entering the table formulas

Formulas will be used to complete your rows of data. Once the formulas have been
entered, changes made to the data in the highlighted column will be reflected
throughout the table.

To enter the table formulas

1 In cell E2, type the formula =B2+C2-D2.
This formula calculates the amount of vacation days remaining at the end of
2 In cell B3, type the formula =E2.
This formula calculates the amount of vacation days available at the start of
3 Select cell E2.
4 Click Edit ` Copy.
5 Select cells E3 to E13.
6 Click Edit ` Paste.
If the Cell reference checker dialog box displays, click Close. This message
displays because some of the formula cells do not contain a value. This will be fixed
in the next steps.

Step 5: Completing the table

Finally, you can complete your vacation tracker by adding a totals row to the bottom of
the table.

Creating a vacation tracking table 115

To complete the table
1 Select cell B3.
2 Click Edit ` Copy.
3 Select cells B4 to B13.
4 Click Edit ` Paste.
5 In cell A14, type the label Year Total.
6 In cell B14, type the formula =B2.
7 In cell C14, type the formula =Sum(C2..C13).
8 In cell D14, type the formula =Sum(D2..D13).
9 In cell E14, type the formula =B14+C14-D14.
10 Select cells A14 to E14, and click the Bold button on the property bar.

From here...
Congratulations! You used Quattro Pro to create a vacation tracking table. You can
explore Quattro Pro further on your own, or you can become productive quickly by
completing some of the other Quattro Pro tutorials.
For more Quattro Pro tutorials, see “Welcome to the Quattro Pro tutorials” on page 69.
For more information about the topics and tools presented in this tutorial, you can refer
to the User Guide or the online Help. To access the online Help, click Help ` Help

116 Creating a vacation tracking table

to the Presentations tutorials
Presentations is an application used to create high-quality slide shows and drawings
that can include text, data charts, and graphic objects.
Please choose a tutorial from the following list:
“Presentations workspace tour” on page 119 — introduces you to the basic tools of

“Creating a customized slide show” on page 125 — create a blank slide-show file
and then import an outline

“Designing a slide show master” on page 133 — teaches you how to create a slide
show master

“Creating a certificate of achievement” on page 143 — teaches you how to create a

certificate of achievement

“Creating an organization chart” on page 155 — teaches you how to create an

organization chart.

“Animating bullets” on page 161 — teaches you how to create animated bullets

“Creating a birthday banner” on page 167 — teaches you how to create a banner
for a birthday party

“Creating a For Sale flyer” on page 173 — teaches you how to create a For Sale

For additional tutorials, please visit us on the Internet at, or see the Corel WordPerfect Office X5
training CD (if packaged with your edition of the software).

Welcome to the Presentations tutorials 117

118 Welcome to the Presentations tutorials
Presentations workspace tour
Presentations is designed to help you create high-quality slide shows and drawings.
This tutorial will familiarize you with the workspace tools you will use the most in
Presentations. The lessons will lead you step-by-step in the creation of a basic slide

What you will learn

During this tutorial, you will learn how to use
• the Standard toolbar
• the property bar
• Tool palette
• slide show tabs

Step 1: Using the Standard toolbar to set the layout for a slide show
The Standard toolbar provides quick, one-click access to basic commands. For
example, the Standard toolbar helps you select a master slide, insert new slides, modify
a slide's design and add text to your slides. By default, the Standard toolbar is displayed
above the Drawing window.

In the following procedures, you will learn to create a new slide show by using the
Master Gallery and other standard tools. Before proceeding with the tutorial, you need
to be in the slide show mode.

To choose a master slide

1 On the Standard toolbar, click the Master Gallery button.
2 In the Master Gallery dialog box, choose Color from the Category list box.
3 Click the Chips master on the Selected style palette.
4 Click OK.

Presentations workspace tour 119

To insert a new slide into a slide show
1 On the Standard toolbar, click the New slide button.
2 In the New slide dialog box, click the Text layout on the Layout palette.
3 Type 1 in the Number to add box.

To add text to a slide show

1 Double-click the Title text box, and type your company's name.
2 Double-click the Subtitle text box, and type Company Overview.
3 Select the 2: tab at the bottom of the main window.
4 Double-click the Title text box, and type your company's name.
5 Double-click the Subtitle text box, and type Mission statement.
6 Double-click the Add text text box, and type the company's mission statement.

To save a slide show

1 Click File ` Save as.
2 Choose the drive and folder where you want to save the file.
3 Type corp_overview in the Filename box.
4 Click Save.
Next you will edit the text in your slide by using another Presentations tool: the
property bar.

Step 2: Using the Property bar to edit the slide text

The Property bar helps you customize the text in a slide show by setting the text

In the following procedures, you will learn how to change the font type and size. You
will also learn how to change the font style.

120 Presentations workspace tour

To modify the text font type, size and color
1 Select the 1: tab at the bottom of the main window.
2 Select the title text.
3 Select Times New Roman™ from the Font selection list box on the property bar.
4 Select 60 from the Font size list box on the property bar.

To modify the appearance of text

1 Select the subtitle text.
2 Click the Bold button on the property bar.

To modify the justification of text

1 Select the 2: tab at the bottom of the main window.
2 Select the paragraph text.
3 Click the Justification flyout on the property bar and click Auto.

Next you will add a drawing to your slide show and edit the drawing by using the tool

Step 3: Using the Tool palette to add and edit objects in your slide
The Tool palette is a group of flyouts and pickers that help you create objects and text
boxes in a slide. For example, you can add a star shape to a slide and change the color
of the shape's fill.

Presentations workspace tour 121

In the following procedures, you will learn to add a drawing to your slide show and then
modify the drawing's properties.

To add a shape to a slide

1 Click the 1: tab at the bottom of the main window.
2 Click the Star shapes flyout on the Tool palette.

3 Click the five-point star shape.

4 Click in the slide window.
5 Click on the sizing handles in any corner and drag to enlarge the star.
6 Click and drag the star to the center of the slide.

To modify the fill of the shape

1 Select the star.
2 Click the Fill pattern button on the Tool palette, and click a pattern.
3 Click the Foreground Fill Color button and click Yellow.
4 Click the Background Fill Color button and click Light yellow.

To modify the border of the shape

1 Click the Line style button, and click the solid line used by default.
2 Click the Line width button, and click a width.
Next you will edit and play your slide show using the Slide tabs.

122 Presentations workspace tour

Step 4: Using the slide show tabs to edit and play slides
The slide show tabs let you toggle from one window view to another. The Slide
Outliner tab displays the Slide Outliner view and helps you create a numbered list
that includes all the text found in every slide in your slide show. The Slide Sorter tab
displays thumbnail sketches of your slides and helps you change the order of the slides
in your show. The QuickPlay™ tab helps you play your slide show.
In the following procedures, you will learn to edit the text in you slide show using the
Slide Outliner. You will also learn how to order your slide show and apply a transition
using the Slide Sorter. Finally, you will play the slide show using the QuickPlay tab.

To edit slide text

1 Click the Slide Outliner tab.
2 Select the word Company from the Subtitle line in slide 1.
3 Type Corporate.

To change the order of slides

1 Click the Slide Sorter tab.
2 Click on Slide 2, and drag it to Slide 4.
Slide 2 now appears in the slide 3 position.

To apply a slide transition to a slide show

1 Click Slide 1.
2 Click Format Slide properties Transition.
3 Choose Lines sweep from the Effects list.
4 Choose Left to right from the Direction list.
5 Enable the Fast option from the Speed area.
6 Enable the Apply to all slides in slide show check box.

