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Project Portfolio Assessor

BSBWHS616 Apply Safe Design Principles to Control WHS Risks


Section 1: WHS principles and safe design advice 6

Section 2: WHS risk management advice 10
Section 3: WHS consultation advice 12

BSBWHS616 2|Page Project Portfolio Assessor

Student name: Student must include.

Assessor: Student must include.

Date: Student must include.

Products (2) this assessment Product 1:

is based on (title of product
The student must include the details of two products as per the
only, a full description is
assessment instructions.
required as part of Section
1): Product 2:
The student must include the details of two products as per the
assessment instructions.

BSBWHS616 3|Page Project Portfolio Assessor

Section 1: WHS principles and safe design advice

Some of the questions in this section are general and relate to both products, others require specific
answers in relation to the products. Make sure you carefully read each question to determine whether the
question is general or requires a specific reference to each product you have chosen.

Products Product 1:
Provide a detailed description The student must provide a detailed description of the product they
of the 2 products that you have chosen. For example, if the student is studying civil
have based your assessment construction this could be a bridge or a car park. They must also list
on. This should also include the material that the product will use, as well as the technology and
materials that the product will systems as relevant.
use, as well as technologies
and systems relevant to the Product 2:
product. See guidance above.

WHS requirements The student must outline the duties that persons with control have
under WHS laws to manage WHS risks throughout a product’s life
Outline the duties that
cycle. Their response may broadly address:
persons with control have
under WHS laws to manage Any person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU), under the
WHS risks throughout a WHS laws, has a responsibility of duty to identify any hazards and
product’s life cycle. Make manage risks throughout a product’s lifecycle. This includes:
sure you include the name of
 Identifying hazards, categorising them as operational risks or
the WHS legislation that
inspection and maintenance risks
 Assessing risks
Make sure you also explain
how a design brief or draft  Eliminating hazards, or where this is not reasonably practicable,
specifications can assist with controlling them to as low as is reasonably practicable
ensuring a safe design
 Monitoring and reviewing controls
The student must list WHS legislation relevant to their state or
territory i.e., WHS Act or specific state OHS Acts.
The student must also explain how a design brief or draft
specifications can assist with ensuring a safe design. For example,
they may respond that a safe design approach can be documented in
a design brief, draft specifications or any planning documentation and
therefore assist with safe design. The design brief or specification
can include the following information to assist with safe design:

 the choices to make on design and materials

 the methods of manufacture or construction

 any information and data to enhance the safety of the final


 risk information including residual risks.

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Legal liability The student must provide an outline of their legal liability. Essentially
this is that they have a duty of care when providing advice and
In terms of providing advice
recommendations. The law states that the duty is only to exercise
about safe design, outline
reasonable care when giving advice. It may therefore be important to
your legal liability.
seek professional and specialist advice before providing advice to
decision makers. We will discuss this further later in the topic.

Sources of information The student must research and interpret relevant sources of
information and provide an outline of the key principles of safe design
Research and interpret
as they relate to WHS and managing risks.
relevant sources of
information and provide an They may use identify a range of sources of information such as Safe
outline of the key principles of Work Australia’s guidance on the principles of safe design at work as
safe design as they relate to relevant source of data and describe the key principles of safe design
WHS and managing risks. as they relate to WHS and managing risks. Regarding data they may
Make sure you research and highlight data provided by Safe Work Australia e.g. Work Health and
interpret at least two sources Safety statistics that show the importance of work health and safety
of information. e.g. at
In your answer provide
statistical data that
demonstrate the importance All sources of information must be documented.
of safe design.
Indicate the sources of
information that you accessed
to provide the above

Materials, technologies and Product 1:

The student must research and interpret relevant sources of
In the description of products, information and provide an outline of their findings in relation to safe
you outlined materials used in design and materials, technology and systems for the product. This
your chosen products, as well will be dependent on the product they choose.
as technologies and systems
For each product, research Product 2:
and interpret sources of See guidance above.
information that will inform
safe design as relevant to the
materials, technology and
systems for each product.
Provide an outline of your
findings from the information
you researched.

