Islamic Civilization

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Q5). Describe in detail the basic characteristics of Islamic civilization.

Ans. Islamic civilization is based on the religion of Islam which is universal in its message, humane in its
inclination, moral in its direction and realistic in its principles. These lofty features were admired and
loved by people all over the globe and created a civilization that stretched from Spain to India and from
Central Asia to Africa within two centuries of its birth. Islamic civilization surpassed all previous and
contemporary civilizations by achieving the highest level of material as well as spiritual development.
The major characteristics of Islamic civilization that distinguishes it from other civilizations are as

1. Tauheed: The bedrock of Islamic civilization.

Islamic civilization is the only civilization that is based on the foundation of belief in the absolute
oneness of Allah. It is the only civilization that proclaims the message of one God who is omnipotent,
omnipresent and sustainer of mankind. This unique concept of oneness of Allah has a great effect in
raising the level of mankind as it liberates the masses from the shackles of servitude to kings, emperors,
nobles and powerful men and makes them subservient to Allah alone. This concept also defines the true
position of man in the universe. According to this concept, Allah is the creator and sovereign, while man
is His vicegerent on earth. This exalts man to the noble and dignified position of being Allah’s deputy on
earth and endows his life with the lofty purpose of implementing the will of Allah on earth. The concept
of Tauheed is contrary to idolatry and doesn’t allow any expressions or relics of idolatry to exist in its
civilization such as statues of great and righteous men. This is the reason why Islamic civilization is free
from all forms of idolatrous literature, philosophy, rule, art and poetry. The concept of Tauheed creates
unity in all the branches of civilization, for example there is unity in the message of Islamic civilization,
unity in its legislation, unity in its Socio-Economic system, unity in its Judicio-Political system, unity in its
human rights, unity in its way of life and pattern of thinking.

Eternal civilization:

Islamic civilization is a perennial civilization that will last as long as Islam exists. So long as it embodies
the very principles of Islam, Allah will preserve it. Islamic civilization is unique in the sense that it will
never wither away since it is tied with Islam and is not a national or racial civilization.

Tolerant civilization:

One of the most prominent characteristics of an Islamic civilization is its sense of religious tolerance. An
Islamic civilization, not only tolerates followers of other religions but also bestows upon them all the
rights that are enjoyed by Muslims. In Islam, every individual has the right to choose the religion that he
or she is convinced is true without being compelled by anyone. Compulsion negates free will so when
person is compelled to accept a particular religion, then such an acceptance is false because there is no
true conviction behind it. Islam rejects the use of force in matters of belief and allows every person to
embrace whatever religion they want. The Holy Quran says, “There is no compulsion in religion.” At
another place the Holy Quran says, “The truth is from your Lord so whoever wills, let him believe and
whoever wills, let him disbelieve.” Islam allows a person to carry out his religious duties and commands
Muslims to protect the places of worship of non-Muslim citizens, whether they are synagogues,
churches or temples. Non-Muslims are required to pay Jizyah to the Islamic state in order to live freely
by their own faith, however, many classes of non-Muslims citizens are exempted from paying Jizyah,
such as the poor, the priests, the widow and the old.

Balanced civilization:

Islamic civilization is a well-balanced civilization that insists on equilibrium between materialism and
spirituality with no extremism or rigidness. Focus on materialism or spirituality alone cannot bring
satisfaction and happiness in man’s life but a balanced combination of both can. Focus on materialism is
important because it is the foundation of human progress. Materialism is the force that propels human
beings to study the universe, make discoveries and invent technologies, all of which benefit mankind.
When viewed through the lens of materialism, Earth is a treasure of elements and resources that
deserves human attention as its utilization plays a pivotal role in human development. However, if
materialism dominates spiritualism, man would descend to the rank of beasts. When a person gets
obsessed with materialism, he loses judgement of what is right and wrong and lacks awareness of his
responsibility to do well to others. This gives rise to injustice, tyranny and oppression all of which makes
life chaotic. Spiritualism is important because it nurtures the mindset of a person in such a way that he
considers this world to be of little value. He realizes that he will have to travel to the next world with
empty hands and the only thing that will benefit him in the hereafter are good deeds. So instead of
chasing this world and trying to fulfilling his unending desires, he starts preparing for the hereafter.
However, if spiritualism dominates materialism, man will stop making all efforts to achieve a civilization
that is enriched with progress and development.