To play your slide show

1 Click the QuickPlay tab.
2 Click the mouse or space bar to move to the next slide.

Presentations workspace tour 123

From here...
You are now familiar with the various workspace elements of Presentations and some of
its basic tools. For more information about the topics and tools discussed in this tutorial,
refer to the online Help. To access the online Help click Help ` Help topics.
For more Presentations tutorials, see “Welcome to the Presentations tutorials” on
page 117.

124 Presentations workspace tour

Creating a customized slide show
One way to create a customized slide show with Presentations is to import an outline
from a WordPerfect document. In Presentations, an outline is a list that includes the
text for every slide in a slide show. The outline provides the data relationship, or map,
that Presentations uses to place the content into the slides. When you import an
outline from a WordPerfect document, the headings in the WordPerfect document
appear in the Presentations file as slide titles, and the corresponding body text appears
beneath the slide titles.
In this tutorial, you’ll create a blank slide-show file and then import an outline based
on the final real-estate document that is installed with Corel WordPerfect Office.
What you will learn
During this tutorial, you will learn how to
• create a blank slide-show file
• import an outline into a slide show
• change a slide’s layout
• apply a slide show master
• customize the master layout
• play a slide show
You can also
• modify the master background layer
• save a customized master
• edit an outline
• insert an image from the Scrapbook™
• insert a graphic from a file
• resample an image

Step 1: Creating a slide-show file

First, you’ll need to create a slide-show file. In this tutorial, the method for creating a
working file differs from the one you used for the previous tutorials. Instead of opening
a preexisting file, you’ll start by creating a blank file.

Creating a customized slide show 125

To create a slide-show file
1 Click File ` Save as.
2 In the File name box, type the new filename (for example, My_Slide_Show.shw).
3 Click the Save button.

Step 2: Importing the outline

Now you’re ready to import the WordPerfect outline. The outline that you’ll use in
this tutorial is an outlined based on the final real-estate document that is installed with
Corel WordPerfect Office.

To import an outline
1 Click View ` Slide Outliner.
2 Click Insert ` File.
3 Browse to one of the following locations, depending on which operating system you
are using. Note that “X” refers to the drive where the operating system is installed.
• On Windows 7 and Windows Vista, go to X:\Users\Public\
Public Documents\WordPerfect Office\X5\Tutorial Samples.
• On Windows XP, go to X:\Documents and Settings\All Users\
Shared Documents\WordPerfect Office\X5\Tutorial Samples.
4 Choose PR_Outline.wpd.
5 Click the Insert button.
Each first-level heading in the outline becomes a slide title, and any second-level or
third-level headings are converted to slide text.

Step 3: Changing the layout of a slide

Next, you’ll modify the text formatting on a slide by choosing a layout. The layout layer
of a slide can consist of titles, subtitles, bulleted lists, data charts, and organization

To change the layout of a slide

1 Click View ` Slide Editor.

126 Creating a customized slide show

2 Click slide 4.
3 Click Format ` Layout Gallery.
4 On the Appearance page, click the Title layout for the Layout layer.
An alternate way to change the layout of a slide is by opening the Select layout
picker and clicking a layout.

5 Click the OK button.

You can add up to 30 different layouts to a slide show.

Step 4: Applying a master to the slide show

To simplify the process of creating slide shows, Presentations includes a collection of
professionally designed masters. These masters contain slide backgrounds and layouts
that include preset objects, such as titles, bulleted lists, and charts. The presets let you
concentrate on the content of the slide show, rather than on the format.
The masters in the Master Gallery are grouped into categories. You can use a master
provided with Presentations in the Master Gallery.

Creating a customized slide show 127

To apply a master to the slide show
1 Click Format ` Master Gallery.
2 Choose Design from the Category list box.
3 Choose the Blue Chevrons master from the master list.
An alternate way of choosing a master is by clicking the Master gallery button
on the toolbar.

4 Click the OK button.

Step 5: Customizing the master layout layer

The layout layer of your master includes placeholders for objects such as titles,
subtitles, bulleted lists, text, data charts, and organization charts. Objects on the
layout layer appear on top of objects on the background layer. You can customize the
layout layer by adding, modifying, and removing objects.

To customize the master layout layer

1 Click Edit ` Layout layer.
2 On the Title layout slide, click the first title box to select it.
3 Click Format ` Font.
4 Choose the 54 from the Size list.
5 Click the OK button.

128 Creating a customized slide show

6 Click the second title box to select it.
7 Click Edit ` Delete.
8 On the Bulleted List slide, click the bulleted list.
9 Click Format ` Bulleted List Properties, and click the Bullets tab.
10 Select the first-level bullet, and change the Foreground color to white.
Repeat this step for the second-level and third-level bullets.
11 Click Edit ` Slide Layer.

Step 6: Playing your slide show

Now that you’ve created your slide show, you can check its appearance by playing it
manually. When you play a slide show manually, you can control the display of each

To play a slide show

1 Click View ` Play slide show.
2 Choose a slide from the Beginning slide list box.
If you want to play the slide show continuously, enable the Repeat slide show
until you press “Esc” check box.
3 Click the Play button.
4 Click in the slide-show window to advance to the next slide or animation.
If you want to return to the previous slide or animation, right-click the slide show
window, and click Previous slide.

You can also...

The background layer determines the overall color and size of a slide. You can easily
change the appearance of a slide show by modifying the background layer. This
example shows you how to add a date to the background layer.
Now that you have modified both the layout and background layers, you can save the
changes as a Presentations master and make it accessible from the Master Gallery.
You can edit the outline in the Slide Outliner by typing content for slide titles, subtitles,
text slides, bulleted list slides, and combination slides.

Creating a customized slide show 129

Next, try enhancing your slide show by inserting images, such as photos or clipart
objects from the Scrapbook.
Now, try adding images to your slide show from files that you’ve saved on your

You can improve the print quality of an image by improving its resolution, a process
known as resampling. Resampling lets you reduce the file size and memory
requirements of your images when you edit, print, or save documents.

To modify the master background layer

1 Click Edit ` Background layer.
2 Click Insert ` Text Box.
3 Drag in the lower-right corner of the background to define a text box.
4 Position the cursor in the text box.
5 On the property bar, type 20 in the Font Sizes box.
6 Click Insert ` Date/Time.
7 Choose a time format from the Date/Time formats list.
8 Click the Insert button.
The date appears in the lower-right corner of each slide in the slide show.

To save a customized master

1 Click File ` Save As.
2 Choose Presentations Master 7-X5 from the File type list box.
3 Click the Save in list box.
4 Browse to X:\Program Files\Corel\WordPerfect Office\Languages\
EN\Masters, where “X” represents the drive where the operating system is
5 Click File ` New ` Folder.
6 Type My designs in the new folder name box.
7 Double-click the My designs folder.
8 Type My_master in the File name box.
9 Click the Save button.

130 Creating a customized slide show

The next time that you create a slide show, your customized master will appear in
the Master Gallery under the My designs category.

To edit an outline
1 Click View ` Slide Outliner.
2 Type a title in the slide show, and press Enter.
3 Type a subtitle in the slide show, and press Enter.
4 Type any text in the slide show.
5 Click Insert ` New slide.
6 In the New slide dialog box, click a slide layout on the Layout palette.

If you delete text, you can restore it by clicking the Undelete button on the
property bar and then clicking Restore. To move an outline up or down one
level, click the Previous level button or the Next level button on the property

To insert an image from the Scrapbook

1 Click Insert ` Graphics/Pictures ` Clipart.
The Scrapbook window appears.

The Scrapbook window

Creating a customized slide show 131

2 Click one of the following tabs:
• Clipart — vector graphics
• Photos — bitmap images
3 Choose a category from the list.
4 Click a graphic on the palette.
5 Click the Insert button.
6 Click the Close button.