WHS identification and risk The student must outline at least two methods that can be used for
assessment hazard identification. Their response may include any of the following
Outline at least two methods
that can be used for hazard  workplace inspections

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identification and risk  consultation with workers
 researching current information on hazards relevant to the
Further, outline a least two industry
tools that can be used for
 reviewing current legislation, codes of practice, guidance,
hazard identification and risk
industry standards or guidance material associated with the

 sourcing information from the workplace such as from injury

registers, recorded incidents, customer feedback/complaints and
warranty and repair records

 conducting surveys, testing, making observations or conducting

walk throughs

 reviewing product information (for example safety data sheets or

operating manuals)

 using a hazard identification checklist.

The student must also outline at least two tools that can be used for
hazard identification and risk assessment, these could include
HazOP, ETA, FTA, FMEA, PHA, HRA, CHAIR as researched during

Learning and development The student must identify the learning and professional development
needs key decision makers would need to participate in to be fully informed.
Key information they advise could include:
Assuming that decision
makers are uninformed about  How to identify hazards
WHS risks, including design
 How to assess and control WHS risks
related risks, that may occur
during a product’s life cycle,  Policies and procedures to follow
identify the learning and
 How to document, record and track risk
professional development
they would need to participate  Systems and processes to use
in to be fully informed. This
 Different methods and tools that can be used
should include:
 Understanding compliance and duties under WHS laws
Key information that they
need to know – give at least  Codes of practice that must be followed
three examples.
Possible ways of learning could include:
Possible ways of learning –
 Workshops
outline at least two methods
Sources of information that  Online courses
may be useful – identify at  Reading reports
least two internal and two
external sources.  Meetings.

The student must also list at least four sources of information that
could be useful and that are both internal and external sources. Their
response may include:

BSBWHS616 6|Page Project Portfolio Assessor

 Internal reports

 Design briefs

 Codes of practice

 WHS guidance

Consultation Product 1:
For each product, who are the The student must list the known/potential users of the product. They
known/potential users of the must also explain why they are users of the product. Users will
product? List them, explaining depend on the project and may include clients, senior managers,
why they are users of the product designers, manufacturers, installers, purchasers, suppliers,
product. or workers.
For each product, also outline Possible ways of consulting with users include
possible ways of consulting
 Team meetings
with these users during the
design phase. Outline at least  Briefing sessions
three ways.
 Workshops

Product 2:
See guidance above.

Specialists The student must explain why specialist and other advisors’ input
may be needed. For example, they may say that advice may be
Sometimes specialist and
needed to meet a legal obligation or to support addressing safety
other advisors’ input may be
issues of the product design.
needed as part of applying
safe design principles to The student must also list the specialists/other advisers that may be
control WHS risks. Explain appropriate for the two products they have chosen.
why this might be needed.
For each of the two products,
list who these
specialists/other advisers
could be.

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Section 2: WHS risk management advice

All of the questions in this section are general and relate to both products.

WHS risk controls The student must explain the hierarchy of controls and how it assists
in selecting and implementing appropriate risk controls.
Explain the hierarchy of
controls and how it assists in The hierarchy of controls is an accepted framework used for possible
selecting and implementing risk controls that can be applied to address an identified risk. The
appropriate risk controls. steps used are:

 Elimination

 Substitution

 Isolation

 Engineering

 Administrative

The controls are hierarchical because they range from the most
effective (top control option) to the least effective (bottom option).
WHS Regulations require that hierarchy of control measures are
worked through when managing certain risks, ranking control
measures from the highest level of protection and reliability to the

Documentation requirements The student must outline the documentation that should be kept in
relation to decision-making made during a risk assessment process.
Outline the documentation
that should be kept in relation  This could include:
to decision-making made
 Risk register
during a risk assessment
process. Give at least three  Residual risk register
examples. This should also
 Hazard inspection checklist
include the purpose, function
and communication of a risk  Reports
Students must also outline the purpose, function and communication
of a risk register i.e. A risk register identifies the risks and can include
a description of the risk, the cause, impact, likelihood of it occurring,
the consequence, risk level and actions taken to mitigate the risk.

