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Sub: PC&DC Sem: 1st

1. What do you mean by an algorithm? Briefly explain the characteristics and needs of
the algorithm.
2. What do you mean by flowchart? Design a flowchart for calculating the Simple
Interest according to the value entered by the user.
3. What are the 6 major sections of the structure of a "C" program? Explain each section
with proper examples.
4. Write short notes on following:
a. Differentiate between keywords vs Identifiers.
b. Differentiate between Constants vs Variables.
c. Literals in c
5. What do you mean by statements? Explain different types of statement used in C-
programming with suitable examples.
6. Explain different types of operators in "c" programming with suitable examples.
7. What is an Expression and what are the types of expressions used in "C"? Explain
8. Briefly explain different types of data types used in “C” with suitable examples.

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