You can use the Scrapbook to insert clipart from a CD. Just insert the CD into
the CD drive, and choose your clipart.

To insert a graphic from a file

1 Click Insert ` Graphics/Pictures ` From file.
2 Choose the drive and folder where the file is stored.
3 Choose a file.
4 Click the Insert button.

To resample an image
1 Click an image.
2 Drag the handles to resize the image.
3 Click Tools ` Resample bitmap.
4 Click the Resample button.

From here...
You have successfully created a customized slide show from your WordPerfect
document. For more information about the topics and tools discussed in this tutorial,
refer to the online Help. To access the online Help click Help ` Help topics.
For more Presentations tutorials, see “Welcome to the Presentations tutorials” on
page 117.

132 Creating a customized slide show

Designing a slide show master
Welcome to Presentations, a presentations application that lets you design Web-ready
slide shows, multimedia presentations, and interactive demonstrations.
In this tutorial, you will design a slide show master, a template that you can apply to
various slide shows.
Designing a slide show master allows you to design both the background and the layout
that will be used by all the slides in the slide show. Using a master allows you to keep
slide design separate from slide content; therefore, you can apply the master to multiple
slide shows.

What you will learn

During this tutorial, you will learn how to
• create a slide show master
• design a background layer
• create an alternate background
• delete default layouts
• create layouts
• add lines to a slide
• create a text slide layout
• save the slide show master

Step 1: Creating a slide show master

First, you will create a slide show master that you can use as the template for a slide

To create a slide show master

1 Click File ` New from project.
2 Click the Create new tab.
3 From the first list box, choose Presentations.
4 From the list box, choose Presentations Master.

Designing a slide show master 133

5 Click Create.

Step 2: Designing the background layer

When you create a slide show master, you are designing two slide layers: the
background and the layout. To the background layer, you can add color and graphics;
and to the layout layer, you can add placeholders for text, bulleted lists, and charts.
In this tutorial, you will be using a background supplied with Presentations. You will
be changing the background color, modifying the graphic, and naming the
background. If you did not choose the Custom all installation when installing
Presentations, you will not have access to the Theme category that we used in this

To apply a background to a master

1 Click Edit ` Background layer.
2 Click Format ` Background gallery.
3 From the Category list box, choose Theme.
4 On the Background palette, click the cityscape image.
5 Click OK.

To fill the background with color

1 In the background window, click the background object to select it.
Selection handles display around the object when it is selected.
2 Right-click the object, and click Object properties.
3 Click the Fill tab.
4 Open the Foreground picker, and click the black color swatch.
5 Open the Background picker, and click the black color swatch.
6 Click OK.

To convert the cityscape image to grayscale

1 Click the cityscape image to select it.
2 Click Tools ` Image tools ` Grayscale.

134 Designing a slide show master

To rename the background
1 Click the Edit ` Rename background.
2 In the Name box, type Vintage city 1.
3 Click OK.
This is what the background should look like when it is completed.

Step 3: Creating an alternate background

Here, you will create an alternate version of the vintage city background that you just
created, and you will choose which background to apply. You will also be changing the
location of the cityscape image.

To create a new background

1 Click Insert ` New background.
2 In the Name box, type Vintage city 2.
3 Click OK.

To choose a background
1 Click Format ` Background gallery.
2 On the background palette, click Vintage city 1.

Designing a slide show master 135

3 Click OK.

To realign the cityscape image

1 Click the cityscape image to select it.
2 Right-click the image, and click Align Center both.
This is what the alternate background should look like when it is completed.

Step 4: Deleting layouts

When you create a master, you are given a set of predesigned layouts to work with.
However, in this tutorial, you are going to delete the default layouts and create new

To delete a layout
1 Click Edit ` Layout layer.
2 From the Layout list box in the bottom-right corner of the design window, choose
3 Click Edit ` Delete layout.
4 Click Yes.
5 Repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 to delete the following layouts:
• Bulleted list

136 Designing a slide show master

• Text
• Org chart
• Data chart
• Combination chart

Step 5: Creating the Vintage city title slide layout

Next, you will design a title slide layout layer. A title slide is the first slide that appears
in your slide show. You will add a background to the layout and add a text box. In
addition, you will specify the way the text is displayed by choosing the text font, size,
color, and position. In this example, changing the text color is very important because
you are working with a black background and the default text color is also black.
Therefore, you will need to change the color to display the text.

To create the Vintage city title slide layout

1 Click Insert ` New layout.
2 In the Name box, type Vintage title.
3 Click OK.

To add a background to the layout

1 Click Format ` Assign background.
2 From the Available backgrounds list box, choose Vintage city 2.
3 Click OK.

To add a text box

1 Click Insert ` Text box.
2 Drag the Text box tool to create a text box.
3 In the text box, type Title.
4 Right-click the text box, and click Justification Center.
5 Click outside of the text box.

To change the text font, size, and color

1 Right-click the text box, and click Font.

Designing a slide show master 137

2 From the Face list, choose CopprplGoth Bd BT.
3 In the Size box, type 60.
4 Open the color picker, and click the white color swatch.
5 Click OK.

To reposition the text box

1 Click View ` Ruler.
2 Click View ` Grid/guides/snap ` Display guides.
3 Drag the horizontal guide to the 5 inch line on the ruler.
4 Drag the text box to align the top of the text box with the horizontal guide.

To align the text box

• Right-click the text box, and click Align ` Center left/right.
Here is the title layout.

Step 6: Adding lines to the Vintage city title slide layout

Next, you will modify the layout's design by adding colored lines and positioning the
lines. You will create one line and copy it to create a second line. The lines are used to
visually enhance the title text.

138 Designing a slide show master

To add a line to the title slide layout
1 Click Insert ` Shape ` Line shapes ` Line.
2 Drag the Line shapes tool to create a 2"1/2 inch horizontal line.
3 Right-click the line, and click Object properties.
4 In the Outline style area, open the Color picker, and click the yellow color swatch.
5 Open the Line style picker, and click the Solid line swatch.
6 In the Width box, type 0.030.

To position the line

1 Drag the line to the left of the cityscape image in the design window.
2 Align the line with the 5 ½ inch mark on the vertical ruler.
3 Place the line between the 1 and 3 ½ inch marks on the horizontal ruler.

To copy the line

1 Click the line to select it.
2 Click Edit ` Copy.
3 Click Edit ` Paste.

To position the copy of the line

1 Drag the copy of the line to the right of the cityscape image in the design window.
2 Align the line with the 5 ½ inch mark on the vertical ruler.
3 Place the line between the 7 and 9 ½ inch marks on the horizontal ruler.
This is what the title slide should look like once you add the lines.

Designing a slide show master 139

Step 7: Creating the Vintage city text slide layout
Next, you will create a text slide layout. To create the layout, you will add a background
to the slide and a text box to the layout. You will also specify the font, size, and color of
text that will display in the text box. You will then reposition the text box.

To create the Vintage text slide layout

1 Click Insert ` New layout.
2 In the Name box, type Vintage text.
3 Click OK.

To add a background to the layout

1 Click Format ` Assign background.
2 From the Available backgrounds list box, choose Vintage city 1.
3 Click OK.

To add a text box

1 Click Insert ` Text box.
2 Drag the Text box tool to create a 6.5 inch wide text box.

140 Designing a slide show master

3 In the text box, type Text.
4 Right-click the text box, and click Justification ` Left.
5 Click outside the text box.

To change the text font, size, and color

1 Right-click the text box, and click Font.
2 From the Face list, choose CopprplGoth Bd BT.
3 Type Size box, type 36.
4 Open the Color picker, and click the white color swatch.
5 Click OK.

