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Unit 3 Speaking Test

About you Photo description

1 Opowiedz o swojej przeszłości. 3 Opisz, co widzisz na zdjęciach.
 Where were you last weekend? Who were you
with? Photo A
 What are these people doing?
 Describe an interesting place you visited in the
school holidays.  Where are they?
 Where was it? Who were you with?  Who are they?
 Why was it interesting?  What are they celebrating?
 What did you do in the last school holidays?  Are they enjoying themselves? Why?

Photo B
Role play  What are these people doing?
 Where are they? What people are there?
2 Uzupełnij dialog wyrażeniami z ramki. Następnie
przećwiczcie dialog w parach.  What are they celebrating?
 Are they enjoying themselves? Why?
Not bad How was your weekend
EXTENSION Odpowiedz na pytania.
It wasn’t brilliant How was that
 What did you do for your last birthday?
What do you think
 How many people were there? Who were they?
A Hi!1________________________?  What happened?
B 2________________________, thanks.
 How did you feel?
A What did you do?  What do you want to do for your next birthday?
B I went shopping and bought this jacket.

A It looks great.
B What did you do?
A Oh, I went to the pizza restaurant with Max.
B Oh, right. 4________________________?
A 5________________________. The food was


EXTENSION Wyobraź sobie, że spotykasz

A Say hello and ask about your partner’s
B Give your opinion.
A Ask your partner what he / she did last B
B Respond and ask what your partner thinks.
A Comment.
B Ask what your partner did.
A Say what you did.
B Ask what it was like.
A Give your opinion.

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