Purchased WHS hazards and The student must give an example of risks that in relation to each of
risks the products they have chosen. This will be specific to the product.
It is important that decision They must also outline advice on methods that can be used to ensure
makers who are involved in ‘purchased’ risk are minimised. This will also be specific to the
purchasing and contractual product.
arrangements are advised of
systems that will minimise

BSBWHS616 8|Page Project Portfolio Assessor

‘purchased” WHS risks and
associated risks.

Give examples of a risk in

relation to each of the
products you have chosen.
Outline your advice on
methods to ensure
‘purchased’ risks are
minimised. Provide advice on
at least three methods.

Monitoring requirements The student must outline ways that could be used to monitor the
design to identify as it evolves to identify and manage potential WHS
Outline ways that could be
hazards and their associated risks.
used to monitor the design to
identify as it evolves to Monitoring can be through feedback and reporting. For example, a
identify and manage potential designer could confirm the effectiveness of risk controls through
WHS hazards and their testing, trials or prototyping; if there are changes, adjustments or
associated risks. modification this may affect the design and could result in potential
WHS hazards.
By monitoring the design as it evolves hazards, and any associated
risks can be managed.

BSBWHS616 9|Page Project Portfolio Assessor

Section 3: WHS consultation advice

All of the questions in this section are general and relate to both products.

User needs The student must explain the importance of considering the needs of
those using or interacting with product throughout its life cycle. Their
Explain the importance of
response may broadly address:
considering the needs of
those using or interacting with It is important to have a good understanding of the needs of users or
product throughout its life those interacting with the product, throughout its lifecycle because
cycle. Identify at least three Identification of new hazards and risks can be encountered at
ways that decision makers different stages of the product lifecycle.
can consult with users to
The student must also identify at least three ways that decision
identify these needs.
makers can consult with users to identify these needs. This could

 Team meetings

 Briefing sessions

 Workshops

Technical experts Product 1:

Assume that the organisation The student must identify a relevant technical expert as relevant to
allows and has the budget to their product and develop an email asking them to be part of the
incorporate technical experts process. As example framework could be:
into the consultation process.
Dear technical expert
Identify a suitable technical
We are currently working through a process to ensure the safe
expert for each of the
design of XX. We would love you to be involved and are seeking your
products you have chosen.
advice on XX. Would it be okay to schedule an initial call with you
Explain who this is.
and then agree on how you could best support us?
Write up a sample email to
Kind Regards
each technical expert, asking
them to be part of the process Student
and explaining how their
involvement will occur. Product 2:
See guidance above.

Consultation arrangements The student must explain a best practice consultation process that
should be used design process to identify WHS hazards and control
Explain a best practice
WHS risks that may occur throughout a product’s life cycle. Make
consultation process that
sure you indicate personnel that should be involved. Answers can
should be used during all

BSBWHS616 10 | P a g e Project Portfolio Assessor

phases of design process to vary but could include:
identify WHS hazards and
A best practice consultation process focuses on consulting with
control WHS risks that may
others throughout the product life cycle. This means that all
occur throughout a product’s
stakeholders will be consulted with including clients, senior
life cycle. Make sure you
managers, product designers, manufacturers, installers, purchasers,
indicate personnel that should
suppliers and workers.
be involved.

Communicating residual risks The student must explain the concept of residual risks and how any
residual risks in products identified should be communicated to those
Explain the concept of
involved in consultation. Their response may broadly address:
residual risks and how any
residual risks in products Residual risk is the risk remaining after the risk treatment has been
identified should be applied. That is: some risks will remain at a certain (acceptable) level.
communicated to those
Three ways that residual risks can be communicated include:
involved in consultation.
Outline at least three ways  Through a risk register
that residual risk can be
 Through a short report
 Through discussions at a meeting.

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