Dignity of man:

The concept of human dignity is one of the most critical characteristics of Islamic civilization. Human
dignity is the most important human right from which all other fundamental rights are derived. Human
dignity is the right of a person to be valued, respected and treated ethically for who they are, not just for
what they can do. Human dignity is inherent to every human being, inalienable and independent of the
state. Human dignity is the right of a person to equal treatment under the law without discrimination
based on race, colour, sex, ethnicity and mental or physical disability. Human dignity is one of the
central themes in Islamic teachings and Islam has always aimed to uplift and sustain human dignity.
Islam has given a distinct position to mankind by viewing humans as the noblest creatures of Allah and
man as the vicegerent of Allah on earth.

Dawah oriented: Enjoining good and forbidding evil.

In Islamic civilization, every Muslim, man and woman have an obligation to enjoin good and forbid evil in
order to create peace and harmony in a Muslim society. Muslims are ordered to enjoin good and forbid
evil with the intention of saving their brothers in faith from a self-destructive path as their sins could
lead them to Hellfire and could also inspire others to do the same. The person enjoining good and
forbidding evil, first indirectly expresses his disapproval and displeasure with the wrongdoer’s actions by
not greeting him or by ignoring him with the hope that this might lead him to think about his improper
actions. If this doesn’t work, then the person enjoining good and forbidding evil, admonishes the
wrongdoer in a polite and friendly manner. If this doesn’t work, then those who have authority over
them such as parents, relatives, siblings, teachers and government take physical action to stop the
wrongdoer from committing improper deeds. The Holy Quran says, “You are the best community that
has been raised for mankind. You enjoin good and forbid evil and you believe in Allah.” Holy Prophet
(SAW) said, “Whoever amongst you sees an evil, he should change it with his hand. If he is unable to do
that then with his tongue. If he is unable to do that then with his heart and that is the weakest level of

Rule of law:

In Islamic civilization all citizens stand equal in the eyes of the law and no one is regarded as being above
the law. It judges all its citizens on the same law irrespective of their colour, race, gender, religion or
nationality. Citizens with wealth and status are treated in the same manner as the humblest of the
citizens, without giving any special favours to the former. In Islamic civilization, the authority of Allah
and His Messenger (SAW) is the final authority and all citizens are subject to it without exception. No
one in Islamic civilization has the power to stop the enforcement of a law that is based on Holy Quran
and Sunnah of Holy Prophet (SAW). Holy Prophet (SAW) said, “Even if Fatima, daughter of Muhammad
(SAW), commits theft, I would cut off her hands too.”

Free of discrimination:

Islamic civilization opposes discrimination based on colour, race or gender and establishes equality.
Islamic civilization allows people to live with each other in peace and prosperity by respecting each
other racial, cultural and linguistic distinctions. It regards all human beings as Allah’s creation and
considers no man to be superior to another man on the basis of his colour, race, language or ethnicity
and the only criterion for superiority is piety.

Moral values:

A distinct characteristic of Islamic civilization is the way it gave prominence to moral principles like
justice, honesty, righteousness, brotherhood, tolerance and sacrifice etc. These lofty principles attracted
people who were suffering oppression at the hands of other civilizations and considered Islam to be the
call of freedom. Moral values are deeply embedded in every field of Islamic civilization be it legislation,
Socio-Economic system, Judicio-Political system, human rights, war or peace. Moral values shape and
mold all policies and decisions that are made in an Islamic civilization in such a way that they guarantee
the happiness of man in the purest sense. Moral values serve as the criteria based on which distinction
between right and wrong can be made.

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