To reposition the text box

1 Click View ` Ruler.
2 Click View ` Grid/guides/snap ` Display guides.
3 Drag a horizontal guide from the horizontal ruler to the 3 inch line on the ruler.
4 Drag the text box to align the bottom of the text box with the horizontal guide.
5 Drag the text box in between the 9.5 inch and 3 inch lines on the ruler.
This is what the layout looks like.

Designing a slide show master 141

Step 8: Saving the slide show master
You added slide layouts to the slide show master. Next, you will save the master and use
it to create a slide show.

To save the slide show master

1 Click File ` Save.
2 From the Save in list box, where X represents the drive on which Presentations is
stored, choose
X:\Program Files\Corel\WordPerfect Office\Languages\EN\Masters.
3 Double-click one of the following master category folders:
• 35mm
• Color
• Design
• Printout
• Theme
4 From the File type list box, choose Presentations Master 7 - X5.
5 In the Filename box, type vintage city.
6 Click Save.

From here...
In this tutorial, you learned how to design a slide show master. For more information
about the topics and tools discussed in this tutorial, refer to the online Help. To access
the online Help, click Help ` Help topics.
For more Presentations tutorials, see “Welcome to the Presentations tutorials” on
page 117.

142 Designing a slide show master

Creating a certificate of
In this tutorial, you will create a certificate of achievement.
This is what the final certificate will look like.

What you will learn

During this tutorial, you will learn how to
• start a drawing
• display rulers
• add text
• change the font style
• add lines
• add text under lines
• add and edit a graphic
• align text with a graphic
• save and print the certificate

Creating a certificate of achievement 143

Step 1: Starting a certificate
Presentations drawings can contain data charts, bitmapped images, clipart and drawn
objects. Drawings, unlike Presentations slide shows, cannot contain transitions,
animation, sound files, or movie files.
Certificates can be used to reward a job well done, show appreciation or to reward an
In the procedure below, you will learn how to start the certificate.

To start the certificate

1 Click File ` New from project.
2 Click the Create new tab.
3 From the top list box, choose Presentations.
4 From the bottom list box, choose Presentations drawing.
5 Click Create.

Step 2: Displaying rulers

Rulers can be used to help you place objects on your drawings more accurately.
In the procedure below, you will learn how to display the rulers.

To display the rulers

• Click View ` Ruler.
A horizontal and a vertical ruler are displayed.

Step 3: Adding text to the certificate

In the procedure below, you will learn how to add text to the certificate.

To add text
1 On the Slide show/drawing tool palette, click the Create a text box button.
2 Line up the pointer with the vertical ruler's 1-inch mark and the 1-inch horizontal
mark, and drag it to the horizontal ruler's 10.2-inch mark.

144 Creating a certificate of achievement

3 Type Certificate of Achievement in the text box.
Click outside of the text box.
4 On the Slide show/drawing tool palette, click the Create a text box button.
5 Line up the pointer with the vertical ruler's 2.5-inch mark and the 2.5-inch
horizontal mark, and drag it to the horizontal ruler's 8.5-inch mark.
6 Type This is to certify that in the second text box.
Click outside of the text box.
7 On the Slide show/drawing tool palette, click the Create a text box button.
8 Line up the pointer with the vertical ruler's 5-inch mark and the 1.5-inch
horizontal mark, and drag it to the horizontal ruler's 9.5-inch mark.
9 Type Has successfully completed this tutorial in the third text box.
Click outside of the text box.
This is what your certificate should now look like.

Step 4: Changing the font style

In the procedures below, you will learn how to change the text justification, font, color,
and size.

Creating a certificate of achievement 145

To change the text justification
1 Click Edit ` Select all.
2 Click Format ` Justification ` Center.

To change the text font and color

1 Click Edit ` Select all.
2 Click Format ` Font.
3 Click the Font tab.
4 Choose Dauphin from the Face list.
5 Open the Color picker, and click the blue color swatch.
6 Click OK.

To change text size

1 Select the Certificate of Achievement text box.
You will know that the text box has been selected when handles display around the
2 Click Format ` Font.
3 Click the Font tab.
4 Choose 66 from the Size list box.
5 Click OK.
This is what your certificate should now look like.

146 Creating a certificate of achievement

Step 5: Adding lines to the certificate
In the procedure below, you will add three lines to the certificate.

To add lines
1 On the Slide show/drawing tool palette, open the Line shapes flyout, and
click the Draw a line tool.
2 Line up the pointer with the vertical ruler's 4-inch mark and the 3.5-inch
horizontal mark, and drag it to the horizontal ruler's 7.5-inch mark.
3 On the Slide show/drawing tool palette, click the Draw a line tool.
4 Line up the pointer with the vertical ruler's 6.5-inch mark and the 1-inch
horizontal mark, and drag it to the horizontal ruler's 4-inch mark.
5 On the Slide show/drawing tool palette, click the Draw a line tool.
6 Line up the pointer with the vertical ruler's 7-inch mark, and the 1-inch horizontal
mark and drag it to the horizontal ruler's 4-inch mark.
This is what your certificate should now look like.

Creating a certificate of achievement 147

Step 6: Adding text below the lines
In the procedure below, you will add text below the lines on the certificate, center it and
then resize it.

To add text below the lines

1 On the Slide show/drawing tool palette, click the Create a text box button.
2 Line up the pointer with the vertical ruler's 4-inch mark and the 4-inch horizontal
mark, and drag it to the horizontal ruler's 7-inch mark.
3 Type Print your name here in the text box.
Click outside of the text box.
4 On the Slide show/drawing tool palette, click the Create a text box button.
5 Line up the pointer with the vertical ruler's 6.5-inch mark and the 1-inch
horizontal mark, and drag it to the horizontal ruler's 4-inch mark.
6 Type Signature in the second text box.
Click outside of the text box.
7 On the Slide show/drawing tool palette, click the Create a text box button.
8 Line up the pointer with vertical ruler's 7-inch vertical mark and the 1-inch
horizontal mark, and drag it to the horizontal ruler's 4-inch mark.

148 Creating a certificate of achievement

9 Type Date in the third text box.
Click outside of the text box.
The text will be quite large and off center, but this will be fixed in the next step.

To format the text below the lines

1 Resize and center the text.
2 Hold down CTRL, and select the three text boxes that you just inserted.
3 Click Format ` Justification ` Center.
4 Click Format ` Font.
5 Choose Dauphin from the Face list.
6 Choose 12 from the Size list box.
7 Click OK.
This is what your certificate should now look like.

Step 7: Adding a seal graphic and changing its color

In the procedures below, you will learn how to add a seal graphic to the certificate and
how to change its color.

Creating a certificate of achievement 149

To add a seal graphic
1 On the Slide show/drawing tool palette, open the Star shapes flyout, and click
the Insert a 24-point star tool.

2 Line up the pointer with the vertical ruler's 6-inch mark and the 8-inch horizontal
mark, and drag it to the horizontal ruler's 10.2-inch mark and then and drag it
down until you get to the 8-inch vertical mark.

To change the seal color

1 Select the seal graphic.
You will know that the graphic has been selected when handles display around the
2 Click Format ` Object properties ` Fill.
3 Click the Fill tab.
4 Click the Pattern button.
5 Open the Foreground picker, and click the yellow color swatch.
6 Click OK.
This is what your certificate should now look like.

150 Creating a certificate of achievement

Step 8: Adding and formatting seal text
In the procedures below, you will learn how to add text to the seal and then you will
format the text.

