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Observation has important value in each and every profession.

And everyone take help from

observation in their daily life.

• In Routine work / At Work Place, In Teaching, In Treatment, In Engineering, In Law

enforcement agencies, In Social Sciences, Etc...

Sense is a physiological capacity of organisms that provides data for perception, 5 senses – sight, smell,
sound, taste and touch. Each one of them is really important in our everyday life. It helps us in multiple

PROBLEM: Any Condition which affect/ disturb smooth running of the Life.

SOCIAL PROBLEM: Social problem is that when a condition is created which affects a large number of

These social problems usually undesirable and the capability of the people for their solution. Social
Problems are faced by every society and nation, no matter how the country is Advanced. Social Problem
refers to the undesirable Social Conditions

 Condition which affects Majority of the people Negatively.

 A Condition That is harmful to society
 According to L.K Frank: Any Difficulty or Misbehavior of fairly large number of
persons which we wish to Remove or Correct.
 A Social Problem is any condition or behavior that has negative consequences for large numbers
of people.

• Social Problems are the Diseases of the society. These diseases include:
• Crime, Juvenile Delinquency, Illiteracy, Poverty, Unemployment, Beggary, Child labor, Labor
problems, Drug Addiction, Gambling, Prostitution, etc . .

Due to these diseases, the society can not properly perform its positive role.

TYPES OF SOCIAL PROBLEMS: Known Problems and Hidden Problems



• It can be solved by Individuals, by Groups, by Community, by Government

Depending upon the Problem, issue

• Through Different Process, Methods, Technique.

COMPONENTS OF SOCIAL PROBLEMS: Social Problem / Diseases of the societies

We can categories them into 2 main parts/sections
1. Existence of the Problem:
• Realization of the Problem:
Mainly by Sharing the examples / data, from that Individual,

His group(s),

His Society(ies).

You can also share the examples / data from other individuals groups, societies.

Even from the history as well.

• Collective Action:
Individual level, Group Level, Community Level, Gov Level, Others

By Studying the available data / literature.

Analyzing the data.


Awareness / Motivation

Other Possible Ways.

2. If the Problem Doesn’t Exist:

• Realization of the Problem:
Mainly by Sharing the examples / data, of Other Individual,
Other group(s),
Other Society(ies).
You can also share the examples / data from that individual(s), group(s), societies.
Even from the history as well.
• Collective Action:
Preventive Measures
Role by Individual level, Group Level, Community Level, Gov Level, Others
By Studying the available data / literature.
Analyzing the data.
Other Possible Ways


1. Identification of a Social Problem:

Identification can be on the bases of:


Areas / Locations
Sex (Male ,, female, Transgender)

Age (different age groups)

Profession, etc.

• A Social Doctor has studied more knowledge about the society or has more knowledge about
society , so he is in position to know / to point-out which are the things which are affecting the
society Negatively more. So he can Identify social problem Easily.

2. Selection of Social Problem:

There can be more social problem in society so he is the proper person to give priority to these
issues & select the problem.

3. Causes & Effects Relationship.

As he knows more about the society & has studied the society so he also knows various causes
of social problems,

which may differ from case to case, or place to place.

He also study the background for causes & their effects.

4. Observation on Various Social Issues:

He also observe the Society what is right / wrong , what's going on Around Him.

Observation is the most Important Tool to get more knowledge about social problem

5. Experimentation on Various Social Issues.

For solution of the social problems sometimes social doctor do experiments for the solution of
these problems.

6. Literature Study About Various Social Problem

Social doctor should keep his knowledge & information up-to Date.

Diagnosis of the Causes Of Social Problem

• Study S / Problem, To Diagnose the problem, To Reach the Actual Cause

Possible Solution to the Problem.

• Study
• Diagnose the Problem
• To reach the Actual Cause
• For Possible Solution to the Problem


• To understand the Social Problem: What the Actual Problem is? To know
whether it is the problem of, Individual, Group or Community.
And How that problem is affecting the individuals , groups and the society, (directly and
• To Define the Social Problem:
• To create Awareness about the Consciousness Among the Masses about the
Social Problem
• To Demarcate the Locality of the Social Problem:
• To Find out its Possible Causes
• To Guide the people of the area for their Contribution: Help to Help Them
Self's, To make them Independent. To develop the sense of ownership
• To Find out Possible ways & means for Solving a Social Problem:
• Finally to give Suggestions for solving a Social Problem: The basic Idea of the
Social Problem is to find out the solutions to those problems.

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