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Unit 4 Standard Test A

5 Christina is good at maths, so the exam was

very ________ for her.
Listening 6 Be ________! Stop talking! The film is starting.

1 [1.05] Wysłuchaj rozmowy. Odpowiedz na 7 Dad was sitting ________ on the sofa when I
pytania. (10 marks) went into the living room.
1 What did Cathy’s parents buy for her birthday? 8 The bus was very ________, because there was
_____________________________________ a lot of traffic in the street.
9 The weather is very ________ today. It’s sunny
2 What was Tim doing when he jumped up?
and warm.
10 The other team was terrible, so we won the
3 Was Cathy standing or lying on the beach?
match ________. The score was 10–0!
4 How long was Cathy waiting on the beach?
Language focus
5 What does David think of the photo? 4 Uzupełnij zdania. Zastosuj formy czasu past
_____________________________________ continuous czasowników z ramki. (10 marks)

watch not listen have walk not sleep

1 We ______ ________ dinner when Tim rang.
2 Zakreśl odpowiednie czasowniki. (5 marks)
2 I ______ ________ at eight o’clock this morning.
1 The dog is walking / holding / lying on the
3 I ______ ________ TV when Sonia arrived.
sofa. It’s sleeping.
4 While my friends ______ ________ to school, they
2 There’s some paint on the floor. Don’t hang /
saw an accident.
stand / pick in it!
5 You ______ ________ to the teacher this
3 When I go to the cinema, I like to jump / sit /
climb near the front.
4 We missed the bus, so we walked / sat / stood 5 Ułóż pytania w czasie past continuous.
into town. (10 marks)
5 My brother is very active. He loves hanging / you / study / French / this morning?
lying / climbing trees. Were you studying French this morning?
1 what / Martin / do / at 9:00?
3 Uzupełnij zdania przymiotnikami i przysłówkami
z ramki. Każdego wyrazu użyj tylko raz. _____________________________________?
(10 marks) 2 it / rain / when you went out?
comfortable comfortably easily easy good
3 you / have / lunch / at 12:00?
quiet quietly slow slowly well
1 We talked ________, because my grandma was 4 what / your sister / watch / on TV / last night?
sleeping. _____________________________________?
2 Danny is a brilliant musician. He plays the piano 5 your friends / play / tennis / yesterday?
very ________. _____________________________________?
3 My bed is really ________. I love sleeping in it!
4 Can you speak ________, please? I don’t
understand English very well.
Unit 4 Standard Test A
4 Why was the girl in the tree?
6 Zakreśl poprawne odpowiedzi (a lub b). (5 marks)
1 I ____ to music when Clare phoned.
5 What was the man doing when Andy took the
a was listening b listened
2 Sam ____ off his bike while he was cycling in the
a was falling b fell Communication
3 I was relaxing on the beach ____ I found some
money. 8 Uzupełnij dialog. (5 marks)
a while b when A Did you take this photo?
4 We saw Mrs. Jones while we ____ at the bus B Yes, I did. It’s a photo of my dog Charlie. What
stop. do you 1 t________ of it?

a were waiting b waited A It’s a brilliant photo.

5 Were you doing your homework when I ____ you B Thanks. I was sitting in my garden 2 w________ I
last night? took it.
A 3 R________?
a was phoning b phoned
B Yes. Charlie was lying on the ground when he
heard a loud noise. He jumped into the air.
That’s when I took the photo.
7 Przeczytaj tekst. Odpowiedz na pytania. A I’m 4 i________. You’re a great photographer.
(10 marks) B That’s really 5 k________ of you. Thanks.
The life of a news photographer
Andy is a news photographer. “I don’t take photos
of celebrities or weddings,” he explains. “I take Writing
photos of important events in the news.”
9 Wyobraź sobie, że zdobyłeś/aś nagrodę za
Newspapers and news websites use Andy’s photos zdjęcie. Opisz, co ono przedstawia. Udziel
for their stories. “If I hear about a big storm, or odpowiedzi na podane pytania. Zachowaj
an accident, I get in my car quickly. I need to get
proponowany podział na akapity. Długość tekstu
close to the action!”
powinna wynosić od 60 do 80 wyrazów.
Andy describes his favourite photo: “I was driving (10 marks)
home when I saw a young girl in a tall tree. Her
cat was in the tree, and she was trying to rescue Paragraph 1 Is it a photo of a person, a place, or
it. The cat jumped down safely, but the girl an animal? Did you take the photo
couldn’t get down. She was stuck in the tree and with your mobile phone? When did
crying for help. A brave man climbed up and you take it?
rescued her. While he was carrying the girl down Paragraph 2 What was happening when you
from the tree, I took a photo.” took the photo? Where were you
Soon the photo was everywhere – on TV, in the
Paragraph 3 What do you think of the photo?
newspapers, and online. Andy says: “For a few
Are you pleased with it?
days, I was famous!”
Total marks: Listening _______ / 10

1 What type of photos does Andy take? Vocabulary _______ / 15

_____________________________________ Language focus _______ / 25
2 Where can people see Andy’s photos?
Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 5
Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 75
3 How does Andy usually travel around?

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