To add text to the seal

1 On the Slide show/drawing tool palette, click the Create a text box button.
2 Line up the pointer with the vertical ruler's 6.9-inch mark and the 8-inch
horizontal mark, and drag it to the horizontal ruler's 10.2-inch mark.
3 Type Congratulations! in the text box.
The text will be quite large and off center, but this will be fixed in the next step.

To change the text justification

1 Click Format ` Justification ` Center.
2 Click outside of the text box.

To change the text font, and color

1 Select the Congratulations! text box.

Creating a certificate of achievement 151

2 You will know that the graphic has been selected when handles display around the
3 Click Format ` Font.
4 Click the Font tab.
5 Choose Dauphin from the Face list.
6 Choose 22 from the Size list box.
7 Open the Color picker, and click the blue color swatch.
8 In the Appearance area, enable the Bold check box.
9 Click OK.
This is what the finished certificate should look like.

Step 9: Saving and printing the certificate

In the procedures below, you will learn how to save and print the certificate.

To save the certificate

1 Click File ` Save.
2 Choose the drive and folder where you want to save the file.
3 Type a filename for the certificate in the Filename box.

152 Creating a certificate of achievement

4 Click Save.

To print the certificate

1 Click File ` Print.
2 In the Destination area, choose a printer from the Name list box.
3 Click Print.

From here...
In this tutorial, you have learned some basic techniques that you can use to create a
certificate that can be used to reward a job well done, show appreciation or to reward
an achievement. For more information about the topics and tools discussed in this
tutorial, refer to the online Help. To access the online Help, click Help ` Help topics.
For more Presentations tutorials, see “Welcome to the Presentations tutorials” on
page 117.

Creating a certificate of achievement 153

154 Creating a certificate of achievement
Creating an organization chart
Welcome to Presentations, an application used to create high-quality slide shows and
drawings that can include text, data charts, and graphic objects.
In this tutorial, you will create an organization chart that will display the chain of
command for a fictitious company.
This is what the final organization chart will look like.

What you will learn

During this tutorial, you will learn how to
• start an organization chart
• add text to an organization chart
• add another level to the chart
• change the font of the box text
• change the appearance of the box
• change the box size
• save and print the organization chart

Step 1: Starting an organization chart

Organization charts can be used to show the structure of an organization or the
relationships between people and positions. They can be used to display a chain of
command, diagram a process, or illustrate a workflow. Organization charts can also be
used to create a family tree. Organization charts can be used within, or independent of,
a slide show.

Creating an organization chart 155

In the procedure below, you will learn how to start an organization chart that is
independent of a slide show.

To start a drawing
1 Click File ` New from project.
2 Click the Create new tab.
3 Choose Presentations from the top list box.
4 Choose Presentations drawing from the bottom list box.
5 Click Create.

To insert an organization chart

1 Click Insert ` Organization chart.
2 Hold down the left mouse button, and drag the icon over the work area to define
how large you would like the chart to be.
3 In the Single row, click the left-most chart button.
4 Click OK.

Step 2: Adding text to the organization chart boxes

In the procedure below, you will learn how to add text to the individual boxes in the
organization chart.

To add text to organization chart boxes

1 Double-click Name in the highest box on the chart, and enter May Bea.
2 Double-click Title in the highest box on the chart, and enter President/CEO.
3 Repeat the preceding steps for the rest of the boxes, adding your own text.
This is what your chart should look like once all of the text is inserted.

156 Creating an organization chart

Step 3: Adding another level to the chart
In the procedure below, you will learn how to add another level to the chart.

To add another level to the organization chart

1 Select a box on the third level (bottom level) of the chart.
You will know that the box is selected when handles appear around it.
2 Click Insert ` Subordinates.
3 Type 2 in the Number of subordinates to insert box.
4 Click OK.
5 Enter a name and a title in each of the subordinate boxes.
This is what your chart should look like once the extra level is added.

Step 4: Changing the font of the box text

In the procedure below, you will learn how to change the font of the box text.

To change the font of the box text

1 Click Edit ` Select ` All.

Creating an organization chart 157

2 Click Format ` Font.
3 Choose Comic Sans™ MS from the Face list.
4 Choose 24 from the Size list box.
5 Click OK.
This is what your chart should look like once the text has been changed.

Step 5: Changing the appearance of the boxes

In the procedures below, you will learn how to change the appearance of box frames and
how to give each level a different color.

To change the box frame

1 Click Edit ` Select ` All.
2 Click Format ` Box properties.
3 Click the Shadowed octagon button.
4 Click OK.

To change the box color

1 Click the highest box in the chart (the box on level one).
2 Click Format ` Box properties.
3 Click the Border color button, and choose Red.
4 Click OK.
5 Click Edit ` Select ` Levels.
6 Type 2 in the Starting level box.
7 Click OK.

158 Creating an organization chart

8 Click Format ` Box properties.
9 Click the Border color button and choose Blue.
10 Click OK.
11 Repeat steps for levels 3 and 4.
This is what your chart should look like once the frames and colors have been changed.

Step 6: Changing the size of a box

In the procedure below, you will learn how to change the size of a box.

To change the box size

1 Click Edit ` Select ` Levels.
2 Type 1 in the Starting level box.
3 Click OK.
4 Click Format ` Box properties.
5 Click the Box size tab.
6 In the Autosize to area, enable the Largest box in chart option.
7 Click OK.
This is what your chart should now look like once the box has been resized.

Creating an organization chart 159

Step 7: Saving and printing an organization chart
In the procedures below, you will learn how to save and print an organization chart.

To save an organization chart

1 Click File ` Save.
2 In the Save area, enable the Entire file option.
3 Click OK.
4 Choose the drive and folder where you want to save the file.
5 Type a file name for the organization chart in the File name box.
6 Click Save.

To print an organization chart

1 Click File ` Print.
2 In the Destination area, choose a printer from the Name list box.
3 Click Print.

From here...
In this tutorial, you have learned some basic techniques that you can use to create an
organization chart that is independent of a slide show. Organization charts can be used
to display a chain of command, diagram a process, illustrate a workflow, or create a
family tree. For more information about the topics and tools discussed in this tutorial,
refer to the online Help. To access the online Help click Help ` Help topics.
For more Presentations tutorials, see “Welcome to the Presentations tutorials” on
page 117.

160 Creating an organization chart

Animating bullets
Welcome to Presentations, an application used to create high-quality slide shows and
drawings that can include text, data charts, and graphic objects.
In this tutorial, you will create and animate bullets, and you will apply sound to a
bulleted animation.

What you will learn

During this tutorial, you will learn how to
• add bullets
• create levels within a bulleted list
• animate bullets
• modify bullet animation
• apply sound to a bulleted animation

Step 1: Adding bullets

You can create bulleted lists in slide shows and drawings, and levels can be created
within these bulleted lists. A bulleted list expresses a single idea on each line.
In the procedure below, you will learn how to add bullets to a slide show.

To add bullets to a slide show

1 Click File ` New from project.
2 Click the Create new tab.
3 From the top list box, choose Presentations.
4 From the bottom list box, choose Presentations slide show.
5 Click Create.
6 In the bottom-right corner of the screen, click the adjoining arrow on the Insert a
new slide after the current slide button, and click Insert bulleted list slide.
7 Double-click in the To add title box, and type Benefits of Organization.
8 Double-click in the To add subtitle box, and type Integrating information.

Animating bullets 161

9 Double-click in the To add text box.
10 Type Promotes flexibility on the first bulleted line, and press ENTER.
11 Type Enables productive development on the second bulleted line, and press
12 Type Maximizes time distribution on the third bulleted line.
13 Click outside the bulleted list to return to the slide show.
This is what your bullets should look like.

Step 2: Creating a level within a bulleted list

Once you have added bullets to your slide show, you can create secondary bullets to
reinforce the primary bullets in your presentation.
In the procedure below, you will learn how to create a level of bullets beneath your
primary bullets.

To create a level within a bulleted list

1 Double-click in the bulleted list.
2 Click at the end of the Promotes flexibility item, and press ENTER.
3 Press TAB.
4 Type Provides multitasking opportunities.
5 Click at the end of the Maximizes time distribution, item press ENTER.
6 Press TAB.
7 Type Optimizes deadline management.

162 Animating bullets

This is what the bullets should look like.

Step 3: Animating a bulleted list

Once you have added bullets to your slide show, you can use animation as a special effect
to capture the attention of your audience and reinforce the points in your presentation.
When animating list items, you can choose from a wide variety of options, such as
animation type, effect, direction, and speed.
In the procedure below, you will learn how to animate a bulleted list and how to play
the animated list in your slide show.

To animate a bulleted list

1 Click Format ` Bulleted list properties.
If you do not see this command in the Format menu, it can be accessed by double-
clicking your bulleted list and right-clicking.
2 Click the Object animation tab.
3 In the Animation type area, enable the Animate object across screen option.
If you are publishing the slide show using Macromedia® Flash®, enable the Show
only Flash enabled transitions check box.
4 From the Effects list, choose the Fly in and bounce animation effect.
5 From the Direction list, choose the Right to left animation direction.
6 In the Speed area, enable the Medium option.

Animating bullets 163

7 Enable the Display one at a time check box.
This option displays main level list items and subordinate level list items one at a
time during a slide show.
8 Click OK.
9 Click outside the bulleted list to return to the slide show.

To play a slide show automatically

1 Click Format ` Slide properties ` Display sequence.
2 Click the Display sequence tab.
3 In the Display next slide area, enable the After a delay option.
4 In the Seconds box, type 2.
5 Enable the Apply to all slides in slide show check box.
6 Click OK.
7 Click the QuickPlay tab on the right side of your screen.

Step 4: Modifying animation for a bulleted list

You can modify your slide show by applying different animated effects to your bulleted
list. You can change the animation type, effect, direction, or speed. In the procedure
below, you will learn various options for animating a bulleted list that will enable you
to communicate sequential ideas both effectively and creatively.

To modify animation for a bulleted list

1 Double-click in the bulleted list.
2 Click Format ` Bulleted list properties.
3 Click the Object animation tab.
4 In the Animation type area, enable the Animate object in place option.
If you are publishing the slide show using Macromedia Flash, enable the Show
only Flash enabled transitions check box.
5 From the Effects list, choose the Burst in animation effect.
6 From the Direction list, choose the Bottom to top animation direction.
7 In the Speed area, enable the Slow option.

164 Animating bullets

8 Enable the Highlight current bullet check box.
This setting selects one list item at a time and greys all other items on the slide.
9 Click OK.
10 Click outside the bulleted list to return to the slide show.
11 Click the QuickPlay tab on the right side of your screen.

Step 5: Applying sound to a bulleted list

Once you have animated the bulleted list, you can apply sound to the list. Applying
sound to a slide show helps capture the attention of your audience.
In the procedures below, you will learn how to apply sound to a bulleted list, and save
the file.

To apply sound to a bulleted list

1 Double-click the bulleted list.
2 Click Format ` Bulleted list properties.
3 Click the Object animation tab.
4 In the Sound area, click the Browse button.
5 In the Open file dialog box, choose the drive and folder where the sound file is
For example, C:\Program Files\My Documents.
6 In the Filename box, type a filename.
7 Click Open.
8 On the Bullet animation page, move the slider to adjust the volume of the sound
9 Click OK.

To save your file

Now that you have finished adding and animating bullets, and applying sound to a
bulleted list, you can save the file.
1 Click File ` Save.

Animating bullets 165

2 From the Save in list box, choose the drive and folder where you want to save the
3 In the Filename box, type a filename.
4 Click Save.

From here...
In this tutorial, you have learned how to add and animate bullets, and how to apply
sound to a bulleted list. For more information about the topics and tools discussed in
this tutorial, refer to the online Help.
To access the online Help click Help ` Help topics.
For more Presentations tutorials, see “Welcome to the Presentations tutorials” on
page 117.

166 Animating bullets

Creating a birthday banner
Welcome to Presentations, an application used to create high-quality slide shows and
drawings that can include text, data charts, and graphic objects.
In this tutorial, you will create a birthday banner for a party.
This is what the final banner will look like.

What you will learn

During this tutorial, you will learn how to
• start a drawing
• set a banner size
• add and modify text
• add and resize a graphic
• save the banner

Step 1: Starting a drawing

Presentations drawings can contain data charts, bitmapped images, clipart and drawn
objects. Drawings, unlike Presentations slide shows, cannot contain transitions,
animations, sound files, or movie files.
In the procedure below, you will learn how to start the drawing.

To start the drawing

1 Click File ` New from project.
2 Click the Create new tab.

Creating a birthday banner 167

3 Choose Presentations from the top list box.
4 Choose Presentations drawing from the bottom list box.
5 Click Create.

Step 2: Setting the banner size

In the procedure below, you will learn how to set the size for your banner.

To set the banner size

1 Click File ` Page setup.
2 Click the Poster tab.
3 Click the Poster size button.
4 Drag to select 4x2 .
5 Each square in the Poster size table represents one 8 1/2 by 11 inch page.
6 Click OK.

Step 3: Adding and modifying text

In the procedures below, you will learn how to add text to the banner and apply special
effects to the text.

To add text to the banner

1 Open the Text object tools flyout, and click the Create text with
special effects tool .
2 In the Type here box, type Happy Birthday.
3 Click Close.
4 Drag the handles to expand the drawing to fit exactly over the page.

To add special effects to the text

1 Right-click the text, and choose TextArt document object ` Edit.
2 Click the More button, and click the horseshoe shape.
3 Choose Benguiat® Bk BT from the Font list box.

168 Creating a birthday banner

4 Choose Bold from the Font style list box.
5 Choose Center from the Justification picker.
6 Choose Normal from the Smoothness list box.
7 Enable the 3D mode check box.
8 Click Close.
This is what your banner text should now look like.

To apply 3-D effects to text

1 Right-click the text, choose TextArt document object ` Edit.
2 Click the 3D Options tab.
3 In the Lighting 1 area, click the Primary text color picker, and click this shade of

4 In the Lighting 1 area, click the Direction of Primary light picker, and click this

Creating a birthday banner 169

5 In the Lighting 2 area, click the Additional text color picker, and click this shade
of blue.

6 In the Lighting 2 area, click the Direction of additional light picker, and click
this direction.

7 Click the Bevel picker, and click this bevel.

8 Click Close.
This is what your banner text should now look like.

170 Creating a birthday banner


Step 4: Adding and resizing a graphic

In the procedures below, you will add a graphic with a birthday theme to the banner;
for example, a cake or party hat. You will then resize the graphic.

To add a graphic to the banner

1 Click Insert ` File.
2 From the File type list box, choose Presentations ("*.shw" "*.wpg").
3 Choose the drive and folder where the graphic you want to insert is stored.
4 Click the filename, and click the Insert button.
After inserting the graphic, this is what the banner should now look like

To resize the graphic

1 Click the top center handle and drag it down.
2 Click the left middle handle and drag it right.
3 Click the right center handle and drag it left.
Experiment with these three handles until the graphic is centered properly and is
not overlapping any text.
After resizing the banner, this is the position that the graphic should now be in.

Creating a birthday banner 171

Step 5: Saving your banner
Now that you have finished creating the banner, you can save the file.

To save the file

1 Click File ` Save.
2 From the Save in list box, choose the drive and folder where you want to save the
3 In the File name box, type a filename.
4 Click Save.

From here...
In this tutorial, you have learned some basic techniques that you can use to create a
banner for any occasion. For more information about the topics and tools discussed in
this tutorial, refer to the online Help. To access the online Help click Help ` Help
For more Presentations tutorials, see “Welcome to the Presentations tutorials” on
page 117.

172 Creating a birthday banner

Creating a For Sale flyer
Welcome to Presentations, an application used to create high-quality slide shows and
drawings that can include text, data charts, and graphic objects.
In this tutorial, you will create a flyer advertising a car that is for sale.
This is what your final banner will look like.

What you will learn

During this tutorial, you will learn how to
• create a drawing
• change page orientation
• display rulers

Creating a For Sale flyer 173

• add text to the flyer
• change text justification, font, and size
• add a graphic to a flyer
• position a graphic
• save and print the flyer

Step 1: Creating a drawing

Presentations drawings can contain data charts, bitmapped images, clipart and drawn
objects. Drawings, unlike Presentations slide shows, cannot contain animation, sound
files, or movie files.
Flyers can be used for posting or distributing information. You can also use flyers for
advertising, which is the purpose of the flyer you will be creating in this tutorial.
In the procedure below, you will start the flyer.

To create a drawing
1 Click File ` New from project.
2 Click the Create new tab.
3 From the top list box, choose Presentations.
4 From the bottom list box, choose Presentations drawing.
5 Click Create.

Step 2: Changing page orientation

In the procedure below, you will learn how to change the page orientation. Pages can
be oriented in either the landscape or the portrait positions.

To change the page orientation

1 Click File ` Page setup.
2 In the Orientation area, enable the Portrait option.
3 Click OK.

174 Creating a For Sale flyer

Step 3: Displaying the rulers
Rulers can be used to help you position objects on your drawings more accurately.
In the procedure below, you will learn how to display the rulers.

To display the rulers

• Click View ` Ruler.
Horizontal and vertical rulers display.

Step 4: Adding text to the flyer

In the procedure below, you will add text to the flyer.

To add text to the flyer

1 On the Slide show/drawing tool palette, click the Create a text box button.
2 Line up the pointer with the vertical ruler's 0.5-inch mark and the 0.5-inch
horizontal mark, and drag it to the horizontal ruler's 8-inch mark.
3 In the text box, type Car for sale.
4 Click outside of the text box.
5 On the Slide show/drawing tool palette, click the Create a text box button.
6 Line up the pointer with the vertical ruler's 7-inch mark and the 2-inch horizontal
mark, and drag it to the horizontal ruler's 6.5-inch mark.
7 Type For more information, call May Bea at 555-5555 in the second text box.
This is what your flyer should now look like.

Creating a For Sale flyer 175

Step 5: Editing the text
In the procedures below, you will learn how to change the text justification, font, and

To change the text justification

1 Click Edit ` Select ` All.
2 Click Format ` Justification ` Center.

To change the text font

1 Click Edit ` Select ` All.
2 Click Format ` Font.
3 Click the Font tab.

176 Creating a For Sale flyer

4 Choose Arial® from the Face list.
5 In the Appearance area, enable the Bold check box.
6 Click OK.

To change text size

1 Select the Car for sale text box.
2 You will know that the text box has been selected when handles display around the
3 Click Format ` Font.
4 Click the Font tab.
5 Choose 84 from the Size list box.
6 Click OK.
7 Select the For more information... text box.
8 Click Format ` Font.
9 Click the Font tab.
10 Choose 54 from the Size list box.
11 Click OK.
This is what your flyer should now look like.

Creating a For Sale flyer 177

Step 6: Adding a graphic to the flyer
In the procedure below, you will add a graphic to the flyer.

To add a graphic to the flyer

1 Click Insert ` Graphics ` From file.
2 Choose the drive and folder in which the graphic you want to insert is stored.
3 Click the file.
4 Click the Insert button.
This is what the flyer should now look like.

178 Creating a For Sale flyer

Step 7: Positioning the graphic
In the procedure below, you will change the position of the graphic.

To position the graphic

1 Select the graphic.
You will know that the graphic has been selected when handles display around the
2 Drag the graphic until the upper-left corner of the graphic is at the 2.5-inch
vertical mark and the upper-right corner is at the 6.5-inch horizontal mark.
This is what the finished flyer should look like.

Creating a For Sale flyer 179

Step 8: Saving and printing the flyer
In the procedures below, you will save and print the flyer.

To save the flyer

1 Click File ` Save.
2 Choose the drive and folder where you want to save the file.
3 Type a file name for the flyer in the Filename box.
4 Click Save.

To print the flyer

1 Click File ` Print.

180 Creating a For Sale flyer

2 In the Destination area, choose a printer from the Name list box.
3 Click Print.

From here...
In this tutorial, you have learned some basic techniques that you can use to create a flyer
that can be used for posting, distributing, or advertising many types of information. For
more information about the topics and tools discussed in this tutorial, refer to the online
Help. To access the online Help, click Help ` Help topics.
For more Presentations tutorials, see “Welcome to the Presentations tutorials” on
page 117.

Creating a For Sale flyer 181

182 Creating a For Sale flyer
Welcome to the
WordPerfect Lightning tutorial
WordPerfect Lightning makes it easier than ever to capture, use, and reuse ideas,
information, and images. WordPerfect Lightning has three basic components — the
Navigator, the Viewer, and the Notes window. In this tutorial, you’ll use these
components to gather and store content, and then send the content to WordPerfect to
create a polished document.

What you will learn

During this tutorial, you will learn how to
• create a folder
• create a note
• change the background color of a note
• add a background image to a note
• take a snapshot
• close and rename a note
• send a note to a word processor
• send a folder to a word processor

Step 1: Creating a folder

The Navigator in WordPerfect Lightning has a familiar tree structure, which makes
project management a snap. The Navigator lets you create folders to store and
organize content, such as documents and notes.

To create a folder
• From the Navigator, click the New Folder button .
By default, new folders are created at the root level.

Step 2: Creating a note

Now, you’re ready to create a note. WordPerfect Lightning lets you create notes for a

Welcome to the WordPerfect Lightning tutorial 183

variety of purposes. Notes can serve as building blocks for a document or as aids to
project organization. For example, you can use notes to create lists, task reminders, or
comments about a document or Web page.

To create a note
• From the Navigator, click the New Note button .

Step 3: Changing the background color of a note

Now, you’re ready to alter the appearance of a note. You can change the appearance of
notes by changing the background color and modifying the font settings.

To change the background color of a note

1 In the Notes window, click the Note Properties button .
2 In the Note Properties dialog box, click the Background color picker.

3 In the Colors dialog box, choose a color from the Basic colors area, and click the
OK button.
4 In the Note Properties dialog box, click the OK button.

Step 4: Adding a background image to a note

You can also change the appearance of a note by adding a background image.

184 Welcome to the WordPerfect Lightning tutorial

To add a background image to a note
1 In the Notes window, click the Note Properties button .
2 In the Note Properties dialog box, click the button next to the Background
image box.

3 In the Open dialog box, browse for an image file, select it, and click the Open
4 In the Note Properties dialog box, click the OK button.

Step 5: Taking a snapshot

Now, you’re ready to learn how to gather content with WordPerfect Lightning. You
can quickly add content to a note by pasting text or images copied from another
source, such as a document, a Web page, or another note. In this example, you’ll paste
text from a Web site.

To take a snapshot
1 In the Notes window, click the arrow next to the Snapshot button , and choose
Take Snapshot to This Note.
Notice that the pointer is replaced by crosshairs.
The Snapshot button lets you take a snapshot either to the active note or to a new

Welcome to the WordPerfect Lightning tutorial 185

2 Make a selection by dragging around the area that you would like to include in the
The selected area appears in the Notes window.

Step 6: Closing and renaming your note

Now, you’re ready to close and rename your note. When closed, notes are saved
automatically in a root folder in the Navigator; however, you can move notes to other
folders in the Navigator.

To close and rename your note

1 Click the Close button in the upper-right corner of the Notes window.
When you close the Notes window, WordPerfect Lightning automatically saves
your notes in the Navigator.

2 From the Navigator, right-click the <untitled note> item, and choose Rename.
3 Type a name for your note.

186 Welcome to the WordPerfect Lightning tutorial

Step 7: Sending a note to a word processor
Now, you’re ready to send a note to a word processor to create a formal document. The
tools in a word processor let you apply additional formatting, control page layout,
check grammar and spelling, and use other features to refine your document. You
must have either WordPerfect or Microsoft Word installed in order to complete this

To send a note to a word processor

1 From the Navigator, select a note.
2 Click the arrow next to the Send to button , and choose Send to Word
The Send to button lets you send notes to a word processor, an e-mail application,
or a blog.

3 In the Choose Word Processor dialog box, enable one of the following options:
• WordPerfect
• Microsoft Word
4 Click the OK button.
The note content appears in a new document window within your word processor.

Welcome to the WordPerfect Lightning tutorial 187

You can also send a note to a word processor from within the Notes window
by clicking the Send to button and choosing Send to Word Processor.

Step 8: Sending the contents of a folder to a word processor

Now, you can send the contents of a folder to a word processor.

To send the contents of a folder to a word processor

1 In the Navigator, right-click a folder, and choose Send to Word Processor.
2 In the Choose Word Processor dialog box, enable one of the following options:
• WordPerfect
• Microsoft Word
3 Click the OK button.
The folder’s content appears in a new document window within your word

From here...
Congratulations! You have successfully used WordPerfect Lightning to gather
information and send it to a word processor.
Now, you can use what you learned in the WordPerfect tutorials to format your rough
content and create a polished document.

188 Welcome to the WordPerfect Lightning tutorial

A modifying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158
animating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155, 160
bullets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161, 163, 164 pie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83, 84
printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .160
applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Quattro Pro charting tool . . . . . . . . . . .83
adding to toolbars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
saving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .160
sizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .159
banners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
adding text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 adjusting widths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
creating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167, 172 entering formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109
modifying text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 customizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84
sizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84
border styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
drop caps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 D
data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97
bulleted lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
data tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104
bullets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
adding to maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97
adding levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
displaying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104
adding to slides . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161, 166
entering in tables . . . .100, 103, 104, 114
animating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161, 163
filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101
applying sound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
sorting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74, 100, 101
modifying animation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
sorting into subsets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101
C databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103
calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 setting up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103, 105
using formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 using data tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104
using functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 datamap files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95
captions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 accessing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95
copying information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96
certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
creating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144, 153 deleting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .136
layouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .136
charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83, 155
adding levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167, 174
adding text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 adding graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149, 171
changing fonts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 adding lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .147
creating . . . . . . . . . . . . .83, 85, 155, 160 adding text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144, 148
customizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 banners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .167
certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .143

Index 189
creating . . . . . . 143, 144, 153, 167, 172 saving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .153 size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58
saving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152, 172 footers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
sizing graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .171
footnotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61
starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167, 174, 181
creating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61
text below lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .148
editing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62
drop caps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49 formatting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
border styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 saving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64
drop shadows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
formatting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67
fills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
endnotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67
fonts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
footnotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
inserting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49, 50
positioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54 formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73
sizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 adding to spreadsheets . . . . . . . . . . . . .77
entering in tables . . . . 89, 108, 109, 115
drop shadows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
performing calculations . . . . . . . . . . . .73
drop caps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75
E performing calculations . . . . . . . . . . . .75
editing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62, 123 preset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75
footnotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62
slide shows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123 G
graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171, 178
endnotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65
adding to drawings . . . . . . . . . . 149, 171
creating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65
inserting in slide shows . . . . . . . . . . . .178
editing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
positioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .179
formatting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67
sizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .171
numbering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67
saving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 graphics styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
spacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67
F Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75
fills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
drop caps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 I
flyers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .173 images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
creating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173, 181 information, gathering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .183
fonts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57, 157, 176
changing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57, 157 L
changing style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .176 labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113
color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59 entering in tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113
drop caps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 layouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136, 137

190 Index
adding lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153, 160, 180
creating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .160
deleting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .153
text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 slide shows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .180
lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
adding text below . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Q
adding to drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 QuickCell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74
changing values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74
M QuickFill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 entering values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
adding data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
creating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95, 96, 97 QuickFit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
inserting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 adjusting column widths . . . . . . . . . . .72
sizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
using sample data . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95, 96 R
viewing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
real-estate document
masters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 adding a table of contents . . . . . . . . . . .45
alternate backgrounds . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 adding images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
background layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 creating bulleted lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
creating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133, 142 creating footers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
designing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 creating styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
saving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 creating tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
rows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .108
N entering formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .108
numbering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
rulers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .175
endnotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
displaying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144, 175
horizontal and vertical . . . . . . . . . . . .175
objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
adding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
saving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55, 160, 172, 180
editing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .160
drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152, 172
drop caps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
endnotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67
orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
footnotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64
palettes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .180
tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 masters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .142
positioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 slide shows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165, 180
drop caps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 sizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50

Index 191
drop caps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 currency conversion . . . . . . . . 87, 88, 89
slide shows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .175 demographics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99
adding bullets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161, 166 entering column formulas . . . . . . . . .109
adding text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .175 entering data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100, 114
alternate backgrounds . . . . . . . . . . . .135 entering data using forms . . . . . . . . . .104
background layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .134 entering formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . 89, 115
creating layouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .137 entering labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113
creating masters . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133, 142 entering row formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . .108
customizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125 entering symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89
deleting layouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .136 formatting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114, 115
designing masters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .133 setting up data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103, 104
editing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123 sorting data . . . . . . . . 99, 100, 101, 102
editing text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .120 text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157, 168, 175
inserting graphics . . . . . . . . . . . 178, 181 adding to drawings . . . . . . . . . . 151, 168
playing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123 adding to organization charts . . . . . .156
saving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165, 180 adding to slides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .175
saving masters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .142 changing font style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .176
setting layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119 changing fonts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145, 157
text layouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140 editing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .120
using tabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123 formatting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .151
sorting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74 modifying in drawings . . . . . . . . . . . .168
data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74 text styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
data in tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100, 101 toolbar buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92
sound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .165 creating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92
applying to bullets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .165 toolbars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92, 120
spacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 adding commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92
endnotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 creating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91, 93
spreadsheets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96 customizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91
inserting maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96 customizing buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92
property bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .120
styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119
symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89
currency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89 V
values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74
T changing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74
table of contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 entering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31, 87
creating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W
99, 102, 107, 108, 109, 110, 113, 115, 116 workspace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71, 76, 124

192 Index
customization features . . . . . . . . . 73, 76
Presentations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119, 124
property bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Index 193
About Corel
Corel is one of the world’s top software companies, with more than 100 million active
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responded with hundreds of awards for software innovation, design, and value.
Our award-winning product portfolio includes some of the world’s most widely
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Corel® WordPerfect® Office, WinZip®, and the recently released
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Copyright © 2010 Corel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Corel® WordPerfect® Office X5 Guidebook
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